This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 173: Gu Wu Jianghu

  Chapter 173 Gu Wu Jianghu

   "The third artificial dantian experiment for the forging martial artist begins, the experiment dantian: Synthetic Gu on the 7th."

  Chen Xiyi recorded this experiment in the system talking to himself.

   In front of him lay a middle-aged man, his dantian was abolished.

  Internal force exists in the dantian. It has been a month since Chen Xiyi read all the books in the Five Immortals Cave in Miaojiang.

   During this period, he also tried to practice martial arts, but he was completely unable to practice. The reason is very simple, he does not have the corresponding organs, or to be more precise, he does not have a body.

  He dug himself open and looked at it. There are no internal organs in his body, not even flesh and bones, only the primordial spirit fused with his soul is left.

  This has led to the fact that if he wants to practice the corresponding system, he must either have the corresponding game module, or he must rely on the Qi Refiner system to improve, otherwise it is impossible to succeed.

   Therefore, Chen Xiyi could only improve by himself.

  If you want to make martial arts reach the level of Jianghu people, you first need such an important thing as internal strength.

  No matter what kind of warrior you are, you have to accumulate internal strength in the dantian, otherwise, all kinds of swordsmanship and boxing techniques are essentially relying on yourself, which is equivalent to not adding special effects.

   With internal strength, everything becomes different.

  For example, the horizontal training of the Five Immortals Sect, these indeed require external stimulation and various resources such as poisons, detoxification, and supplements, but the most fundamental reason lies in internal strength.

  If you don’t have internal strength, you will be killed by poison in the first step of cultivation.

  Therefore, Chen Xiyi's first step was to create an artificial dantian. Naturally, he used local materials. He used the Gu worms from the Five Immortals Sect. It couldn't be said to use a sword. It had to be logical.

  He originally planned to use flesh and blood, but after thinking about it carefully, he has no body now, and flesh and blood cannot be transplanted, so he can only let it go.

  And more importantly, the dantian of this Gu insect can not only grow, but also host multiple ones at a time.

  In addition, medicine, Gu and poison are not separated, Chen Xiyi plans to make a Gu weapon.

   This is not without precedent. In fact, as early as in the records of Miao Jiang in the Five Immortals Cave, when the early martial arts were not developed, Miao Jiang mostly relied on the method of medicine, Gu and poison.

  In the early days, Miao girls would raise Gu and implant it into their husbands.

   This is not like the current simple poisonous Gu, but similar to a Gu that can make people and Gu achieve symbiosis.

For example, bone strengthening Gu, cut open the flesh and put the bone strengthening Gu like a centipede into it, this bone strengthening Gu will eat the bone marrow and secrete special Gu liquid to repair, after several times, the bone will heal hair stiff.

   It's just that this is usually accompanied by extremely severe pain. A real gu-raiser will turn his husband into a strong man covered in gu.

However, the symbiosis Gu has gradually declined due to the emergence of martial arts, because this method not only tests the body and willpower of the Miao girl and her husband, but also tests the Miao girl's ability to raise Gu and the relationship between husband and wife .

   Hence, this was eliminated.

  However, they did not completely eliminate it, but absorbed part of the essence of Symbiosis Gu and integrated it into martial arts.

  At first glance, symbiosis Gu seems a bit heretic in Xianxia, ​​but in fact the risk is extremely high, especially when Gu insects enter the human body, the rejection phenomenon is enough to kill.

  Chen Xiyi didn't completely copy the original Symbiosis Gu model, but experimented in his own way.

  As for why it is the third time, because the first two experiments were cold.

   Carefully cleaned up the dantian of the experimental product in front of him, and then put the No. 7 synthetic Gu of the same size into it, and connected the organs of all parties to achieve symbiosis with the dantian.

  The other party's dantian has been disabled, which is equivalent to serious damage to this organ, but it is still there.

   It is also miraculous to say that a damaged organ in the body did not cause disease, it just lost its internal strength.

  Synthetic Gu No. 7 was carefully cultivated by Chen Xiyi, which can transform and store internal energy.

   It was originally a beetle-like Gu insect, only the size of a thumb, but he bred it to the size of a fist.

   "The connection process went very smoothly, and there is no state of rejection at present, and the internal force is being born. It seems to be a success."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the No. 7 Synthetic Gu at the dantian position. Because of Chen Xiyi's cultivation, this No. 7 Synthetic Gu has no claws in essence. It only has an excretion port and a head. One is the input end and the other is the output end.

   Only in this way can the internal force be formed to circulate in the meridians, and with the supply of internal force and body, the lifespan of this No. 7 synthetic Gu can basically be said to follow the warrior.

   As for the excrement of Gu insects, there are actually some, but they are not conventional excrement.

  The internal force comes in from the input end, which serves as most of the nutrition supply for Gu worms, and a small part is supplied by the organs connected to the body, and this part will produce excrement.

   It’s just that this excrement is absorbable for warriors, roughly the same type as bird’s nest and cat **** coffee.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi was still quite dissatisfied.

   Think about it, this is the world of martial arts, not the world of immortals.

   It is said to be Gu, but in fact it is still an insect.

   It is considered biological transplantation technology, not Gu refining.

   What's more, most of the early symbiosis Gu used this type of symbiosis to become stronger.

  Bone strengthening Gu, for example, eats bones and then secretes substances that can strengthen and grow bones. This is also excretion, but the things secreted can promote bones.

   "The natural dantian is an organ, I can't have it, and if my Gu Wu can only be used as an external device, but I can use the springboard of the Gu Wu to become a divine martial arts, Yuanshen martial arts."

