This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 156: The meaning behind a ticket

  Chapter 156 The meaning behind a ticket

  Three years passed in a flash, Chen Xiyi carried a small suitcase and took a boat ticket at the port of Beicheng, and followed the bustling people onto the boat.

  He is going to the Saint Ziyuan Empire, and the ticket was given by Ji Shan a few days ago.

  Before Chen Xiyi just came out of the underground shelter of the Shu Palace, Ji Shan found him. He basically didn't come out in the past three years, and he hid very deeply.

   "Among the nobles, it seems that Ji Shan won't treat me badly." Chen Xiyi boarded this cruise ship after checking the ticket.

  Because of being on land, not many warlords would purchase these ironclad ships. Of course, the Holy Purple Kite Empire would not sell them either.

After boarding the cruise ship, the division between people is a bit different. Some people go to the knight's room, some go to the common people, and even the poorer ones live directly on the lowest floor. This kind of people usually go out. living.

   After a careful look, the entire cruise ship is controlled by foreigners from the Holy Ziyuan Empire. Thinking about it is right, how could this be taught to others.

  As a user among nobles, Chen Xiyi still has some privileges, at least all kinds of services are very considerate.

   At this point, no foreigners or other people came here to provoke and slap their faces, and they settled in smoothly all the way.

   "So, where is Yu Yu?"

  Chen Xiyi didn't notice Yue Yu, probably because there were too many people.

   Half an hour later, with a few sounds of the ship, the cruise ship slowly started, and it would take half a month of floating on the sea to reach the Holy Purple Kite Empire.

  The cruise ship kept leaving, and Chen Xiyi found that the farther he was from the land, the efficiency of the hang-up that nourished the soul in him seemed to be a bit lacking in stamina.

  He didn't realize it at first, but he didn't realize it until the monitoring system issued a warning.

  Because the fall was too small, if it wasn't for the monitoring function of this system, he might not have been able to find it, let alone him, a goblin who helped him hang up the phone didn't find these things.

   "After leaving for an hour, the gas machine concentration decreased by 0.01 percent."

  Chen Xiyi compared the air machine environment map, and he discovered this.

  The game map was reopened. Before, he thought it was just these necessary qi machines that had been gathered up, but he didn't expect that the overall qi machine had dropped.

  He simply speculated that according to this ratio, the aura of the Saint Ziyuan Empire would be extremely thin.

   But looking at the waveform diagram, the overall Qi mechanism is spreading. In just a few more years, the Qi mechanism will soon spread to the Holy Purple Kite Empire.

   "It seems that it is not only because of eating that the Saint Ziyuan Empire was not divided up, but the cake of the Saint Ziyuan Empire has not been made yet, so the cake cannot be divided."

  Chen Xiyi only understood this at this time. He had been doing experiments before, and there were warnings from other Qi refiners, so he didn't pay attention.

   "Tsk, there are too few people making cakes, but too many people sharing cakes."

  He finally understood, and he was probably fooled by the name of beating before.

   Regarding this, he was also a little thankful that he didn't go to the qi practitioners to gain goodwill, let alone three years, even thirty years may not be able to add friends.

  It's true that they didn't have any malice towards them, and even their calculations might have been just an idle move, but unfortunately, Chen Xiyi had his way and couldn't jump out. Of course, it's good that he didn't jump out.

  It seems that Chen Xiyi has been taken care of, but in fact he has a way out, and he even wants to escape by feigning death this time.

  He can also make a big fuss and run away, but looking at the dense mail in the mail box over the years, they are all sent to him by Li Zhao and Mi Hong.

  It might be beneficial if they really make trouble, but it will be bad luck for these two people.

  For this reason, he can only say that he should be more cautious.

   After all, they are all my friends. Over the years, I have sent me some things from time to time, and helped him expand his circle of friends. It is true that he is a player, but he also needs to know what is good.

  If it's a white name, Chen Xiyi doesn't care about it, and he will die wherever he loves it.

  He regards everyone as an NPC, but he still has feelings after staying for a long time, especially the friends recognized by this kind of homeland game.

   After tidying up briefly, he left his room and came to hang out on the deck of the cruise ship.

   First, he came here to get some fresh air. He had been underground for three years, and second, he came to look around to see if he could find Yue Yu.

  Chen Xiyi is sure that Yue Yu must have come here on a certain mission, otherwise, how could he say that Ji Shan valued it and was willing to let Chen Xiyi go to the Holy Ziyuan Empire.

  Don't say it, I found it after shopping around.

  Yueyu is also wearing a more western style now, and is communicating with a foreigner in Sheng Ziyuan dialect.

   Even his prefix has changed. He used to be a killer, but now he is a member of the New Society. It seems that he is going to study abroad in the Saint Ziyuan Empire.

   This is a very common thing. Although he doesn't know what this new society is, it is probably similar to Li Zhao's Salvation Society.

   After Li Zhao stabilized, he also sent many of his confidants to study at the Saint Ziyuan Empire. These things were also written into letters and sent to Chen Xiyi to read.

  But Chen Xiyi didn't feel anything. If there were no Qi refiners, this would indeed be a very correct choice.

   With Qi Refiners, everything is basically a waste of effort.

   "Brother Yue, long time no see." Chen Xiyi said abruptly.

  When Yue Yu heard this, he turned his head and looked, with a trace of surprise in his expression: "Brother Chen, why are you here?"

   Today's Yue Yu is not pretending, but using his original face, but compared with the past, he is much more mature and vicissitudes.

