This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 146: Hang on first, I can wait

  Chapter 146 You hang on first, I can wait

   "The Qi refiners have actually reached this point in their research on Qi mechanisms?"

  Chen Xiyi looked at the different types of qi machines. He originally thought that Ji Shan would send them to him in the form of a talisman seal, but he didn't expect to capture them in a vessel and send them to him.

  The meaning here is completely different, which means that the qi refiners have not only been able to observe the invisible qi mechanism, but even come into contact with the intangible qi mechanism.

  You must know that if Chen Xiyi didn't have the Qi Sensing skills and the abilities of the goblins and the blessing of Qi Machine, it would be impossible for him to have such a research on Qi Machine.

   "It's not a good way to feed the body with the soul."

Chen Xiyi sighed. This is a huge project, but fortunately, he has already prepared the framework from the very beginning. Give it a try, after all, for him, it is also part of accumulating experience.

  When Chen Xiyi went to ask Ji Shan for help, he also saw what Chen Xiyi was thinking, but Ji Shan only chatted a few words and didn't persuade him.

  Because he knew he couldn’t persuade him, this is a process that every qi refiner must go through, even he went through it at that time, intending to stop himself from living by rebirth, but unfortunately he still failed.

   The rebirth of seizing the house can only choose people, but not other existences, otherwise the soul will be incompatible and the body will collapse.

   It’s not that no one has ever thought of saying that the zombies should seize the house, but the idea is very good, the soul directly turns the zombies into a pool of rotten meat.

  After the research of a group of qi refiners, they finally came to the conclusion that because they are human beings, only human beings are suitable. It is impossible to take away other lives, because the popularity contained in the primordial spirit will repel them.

  Popularity is a crucial aura for them. Even if their primordial spirit is not based on popularity, there must still be a structure of popularity, otherwise their wisdom will disappear.

The ghost energy, ghost energy, etc., which can endow ghosts with spiritual intelligence, are the man-made energy mechanisms that were mutated by experimenting on animals and plants with popularity back then. It's just that after years of adaptation, the nature and structure of these qi mechanisms are much more stable than soul qi.

  Chen Xiyi no longer knows how much of the qi in this world is man-made and how much is original.

   But one thing is for sure, that is, the three kinds of qi, yin, yang and human qi, must be original, because demons and ghosts not only have their corresponding ghost qi, ghost qi, but also the necessary yin qi.

  Chen Xiyi speculates that this type of man-made qi machine is likely to be synthesized and modified with yin qi and popularity as the base. As for what it looks like in detail, Chen Xiyi doesn't know.

   There are no such records in the Xutian Library. These man-made qi machines were speculated by Chen Xiyi from a large amount of information. Although there is clear evidence, there is not enough data.

   "The demons and ghosts are man-made. This is really scary."

  Chen Xiyi shook his head, he knew that these demons and goblins were all failures, that's why they were reduced to Ji Shan's seasoning.

   Qi refiners are full of treasures, but Chen Xiyi has no way to obtain them, so he can only study them step by step.

This kind of knowledge is the capital for the Qi refiners to live and work. If you don't have enough benefits, you will definitely not leak it, unless you have the same conditions as them and can communicate with them, so maybe you can Get some research data from the exchange.

  Of course, if you really talk about like-minded people, you can also conduct experiments together, and the results will be shared equally.

  Most of this achievement is knowledge, which only needs to be written down, and it is not those indivisible interests.

  Chen Xiyi has no qualifications. As a newcomer, he hasn't even completed his initial talent. How can he communicate with the other party? It's more about going to the other party to answer questions.

   It may be okay at the beginning, but after a long time, it is consuming other people's impressions and senses.

  Although it can be said that he can gain a lot in a short period of time by doing so, it is overdrafting the future.

  That's why Chen Xiyi has always avoided this matter, and would never seek the help of the Xutian Qi Refiner unless it was absolutely necessary.

   And this time, asking Ji Shan for help was naturally a last resort.

  Otherwise, collecting all the qi machines would be an extremely stressful workload for Chen Xiyi.

   "The system, cooperate with me to carry out the embedding of the qi mechanism of the congenital qi, observe the structure of the qi mechanism and form a structure diagram to feed back to me."

   After Chen Xiyi got the Qi machine, he checked it dozens of times and counted it again, and then began to upgrade the Xiantian Gang Qi.

   With so many auras, Chen Xiyi was even thinking about whether to synthesize a unique aura.

   Just the thought of such a huge workload gives him a headache, and with his current strength, it is not enough for him to carry out Qi machine synthesis by himself.

He was thinking, after the first step of the innate qi is completed, he will go out to harvest some accumulations and come back. This accumulation is equivalent to the multiplier of on-hook experience, and the normal on-hook experience on weekdays, and after having the accumulation, it is completely possible Reach 2 times daily experience value.

  If he was more ruthless, maybe 3 times or 5 times a day would be fine, but the speed would naturally be faster in this way.

   "After staying for such a long time, I just finished dealing with the innate qi at this stage and then went out for a walk to replenish the resources, and test the situation of the innate qi by the way."

   "You can also collect all the historical items on the map."

  Chen Xiyi knew that he had stayed here for a long time, and if he didn't go out to get some air, he wouldn't get moldy, but the speed of upgrading was not very fast.

