This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 140: Optimization of version 2.0

  Chapter 140 Optimization of Version 2.0

   "It seems that you have solved the problem." Ji Shan looked at Chen Xiyi who was about to leave, and said.

  Chen Xiyi had just moved the library with the system, and Ji Shan came out to chat with him, and he couldn't help but slander: 'Sure enough, there is your monitoring in the library, or the entire Xutian. '

   After all, this Xutian is essentially Ji Shan's soul projection or some kind of supernatural power.

  Of course, he didn’t express these things, but just pretended not to know anything, and respectfully said to Ji Shan: “Thank you for the reminder, fellow daoist, otherwise, I would have to foolishly endorse it.”

   The credit will be given to you. Anyway, it is not something substantial, at most a few compliments.

   As for favors?

It's okay to help with small things, but he can't help if it's beyond the scope of Chen Xiyi's interests. Since he analyzed that Qi practitioners are a group of cold-natured people, and all their actions are for profit, he has known this group of practitioners. The degree of difficulty in improving morale favorability is too high.

   Unless it is said that Chen Xiyi gave away the benefits, otherwise, he would probably be smiling, and maybe give him some insignificant things, but that's all, don't even think about favorability and the like.

   Xutian is a place where Qi refiners can help each other, but it is also based on interests.

  Why do they want to live in Jishan's virtual sky, on the one hand, they really need a platform, and on the other hand, of course, they want to join forces to suppress Jishan.

  Ji Shan, the well-deserved number one qi refiner, forced the unity of such qi refiners.

  All the qi refiners not only constrain each other, but also cooperate with each other. Because of the changes in the general environment, it has strangely become a benign competition and cooperation relationship.

   This is Chen Xiyi's guess based on the previous exchange and experience of the Qi refiners.

"This mainly depends on yourself. If you don't have the heart, you won't be able to come up with this method." Ji Shan didn't ask Chen Xiyi how to solve it, because he knew that every qi refiner's own innate supernatural power It's all secret.

  The core of a qi refiner is the primordial spirit and innate supernatural powers. Maybe it was the qi machine at the beginning, but it is not anymore, because the qi machine is already dispensable for them.

  They walked out of the qi mechanism and got rid of the shackles of the qi mechanism.

  Of course, these are the qi refiners, not Chen Xiyi. Chen Xiyi is still in his infancy, so he still needs qi machine.

"If there's nothing else to do, I'll leave first. I've gained a lot this time, so I need to go back and study." Chen Xiyi doesn't even think about chatting with Ji Shan. After all, chatting doesn't increase his favorability, so even if it does, it's good Sensitivity may not necessarily be able to add friends, which requires a long time to operate.

   But the problem is that Chen Xiyi doesn't have time to manage it now, at least let him turn his knowledge into strength.

  He can see that it is useless if the friendliness does not reach 4 stars.

  It is not an easy task to increase the favorability of a Qi refiner from scratch to a 4-star friend.

   "Forget it, I won't hinder you. I often come to Xutian to communicate when I have free time. Working behind closed doors won't make much progress." Ji Shan smiled slightly, and was not displeased at Chen Xiyi's decisive departure.

  The qi refiners have lived for so long, and they have long since collapsed in front of them. What's more, although they value benefits, they are not narrow-minded people. On the contrary, because they have been in high positions for a long time, they will see things more thoroughly.

   "In that case, I will leave."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Xiyi immediately went offline.

  After returning to the Shu palace shelter, I began to sort out the information and knowledge harvested in the system.

   "There are so many, not to mention learning, it will take a lifetime to read it, even if it is viewed with Yuanshen, it will take a long time, not to mention that I still have one tenth of it in my mind."

  Chen Xiyi copied and transferred one-tenth of the library in his mind into the system.

   There is a solution, but it is actually very simple, just upgrade the system.

  The current situation is that the data stored in the system is not shared with him, which means that the system is just an e-book.

   What he has to do is to upgrade this e-book, at least to be able to share the content, that is, to connect him with the system.

   This was originally his next plan. If this plan is successful, the system can also add a camera function, and the content captured by his field of vision or the field of view of the eye of hope can be stored in the system.

   "Auxiliary brain or intellectual brain?"

  Chen Xiyi intends to develop his supernatural powers in the direction of science fiction, and will even develop monitoring of his own body, soul, etc. in the future.

  The subsequent further development of logical operations can also make his Baiyun method go a step further.

  The figures created by the current Baiyun method need to be controlled by him. As a person, he may not be able to use his strength in a balanced manner every time, let alone control such a large number of puppets.

   And if there is system logic for multi-threaded operations, Chen Xiyi can completely allow these figures to perform more detailed operations, whether it is to cooperate with him in experiments or in combat.

  An average person may have poor physical fitness, but also have high upper and lower limits.

  Elite special forces and ordinary people, even if their physical fitness is almost the same, there is a huge difference in combat awareness.

  As long as Chen Xiyi loads the combat program, not only will the fighting power of the figure rise in a straight line, but even Chen Xiyi can gain powerful combat power. After all, the combat program can be loaded not only on the figure, but also on himself.

