This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 180: Set Equipment - Mud Alloy Gun

  Chapter 180 Set Equipment - Mud Alloy Gun

  【Mud Alloy Gun】

  【Durability: 1000/1000】

  【Distance +20】

  【Mud Bomb: Bullet Splash +1】

  【Mud Set】

  【2 pieces: physical reduction】

  【4 pieces: Energy reduction】

  【6 pieces: slow recovery of HP】

  【8 pieces: Each attack has a chance to summon a mud giant】

  【10 pieces: The mud giant will get the corresponding occupation and equipment after being summoned】

  Chen Xiyi looked at the alloy musket made of mud, and felt a little bit crazy.

   This weapon is made by a blacksmith, and it is one of the set equipment.

Although the mud prefixed with    does not sound very pleasant, the source is unusual. It is the use of earth essence blocks and hydrogels during forging.

   The distance has been doubled, and an effect called Mud Bomb has been added.

   What’s more important is the set effect. When the 8 and 10 pieces are used, the mud giant can be summoned. Although the probability is not stated directly, it is not said how long it will last. It is likely to last forever.

"But the problem is, in addition to the helmet, shield, full body armor, and weapons, even if I add the bullets with the mud prefix, I only have five pieces. I don't have pants, shoes, accessories, etc. The rest Where can I get the five pieces together?"

  Chen Xiyi's eyes twitched. Could it be that all tools were included for him?

  【The blacksmith said don't worry, just leave it to him, it just takes a little longer】

   "Well, I like you."

  For such a long time, in addition to making a piece of goblin equipment to increase production for the rivers and lakes and the mountains, the blacksmith just made this mud alloy musket for him.

  The reason is very simple, the earth essence blocks and hydrogels cannot keep up.

  The output of these two low-level spiritual objects is not high, and the production cycle is long, so it took such a long time to manufacture three pieces of equipment.

  Everything is based on spiritual objects. If there are not enough spiritual objects, the blacksmith is also a skillful woman who cannot cook without rice. There is no way at all.

   This mud alloy musket has not been enchanted yet, it was just made by a blacksmith, and it was given to Chen Xiyi like a treasure.

The blacksmith's forging is not just like reading the progress bar like Chen Xiyi, but it really needs a little bit of beating, quenching and other processes to forge it. It is not unscientific like Chen Xiyi. It took the blacksmith a month to forge the alloy musket.

   First of all, the blacksmith is relatively small, like Chen Xiyi's palm. This mud alloy musket is much bigger than the blacksmith. It is equivalent to that he is forging a weapon used by a giant, and it is normal to be slow.

  Aside from other things, just this attribute and special effects have completely blown up the alloy musket in my hand.

   Therefore, Chen Xiyi understood one thing, that is, the prefix is ​​really important.

  Currently, only low-level spiritual objects, earth essence blocks and water condensation beads are used. If there are more spiritual objects in the future, there may be suits such as killing gods and destroying Buddhas.

   But it's a pity that it will be impossible to come up with a set in seven or eight years.

  Productivity is the key. If the productivity cannot keep up with the blueprints of artifacts, it cannot be produced.

   It can't be blamed on the rivers and lakes and the mountains. It's mainly because his strength has soared too fast, and he has enough accumulation, which makes the goblins look like they can't keep up with Chen Xiyi.

   But in fact, if there is a real fight, Chen Xiyi may not be able to be the opponent of Jianghu and Shanyue.

  These two abilities are too buggy.

   After harvesting the farm and pasture, Chen Xiyi left his home.

  He didn't take the alloy musket of the mud, but left it in his homeland to show the blacksmith if he could optimize it.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, before the mud suit is assembled, it will not be of great help to Chen Xiyi, and it is only this one. If it breaks, it will have to be repaired.

  If he encounters an enemy he can't defeat now, the strategy he uses is to shoot a large number of alloy muskets, so this is not bad.

After stepping on the spot to fall asleep for a minute, I got up, and used a few more food to fill up my satiety and got a vigorous buff, and felt that Jin Chan's ability to swallow money in his mouth added a little bit of vitality to him. After being nourished by God, I continued to work.

  By taking advantage of the night, Chen Xiyi could clearly feel that his experience of hanging up was a little bit more.

  Since he came to this world, his growth in strength has not been obvious in the world of qi refiners. After all, there is no qi mechanism in this world. If the primordial spirit is to be nourished and grown, it can only rely on fairies.

   Unless he went to look for resources, but Chen Xiyi didn't do so, it would be tantamount to killing the chicken to get the eggs, and to catch the fish.

   In this way, it is indeed possible to obtain a lot of merit, but if it is discovered, it will be worse for yourself.

Besides, didn't Feng Qing say before that the Dayin court sent 100,000 troops to conquer Miaojiang, and even Emperor Huwei went on the expedition himself. When the time comes, the 100,000 troops will be used as food, which will not only be able to harvest a wave , but also intimidating.

Chen Xiyi guessed that the 100,000 troops in this world must be better than a city of qi refiners. These 100,000 troops must have been trained in martial arts. I dare not say how strong they are, but they must be full of energy and blood and strong. Strong, one top two is probably not a problem.

   "After Yuanshen Martial Dao is completed, the innate qi can be integrated into it. Otherwise, if this is the case, no amount of merits will be harmed by me."

