This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 221: Peach blossom luck inherited by blood

  Chapter 221 Inheritance of the blood lineage

   "Oh~" Chen Xiyi sighed, watching Ye Fan, the only friend in this world, disappear from his friend list.

   "To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the protagonists of the harem with a uniform template are all women, these people must all have great potential."

  Chen Xiyi recently had a big head because of something from a friend. The social atmosphere in this country is not good.

   Looking for a loyal friend is not as easy as it was in modern times or ancient times.

   People's hearts are floating, and interests are paramount.

   It's not easy to brush up the favor of children.

After screening a large number of people through the system's database, he came to the conclusion that 3-star friends can probably be found with hard work, but friends with 4 stars and above are probably a little bit hanging, and life-saving grace is not very good .

  Of course, it’s not that there are no such people, but that such people are hard to find.

   "Forget it, let's wait and see. If it doesn't work, there will be no friends in this world. Just produce fairy coins like Dali."

   If you don't have a good friend, forget it.

   What you get may not be as good as the alchemist world and the martial arts world, but fairy coins are also an extremely scarce currency-type spiritual item.

   At least, it can make up for his lack of spirits.

   "It's possible to pick up the system of Gu Warriors for further development. It is best to enhance the lifespan and develop further patch upgrades to the existing system."

This is of course aimed at Wang Li and the Dali Kingdom. Gu warriors are very suitable for the end of the Dharma Era. According to the letter Wang Li sent back to him, he uses the secret transmission of the unity of heaven and man to become a Gu warrior. With its strong strength and lifespan, there is definitely no need to worry about the follow-up fairy coins.

  If Wang Li is not dead, this line will not be broken. One more point, his queen will not die.

  In short, as long as the boss on the opposite side is one of his own, then this business route must be a steady stream of income.

   "This can let the system use big data to deduce the follow-up. The time may be longer than my deduction, and some resources will be wasted, but I really can't spare it at the moment."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the four embryos that were forming in front of him, and then gave the system a further deduction and formation based on the Gu Wu system.

   Probably the road after the longevity warrior.

  If the Longevity Martial Artist does not have the sequence of ascension, that is, if he joins the spirit world, he does not have the ability of the root cause of the BUG of immortality. This strength has increased, and the lifespan may be about 300 years.

   It can only be said to live a little longer, but three hundred years, whether it is for Li Zhao or Lin Feng, is just a snap of the fingers, even for Chen Xiyi, if he wants to stay at home, three hundred years is just a trivial matter.

  But for Wang Li, it might be his whole life.

  So the follow-up deduction is to focus on the direction of immortality, that is, to be able to live in the peak period.

   Only in this way can the stability of Wang Li's rule be guaranteed.

  If he didn't have an experimental project that needs to be rushed now, he must have started it himself.

  His project is very simple, that is to clone Ye Fan, Qin Tian, ​​Chu Ge, and another unknown owner of Peach Blossom who was killed by him.

  Since the other party is inherited by blood, if Chen Xiyi comes to occupy the magpie's nest, wouldn't it let the people behind the scenes know what it means to be evil.

  His shelter has the ability to isolate, which is probably synchronized with Mo Yan's ability to cover the name with blood.

  So the other party is likely to be unable to detect the situation in his shelter.

   "The consumption of embryos is a bit abnormal. It is nearly five times greater than the consumption of normally cultivated clones, and this base number is still increasing."

   "Is it because of the generation of bloodline ability?"

  Chen Xiyi was a little weird, he looked at the situation in the embryo with some doubts.

  【Clone Ye Fan, HP: 100%, Status: Growing】

  【Ability 1: Lucky Love】

  【Ability 2: Generating】

  【Ability 3: Generating】

  Chen Xiyi looked at Ye Fan's clone. Ability 1 has already been generated, and it is still good luck, while Ability 2 and Ability 3 are being generated.

   "I can be sure, it is the bloodline ability, whether it is a god-level ability or a small achievement in the martial arts, their hard work may be part of it, but the bloodline inheritance is the key."

   "Wait, if I do further research, can I return to my ancestors and get the source of the other party's blood?"

  Chen Xiyi was flipping through the collection of books that Li Zhao sent him. This is the latest edition, and it has already involved the body transformation of Qi refiners.

   That is the blood of the phoenix on the holy knight Chris that Chen Xiyi had seen before.

  Bloodline Knight is the extraordinary system of the Holy Ziyuan Empire, but it is a pity that it is weak to the limit compared with the Qi Refiner.

However, the potential is still sufficient. The body of the latest qi refiner is a chimera chimera composite bloodline, an artificial bloodline formed by the fusion and hybridization of various bloodlines. Now it can barely carry the spirit of the qi refiner, but Ji Shan It is impossible to wait for a group of older existences, after all, they are too big.

  Now the qi refiners are restoring the ancient blood with even bigger physiques, that is, tracing the origin of the blood.

  For qi refiners, this is a process of digestion.

  So it's cheaper for Chen Xiyi.

  He also learned some knowledge about bloodlines through this collection. Li Zhao also said in his letter before that he would find a better bloodline sample for Chen Xiyi next time and let him have a look.

   "The whole body needs nearly twenty times the nutritional supply. It seems that the activation and inheritance of blood vessels also consume a lot of resources." Chen Xiyi looked at the cloned version of Ye Fan.