  Especially when Chen Xiyi uncovered the tip of the iceberg of Qi refiners little by little, it gave him a strong sense of crisis.

  Before, he thought that he could far surpass the Qi refiners in the observation and contact of Qi machines, but it turned out that he should not compare with a group of old monsters.

  And if he wants to become stronger faster, the enhancement of his thinking, logic, rationality, etc. brought by the soul is very important.

  Those Qi refiners are able to develop a large number of secret techniques, innate supernatural powers, abilities, etc., all of which are inseparable from their primordial spirit.

  Chen Xiyi climbed out of the shelter of the Shu Palace, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in a daze.

   "How long has it been since I came out?"

  【You have stayed in the Shu palace shelter for 197 days since you went out to find Jishan last time】

  A piece of data emerged from the system to answer Chen Xiyi's question.

This can be regarded as an artificial mentally handicapped person. He can only answer some rigid questions through logical calculations. If he wants the system to deduce or do research, he has no such ability. It was completely inferior to Chen Xiyi.

  In terms of research, it takes at least a year for Chen Xiyi to produce results in one day.

  So the system can only help Chen Xiyi handle some chores, such as multi-threaded control of figures to serve tea, assist experiments, provide combat and so on.

  Anyway, after the system was upgraded to version 9.0, Chen Xiyi has already changed his job to a logistics researcher.

  Battles and so on have become either able to fight or not, and the level division has no meaning from then on.

   "It's almost two hundred days, this is really not a short time, let me see where the nearest item is."

   Chen Xiyi compared the game map, and soon found a blue dot closest to him.

  After zooming in and out for a long time, Chen Xiyi couldn't determine how far it was, but he could be sure that it was the closest to him.

   "Wangshan ran dead horse."

   Don't look at the closest to him on the game map, but the real situation is completely different.

   The first step is to leave the mountains in central Shu.

   It's easy to leave, the current Chen Xiyi is no longer the Chen Xiyi who was lost when he entered the mountain.

  Because he only needs to walk straight along the map, and he can leave the land of Shu after going over the mountains and mountains, without worrying about getting lost.

   After walking three miles, I saw a very interesting scene.

   Someone is hanging himself, and it's a woman.

  I have already put the rope around my neck, and I just need to kick the stones under my feet.

  Therefore, Chen Xiyi was thinking about one thing, and that was how the dead air was born.

  Under normal circumstances, the experimental products that died in his hands were generally disposed of before they had time to produce death aura, and because of the mutation, they might not be born with death aura.

  The woman also found Chen Xiyi, feeling a little uneasy.

   "Hanging yourself." Chen Xiyi scratched his head, seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, he asked.

  Now at this time, you can't ask if you have eaten, isn't that more embarrassing.

  The woman didn't speak, but just looked at Chen Xiyi with resentment on her face. She has already done this, can she still play on the swing without hanging herself?

"Then hurry up, I'll collect the corpse for you when the time comes, I'm a small expert in collecting corpses." Chen Xiyi found a place to sit down, just waiting for the woman's next move, while looking at the other party's panel .

  【Ji Lan, a lady, HP: 99%, state: panicked, looking for death】

  【Ability 1: Female Red】


  【May: Face your parents faceless, come to the mountains to seek death】

  【May: Stimulated by gossip, heartbreak】

  【May: The marriage was annulled by her husband's family, and her reputation was ruined】



  Chen Xiyi gasped, he had never seen such a garbage panel, no matter how bad it was, he had to have two abilities, and today he unexpectedly met a person with abilities.

   As for the experience, what can he do? Individuals have their own ideas.

  Ji Lan, who was about to kick the stone, was startled by Chen Xiyi's gasp, so she still couldn't hang herself.

   "Retiring the marriage and adding waste materials, this is simply the protagonist's capital." Chen Xiyi thinks that this matter is outrageous.

  Hearing Chen Xiyi's emotion, Ji Lan couldn't help but turn pale. She thought Chen Xiyi had come to mock her.

   But Chen Xiyi really didn't think so.

"By the way, you have already met the conditions. Don't give your fiancé a three-year contract and then call the door to let him know what is called thirty years in the east and thirty years in the west of the river. Don't bully the boy, no, don't bully the girl. poverty."

   Seeing that the other party hadn't committed suicide, Chen Xiyi took this opportunity to ask.

   "???" Ji Lan felt that she had met a lunatic, talking nonsense.

  Because of this, he was heartbroken, and immediately kicked the stone under his feet and hung it up.

"Well, you wait to die first. If you hang yourself, it will damage the corpse. It may affect the neck bones at that time, and suffocation may also affect the decay of the corpse's organs. I can't do some experiments. Let's discuss it. Change your way of death." Chen Xiyi suddenly remembered such a thing.

   "I can provide a painless death, ah, do not agree, I can make your death less painful, do whatever you want, if you don't agree, don't agree, don't stare at me."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the waiting eyes and kept struggling, as if he wanted to use this to oppose Chen Xiyi's words. For this reason, Chen Xiyi had no choice but to go further away.

  But after Ji Lan heard Chen Xiyi's words that she wanted to do something to her corpse, she felt that she couldn't die, even if she died, her body couldn't fall into this person's hands.

  So her struggle was not against Chen Xiyi's words at all, but to break free from the hanging rope.

  (end of this chapter)

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