This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 150: player's mouth, deceitful ghost

  Chapter 150 The player's mouth, the deceiving ghost

  For seven days in Lingcheng, people were completely panicked.

  The situation is becoming more and more serious, and the caravan where Chen Xiyi belongs has already negotiated with the commander of Lingcheng to leave early.

   Now I can’t run anymore. On the first day, only the big households in the city disappeared at night, and then the soldiers patrolling at night disappeared. In the early morning, I saw the torn clothes in the corner.

  But starting from the third day, people suddenly disappeared not only at night, but also during the day.

  Everyone is nervous, afraid that they will disappear if they are not careful.

  In just these seven days, there were nearly 10,000 people lost. This is not a small number, and the entire Ling City only has a population of about 100,000.

   What's more important is that most of them seem to be the soldiers of the commander of Lingcheng, the rich families in the city, and those unlucky ghosts after that.

   At this moment, how could the people in the caravan be able to sit still, and naturally they had to run away.

  Another one is that the loss of troops in Lingcheng is serious, which greatly reduces the threat of the local warlord forces, so they dare to forcefully demand to leave the city.

  If the force is perfect, the caravan will not dare to act rashly, after all, it will easily cause fear.

   But now it doesn't matter whether you are afraid or not, because the strength of Lingcheng is likely to be gone, only the guards of the Marshal's Mansion are left.

  Besides, an unknown existence that is doing trouble is getting more and more appetite now. It was only a few hundred people in the beginning, but it will disappear a thousand people in a day.

   "I didn't expect your Excellency to live here. I asked a lot about it." Sitting opposite Chen Xiyi, Ji Lan said with a sweet smile.

  Behind her was a maidservant and five guards, who looked at Chen Xiyi with some vigilance.

   "Looking for me? Why are you looking for me?" Chen Xiyi looked at such a famous celebrity in front of him, and was a little puzzled. He must not have come to kill himself.

   "It's nothing, I'm just here to see you off, I hope there will be no date in the future." Ji Lan waved, and the maid behind him handed over a jug and wine glass: "It's fate."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't figure out what Ji Lan was thinking for a while, but he didn't think about it, and instead pushed it casually.

   "No, I don't drink, and I don't think you do either, do you?"

  Now Ji Lan can eat normal food, but normal food is completely tasteless to her, and only the stimulation of blood can make her find her real senses.

   "That's such a pity." Ji Lan said with regret.

   Ji Lan at this time is completely different from seven days ago, no matter in character or strength.

  Not only is the body full of resentment, but there are also auras such as blood qi, devil qi, etc., and the ones that are properly placed outside are demons.

   "It's not a pity at all, I just want to advise you, don't eat too much, otherwise it will be bad." Chen Xiyi persuaded with kind words.

  Actually, Ji Lan had already reached her limit two days ago, what she is doing now is to break through the limit, and just like this, the number of people disappearing is getting bigger and bigger.

   One thing to know is that it doesn't mean that you can become stronger if you break through the limit. It may be that you can't bear the consequences and lead to collapse.

   Not everyone is the main character, and if they say they break through the limit, they break through the limit.

  Generally, the probability of breaking through the limit is a dead word, rather than becoming stronger.

  The body is so big, and the power far exceeding its own limit is poured into it. As a result, it is impossible to say that you have really obtained the corresponding power, but you will only be exploded.

  Of course, it’s another story if you are the protagonist, or a player who can’t die like Chen Xiyi.

   Ji Lan paused, staring at Chen Xiyi with burning eyes: "Then what should I do."

  The purpose of her trip is really for this. She can't just come to Chen Xiyi for no reason.

  The skinning, cramp, bone removal and blood collection that day made her feel scared in her heart when she recalled it now.

   "Either you don't eat it, at least you can't make it to death, or you eat it all and fight it out." Chen Xiyi said strangely.

   Ji Lan thumped in her heart, sighing secretly that something was wrong.

  She naturally understood what Chen Xiyi meant, and it was nothing more than a gamble and stop.

  But she didn't want to gamble her life, nor did she want to stop, because she still wanted to become stronger, and the feeling of life and death after becoming stronger made her very intoxicated.

   "There is no other way, you must have it, tell me, I will give you whatever you want." Ji Lan roared hysterically.

   But Chen Xiyi just smiled: "I've already said, there are only these two possibilities, believe it or not, I'm leaving later."

  Chen Xiyi looked at Ji Lan, he knew that the other party had already started to collapse.

   Not just a mental breakdown, but a physical breakdown as well.

  He thought that Ji Lan was eating to become stronger, which was true, but it wasn't purely like that.

Another point is that she is too strong, and the body structure of ghosts is flawed. If she stops at the limit, then she only needs to ensure that she can maintain daily activities every year. Then she can live at least three hundred years. years, and is still youthful and has the ultimate strength of ghosts to survive for three hundred years.

  But she was too greedy. After reaching the limit of the ghost, she did not stop, but continued to eat, which caused her body to go far beyond the limit and lead to collapse.

  Eating these two days is not to get stronger, but to stabilize my body from collapsing.

   It was after two days of madness that he realized that it had no effect at all, so he came here to take a gamble before Chen Xiyi left.

   "Impossible, it's impossible, me."

  Ji Lan's body was continuously soaked with water, and her hair was wriggling like a water snake.