  Yuan Shen Martial Arts seems to be a similar system fused with martial arts and Gu martial arts as a springboard, but in essence it is the supernatural power of innate qi.

Chen Xiyi is currently making it, using it as a springboard, even if the soul and the body are somewhat biased, at least let his body be able to see the taillights of the soul, otherwise as the soul becomes stronger, his body may not There is a problem, but there will also be a sense of awkwardness.

  For example, when walking, Yuanshen snapped apart his body and moved forward, emptying 99% of his health points to trigger Zhangliu's ability to escape death.

   This will cause him great inconvenience in life.

That is to say, he is a player, and it is just an inconvenience in life. If it is a normal Qi Refiner, the sudden death may not be a sudden death. .

  The same is true. Most of the qi refiners are above the virtual sky, manifesting themselves as primordial spirits, and their bodies have become dispensable containers.

  Chen Xiyi can't change his body, he is a player, not a normal person.

   "I have read all the books in Immortal Medicine Valley. Although 10% of them are contaminated by swords, there is no problem anyway."

  Chen Xiyi combined Yixiangu's medical skills and martial arts to further improve this Gu martial, such as the Enandu body, he thought it was over.

   But in fact, he still lacks knowledge. With the combination of Yixian Valley, Chen Xiyi further optimized it.

   Take it to the next level.

   "When the master was a martial artist, he had already come into contact with mysterious and mysterious meanings, such as sword intent and boxing intent."

   "Although there are times when it is said that there are innate warriors, but innate warriors are only preliminary contact, formed by their own ideas, so that internal forces can be released."

   "As for the ultimate immortal warrior, I am afraid that only the time-sequential immortal warrior of You Guang can achieve it."

   "Grandmaster warriors are the pinnacle of warriors, but judging from the information obtained from the three outsiders, after 30,000 years, basically the regular army will be master warriors."

   "Innate warriors are considered ordinary people, isn't this wave a little too much?"

  In this era, it takes a lot of resources and good talent to cultivate an acquired warrior. After 30,000 years, the innate warrior and master warrior are simply the existence of Chinese cabbage.

  Chen Xiyi is not unacceptable, the main problem is resource consumption, how to deal with such a huge cost after 30,000 years.

   "Am I overlooking something?"

  Chen Xiyi didn't find anything special about the three outsiders before, so he felt that these three were stronger master warriors.

  The upper and lower limits of a grandmaster warrior are actually very high. Taking Zhan Xue as an example, he can only be regarded as a master at the first level, and the highest level nine can kill him with one move.

   It can be regarded as the weak chicken among the masters. There are many such masters, and they are generally at the level of the captain.

   As for the team members, of course they are innate warriors.

   And the higher position requires stronger strength to be able to hold it.

  Because of the existence of twelve time series, after 30,000 years, the whole world will actually develop and involve militaristically, and the competition is extremely fierce.

   "Even if there are enough resources, it is impossible to say that everyone is an innate warrior. If you work hard inwardly, you will become a master warrior. I really think it is an assembly line."

   "It doesn't seem impossible."

  Chen Xiyi suddenly understood one thing, that is why 30,000 years later there can't be assembly line-like production of innate warriors and master warriors.

   To change the metaphor, ancient glass and modern glass can represent the warriors of today and the warriors of 30,000 years later.

  In ancient times, due to underdeveloped productivity, technology, etc., glass was very precious and could be called colored glaze.

  But in a modern society, glass is so cheap.

   "That is to say, in the world 30,000 years later, the ability to mass-produce has already been mastered, but unfortunately, the three outsiders don't have it in their memories, and there are no corresponding traces in their bodies."

  Thirty thousand years have passed, who knows what high technology these warriors will unleash.

  These three outsiders have no corresponding memories, just like there were no memories of the other eleven time series.

  Chen Xiyi speculates that it is likely that You Guang erased this connection.

Think about people who came 30,000 years later and came to 30,000 years ago. As long as there is no fault in civilization and technology, it will be completely crushed, not to mention three well-trained and powerful timing response personnel. It can bring about changes in the whole world.

   Therefore, it is normal for You Guang to erase his memory. What the other party needs is a tool man with sufficient strength, not an elite who really brings him trouble.

  Thinking about it this way, Chen Xiyi understood why the memories of these three outsiders were mainly related to combat, survival in the wild, etc., and most of the rest were suffering.

   True knowledge and technology is completely wiped out.

   May I ask an organization that travels through history to prevent disasters, will it only give combat training to its personnel?

  This is impossible. These personnel must be trained in history, common sense, and science, otherwise how can they win.

   Just rush over and kill the opponent?

  The problem is that if this method can be solved, history will have changed long ago.

From the current point of view, it is estimated that these people have been deceived by You Guang. They think that they have the secrets of this era in their minds, but when they think about it carefully, they only have a vague and simple concept, such as knowing where it is and what year it is. , what's the big deal.

  But when I think about the details carefully, there are none.

   In this way, most of the foresight is lost, and even many necessary common senses are completely ignored.

  Then, history has changed, but it keeps changing according to You Guang's idea.

   "Old Chen, something has happened. We have received definite news. The 100,000 imperial army will arrive in Miaojiang in ten days." Lin Feng walked in with a solemn tone.

  (end of this chapter)

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