This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 193: praise history

  Chapter 193 Praising History

   "President, is the matter really so critical?" A deep male voice in the secret room asked.

The person known as the president looked at the air in front of him with a heavy expression: "If we don't leave, we will be trapped to death in the occupied land. Li Zhi has visited many elders in the past two days, so it is obvious that he is taking a relationship. If you want to get a place to go to the new world, it is very likely that you have succeeded by now."

   "In the eyes of ordinary people, he is a high-ranking elder of the timing response bureau, but in fact, to the high-level people, he is actually just a dispensable elder of the calendar."

   "It is very likely that he has already sold himself to a powerful elder in the Time Series Response Bureau and obtained the corresponding quota. We can only leave if we seize this opportunity."

  The chairman’s tone was dignified. If it weren’t for the crisis of life and death, he wouldn’t be able to say that he arranged for his subordinates to take the risk of kidnapping an elder.

   "President, what should we do next?" Another person asked: "Coerced Li Zhi to take us out?"

"No, it's too risky, I'm going to disguise myself as Li Zhi, and then" the president paused: "Go to the twelfth department to get information, and I want everyone to know that the time series response is for Youguang believers." Headquarters."

  Hearing this, everyone in the secret room was shocked.

   "President, how should we get out? Once you spread these things, I'm afraid we won't be able to leave." A person said.

   "Yes, at that time, whether it is the wandering light believers or the timing response bureau, they will launch a frantic siege against us, and we will have no chance to leave the occupied land."

   One by one voices objected.

  They are a group of people who know the truth of the timing response situation, so they will gather together to make a big deal.

   But and does not mean that they are fools, willing to die for nothing.

   Even if it is revealed, so what?

   Responding to the bureau's reputation among the people in a timely manner, can easily reverse what they exposed, and even bite yourself back. This is a meaningless thing at all, and you have to put yourself in it.

   "President, how do you know that there are relevant materials in the department of the 12th Division, isn't this department just a rumor?" someone asked.

   "I planted a nail in the twelfth branch, and it was pulled out not long ago. Before he died, he sent me a message." The president said with a flickering expression.

In this regard, Chen Xiyi, a transparent person who watched for ten minutes, said that there are more confidential documents in Twelve Branches than in the reference room, but there is absolutely no timing response. Been in there once.

   What's more, Li Zhi actually didn't have the authority to enter the 12th Division at all, and he didn't even know the existence of the 12th Division.

   Among the elders, there are some differences.

   Regarding the twelve subjects, Chen Xiyi also got the information from the memory of other elders, and then went there, otherwise he would not know.

  So, this president is actually very powerful, and this kind of secret can be detected.

   While present, everyone was silent.

   "But, President, we."

   Some people are still not reconciled. This move by the president of the family is undoubtedly a way of seeking death.

"Okay, I get it. Since everyone is against it, then I won't go. Let's take everyone out of the fallen land and go to the new world." The president's expression eased, and he continued: "After we praise history , let’s go.”

  Hearing this, everyone felt relieved, for fear that the president would continue to stalemate.

  ‘Praise history? ’ Chen Xiyi couldn't help but frowned, how could this be a little unscrupulous.

   A group of people surrounded the city and put 'Li Zhi' aside. After besieging the city, they all knelt on the ground, pinched a very strange mark with their hands, closed their eyes, bowed their heads, and meditated in their hearts.

  At first, Chen Xiyi only thought that faith was the only spiritual support, but the next moment, the pupils in his eyes shrank.

  In the state of these people, he saw a completely new state that he had never seen before, called gaze.

  Chen Xiyi's hairs stood on end. Of course, the premise is that he has one.

  ‘I met the real thing this wave. ’ Chen Xiyi felt bad all over, whether he was lucky or not.

   A few minutes later, the praise of the crowd ended, and the state of staring disappeared.

  Chen Xiyi didn't know what they were thinking silently in their hearts, but he could be sure of one thing. The strength of this group of people had increased a lot, and it was obvious that they had received feedback.

"Okay, it's time to go now. I'll forge an approval document first. When the time comes." Before the president finished speaking, he saw the members around them melt into a puddle of flesh and blood like wax on fire. .

   A large number of organs in the flesh and blood are alienated like demons.

"What." The president was taken aback, and took three steps back, but felt a hand clinging to his shoulder, subconsciously looked back, and the wall of the secret room behind him suddenly turned into a wall of wriggling flesh and blood The walls of the church, inlaid with the faces of members of his congregation.

  The pain and resentment on his face directly seeped into his heart.

   Suddenly, after regaining consciousness, there was no flesh and blood squirming at all, and the members of his family were still normal. The scene just now seemed to be a hallucination.

   "President, what's wrong with you, why is your complexion so bad all of a sudden." A member asked with concern.

   "I'm fine, just now."

   "Did you see us become like this just now?"

  Before the president finished speaking, he heard the members of the meeting speak in different voices but the same weird voice at the same time. Among the layers of voices, it turned into a terrifying monster with flesh and blood turned out.


