This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 182: A top three imperial army

  Chapter 182 A powerful imperial army

  Tang Jing was sitting on the dragon chariot. At this time, the army of one hundred thousand was slowly advancing. There was a trace of solemnity in her eyes.

   "I didn't expect that a mere scholar who doesn't know martial arts can actually have this ability."

  She thought that this matter was very simple, but she didn't expect it to turn out like this.

   "The secret of Gu Wu is passed on to E Nan Du Body. When did this kind of martial arts appear in the Jianghu, but it doesn't matter. No matter how talented Chen Xiyi is, he is just a scholar who has never practiced martial arts, and he doesn't even have a reputation."

For Chen Xiyi, Tang Jing is very disdainful. She can be sure that Chen Xiyi has absolutely no martial arts in his body. Even if he is practicing now, how much strength he can have now is at most only the first or second level of body training. With so many warriors, most of these first- and second-tier warriors practiced by themselves.

  Now is not thirty thousand years from now, just randomly pull out a person who is an innate warrior.

   "Your Majesty, there is more than one reason ahead, there is a thick fog." A **** next to him came in and reported.

   "Dense fog? How thick is it?" Tang Jing frowned. She didn't expect thick fog to appear in this joint.

   "If you don't see him within ten feet, if you insist on marching, disaster may happen."

  Tan Ma had gone to inquire about this matter before, so he still knew it clearly, and the **** reported it truthfully.

   "If it's so thick, then set up camp first, and wait for the thick fog to disperse before leaving." Naturally, Tang Jing couldn't really force the army to advance.

  If there are only a thousand people, that's okay, but this is 100,000 people, so it's not easy to schedule.

  Or if the fog is thinner, it won't be like this.

   "Yes, Your Majesty." After the **** finished speaking, he immediately left to deliver the order.

   Regarding this, Tang Jing suddenly felt uneasy. She was about to reach Miaojiang. Although it was due to the weather, she always felt that something was wrong.

  The dense fog came very quickly, before the army camped, the dense fog gradually filled the air.

  In just half an hour, the thick fog has already covered all the 100,000 troops in it.

  Tang Jing looked at the thick fog and couldn't do much for a while.

  If it were You Guang, he could easily disperse the thick fog, but she can't, her strength is far inferior to You Guang.

  The enhanced strength of these time-series immortals is nothing more than some soup and water scattered on You Guang's body, so as to ensure the growth of their strength, it is impossible to say that they will really give them a large share.

   "Who is it, come out."

   Tang Jing suddenly let out a loud cry, and pulled out the long sword from her waist. The sword energy burst out with sword intent, and directly tore open her tent.

  Suddenly, a green poison barrier was spit out from the mouth of a monster with all kinds of insect limbs. Whether it was sword energy or sword intent, it melted instantly when encountering this poison barrier.

  Seeing this, Tang Jing immediately stepped forward holding the long sword, and the long sword stabbed towards the strange man's throat.

The Tang Jing at this time is the second time-sequence immortal who came from 30,000 years later, not the current Emperor Huwei. Her tiger-shaped fist has long since disappeared, and only the swordsmanship that is close to the Tao is left. , and this sword technique is still a derivative of You Guang.

   But even so, it should not be underestimated. With the combination of swordsmanship and strength, she easily pierced the strange man's throat with the long sword, but her expression changed in the next second.

   This weird man didn't care about the neck being pierced at all, instead he followed the long sword down, and the hideous insect limbs went towards Tang Jing's vitals.

   Tang Jing naturally fought back in a hurry.

  For a while, the two were inseparable.

  Even if Tang Jing is a long-lived martial artist with great strength, this strange man looks like he can't get in, and keeps attacking her like a mad dog that can't be killed.

   "Warrior Gu?"

  Seeing the worm-like monster, Tang Jing naturally related to the Gu Wu information that Feng Qing presented at the beginning.

   It's just that she didn't expect that things would turn out like this.

   "Who the **** is Chen Xiyi? Why have I never heard of it? Is it the changes caused by the future generations sent into history this time?"

   Tang Jing's mind was in turmoil. It was simply inconceivable that this eccentric person covered with insect limbs could be inseparable from an immortal like her who had entered the time series.

  Even if she cut off the opponent's insect limb, it could grow back again the next moment.

   "This is not a human, but a bug!"

  When she cut off the strange man's face with a sword, what she saw was not a fleshy skull, but a strange-looking Gu worm occupying the entire head.

  And the strange man's eyes are not eyes at all, but two spots on the Gu worm.

  A sword slashed horizontally, and the strange man's coat and skin were cut open by the sword, and the human skin disintegrated as if it couldn't bear it, revealing the true appearance of the strange man.

   The Gu worms that fit together form the structure of the human body, and Tang Jing was greatly shocked by the wriggling and ferocious appearance.



  After the human skin disintegrated, the Gu worms who saw the light made harsh and unpleasant sounds, and because of this, they became even more crazy.


  The long sword fell on the Gu worm, but there was a sound of gold and iron clanging, Tang Jing felt as if her sword fell on the iron block, this was something she hadn't felt for many years.

  But you must know that with her current strength, with a single strike, the iron block will be split in two, let alone the carapace of a bug.

   This shows that this Gu worm is really hard.

  However, judging from the ability to pierce the opponent's throat and cut off the opponent's insect limbs before, not all parts are so strong.

  The battle between the two was in full swing, and Tang Jing was successfully delayed.

   Outside, Chen Xiyi looked at the thick fog and felt a little sad.

