This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 199: Mist Erosion History

  Chapter 199 Fog Erosion History

   "Tsk, how high is the 1000 strength of my homeland protector? This fog doesn't even lose its durability." Chen Xiyi couldn't help being amazed.

  After he asked Lin Feng to stuff the mist into the alloy carriage, he received it in the inventory, and then transferred it to the fence prison in the Five Immortals Cave Sanctuary.

At that time, the durability of the alloy carriage dropped so fast, in the blink of an eye, he lost 300 durability abruptly. If he hadn't had quick eyesight and quick hands to stuff it into the inventory, maybe the carriage would be gone if he slowed down. up.

  Of course, it may be that the amount of fog is too large, and Lin Feng is really stuffed to death for a whole carriage.

However, after being put into the fence prison, the opponent is trapped inside and cannot get out at all. Even if the fence seems to be unable to stop the opponent at all, it is just a look. The air wall of the home game makes the opponent completely There is no means of coping.

   "And, more importantly, why can I raise this thing?"

  Chen Xiyi looked at the mist in the inventory, and was classified into animals by Homeland Games, the kind that could be kept.

  After he turned the mist into a homeland by using a card bug, he was astonished. After all, who would have thought that the mist was actually an animal.

  Now, that ray of mist is being raised in his pasture, don’t be afraid that there is nothing to feed, it’s all about feed anyway.

  After entering the pasture, no matter whether it is carnivorous, herbivorous or omnivorous, they are fed with feed, and basically they can thrive.

  The growth rate of this fog is relatively slow. Ordinary animals can grow up in one day, but this thing takes ten days.

   I don’t know what to grow in the end.

   This can be regarded as his first extraordinary animal.

The main reason is that he is not sure whether the mist is considered an animal, but it should be judged as an animal in the Homeland game. He guessed that if he can get dragons and phoenixes, chimeras, ogres, etc., he will also be judged as an animal by Homeland. The game judges that the animals are thrown into the pasture for feeding, well, they also eat feed.

  Thinking about it this way, it's extremely grassy.

   "So, the mist is actually a living thing, not a real fog?"

  Chen Xiyi guessed this way, but he didn't know what it was. Anyway, the name identified in the home game was called [Historical Fog]

  He didn't know for a while whether the meaning of this history refers to the real history, or the fog on the long-lived man called History, but he can keep it anyway.

   "If it's the latter, then wouldn't the ones I'm raising in the ranch now be a new generation of immortals?"

   For a moment, Chen Xiyi couldn't help being speechless.

  If this is the case, wouldn’t he be able to go to heaven?

   Among other things, if this is really the case, this historical fog will be his trump card.

  The animals raised from the pasture are all tamed, in other words, they can understand what he means and can do what he thinks.

  Ranch animals generally have this function, but they are not durable, because if they are not placed in the inventory, the domesticated animals will be refreshed shortly after leaving the ranch. This rule is rather weird.

   But the mist is obviously not an ordinary animal, but an extraordinary animal. The rules may be the same, but the things produced must be extraordinary, so you may be able to get some good things after harvesting.

  After thinking about it for a few minutes, Chen Xiyi put this matter behind him, and he will know when the fog matures later.

The most important thing now is to study the fog in the fence prison. The fog in the pasture in the Homeland game can’t be studied. After all, it has been homelandized, and it’s probably like him. It’s all data, and it will only cause damage. .

  Then carefully took out a small wisp of fog from the prison for observation and experimentation.

   "Preliminary observation, it has corrosion, no, it is not corrosion, but annihilation, erasure, etc., and it seems to be targeted."

  "The two pieces of wood have different degrees of disappearance, but the volume, density, etc. are exactly the same, and the amount of fog is also the same. What is the principle?"

  Chen Xiyi could see the result, which was a bit weird.

  Why is this fog still discriminatory?

   "It's a bit weird. The wood produced on the same tree has the same size and volume density, but they can be synchronized. However, there are differences between the wood produced on different trees. Is it because the individual has fog resistance?"

  Chen Xiyi was at a loss. He felt that the fog was not equal at all. Everyone was a piece of wood, so why would some wood die faster while others die slower.

  How come it depends on what's on the plate.

  With doubts, Chen Xiyi continued to conduct repeated experiments and searched for materials that could resist the fog. If he couldn't resist the fog, he would have no chance of winning if he went in to fight against the number one immortal.

  Unfortunately, Chen Xiyi played at full power for three days and had no clue at all.

   "It's been three days, and this idea is all"

  Suddenly, Chen Xiyi had a flash of inspiration, and he vaguely grasped the key.

   "That's right, I finally know why the same material has different disappearance efficiencies."

  Before, Chen Xiyi always thought it was due to the material. He never thought that it was due to time or his own history.

   "The fog is not annihilation or erasure, not just simple damage, but time as damage."

"The longer the existence of the history, the more it is restrained by the mist, whether it is a dead thing or a living thing, so my Devouring Gu can compete with the mist, because the Devouring Gu itself is a bug, from egg to hatching, it can It only exists for twenty days, not to mention it is a new species that has never appeared in history."

   "So, for You Guang, the mist that you can't avoid, for my 84,000 Buddha Yuanshen, not only has no attack bonus, but also reduces a lot of attacks."

   "On the contrary, as You Guang, who has lived for 30,000 years, facing the mist, it is estimated that he not only has a 100% attack bonus, but also has various enchantments such as armor-breaking and magic-breaking. He can be called an old immortal killer."

