This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 229: The Dragon King from another world, Ao Lu

  Chapter 229 The Dragon King from Another World, Ao Lu

   "Who are you?"

   A thick, majestic, terrifying voice burst out.

  A large number of vessels in the laboratory were shaken by this sound into a large number of fragments and burst.

  Chen Xiyi looked at the little dragon man in front of him, and couldn't help but thump in his heart. He knew that he had played too well.

  【Long Jun’s Ao Lv, health: 100%, status: weak, recovering】

  【Ability 1: True Dragon Royal Family】

  【Ability 2: Immortal Martial Arts】

  【Ability 3: Generating】

  【Ability 4: Generating】


  【August: Resurrection】

  【August: stay in the nutrient solution】

  【August: stay in the nutrient solution】


  This dragon king, Ao Lv, appeared quite abruptly. It was Chen Xiyi who extracted the corresponding dragon blood from the dragon-veined animal, and then transplanted it into the body of one of the clones of the Peach Blossom Bloodline.

  After some training, the prefix and name of this clone gradually became this Dragon Lord Ao Lv.

   Then it was taken away.

  Then, Chen Xiyi silently took out the sword world projection, and in the entire underground shelter, countless terrifying sword intents erupted, and thousands of sword auras rotated, each of which vaguely pointed at Ao Lu.

   All of a sudden, Ao Lu was also silent.

  Looking at the sword world formed by countless sword qi and sword intent, you don't need to think about it to know that he can easily crush him at his peak. This is definitely the projection left by the top kendo ancestor.

  If he dares to act rashly, not to mention that he is just a reborn existence from the bloodline, even the descendants of these bloodlines may have to be destroyed by this sword world.

   "Thank you for your help, fellow daoist. I don't know if you know what year it is?" Ao Lu resolutely counseled. If he didn't counsel, his life would be gone.

   "I'm not sure, by the way, you should be revived now." Chen Xiyi asked curiously.

   After taking a look at the terrifying sword world, Ao Lu shook his head: "Not yet, if fellow Taoist is willing to help me, in the future"

  Chen Xiyi didn't listen to the other party's big cake, but was thinking about one thing, that is, whether this Ao Lv is the only one.

Although it's a bit against the style of a dragon with both celestial and martial arts to appear in a modern time, it's okay, Chen Xiyi is used to it, and sequences can appear in the world of martial arts, so it's incredible to have a dragon in a harem city , aren't people allowed to cultivate immortals in cities?

  Thinking about this matter, Chen Xiyi made another Ao Lv under Ao Lv's frightened eyes.

  It is nothing more than a clone of a person with dragon blood and peach blossom blood.

  The two Ao Lv just stared at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

   "It seems that neither of you is the real body." Chen Xiyi rubbed his chin and looked at the two Ao Lv.

   Ao Lu was also confused, they didn't expect things to be like this.

   Then they began to recall, and they felt a thump in their hearts at the same time. They found that something really happened to them.

  The memory is incomplete, the strength cannot be recovered, and many supernatural powers and spells are missing. They don't have the abilities they think they should have.

   They, incomplete.

   "It seems that you have thought of something, can you share it with me?" Chen Xiyi looked at each other with interest.

  He found one thing, that is, these two Ao Lv seemed to be a bit strong on the outside but doing something on the inside.

   At the beginning, this power was really great, but as time passed, it gradually deflated like a leaky ball.

   Especially in the recovery after the state has disappeared, but the ability 3 and ability 4 have been generated all the time, but they cannot be successfully generated.

   Apparently something was keeping their abilities stuck on spawn.

   More importantly, they are losing blood, the kind that loses 1% in a second.

   That is to say, they only had the three-second aura that erupted when they first seized the house and were reborn, and the rest was just wearing the shell of a dragon king.

   Ao Lu looked at each other and understood what was going on.

   Then he sneered at Chen Xiyi, and exploded decisively, turning into a large amount of flesh and blood.

   This directly splattered Chen Xiyi's face. Fortunately, he was wearing a fashionable dress, and the blood flowed to the ground very silky along his clothes and face.

   "Are you so decisive? It's just that your brain may not work well."

  If self-explosion is useful, then wouldn't Chen Xiyi's latest discovery be in vain.

   "Isn't it just death? I'll revive you again, but you have to take protective measures first."

  Chen Xiyi took out his original system 1.0. This thing has been on the shelf for a long time, and he has never had a chance to use it before. This thing is actually a package for Gu warriors. After he found that the system was not flexible, he gave up.

  In many cases, the behavioral logic of the system is relatively rigid, and it will only follow the original logic to perform calculations, unlike humans, who can adapt to changes.

  But it is different now, he just needs the system to help him restrain the newly resurrected Ao Lv.

"There must be something wrong with Ao Lv, otherwise, how could it be possible to die so simply, another one, two appearing at the same time, so easily cloned by me, maybe these two are not their bodies, but incomplete existence .”

