This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 197: One sword travels light

  Chapter 197 One Sword Travels Light and Darkness

  The mist that occupies half of the sky echoes Chen Xiyi's Buddhist kingdom, and Chen Xiyi's current state of mind is similar to that of You Guang.

   "Lin Feng, the entrance to history is about to be closed, and these fogs can't come out on their own initiative."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the fog that was pouring out continuously, relying on the system to continuously compare the cause and effect, and suddenly found something wrong.

  These fogs cannot leave history voluntarily, and someone must open history to come out.

   The reason why the fog came out twice was because You Guang opened the history and wanted to run away, but he encountered the fog blocking the door.

What's more important is that the distribution of these fogs is not uniform, but more or less, just like a blind box, only a little was opened for the first time before, and now they can fight against his incomplete Buddhist kingdom without all of them coming out. .

   If all of this comes out, he may really be no match.

  When Lin Feng heard this sentence, he was naturally not a fool to continue to ask, but immediately acted. Thousands of Sword Intents just opened the historical entrance of You Guang in an instant, cutting off the historical fog.

   It's just that it's still a step too late after all, too much fog has come out.

   On the other side, You Guang also had some kind of thought in his eyes, and then made a decisive move, wanting to open the entrance of history again and release the fog of history.

   This may be to lure wolves into the house, but even his life is almost gone, so why care about these things, if he is not dead, then we will find a way to clear up these fogs later, as long as they are not in history, these historical fogs are not unsolvable.

   If you don’t do this, everyone else will die, so what about the whole world that follows?

  But his thoughts were naturally noticed by Lin Feng and Chen Xiyi who were present, but Chen Xiyi couldn't get away at this time, he had to face the fog that filled the sky.

   Therefore, Lin Feng could only intercept it.

  He and You Guang are the same, and Chen Xiyi paid a huge price to cheat, which is naturally more exaggerated than their one-step ascension to the sky.

  As long as Chen Xiyi gets rid of the fog and pulls out his hands, the two of them can easily kill You Guang with their joint efforts.

  So, what Lin Feng had to do was delay the time.

  And he found that with the passage of time, a large number of Devouring Gu continued to build the Buddha Kingdom, and the strength of Chen Xiyi, the ferocious King Yuanshen, was also gradually increasing.

  From the first contact to the beginning, they were evenly matched, but the mist disappeared, and Chen Xiyi gradually became stronger.

  Under the ups and downs of one another, the advantages that had disappeared have also returned little by little.

  As long as the time is long enough, it will form a crushing trend.

  You Guang on the other side naturally saw it, so he was impatient to continue to draw the fog in.

   Otherwise, after a long time, he really wouldn't even be able to escape.

   Now that the situation has changed, at least there is still a glimmer of hope. After the formation of Chen Xiyi's Buddhist Kingdom, I am afraid that there is really no way to escape.

   At that time, what he will face is probably not Chen Xiyi, but the 84,000 Buddhas born in the Buddha Kingdom.

  Unless a third person came in to help him, otherwise, the situation would definitely be against him.

  Here, Chen Xiyi was also in a hurry, he couldn't use the fourth form of Tathagata God's Palm, the reason was very simple, the Devouring Gu was not enough.

   Probably the upper limit of the blue bar is not enough to consume the fourth form of Tathagata God's Palm, so it cannot be used.

His Tathagata Palm is the same as the 84,000 Buddhas and the Buddha Kingdom. The foundation is the Devouring Gu. Most of the Devouring Gu are still on their way. Countless Devouring Gu summoned over.

   If he really wanted to be able to do this, he wouldn't just let go of the Tathagata Palm one by one. Wouldn't it be more handsome to play a combo of moves directly?

Whether it was Lin Feng or You Guang present, he had already guessed his defect, and even the mist might have guessed it. Otherwise, he would have worked so hard to kill him before Chen Xiyi's Buddhist kingdom was formed. Otherwise, wait for Chen Xiyi. Once the general trend is achieved, the follow-up situation is unpredictable.

  Chen Xiyi glanced at the number of Devouring Gu gathered in the system, and couldn't help showing a tinge of joy. During the stalemate, the fourth form of Tathagata Palm could be released.

   "The fourth form of Tathagata's divine palm. The Buddha asked Jialan."

  You Guang saw Chen Xiyi's ferocious King Ming's six arms folded and started to form another Buddha seal, his face immediately changed.

  Chen Xiyi's hand is naturally the Tiangu Leiyin Seal.

   Only three heads and twelve mouths were seen roaring out at the same time.

Crying, screaming, wailing, cursing, etc. a series of piercing sounds erupted. For a while, You Guang only felt the sound of magic sounds, and all kinds of magic obstacles suddenly appeared in his heart. Various hallucinations appeared before his eyes, and then accompanied by terror. The sound waves and roars directly sent him flying.

  As for the mist, it was naturally shaken by this roar, and a lot of resentment and resentment followed these magic sounds to surround and kill the mist.

   Once the fourth formula was completed, the situation was instantly reversed by Chen Xiyi.

  Lin Feng saw that Chen Xiyi's voice yelled You Guang out of such a big hole, so it was naturally impossible for him to just watch like this.

  The wind was blowing and the clouds were blowing, and the vegetation in the forest was lush. He grabbed it casually and pinched a wild flower.

   "The sword is a weapon of death, and man is life. I have given up the weapon of death, so the sword in my hand is heaven and earth."

  Wildflowers are withering and blooming in Lin Feng's hands, and there is a constant cycle between life and death.

  You Guang cut off his own thoughts with a sword, opened his eyes, and saw the flower in Lin Feng's hand, his pupils shrank.