   Anyway, he doesn't have much chance to say that he has developed an earth-shattering melee ability. Since he can't, then he will find a way to make things for travel.

  The Qi Refining System is not good at killing and fighting, but the products derived from it can be good at.

   "The next step is to upgrade the version of the system. I have made a detailed plan before, but I have to conduct experiments. Unfortunately, I don't know computer technology, otherwise the difficulty will be reduced by at least a hundred times."

  For the growth of the system, Chen Xiyi has long planned, but because he and the system have not yet developed a front-end for spiritual communication or deep integration, many functions have been put on hold.

  The current talent supernatural power system is still in the plug-in mode, because Chen Xiyi was worried about the failure of the natural supernatural power, so he used the plug-in mode. The principle is very simple, probably refer to Sharingan.

   Now that version 1.0 is running correctly, it is natural to perform a second upgrade.

  However, he does not plan to use patches to upgrade, but to build a new system, directly upgrade to version 2.0, and then copy the data.

   As for the 1.0 version, Chen Xiyi is going to strip it out and save it for later use.

  Having experience before, this time it is naturally much easier to deal with innate supernatural powers, and because of the deep integration, the process is even simpler.

  The shallow plug-in mode is for testing, but it is more difficult, not only to ensure operation, but also to ensure safety and so on.

  【The system has restarted and is copying the content stored in the system version 1.0】

  【Copy successfully, system version 1.0 has been uninstalled】

  【System version 2.0 installed successfully】

  Chen Xiyi casually put away the test version 1.0 from Yuanshen, which has been uninstalled.

  【Your ability: System 1.0 has been updated to an unnamed ability, please name it yourself】

   This paragraph is the game log reminder of Homeland Games, which is considered to be updated synchronously.

   It seems that the update iteration of Chen Xiyi's innate supernatural power system was retrieved, and Chen Xiyi casually changed it to system 2.0.

  Close your eyes and think about it, a lot of knowledge that he didn't have came to mind, even if you don't need to check the catalog with the system, you can read it.

  The system at this time is truly effective.

  The system also has a camera function, which is a very good ability. As long as he sees it, it will be recorded, and he can watch the playback at that time, even if it was a hundred years ago.

  Not only camera, but also sensory functions. Zhangliu, Tongmu, and Mo Yan systematically enhanced his hearing, vision, and taste so that he can use it better.

   Not only is he getting stronger, but the goblins are also growing, and the growth of the goblins naturally drives their abilities and boosts to become stronger, which makes Chen Xiyi, a weak chicken, really unable to keep up.

  Think about it, it’s okay for an ordinary person to have better eyesight and a better sense of taste, but if the hearing is too good, it’s easy to hear too many sounds that will divert one’s attention, mental weakness, and so on.

   It was blocked all the time before, but now with the sensory function of the system, Chen Xiyi can completely activate the boosts of the fairies in all directions without worrying that he, a weak chicken, cannot bear the senses of the boosts.

   "There are not many problems with the operation of the system, but some have been busy recently."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but lose face, he found that he lacked a lot of time.

  For example, learning, or the upgrade of the subsequent version of the system, his self-made innate supernatural power, or the further improvement of the invisible qi and Baiyun method, all of which require a lot of time.

   "Maybe my efficiency is too slow."

  Chen Xiyi suddenly thought of a blind spot, that is, he was a slow learner, so it was enough to make him speed up.

  One is to rely on the growth of the soul, which naturally makes him more efficient in learning.

  But there is another way, that is to give yourself BUFF to improve efficiency.

  For example, focus, meditation and other types, let yourself study without distraction.

  Chen Xiyi is not a genius type of person. It is inevitable that sometimes he will be distracted or irritable when reading. This method can be used to obtain immersive reading learning and improve efficiency.

  Or you can increase your energy so that you can have faster thinking logic for high-speed learning.

  These are all possible, but the limitations of the two are a bit big, which looks very good, and is essentially suppressing and overdrawing itself.

   After such a pass, you must be mentally depressed. Otherwise, you really think that there is no price to pay for overloading, but the price is not big. This is just an ordinary person, and Qi practitioners may not have to pay the price.

  Chen Xiyi used the search function to search in the system, and a large number of results were quickly displayed.

  He can think of all these. Qi refiners must have them, and there are many types. After excluding the results of innate magical powers, spells and talismans are excluded.

  Finally, he settled on magic weapon and formation. He doesn't need to worry about these two types at all. He only needs a constant Yin-gathering or Yang-gathering structure. As long as the Qi machine is sufficient, the power will not be cut off.

   As for re-practicing this type of innate supernatural power, it is not easy. He does not have the corresponding knowledge, so he has to wait until he has learned it. However, he dare not use the innate supernatural powers in the library. Who knows if there are any pitfalls.

   Instead, it is magic weapon and formation, which are easy to refine and take a long time to use, and they can be superimposed to take effect.

Less time-consuming, low cost, and high rewards, Chen Xiyi will naturally choose this. As for picking up people's teeth and wisdom, when it does not affect real interests, it is naturally so convenient. Black cats and white cats can catch mice is a good cat.

  Chen Xiyi is a pragmatist, not obsessive-compulsive.

  (end of this chapter)

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