  The remaining abilities have also been generated, and they are also god-level medical skills and celestial achievements.

   "A clone is always a clone. Although it bears Ye Fan's name, it is still just a clone without any memory."

   "No, it actually has a memory."

  Chen Xiyi immediately extracted the memory from the body of the clone, and he found that it was the memory of medical skills and part of cultivating immortals.

  By comparing, Chen Xiyi found that the memory of these two parts was exactly the same as the memory in the original Ye Fan's brain, and what the clone lacked was only the memory of Ye Fan's experience.

   "That is to say, love luck may be a kind of bloodline, and the inheritance in these bloodlines is not encrypted."

   Then, Chen Xiyi took out the inheritance memories generated in the brains of the other three people.

  By comparing the memory of the unknown peach blossom blood transporter who was killed by him before, it is found that the two have the same kind of god-level fighting and martial arts.

As for the other two, Chen Xiyi doesn't know because he hasn't read their memories, but judging from the situation of Ye Fan and the unknown Peach Blossom Carrier, the inheritance of the cloned Chu Ge and the cloned Qin Tian should also be related to theirs. The body is synchronized.

  Every Peach Blossom Bloodline obtains different inheritance memories, even for the three clones who are both martial arts masters and god-level fighters, the knowledge they acquire is also different.

  Chen Xiyi speculated that this was likely to be split from the source of the blood, and then formed an inheritance.

  But the core point is not a small success in martial arts or a god-level ability, but luck, and the remaining two abilities are likely to be derivatives of luck.

   "A causal type of blood inheritance ability, this is a bit of a bug."

  Chen Xiyi further studied the bloodlines of these clones. He was thinking, since the bloodlines can carry the inheritance, whether the fragments in the deeper layers hide the other party's complete inheritance, rather than scattered inheritance.

   "However, who does such a BUG ability belong to, and why does the other party want to spread the inheritance?"

   "What's more important, is it pretending to be the self-learning of these peach blossoms?"

  He now has some doubts that Ye Fan's memory may be fake, not real.

   It's not just him, all the memories related to the inheritance of the bloodline inheritors may be fake, just the memory formed by the cognitive impairment of the peach blossom bloodline.

   Otherwise, it is impossible for Huang Qishan's surveillance to be silent.

  For the sake of his nine masters, he even sent Qian Mian over there. You must know that Qian Mian is not a fairy, but six fairies inside.

   There is even the vision of the homeland game, but there is still no movement.

   This may have been cautious at the beginning, but it's not there now, and Chen Xiyi has to doubt Ye Fan's memory, and even the memory of all the peach blossoms.

  This memory cognitive impairment is not congenital, but is triggered according to the type.

  It may also affect female characters who are interfered by love luck.

   While Chen Xiyi was doing further research on the Peach Blossom Merchant clone, the system was connected to Linghu's communication.

   "Boss, all the targets in Yanzhou have been placed, what instructions do you have for the next step?" Ling Hu's voice came.

It has been three months since the release of Beauty 3. During these three months, Linghu not only has to recruit manpower, but also deploys the personnel provided by the system. It can be said that he is too busy land.

   A while ago, it was considered to be a lot better, because he recruited a lot of helpers. These people are both good and bad in terms of physical condition and mental state, but they are all capable people.

   These people are basically the ones who have offended a group of peach blossoms, and they are all unlucky for various reasons.

  The light ones are poor and destitute, and the heavy ones are ruined. They are all unlucky.

  Ling Hu chose those capable people, such as the boss of a certain company, a young boss whose family was ruined because of jealousy, and so on.

  These are more or less people who have pulled up their own power, and their own future is thriving before meeting the peach blossoms.

   There are a lot of disabled people, and a lot of crazy people.

  After being rescued by a celestial magic magic pill, they all worked their lives for Chen Xiyi, and their job was to act as actors and give beautiful models to all the peach blossoms.

   "Leave 10% of the people to re-examine in Yanzhou, and the remaining 90% go to Bizhou. The new base has been built, and the address has been sent to you through the central system."

   "There are still two plans, recruiting and launching."

   "Remember, don't provoke the target when you go, otherwise, if you are alerted by the other party, immediately abandon the identity, and abandon the personnel when necessary, and must not be exposed."


   Now Chen Xiyi doesn't need to worry about these things anymore. There are special people to design the script, and there are also special people to further analyze and correct the goals through the system's big data, and there are also special people to train newcomers, etc.

  Even the financial problem they solved by themselves.

   "Yes, boss, but if we continue to recruit people now, the overstaffed staff may lead to the exposure of the organization." Ling Hu said with some concern.

   "Don't worry, just be careful." Chen Xiyi said.

   If it is exposed, there will definitely be people who want to sneak in. Such people must be red-named NPCs, which is not much different from sending them to death.

   What's more, you don't need to think about what the consequences will be like when Hong Ming enters the shelter.

  As for the members being exposed, there is no way. The organization is developing and recruiting people. No matter how secret it is, it is impossible to really hide it from everyone. There is no impenetrable wall in the world.

  Chen Xiyi has long been prepared for this exposure, after all, these are big moves, not petty theft.

   As long as he goes deep enough, he will not be exposed as the leader.

  (end of this chapter)

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