   "In this way, I may be able to break through the physical limitations of a qi refiner by myself."

Chen Xiyi's body has reached its limit, because this is the limitation of qi refiners. This is him, and the qi refiners in the previous world must have no such shortcoming. It can be seen from the blood of the phoenix that they have found A body that can carry one's soul and live forever.

   It is even possible that the technology has already fully matured. Essentially, what Chen Xiyi has obtained about Qi Refiners today may actually be the knowledge that Qi Refiners have been out of date for who knows how long.

   But Chen Xiyi is still stuck here. Fortunately, he is a player, and many things are not restricted.

But even if this is the case, it is still only the first step, and the follow-up is not easy. After Gu Wu and Shen Wu, he has to integrate all of his own energy mechanisms, and then synthesize them into an energy mechanism similar to internal force. In this way, Shenwu can be regarded as Official launch of the program.

  When thinking of this, Chen Xiyi couldn't help feeling a little dizzy.

   "Xiongguan Road is really like iron!"

   A few minutes later, the forging martial artist lying on the operating table slowly woke up.

  Feeling the recirculation of internal force in the body, my heart is full of surprises.

   "Thank you, senior, for helping me heal my dantian." After a brief feeling, the man hurriedly stood up and saluted to thank him: "If senior can be useful to me in the future, just ask."

  Of course Chen Xiyi is not a bad person. This experimental product with damaged dantian was recruited by the Five Immortals Sect.

  As a great teacher, isn't it easy to find some people with damaged dantians?

   "Senior, why does my internal energy circulate around the sky by itself?" He hadn't reacted just now, but at this moment the warrior discovered this in horror, which shows that his internal energy will increase all the time.

   "This is Gu Wu. Since you survived, it means that you have this qualification. Go back and raise it. I will come to you after a while, and then I will teach you Gu Wu and other martial arts." Chen Xiyi said.

  【Qi Bin from Jianghu, HP: 67%, Status: Excited, Gu worm symbiotic]

  【Ability 1: Body Forging Warrior】

  【Ability 2: Introduction to Swordsmanship】

  【Ability 3: Gu Warrior】

  Originally the third ability was unknown, but because the founder was Chen Xiyi, with his confirmation, the opponent's ability three became a Gu warrior.

   "Yes, senior." Although Qi Bin was a little weird in his heart, the word Gu Wu didn't sound good, but as long as he can become stronger, he doesn't care what he is.

  After Qi Bin turned around, a figure just attached to his back, and then gradually disappeared.

  Going is definitely possible, but the follow-up needs to be observed, so it can't be said that he will really stay. He still needs this Qi Bin as a living sign to attract some experimental products to him.

  It’s impossible to catch him all the time, right now, he’s a helpless scholar, he’s very decent, and he definitely won’t do illegal things like sneaking around, killing people and setting fires.

   Wouldn’t it be nice to have them deliver it themselves?

   "Synthetic Gu No. 7 can be renamed as Internal Force Gu 1.0 version. It can be regarded as changing from closed beta to public beta. In the future, it only needs to optimize the data fed back by a few more experimental products."

   "The next step should be the development of corresponding physical fitness. Whether it is strength or flexibility, etc., further Gu insect cooperation is needed."

   "The combination of Gu worms and horizontal refining seems a bit out of place, but it is very suitable, especially the poisonous horizontal refining of the Five Immortals Sect is paired with Gu worms that are related to poison."

   "Wouldn't it be better if the internal force Gu was reversely impregnated in the end, so that the internal force produced by the internal force Gu is biased toward toxic internal force?"

   "Secret of Gu Wu: Enan Poison Body, will it be scolded for plagiarism if it is stitched like this?"

  The purpose of Gu Wu is very simple, it is to let a large number of Gu worms spread with the core of internal force Gu. For example, the Er Nan Poison Body series is a system built on the basis of the Five Immortals, which integrates the medicine, Gu, and poison series.

   It's just about getting stronger, Chen Xiyi can't help with skills, after all, people are different.

   Gu Wu is just biological technology, not something that can make people reborn.

   Unless there is a Gu worm living in the brain, it is possible to succeed, but Chen Xiyi will not do anything to the brain until he is sure.

  He has to be careful with his heart, let alone his brain.

   "After my Enandu body is completed, I have to find a way to obtain martial arts from other sects. This Five Immortals sect is indeed a bit unusual, although it is quite suitable for me."

  If he wants to develop other series of Gu Wu, he must have other martial arts.

   Otherwise, relying solely on the martial arts of the Five Immortals Sect can only develop a system that is biased towards poison and medicine.

"The second step of the Ernandu body is the development of Gu worms related to the internal organs. If people want to be able to withstand the poisonous Gu, the detoxification function of the internal organs is very important. After living with the Gu worms, it can make the detoxification become poisonous. Become stronger, this is the basic ability, otherwise, wouldn't it be ridiculous to be poisoned to death by oneself."

  He originally planned to attack the blood first, but when he thought that this would not work, after the blood became toxic, the internal organs could not detoxify in time, so it would be a fart.

  So we can only attack the internal organs first. After the internal organs are obtained, the meridians, bones, and then the blood.

   It is the brain that waits until the last step.

   And after all the Gu symbiosis of the Enandu body has been completed in the body, you can enter the next step, from the inside out, such as the nine orifices of a person or the ten fingers of both hands.

  Chen Xiyi reckoned that if the Enandu Body is completed, at least one must have the strength of a master warrior.

   This is just the beginning, and then with the internal force Gu as the operation, it can also connect the various Gu insects that become the Enandu body, and then continue to become stronger, reaching the level of a master warrior.

  (end of this chapter)

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