This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 169: past meets future

  Chapter 169 The Encounter of the Past and the Future

   It is very simple to sneak into the Five Immortals Cave in Miaojiang. Generally speaking, Chen Xiyi has two plans. The first one is naturally the orthodox berserkers sneak in, and kill all the way in. As long as everyone is dead, no one will be able to find out that he sneaked in.

   This plan is simple and clear, but it cannot be used in the modern world, because people have surveillance, and you can't escape the surveillance if you drive Wushuang into it.

   It's a pity that this time Chen Xiyi is going to use another more tactful way of sneaking in, which is to sneak in.

"So, this is what you mean by infiltrating?" Lin Feng watched Chen Xiyi and himself walk into the Miaojiang Five Immortals Cave openly. The disciples of the Five Immortals Sect guarding the gate looked like they were turning a blind eye, which made him wonder how much Chen Xiyi had spent. Only then did he buy off these disciples.

   "If you feel uneasy, you can behave in a sneaky way." Chen Xiyi very kindly eased Lin Feng's anxiety.

   "How did you do it?" Lin Feng asked curiously.

   "As a scholar, it's not normal for him to know a little bit about Qimen Dunjia." Chen Xiyi said perfunctorily.

  For a while, Lin Feng didn't know what to say.

   "I wanted to ask before, what is Qimen Dunjia." Lin Feng didn't know Qimen Dunjia at all. This world is not Chen Xiyi's previous life or the last specious world of Qi refiners, but a world of low martial arts.

"It's an excuse I used to fool you. Get it, I can't tell you that I'm so strong that I can pretend to be a bald man in cape here." Chen Xiyi felt that since the other party asked, he was embarrassed to continue. Perfunctory.

  Lin Feng thought for a while: "Who is the bald cloaked man? Why don't you pretend to be a little bit more thorough and pretend to be bald together."

  Whether she is strong or not is another matter. He just wanted to know why Chen Xiyi didn't pretend to be more complete and shaved his hair off.


Chen Xiyi discovered that recently Lin Feng's fighting skills have become more and more powerful. It makes sense that he is close to Zhu Zhechi and close to Mo Zhehe black. Three months ago, Lin Feng was a gentle and aloof swordsman, but now he has been with Chen Xiyi for a long time That's right, it's all about complaining, raising arguments, and hurting others.

   "No way, my hair is more than just hair."

   "Then it can't be armpit hair, right?"

   "Can't you wait until I've finished speaking before raising an argument?" Chen Xiyi couldn't help retorting.

   "Okay, please explain." Lin Feng said that you are a boss, and you continued.

   "I remember you always wanted to be a high-cold swordsman? Why are you talking more and more recently?" Chen Xiyi planned not to get entangled with Lin Feng.

   "There is no need for adjectives, just a swordsman. Besides, after listening to your trash talk and engaging in psychological tactics, I think it is completely possible to practice."

"So you use me to practice, right? This tactic is useful for people who are weaker than you, but if you use it on people who are stronger than you, if the opponent becomes angry from embarrassment, you will die faster." Chen Xiyi thinks it's okay to have a mentality, but Don't mess with your own mentality.

   "You have a point, but there are no enemies."

   "Gah, you'll be hacked to death by a woman sooner or later if you're so wicked, hurry up and iron your crotch, bastard."

   "I'm practicing, I'm practicing."

  The two walked along the Miaojiang Five Immortals Cave all the way inside.

  This place is built in the middle of the mountain, and the twists and turns are like intestines.

  The guards are also extremely strict. Although there is no such thing as ten steps, one post, five steps and one sentry, there are disciples of the Five Immortals who patrol from time to time.

   These disciples completely ignored the two who were joking.

  Although this passage bends and turns, the advantage is that there is only one road, and you will never get lost.

   After walking for about half an hour, Chen Xiyi and Lin Feng finally reached a consensus on this road, that is, this thing is definitely not man-made, it must be formed naturally.

  Walking to the deepest point, there is a cave like a treasure house.

  There are poisonous Gu martial arts, medicinal materials and poisonous insects, as well as weapons and armor and all kinds of strange things.

   Of course, there are three other people, two men and one woman.

  The female is tied firmly, without the white cloudy series as imagined.

   It should be a normal kidnapping case.

  【Meiyu, the leader of the Five Immortals Sect】

   Unexpectedly, the leader of the Five Immortals Sect was the one who was kidnapped, which surprised Chen Xiyi.

  As for the remaining two people, Chen Xiyi's expression froze, because he never expected this to happen.

  【Zhan Xue of the outsider, HP: 100%, Status: Vigilance】

  【Ability 1: Master Warrior】

  【Ability 2: Palm Mastery】


  【December: Stand by and wait to kill You Guang and prepare to destroy the Ascension Ceremony】

  【December: on the road】


The identification of another outsider, Guo Chen, is similar, but he is a congenital warrior plus an introduction to palm techniques. The difference is his experience. This outsider named Guo Chen does not seem to want to destroy the Ascension Ritual, but wants to obtain the Ascension Ritual. Make yourself an immortal.

  【December: Sit back and wait to kill You Guang and prepare to find the Ascension Ceremony to become the Immortal】

   This is the difference between the two, one wants to be destroyed, and the other wants to become an immortal.

   As for the more specific situation, Chen Xiyi is not clear. He can only read a brief summary of the 30 days, and the first 29 days were all on the road.

  'You Guang, the Ascension Ceremony and the Immortal, plus the prefix of outsider, these three people have extraordinary backgrounds. '

   Especially the mismatch of their abilities.

  Chen Xiyi can be sure that the master warrior should be a level above the innate warrior. This is not a problem, but a problem with another ability.

