This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 135: the truth of the world

  Chapter 135 The Truth of the World

  The tea soup in front of me was gurgling and foaming, and the atmosphere seemed a little silent.

   Qi refiners divided up the world, and each share has been fixed, but one day suddenly jumped out to divide the share, so where does this share come from?

   The only way to get the shares from other Qi refiners is who is willing.

  Chen Xiyi ignored this matter. He always thought that the gap between himself and the Qi refiners was in strength, but he never thought that it would be in resources and benefits.

  Even if Chen Xiyi didn't know what the 'cake' Situ Mei was talking about was.

   But sure, definitely non-trivial stuff.

   "Fellow Daoists didn't contribute much to this generation's share, so naturally they couldn't share it. We have to wait for the next generation. I don't know how the friendship will go?" Situ Mei said suddenly.

   "Very good, but I don't know, what is the generational share that fellow Taoist is talking about?" Chen Xiyi bit the bullet and asked, he directly asked what the so-called benefits were.

  Situ Mei looked at Chen Xiyi in surprise, and then suddenly realized that he couldn't help but smile.

   "Guess, fellow daoist." Just saying that, his tone relaxed, as if he realized that Chen Xiyi had no intention of fighting.

   "Is this a chaotic world?"

   "In this chaotic world, it is his dining table, which is not included in the share. Now he is supplementing consumption and eating. After all, he contributes the most in every generation, and he should take the most." Situ Mei explained.

  Chen Xiyi's expression remained unchanged, but in his heart he was extremely ashamed. He seemed to have uncovered a corner of the strength of the Qi Refiner.

   "In this way, there is only the Holy Ziyuan Empire." Chen Xiyi said.

"Haha, it seems that fellow daoists are also extraordinary. They can actually speak foreign languages. That's true. This generation has just been captured from outside the territory. Fellow daoists are also entering the dao at this time. It doesn't matter if you don't have a share. This generation will accumulate first. When we use up the Holy Purple Kite Empire, fellow daoist's deeds are enough to create the next generation with us, and we will contribute together at that time, and other fellow daoists will not say much."

   After pouring Chen Xiyi a cup of tea, Situ Mei spoke.

  This means two layers. The first layer is that you are just a newbie, practice hard, and when you level up, you will be given shares if you work together.

  The second meaning is also very obvious, that is, you should not think about crooked ways.

"Fellow daoists are right. I have just entered the dao not long ago, and there is no one to guide me. I hope you will forgive me if I have offended you in any way these days." cowardly.

  It's very simple, the world of the Saint Ziyuan Empire, which is a foreigner next door, was brought here by these group of alchemists as food.

  This entire chaotic world is the dining table of the immortals who are compatible with the Dao, and it is also the capital to continue to pull other worlds next time.

  The Holy Ziyuan Empire has been divided, and now it is time to wait for the immortals who are compatible with the Tao to eat the large amount of energy produced by this troubled world, and then they can start to divide the food for the Holy Ziyuan Empire.

   And the end of the troubled times is the end of eating.

  It is precisely because of this that there is no Qi Refiner to end this troubled world, and no Qi Refiner will offend that righteous immortal because of these trivial matters for no reason.

  That's why Chen Xiyi was a little flustered. Didn't he swallow the Mincheng army before, this is equivalent to grabbing food from that person's bowl.

"Fellow daoist, take it easy, it's not a big deal, as long as you don't have the heart to end the troubled times, even if you slaughter the city and wipe out most of the people, it's just a small problem. For that one, what you eat is energy, not substance. The living have qi and yang, the dead have yin and death, demons have evil and evil, whether it is life or death, it is just a taste."

"Especially the thing that fellow Taoist did in Dongtai City a few years ago, which was a catastrophe. The one who ate it can be said to be full of praise, but it's a pity that the amount is a little less. In recent days I’ve been planning to eat it again.”

  The words Situ Mei said did not put ordinary people in the position of human beings at all, it was more like a consumable.

  Chen Xiyi didn't ask why the other party knew that he did it. The other party must have his own channels, but after getting the confirmation from the other party, Chen Xiyi was also relieved, and he didn't have to worry about being guarded.

   Judging from the strength of these qi refiners, he is not an opponent at all. Even if he is also a qi refiner, he is just a little buddy who relies on crooked methods, while the opponent can easily hold a city.

   "So that's how it is. I thought I would be beaten for stealing food from my comrades." Chen Xiyi also half-joked.

However, Situ Mei took out a roll of bamboo slips and handed it to Chen Xiyi: "How could it be, Fellow Daoist is the first Qi refiner in ten thousand years, it is rare to activate new blood for us, this technique is called Xutian, This is a must-have for every fellow Taoist, and after it is completed, it will be the Void Sky Voucher, and all my fellow Daoists will use it to communicate and live, if you have any doubts, you can ask in the Void Sky."

  Chen Xiyi took the bamboo slip, a little weird, why is this a bit like a forum or a chat group?

  However, if you think about it carefully, this group of qi refiners have lived for an unknown number of years, so there is nothing strange about it, they just changed the way of sending letters.

   "Then I will be disrespectful, and this time I trouble fellow Taoists to come this way." Chen Xiyi took the bamboo slips and stuffed them into Pixiu's purse, and drank the tea soup in one gulp.

  Seeing this scene, Situ Mei shook his head and smiled: "It seems that Fellow Daoist is not a person who likes tea, so don't disturb Fellow Daoist. If there is anything, you can find me in Xutian."