   "It's exactly the same. You Guang, an old monster who has lived for 30,000 years, has been restrained to the point where he has no power to fight back."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the two experimental objects in his hand.

  One is a document with a history of 300 years, and the other is a brand new document that has just been produced.

  The former was turned into nothingness by the mist in just an instant, while the latter was still walking slowly.

   Thus, Chen Xiyi confirmed his guess.

  The fog of history is aimed at history, not others.

   "Then Lin Feng should be considered new in this situation, will he superimpose the upstream light, or the concept of the sword, if this counts, then."

  Chen Xiyi had a bad feeling in his heart. If it really counted, then things might be troublesome.

   "However, there is no solution. Don't you want new things? I have a lot of new things."

  For example, his new concept Gu Worm.

   This thing is new, as long as Lin Feng is put on the Gu insect armor that connects him to the 84,000 Buddha Kingdoms, he is still afraid of the other party's fog.

   Knowing the principle, the way to deal with it is much simpler.

   "Next, let Lin Feng take the sword I gave him and kill the first immortal, otherwise he will not be recognized by Homeland Games."

   "This is the most difficult part."

  Lin Feng's sword is in the realm of no sword.

  What does it mean? Although people use swords, they don't use conventional swords.

   It's the rhythm of the heaven and the earth, anyway, it's something mysterious and mysterious.

  Therefore, Chen Xiyi felt that his alloy sword did not know whether the opponent was using it smoothly or not.

  【Alloy Sword】

  【Durability: 1000/1000】

  【Damage: 1100】

  【Qi Jin: It can be accompanied by sword Qi when attacking】

  【Skill: increase body sensitivity】

  【Fengrui: The blade is sharper】

  【Toughness: The sword body is more resilient】

  【Critical Strike: Double the damage when hitting a critical point】

  【Eliminate Evil: Damage Increase】

  【Deception: Increased damage】

   This alloy sword is the most enchanted among all the weapons of Chen Xiyi. It was forged and enchanted by the blacksmith himself by imitating the Light Sword.

Vigorousness, skill and sharpness come from orichanite, mithril and adamantine, while toughness and critical strikes come from hydrogels and earth essence blocks. As for eliminating evil and deceiving good, they come from chivalrous crystals and Evil Wraith.

  The first three enchantments can be done by Chen Xiyi, but the last four enchantments must be done by a blacksmith, after all, he has no way to enchant spiritual objects on weapons.

The other attributes are not very clear, but the two enchantments of eliminating evil and deceiving good, each increased the damage of the alloy sword by 500, which directly increased the damage of the alloy sword from 100 to 1100, not to mention other Enchanted.

  However, Chen Xiyi guessed that this was probably an increase given by the blacksmith's enhancement ability.

  Chen Xiyi couldn't feel the other enchantments intuitively, but he could feel the Qi Jin enchantment. It was only about 30 centimeters originally, but now it reached three meters.

  Of course Chen Xiyi didn't want to give Lin Feng the sword for no reason, he also had to give a set of alloy full body armor and alloy helmet to ensure safety.

   When fighting a boss, it can’t be said that the level has improved, and the equipment will not keep up.

  However, the alloy full body armor and alloy helmet only have three enchantments. It's not that Chen Xiyi is stingy, but it's really unexpected. The enchantment attribute increases, and the consumption of spiritual objects naturally has to keep up.

After wearing the equipment given by Chen Xiyi, not only can Lin Feng, the main attacker, be enhanced in all aspects of damage, defense, and recovery, but more importantly, when the time comes to kill the first immortal, no matter who killed it, They will all be judged to be killed by NPC assisting Chen Xiyi.

   At that time, he can collect.

What? Chen Xiyi is a **** and still take it away?

  NPC takes the player to the dungeon. I haven't seen any game where the NPC will go to get the equipment dropped by the BOSS and also grab the player's experience.

   "In addition to equipment, BUFF must also be prepared."

   Regarding BUFF, Chen Xiyi thought about it for a while. In fact, there are still quite a few. There must be a lot of enhanced spells, talismans, and magic tools.

  Before, it was in a hurry and there were a lot of uncertainties, so Chen Xiyi didn't have time to create it. Now he just took advantage of the preparation time to test the ability of the alchemist's spells to resist the fog. After all, they are not from the same system.

   "I just don't know how long this Lin Feng will have to retreat. The longer it is delayed, the worse it is for us. Who knows what the other party will prepare."

  Chen Xiyi has already almost prepared. The 84,000 Buddhas and Buddha Kingdoms have been assembled long ago, forming an even more terrifying Buddha.

   Now we are waiting for Lin Feng to digest You Guang's income, and then he can go to fight the boss.

The spells and talismans of the Qi Refiner can only be regarded as dispensable things for this battle. His strength is not enough for the system of the Qi Refiner to fully exert its strength. If Ji Shan's strength is really needed, He dared to kill the number one immortal by himself, so there was no need for Lin Feng to take him.

  His real role is probably to support Lin Feng and put on a set of shields. Lin Feng not only needs to be able to fight and carry, but occasionally he has to give himself a wave.

   "Forget it, it's not too late anyway."

Chen Xiyi sighed, the longer Lin Feng digested, the stronger his strength will be at that time, as a genius who has been deceived by him as the protagonist of the harem, Lin Feng has nothing to say in the aspect of swordsmanship, and it can make him study so hard, It shows that the richer these resources are, the greater the return will be.

  (end of this chapter)

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