   "Go to the Saint Ziyuan Empire and have a look. You, dressed in a western dress, don't plan to study abroad." Chen Xiyi asked back jokingly.

   "Yes, the family arranged for me to go out to meet the world. This is Carmen Charles, Charles, and this is my friend Chen Xiyi."

  The first half of Yue Yu's sentence is in normal Mandarin, while the latter part is in the language of the Holy Ziyuan Empire.

   "Nice to meet you."

   "Hello, I didn't expect you, Mr. Chen, to speak Purple Flower Language." Charles wanted to use poor local Mandarin, but he didn't expect that he could understand what Chen Xiyi said.

   "A little bit, after all, I'm going to visit the Holy Ziyuan Empire. If I don't know how, I can't go anywhere." Chen Xiyi replied.

  He can actually know it, and it's fairly easy to learn, but it mainly depends on the language pack of the Homeworld game.

   The dialogue between Chen Xiyi and Charles surprised Yue Yu a little bit. After all, in Yue Yu's impression, Chen Xiyi was more like an old school scholar.

  Old school scholars are mostly stubborn people who refuse new things and are eliminated by the times.

  But seeing that Chen Xiyi's face looks like a young man's, he was relieved. Young people's ability to accept is naturally much stronger than those stubborn old people.

  The old-school scholars are mostly middle-aged and elderly, and they all have fame.

  Yueyu's mood is obviously more enthusiastic than before, and I don't know if it's because of acquaintances from other places or what, anyway, it's just chatting for a while.

   The favorability rose to 3 stars, but it hadn't moved for three years before.

   As for getting a 4-star favorability degree, Chen Xiyi no longer had any hope, and just chatted with them to reminisce about the old days.

Unless it is said that there is a life-saving grace or a life-saving friendship, or that someone like Li Zhao who brought his wife with him may be said to be promoted to a 4-star favorability, otherwise, basically a 3-star favorability is already The limit is reached.

  In recent years, Li Zhao and Mi Hong have often talked about him with people, but now the 3-star favorability is still 3-star favorability, and none of them can break through to 4-star.

  So Chen Xiyi also understood that the 3-star favorability degree and the 4-star favorability degree are a watershed.

  The former may be a good friend, while the latter is a deadly friendship.

  Chen Xiyi felt that if Li Zhao was asked to give up the position of commander-in-chief, he might be able to give up.

   "By the way, Brother Chen, which room do you live in, I can find you then." Yue Yu asked.

  Chen Xiyi didn't even think about hiding it, so he directly reported his room number. After Yueyu heard it, he was a little weird. It sounded like a noble room.

   "It seems that Mr. Chen's will actually buy tickets among the nobles. It's really unusual." A gleam flashed in Charles' eyes, and he said meaningfully in his tone.

"I have quite a lot of friends, and one of them has a certain status. He heard that I was going to the Saint Ziyuan Empire, so he got some favors to help me get one." Chen Xiyi is not an idiot, and he could hear this from Charles' tone. There seems to be something unusual among the nobles.

  Of course, what is more important is that Chen Xiyi found out that there was something flashing in Charles' eyes just now?

  Can the eyes shine?

  How could he not.

  With Chen Xiyi's eyesight, he can't see it wrong, let alone have any hallucinations, so he can be sure that Charles must have flashed just now.

"Then your friend is not ordinary. You must know that this is among the nobles. If you don't have enough status, it's impossible to buy it. At least you have to be an earl to be eligible. If you don't have enough qualifications, even if it's empty, you won't be able to buy it." I bought it." Yue Yu was also surprised by what Charles said.

  He didn't expect it to be like this.

   "That's right, it's really too expensive, I didn't expect it." Chen Xiyi really didn't expect it, he thought he could buy it if he had money.

"No, it's more expensive than you imagined, Mr. Chen. There are only three noble rooms in total, and the status system is used. If there is someone with a higher status than you after the full capacity, the one with the lowest status will be taken away." Compulsory check-out to the knight room. As far as I know, the remaining two noble rooms on this cruise should be the third princess Rosa and the fifth prince Ruskin, so Mr. Chen who can live in the remaining noble room, The origin is definitely not inferior to these two crown princes of the Holy Ziyuan Empire, or even higher."

   "Because your room number is above these two."

   In the end, Charles even used his honorific title.

  Chen Xiyi has black hair, good guy, isn't this putting him on fire?

   No wonder the staff who checked the tickets just now had a strange and respectful face, and even led him the way himself. This is the reason for the co-authorship.

  Chen Xiyi, who was always low-key and used to it, was really not used to it, but luckily he didn't show it.

   "Oh, I see. After talking so much, this ticket was also given by my friend, and I didn't buy it." Chen Xiyi said calmly that he didn't have any big background.

   But the more he said this, the more Charles and Yue Yu thought about it.

is it possible?

  This is impossible. The Saint Ziyuan Empire is an aristocratic system, and the aristocrats are the rulers. Even today, the aristocrats are still in power, so this aspect is very strict.

   It is impossible to say that people who recognize votes do not recognize people. Only after confirming that Chen Xiyi's status is indeed higher than those two crown princes can he live in the first room among the nobles.

There are also people with higher status than the crown prince, such as dukes, princes, and emperors, but Chen Xiyi doesn't look like a duke of the Holy Ziyuan Empire. After all, there are only a few dukes, and Charles has seen them all in newspapers. It is impossible for a person who is not from the Holy Ziyuan Empire to have such a high title.

  (end of this chapter)

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