   "I have traveled so many places to collect clouds and mists for external use. It's a bit cheating."

  Chen Xiyi's own cloud of innate stellar qi is only one meter long, but he can't hold it back because he can bring the right time and place over.

  According to his plan, the original field of vision was only about one meter, but from the current point of view, it did not meet his expectations at all, and the field of vision actually reached three meters.

   Fortunately, the clouds and mist attracted barely covered the 100,000 troops.

  A personal figure wandered among the 100,000 troops who were camping. From time to time, a pair of hands would be stretched out in the clouds and mist to pull a soldier away, and then silently, only intact armor and weapons remained.

   At the beginning, there were still relatively few people who disappeared, and most of them were those who acted alone or who were not in the sight of others. But as the number increased, some people naturally noticed that something was wrong.

   But it was too late to react at this time, the figure just jumped like this, a living person disappeared suddenly in front of everyone's eyes, and the weapon and armor fell directly to the ground.

   Ever since, fear began to spread.

   "There are monsters eating people in the fog, run away."

   "Quick, stay away from those figures, these figures can take people away, quick"

   One sound after another, shouts one after another, and because of the thick fog blocking the view, this caused the fear to ferment more and more quickly, and there was even a faint phenomenon of screaming.

  From partial chaos at the beginning to total chaos, the figures in the dense fog are becoming more and more arrogant. They were still cautious at the beginning, but now they are directly arresting people openly.

   "The innate stellar qi really needs to be improved. If I hadn't recruited clouds and mists as a connecting body, this might not have been successful. Qi refiners are very strong, but I am not strong enough to escape from the environment."

  Since the rigid conditions could not be changed, Chen Xiyi had no choice but to make a detour.

   Yuanshen can't upgrade quickly, so modify the skills so that the skills can meet their highest requirements with the lowest consumption, otherwise what's the use of this skill?

  Look at the special effects?

  The existence of skills is convenience, not the so-called artistic conception.

   "After digesting this food, my primordial spirit will grow a lot."

   Among other things, the fog range of the innate stellar qi can increase from 1 meter to 1.2 meters, which is only 0.2 points. After conversion, Chen Xiyi has become 20% stronger in an environment without qi.

   "Compared to poor people and warriors, they are really far behind. A 100,000 army may be worth a city of 300,000 people."

  Before, he thought that one was the top two, but it turned out that he was wrong, and this one was the top three.

   "If I can go to the innate warriors and master warriors everywhere after 30,000 years, then this one must be at least a hundred."

  Among the 100,000 troops, there are at most 50 Houtian warriors, all of whom are in high positions, and the rest are basically forging warriors.

  Of course, there are also high and low body training fighters, most of whom are at the first level of body training. This type of food, drink, and exercise can be beaten, and there are fewer and fewer people going up.

   "Forget it, greed is greedy, and you have to know when you can be greedy and when you can't be greedy. I may not be able to beat You Guang."

  Although Chen Xiyi is greedy, he is very aggressive. As a player, it is common to bully the weak and fear the strong.

   You can’t say that you can’t defeat a boss, so just go ahead and fight. Don’t go back to level up, brush skills, change equipment, and then fight again.

   Judging from You Guang's ability to interfere with past history, Chen Xiyi feels that he basically has little chance of winning against the opponent.

   But fortunately, You Guang can easily solve this problem.

  As long as Lin Feng replaces You Guang, then You Guang is no longer his enemy, but his friend.

   Then what are you afraid of?

   It is equivalent to him hugging the leg of the future boss in the past.

  Of course, the premise is that Lin Feng does not become an immortal through this ascension ceremony eroded by the sword art, but becomes an immortal by completing the sword art himself.

   As long as Lin Feng doesn't finish in one day, he can't cover the future You Guang who is not his friend.

  The original chaos in the 100,000 army gradually subsided.

   Not because someone stopped the chaos, but because people almost died.

  Chen Xiyi walked in the thick fog and came to the Wang Tent.

  There was an endless stream of fighting sounds inside.

It was the battle between the Gu Wu worm corpse and Tang Jing. At the beginning, Tang Jing really couldn't help the Gu Wu worm corpse, and she lost her mind because of the chaos of the 100,000 army, but as time passed, her heart gradually calmed down. And because of the large consumption of Gu Wu insect corpses, the stamina is already insufficient.

   This gave her the upper hand.

  The Gu Wu worm corpse has almost reached its limit, whether it is physical fitness or recovery ability, it is already far behind when it first came.

  Now Tang Jing can easily grasp the rhythm of the Gu Wu worm corpse, and only needs to drag it for a quarter of an hour to consume the Gu Wu worm corpse to death.

   However, it was already too late, Chen Xiyi had all the resources in hand, and the clouds began to recede.

  Opening the curtain of the king's tent, I happened to see Tang Jing chop off the head of the Gu Wu worm corpse with a sword, and a lot of juice splashed out.

The Gu Wu worm corpse just fell at Chen Xiyi's feet, and seemed to want to struggle, but because of the long-term consumption of the battle, the lifespan had reached its limit, and a part was missing, so its original body functions had gradually faded away. dissipated.

   After struggling a few times, he failed to get up, and eventually lost his vitality.

   "The distinguished guest came from afar. We met for the first time. I didn't bring any gifts when I came to visit. Please forgive me. Your ten sisters have been waiting for you for a long time."

  Chen Xiyi looked at Tang Jing who was out of breath, and said with a smile.

  (end of this chapter)

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