  He felt an unheard of sword passing by his eyes, this sword was so slow, so slow that You Guang could see the sword named Reincarnation of Life and Death drawn out from the wild flowers.

  The sword was also very fast, so fast that it fell on him before it was unsheathed.

  Life and death, victory or defeat, the key lies in that moment.

  Chen Xiyi's roar gave Lin Feng the moment of victory, but You Guang's teammate Mi Wu was not as powerful as Chen Xiyi, so he naturally lost.

  You Guang and Mi Wu are originally a couple that seem to be inseparable, and they are always thinking about stabbing each other, how could they cooperate sincerely.

  Unlike Chen Xiyi and Lin Feng, even if Chen Xiyi had no advantage and was evenly matched, they would definitely win instead of You Guang and Mi Wu.

   "You have gone further than me, maybe I was wrong at the beginning." You Guang glanced at Chen Xiyi, he felt that he was covering little by little, and he was gradually disappearing.

  He was thinking, if he also had a close friend like Chen Xiyi who was willing to help him, then today's outcome would still be unknown.

  You Guang knew that he did not lose in his understanding of the sword, but in himself.

   "Maybe, but it's all over." Lin Feng didn't say anything, watching You Guang gradually disappear, he felt that he was also constantly changing.

  The concept of sword completely became him.

  Before, he and You Guang shared the concept of sword, but now, the concept of sword is him.

  As long as he no longer covets the power of history to restart and fix history like You Guang, all this will become a certainty.

  When You Guang disappeared completely, Lin Feng at this time was half a step into history.

  Compared with before, it can be described as a world of difference. When I hold it in my hand, the terrifying sword intent comes from the nine heavens.

   But in the sky, dense sword energy fell, falling on the fog.

   Originally, Lin Feng and You Guang avoided it for fear that the mist would be annihilated in an instant under this sword energy, and there was not even a single bit of remnant left.

  Seeing this, Chen Xiyi also breathed a sigh of relief.

  【The old history of the mist has hatred for you +10, current hatred: 5 stars】


  Good guy, I went straight to the five-star enemy, this wave seems to have offended the opponent severely.

   But the problem is, he can't find this product, why is there such a big red dot not shown on the two game maps.

   Could there be a third hidden map, such as in history?

  ‘I hate nesting dolls. '

  Things are finally settled, the so-called first longevity, that is, the old history, should not come out again.

   "How are you? Are you alright?" Lin Feng looked at Chen Xiyi's huge body made of countless Devouring Gu, and asked worriedly.

  This matter is problematic no matter how you look at it. After all, it is You Guang's 30,000 years of accumulation to reach the sky in one step, while Chen Xiyi does not have such a long background.

   "It's not a big problem, it's just that I'm stuck here, and I can't get out much, so I have to wait." Chen Xiyi controlled the ferocious King Ming and gradually transformed back into 84,000 Buddhas and sat back on the lotus platform.

   After re-writing the building program of Devouring Gu in the system and arranging it to continue to become the Buddha Kingdom, it broke free from it.

   "It's good that you're fine. I said you're ruthless. Now we're the only ones left. What should we do?" Looking at Chen Xiyi who came out, Lin Feng couldn't help asking.

   "What should I do, let's eat cold salad, if it doesn't work, I will clone some for you in a few days." Chen Xiyi took out his own body from the Pixiu purse, and let his soul go back.

  Lin Feng looked at Chen Xiyi's movements with great interest: "This is what you said before that the soul is out of the body, this Qimen Dunjia is really outrageous."

  When Chen Xiyi got up and moved his body, his eyes widened when he heard Lin Feng's words: "You still have the nerve to call me outrageous, aren't you outrageous?"

  Lin Feng touched his nose: "It seems to be the same. After I inherited You Guang, it is indeed even more outrageous."

   "However, there is still a lot of gap between me and the master of the mist. In addition to your complete Buddhist kingdom, if I am the main attacker and you assist me, it will be half a catty." Lin Feng then added seriously.

   "We have to fight, it's a disaster." Chen Xiyi said.

  You Guang didn’t collect it, but it was covered by Lin Feng, and became the opponent’s accumulation. This can be used as an experience for Lin Feng to upgrade. The level is enough to take him to the dungeon to fight the boss.

   It can’t be said to just give up like this. Although he can get a lot of merit, the problem is that he wants to collect the first longevity person now. The merit can be obtained at any time, but the drops from the boss are relatively rare.

   "You're right, if the number one immortal is not dead, you and I will not be at peace. The price has been paid so high, and it is impossible to give up halfway."

   "It's just that it's not a good time yet, I need to strengthen my cultivation."

  Lin Feng sighed and said, he has offended the other party to the death, so it is definitely impossible to turn an enemy into a friend.

   "Okay, let's take a rest first, I will improve my 84,000 Buddha Yuanshen by the way, and try to use the rest of the Tathagata God's Palm to its fullest."

These 84,000 Buddha primordial spirits are not Chen Xiyi's primordial spirit shaping, but simple primordial spirit magic weapons or primordial spirit weapons, and they are also expendable. Once the number of force devouring Gu dies too much, the strength will be reduced Fall, and if it dies, it will naturally disappear.

Because time is urgent and there is no other choice, if he hadn't suddenly lifted the table and caught the other party by surprise, if he really wanted to follow the plan, he would definitely fall into the other party's trap. At that time, it would be useless for the two of them to cooperate well, and they could only wait for death .

   "I will give you a copy of You Guang's memory, I hope it will be helpful to you." Lin Feng said, then packed a copy of the memory and turned it into a small sword and handed it to Chen Xiyi.

  Chen Xiyi naturally accepted this kind of good thing without hesitation: "Okay, I'm not going to be polite. When the time comes, I will share some good things with you."

  (end of this chapter)

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