  Both have reached the level of innate masters, only to be proficient in palm techniques, and the other innate martial artist is even worse, unexpectedly only a beginner.

  You should know that generally speaking, forging warriors are entry-level warriors, acquired warriors are proficient, and innate warriors are extraordinary. As for master warriors, they should correspond to Lin Feng's supernatural powers.

   As a result, the two of them were like fast-track students. They had reached the level, but they didn't keep up with the skills they should have.

  The strength of Jianghu people consists of two parts, internal strength and martial arts. The two complement each other, and it is impossible to say that there has been such a big leap.

  An innate warrior who only knows how to use palms at the beginning, this is simply ridiculous, maybe he will be killed by an acquired warrior.

  ‘More importantly, they are looking for You Guang, which is interesting. '

  You Guang, you know it's Lin Feng without even thinking about it.

  He obtained the sword named You Guang at the sword division meeting, and his nickname in the world is also the You Guang sword.

  Plus sitting on the sidelines, it's not him or someone else.

   "Do you know those two men?" Chen Xiyi asked.

  Lin Feng was stunned for a moment: "I don't know, do you?"

   "I don't know each other either, but I think they might be looking for you." Chen Xiyi narrowed his eyes and said.

  Looking at Zhan Xue and Guo Chen, Lin Feng's Jianxin Tongming gave back an extremely strange feeling, that is, these two people are both strong and weak.

  Especially that young man, the opponent is likely to be an innate warrior, but whether it is breathing or posture, he looks like a fledgling kid. If he really wants to meet, he only needs to kill the opponent with a single sword.

  The other middle-aged man has a very strong aura, which seems to be in a certain realm above innate, but in terms of martial arts, he is at most at the level of an acquired warrior.

   These two people seem to be instant success. Of course, instant success should not be underestimated, especially the middle-aged man who is superior in nature. The other party is what makes him really afraid.

  The level and attributes far exceed the crushing formed when the skill proficiency is high, and the opponent's attack cannot be resisted.

   "Come to look for me? For this light-bending sword in my hand?" Lin Feng, besides this light-bending sword, is the most valuable, what else can be more valuable.

   "I don't know, do you want to go out and meet, I'll look for something." Chen Xiyi pushed Lin Feng to make trouble.

"I can't beat that middle-aged man. He will kill me in at most three rounds. On the contrary, that young innate warrior can give it a try. Why don't you help me entangle that middle-aged man." Lin Feng is not stupid, it's okay What are you doing to die.

  He is a swordsman, not a fool or a martial idiot.

   "You have so much confidence in me? You are not afraid that I will rush up and be killed on the spot by the opponent." Chen Xiyi said in a teasing tone.

  Lin Feng looked at Chen Xiyi contemptuously: "The two of us are almost chatting with him, but the other party didn't respond. Do you think you didn't feel guilty when you said that?"

   "I'm not sorry, I think you have that ability." Chen Xiyi said solemnly.

   "The innate warrior belongs to me, and the one who is superior to innate belongs to you. To be honest, I suspect that you may also be superior to innate." Lin Feng's tone was affirmative.

   "You can't wrong people, I can't practice martial arts, I don't know what is superior to me." Chen Xiyi said that you kid will still be framed, he doesn't even have the corresponding module, how can he be a martial artist.

   "Just say what you want to do." Lin Feng didn't want to continue arguing with Chen Xiyi.

   "Okay, I'll hold that middle-aged man back for you, but let's talk about it first, you have to show mercy to that young man, I'm useful." Chen Xiyi said slowly.

   "That's it." Of course, Lin Feng agreed without hesitation. Such a quick and inferior product is simply rare, and he just used it as a sharpening stone for himself.

   As for the real innate?

   If you really want to meet, of course you will be killed by the opponent on the spot.

  Chen Xiyi canceled the illusion, and the two suddenly appeared in front of Zhan Xue and Guo Chen.

  The moment they saw the two, Zhan Xue and Guo Chen's eyes were attracted by the light sword in Lin Feng's hand.

   "You Guang! Guo Chen, do it." The moment Zhan Xue saw You Guangjian, he immediately ordered to attack.

They have never seen You Guang's true face, but they know that the representative of You Guang in the first sequence is this Guang You Sword. The believer had dealt with him countless times, so he naturally recognized You Guangjian at a glance.

  In this era, there is only one person who can own the Lightning Sword, and that is the First Time Sequence, the sword concept, and the immortal You Guang.

   As for why it suddenly appeared, it was no longer something they should consider. There was only one thing to do now, and that was to kill You Guang.

  A hand abruptly grabbed Zhan Xue's shoulder, pulling him directly with great force.

   "Don't rush to leave, can you tell me about your background?" Chen Xiyi's voice came from behind Zhan Xue.

   This changed Zhan Xue's expression, he didn't realize when the other party approached at all.

  A fierce tiger turned its head, shook off Chen Xiyi's hands on his shoulders, and slapped Chen Xiyi's chest with inner strength in both palms.

   If this is hit, let alone a person, even a stone will be shattered.

   "It's not good to fight and kill. Wouldn't it be better for us to sit down and drink tea and chat?" Chen Xiyi's voice came from behind Zhan Xue again.

  Zhan learned this move, and the fierce tiger's burst of vigor was completely missed.

   "Who the **** are you?" Zhan Xue accepted his moves, glanced at Guo Chen who had already fought with Lin Feng, and asked in a deep voice.

  In his eyes, Guo Chen has the upper hand at this time, Lin Feng is at a disadvantage, and defeat is only a matter of time. How can a forging martial artist win against an innate martial artist.

  And this mysterious person who appeared beside Lin Feng was an obstacle.

   "I'm just a scholar without the strength to restrain a chicken." Chen Xiyi said slowly.

  (end of this chapter)

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