   After finishing speaking, Situ Mei disappeared. If it wasn't for the teacup in his hand, Chen Xiyi might have just hallucinated.

  ‘What a weird way of moving, it just appeared suddenly and then disappeared suddenly. '

  Chen Xiyi looked at the game map, and the white dot representing Situ Mei had long since disappeared. He was sure that Situ Mei was a real person, because he saw the name, and there was such a white dot on the game map.

  But his disappearance was just like his arrival, Chen Xiyi had no clue at all.

  Looking at the dark night, Chen Xiyi felt that he had never thought that things would be so complicated.

  All life in this world is so sad and hopeless.

  He used to think that Qi Refiners might be very powerful, but the facts proved that Qi Refiners are more powerful than he imagined.

   Randomly stuffed the teacup into Pixiu's purse, the billowing clouds were released from Chen Xiyi's shadow, and the figures in the white mist floated.

  Chen Xiyi was in the clouds and mists, holding the spell named Xutian in his hand and began to read it. He didn't plan to practice it right away. Who knows if there will be any successors, so let's learn it first, and when the time comes, it will be appraised by homelandization.

  'They actually built the Internet and communicated through it. It seems that Qi Refiners are not old and stubborn. '

  But think about it, if you don’t communicate and simply hide all your discoveries and achievements, I’m afraid you won’t have the achievements you have today.

   Maybe everyone has their own secrets, but many things must communicate with each other.

  For example, for Dongtai City, just ask and you will know who did it.

  ‘At that time, some qi refiners may have vaguely guessed that a new qi refiner was born. '

  ‘Ten thousand years, ten thousand years is ten thousand years, and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred years is also ten thousand years. It seems that this Qi refiner is a big pit. '

  Inheritance is true, and one can also become a Qi Refiner, but this kind of Qi Refiner is just merit, and is not recognized by those superior Qi Refiners at all.

  Chen Xiyi was thinking that the inheritance of these qi refiners might be the bait left by those qi refiners who had survived for an unknown number of times.

   On the one hand, it can bring merit for oneself, and on the other hand, it can also avoid the birth of Qi refiners.

  He guessed that it might be because of the special soul. Once these Qi refiners with special souls have cultivated to a certain level, those Qi refiners who released the bait will be able to take the hook and go fishing.

  ‘Sugar-coated cannonballs. '

  As for Chen Xiyi, he is a white-board primordial spirit who entered the Tao and Fa-rectification.

   This may be a test, or it may be life, anyway, things just passed.

  However, these inheritances are real. Even if there are restrictions, they are genuine things at a fair price. Otherwise, it would be impossible to say that as soon as you become a Qi Refiner, you can harvest them, and you can’t wait until you are fattened before harvesting.

  ‘This homeland game is really hip-pushing, the first world is the age of doomsday, shouldn’t this second world be a world of low martial arts? He didn't follow the rules at all, and threw me directly into the world of Gaowu, no, it should be the world of Xianwu. '

  Chen Xiyi was very upset in his heart.

  The difference between him and those Qi refiners is probably the difference between a single cell and a human.

   You must know that people have been able to pull in a world, and he is still learning basic knowledge on the ground.

"Thinking about it this way, "The Emperor's Canonization" may really have something to do with this group of qi refiners. Maybe the ancestors of Zhendao had also come into contact with this group of qi refiners before they came up with such an idea. Otherwise, how could it be?" There is an incompatible qi technique. '

  Chen Xiyi was guessing about this matter in his heart. Although he had guessed before, he didn't dare to make a conclusion, but this time he became more certain.

  ‘Perhaps, the world where the Dali Kingdom is located is likely to be the goal of the Qi Refiners, but they didn’t succeed for some reason. '

  Chen Xiyi has too many doubts about qi refiners, but now that he has an entry point, he can slowly understand this system.

  Even that Situ Mei is too powerful. If it wasn't for the homeland game and his active exposure, Chen Xiyi might not be able to find him.

  Even when the aura sense vision fell on Situ Mei, Chen Xiyi didn't notice anything.

   Perhaps it was because the gap between the two was too big, Situ Mei was just an ordinary person in Chen Xiyi's eyes.

   But in the feedback of the Homeland game, it is a terrifying existence with four abilities. Except for the first I Ching spell, the abilities of the remaining three are not inferior to the immortals who are compatible with the Tao.

  As for comprehending a certain artistic conception or shocking skills from the other party, this is even more impossible.

  If he really comprehends it, he will immediately delete it. What he comprehends from a terrifying existence, are you sure it was comprehended by you and not given to you by the other party?

  As time passed, a few people in nightgowns or pajamas were added to the figures in the cloud and mist. These people did not move at all, as if they were dead.

   But he was so dead that he didn't die, but he fell asleep so much.

  Chen Xiyi was going to take it back and let Li Zhao handle it by himself. He was originally prepared to handle it, but because of Situ Mei's incident, he felt a little impatient, so he had to let them do it by themselves.

After the remaining two cities have been dealt with, Chen Xiyi has to go back and continue to retreat. This time it will probably take longer. If the situation is not similar to this time, he will basically not come out again, unless the experimental product run out.

  I thought before that, his strength is not bad, but now.

  Since he is still a grandson, he can hang on, and he can wait until he can't go on anymore. The group of Qi refiners doesn't seem to have much malice towards him, but he should keep a low profile if he can.

  (end of this chapter)

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