  Her breakdown begins.

   Fortunately, at the next moment, the wet hair wrapped around the maidservant and guards behind her, twisted into a giant python and swallowed them all in the hair in an instant.

  The back of Ji Lan's head split into a snake's mouth, and with a thud, the maid and the guard were swallowed, and then the scattered clothes fell from between the hair.

   After eating, Ji Lan's collapse stabilized once more.

"A person can only comfort you for a minute. It seems that there should be something wrong with the part of you that belongs to the human body. It needs to be supplemented by eating the same kind. Unfortunately, I don't understand genes and cells. Otherwise, maybe There really is a solution.”

   "However, maybe you have not thought about letting go of yourself."

  Chen Xiyi's tone carried a trace of teasing.

  Ji Lan, who had regained his composure, had a glamorous look on his face, not at all the terror of when the ghost man collapsed just now.

   "If that happens, I will turn into a monster." Ji Lan said indifferently.

   "Well, have you ever thought that this is just another way for you to become stronger, and you only have six minutes left, so you don't want to attack me, do you?" Chen Xiyi said confidently.

   Ji Lan had this idea, but seeing the illusory figures in the room, this idea was quickly suppressed in his heart.

  She couldn't provoke Chen Xiyi.

   "Farewell." Ji Lan turned cold and left in a hurry.

  Her collapse was intensifying. According to her estimation, the time would be at least a quarter of an hour, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

  When she left, she also considered what Chen Xiyi said, but she didn't want to stop like this.

  Once she stops, she will become a terrifying and hideous monster.

  She had a hunch that once her whole body collapsed into a monster, she would never be able to turn back into a human again.

   Therefore, she has only one way, and that is to gamble.

  But she also knew that for better or for worse, this generation definitely couldn't do it first, and had to wait for Chen Xiyi and the caravan to leave before doing it. Otherwise, if she really wanted to do it, the other party might beat herself to death first.

  After Ji Lan left, Chen Xiyi shook his head: "Sure enough, ghosts have great flaws, no wonder they are abandoned by Qi refiners."

  He has seen the upper limit of ghost people, and also saw the disadvantages of ghost people.

  Chen Xiyi didn't think it was the water ghost that turned into a ghost, but the imbalance between ghosts and humans.

   "Brother Chen, I didn't expect you to have a little lover here." The steward came in and joked.

   "The manager was joking, it's just a one-sided relationship. He is a big family, and I can't afford it." Chen Xiyi replied.

   "That's right, but just now I remembered that the lady brought a maid and five guards in, why didn't she go out with her." The steward said with a dignified tone, looking at the shredded clothes on the ground.

"Just as you guessed, butler, they disappeared, just like that, and there are only fragments left on the ground. If you don't come, butler, I have to go find you." Chen Xiyi's tone was bitter Said.

  The steward naturally figured out the cause and effect. He didn't think it was Chen Xiyi or Ji Lan who did it just now, because the monster did it at random, and it didn't mean that it would wipe out all the people present.

   "Don't worry, I'm here to inform you that it's time for us to set off, and it's not suitable to stay here for long." After the steward was confirmed, his expression became serious.

  Chen Xiyi lifted the package: "It's ready just now, let's go, I'll go with you."

   Regarding Chen Xiyi's behavior, the steward didn't feel that something was wrong. After all, someone just disappeared under his nose. Isn't it normal to be afraid?

  The two left one after another, and the caravan was also busy loading cars, waiting to leave.

   "Brother Chen, what are you going east for?" the steward asked casually.

   "Oh, it's ridiculous to say that, I'm going to join my relatives." Chen Xiyi was also perfunctory.

  The person in charge remembered something, Chen Xiyi didn't seem to be from Lingcheng.

   "Brother, I remember you are not from the local area."

"No, I escaped from Guicheng. I lost it along the way. There are no caravans going east. If I hadn't met our caravan, I would have to go with the flow." Chen Xiyi continued to edit with.

  When the steward heard this, he didn't ask too much detail. It was already not easy for this chaotic man to meet them alive.

   "Boss, it's not good. There are many people disappearing in the north of the city, and the number is increasing. When the wind blows, a whole street will disappear." A coolie in a short shirt came over and said panting.

   This made the steward's face change: "Everyone leave the city quickly, and don't want the rest."

  The expressions of the other members of the caravan changed when they heard this, and they all got into the carriage and galloped towards the gate of the east city. If they didn't leave, they definitely couldn't leave.

  In the north of Lingcheng, a horrifying thing like a pool of flesh and blood continued to expand, and a large number of jet-black hairs continued to diffuse, accurately targeting all the lives in the field of vision.

  The sound of crying like a girl made everyone who heard it go into a trance, and thus lost the best time to escape.

  The pool of flesh and blood kept wriggling throughout the north of the city, leaving only a piece of disability wherever it passed.

   "You lied to me, you lied to me!!"

  The mournful wailing continued to spread, and the entire Lingcheng could hear it.

  Of course, the caravan who had just left the East City Gate and Chen Xiyi who was sitting in the carriage also heard these words at the same time.

   "Yeah, so what, you just wanted to die from the very beginning, hanging yourself is such a waste, why don't you do me a little favor, I will benefit, and you can fulfill your dream."

  (end of this chapter)

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