   After a scream, the chairman's mind was shocked, and he couldn't help but rolled his eyes and passed out.

  Chen Xiyi looked at the group of people stumbling around with black lines, and couldn't help but feel a little speechless.

   "This group of people can't help but be scared. I just added some trivial ideas. Thank you for praising history."

This group of people are all masters and innate warriors. Before the age of mythology 30,000 years ago, those who could become innate warriors were all first-class geniuses, but now, this is simply a bad street, so the quality It is also normal to be uneven.

   After Chen Xiyi read a wave of memories one by one, he counted the number of people in another wave.

   "It's all here, it seems to be the base camp."

   Then all of them were collected one by one.

   This small trouble is easy to solve, but the follow-up big trouble is not easy to solve.

   "History will, history, history."

  Chen Xiyi sighed and left the secret room.

  History Club was established by a group of people who admire history. As the president who was the first to hear history, he obtained part of the truth of the world from history.

   Then I met like-minded people, which formed the current scale.

   It is one of the illegal organizations that are officially wanted by the Time Sequence Response Bureau.

  The strength is not strong, but it has a very high degree of concealment, and the harm is actually not great. Generally, it is just to propagate historical heresies, so they let it go, and did not increase their efforts to encircle and suppress.

   "Something in Twelve Cores"

  Chen Xiyi murmured softly.

  The president of the History Society arrested Li Zhi not to take the History Society out of the occupied land and go to the new world, but simply to find the sensory object that history gave him.

  He didn't know exactly what it was, and he would only sense it after he got to the 12th department.

  As for the nails in the Twelve Departments, they are also fake. No one can insert nails into them. The Twelve Departments are a team of fanatics composed of wandering believers.

  He just wanted to use Li Zhi's identity to get what he needed and fly away.

  As for the history meeting, it will be a burden for him, and he can be used as a scapegoat at that time and use it to clean himself up.

   "So, Twelve Cores, what is there that can make the history they praise greedy."

  Chen Xiyi kept recalling the twelve subjects in his mind.

  Whether it’s archival material or some weird mess.

  Finally, Chen Xiyi froze on a piece of bone.

   "Ascension Ceremony." Chen Xiyi looked at the piece of bone stored in the corner in his memory, and he recognized that thing as the carrier of the Ascension Ceremony.

  Because Chen Xiyi had obtained the module of immortality before, it was not displayed on the game map. This thing is useless to Chen Xiyi.

  But it doesn't mean it won't be useful to others.

   "The ascension ceremony is You Guang's ascension ceremony, but why did he put it in the 12th department of the Timing Response Bureau instead of in his own timing world?

  Chen Xiyi was very puzzled by this. This is not a simple thing. Once it spreads, it is likely to create another immortal.

   "Unless, there is a problem with this carrier."

   "Otherwise, with You Guang's cautious temperament, how could he let it go."

   "Even if it is not placed in the time series world, this bone fragment must be destroyed."

  Chen Xiyi didn't know whether this bone was strong or not, but he knew one thing. With You Guang's strength, it was completely easy to destroy this bone.

   "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon."

  Chen Xiyi didn't believe that You Guang would make such a big mistake.

   "So it seems that this must be a trap."

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi was also a little helpless. The lack of information made him completely incapable of fighting this behemoth.

   "But it's not impossible."

  He can't fight against it, but Homeland Game, a semi-finished game full of bugs, can.

  Although the Homeland game is a bit of a mess, no matter where you look at it, no matter whether it is You Guang or the immortal who claims to be a god, there is nothing the Homeland game can do.

  For example, now, he is so messy, no one notices him.

  The reason he also knew was that Mo Yan, the goblin with a blood name, had the ability to cover his name with blood, which directly blocked Chen Xiyi. Except for his friends, no one else could find him at all.

   Otherwise, he spread Devouring Gu in the Occupied Land, and he might have been caught by You Guang long ago.

  The other party may not be able to find themselves.

  Chen Xiyi didn't care about the trap of the Ascension Ceremony, he just stuffed it into a wooden box and knocked it out with an alloy pickaxe.

   When it is in the inventory, even a **** can't turn the sky.

  He is still very confident about this.

  【You have a new email, which has been stored in your mailbox, please check it】

  【A letter from Lin Feng of the Immortal】

[Old Chen, where did you go? Why can’t you be found? Fortunately, the letter was able to be sent. Let me tell you, the problem is a bit big. I found a cloud of fog in history, which is spreading. I I don't know what it is, but You Guang seems to know something, what should I do? 】

  【Attachment: Spirituality of historical background ×13】

   "The fog of history?"

  Chen Xiyi became more and more frightened, what's the matter, the house leak happened to rain all night.

  He knew that the battlefield between Lin Feng and You Guang was in history.

   Helpless, Chen Xiyi could only appease Lin Feng first and make Lin Feng be careful. He didn't know what to do, let alone what this historical fog was.

  (end of this chapter)

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