  The power that erupted when the opponent was just born may not be their heyday.

   may not even survive long enough to crash.

  Chen Xiyi started to install the system in the brain of another Peach Blossom Carrier clone, but it was not version 1.0, but the upgraded version 12.0 subsystem.

  The 1.0 version of the system is too rough for Chen Xiyi, and there is no way to achieve the effect he wants.

  So I can only upgrade accordingly.

   "Ao Lu has a lot of flaws. Abilities 3 and 4 cannot be generated smoothly. He is losing blood during the recovery process. This shows that the body is not suitable, which leads to a limited survival time."

  Chen Xiyi manually removed the frontal lobe of the clone and implanted the subsystem.

   "In this way, the combination of the two may be able to limit the law of rebirth."

  In Chen Xiyi's view, Ao Lu's resurrection was a fusion of the dragon blood and the peach blossom blood.

  It is probably the resurrection of the offspring in terms of genes, so what is borrowed is still the body, which has a certain degree of operability.

And if the frontal lobe of the brain is removed, even if the other party wants to recover, it will take a certain amount of time. According to Chen Xiyi's observation, if he hadn't interfered, this Ao Lv could live for half an hour at most. Once the other party really To repair the frontal lobe of the brain, this will also consume a small amount of his time.

  However, Chen Xiyi felt that the other party had no possibility of repairing it.

  The experiment started, and Chen Xiyi quickly made another Ao Lv by relying on the dragon blood and clone system.

  The human body of the clone gradually transformed into the appearance of Ao Lu, but this time, it did not burst out with power as soon as it met before.

  In the status bar, it also inherits the brain-deficient status of the previous clone.

   More importantly, the ability has changed, but it has changed from three to two, that is, the true dragon royal family and the immortal martial arts. Ability 3 and 4 did not appear at all, and this state did not appear during recovery.

   "It seems that the opponent's recovery is a subjective behavior, and if the recovery is not performed, the health value will not drop."

   "The subsystem started to feed back the memory, but it turned out to be incomplete, only a small part."

   “Everything else is missing because of blur.”

  Chen Xiyi looked at the stupid Ao Lv, he seemed to understand something.

   Then, Ao Lv was revived in the same steps on another clone.

   Sure enough, he gained another part of his memory.

   "After the successful seizure of the house, not only Ao Lv's personality and instincts, but also a small part of memory."

   "If I want to collect all the memories of Ao Lu, I must have all the clones of the Peach Blossom Carriers."

As for the dragon bloodline used, it doesn't matter, it's just a key to open it. He has experimented. The dragon bloodline extracted from several different individuals and races of dragon veins, animals and plants is revived on the same clone, and the memory obtained , Inheritance is consistent.

  So the peach blossoms are the key, not those dragons and plants.

   "Fortunately, it's all work that can be streamlined."

   This is not very difficult, it is still relatively easy.

  He has the technology, and he can just hang up and give it to the system when the time comes.

  The process is nothing more than implanting subsystems and awakening blood vessels. This does require repeated and precise techniques, but the system is not used to do these things.

  A personal figure emerged, and according to the process set by Chen Xiyi in the system, the morphing of each clone began.

  Chen Xiyi was looking at the memories obtained from two different clones.

  A paragraph is about when I was a child, probably at that time Ao Lu was still practicing kung fu in the Dragon Palace. It seemed that he had just started, and he practiced the qi refining and foundation building kung fu called "Tianhu Xingmai Tu".

   "A world of cultivating immortals, it seems that it is another time traveler."

  When Ao Lu was young, he had a happy family. As the eldest son of the Dragon King of Qinghe River, and his mother was the daughter of the Dragon King of Extreme Sea, Ao Lu naturally had no shortage of cultivation resources when he was a child, and he lived a very rich life.

Chen Xiyi memorized the "Tianhu Xingmai Diagram" into the system. This exercise was learned from Ao Lv's memory. It is considered unusual. The top foundation-building exercise among the Dragon Clan can be continued in "Three Rivers" later. "Tian Shui Gong", "Six Rivers Dragon Spine Sutra" and even "Nine Seas Returning to Liu Dian" and other exercises can be regarded as directly referring to Mahayana.

  As for becoming an immortal above the Mahayana, I am not very clear. After all, this is just Ao Lu's childhood memory. At this time, Ao Lu is just a young man who has just stepped into the first level of refining Qi.

   "Refining Qi and building a foundation, these are the first two realms of the opponent's world of cultivating immortals."

Then Chen Xiyi switched to another memory. In this memory, Ao Lv had already reached the ninth floor of foundation building. Because of the favorable living conditions, he began to display the nature of a dragon, and even did not practice due to unknown reasons. "Tianhu Xingmai Diagram", which is the dragon's exclusive exercise, turned to practice the "Green Talisman Yuyin Art" of Hehuan Dao.

  According to what Chen Xiyi found out from his memory, he had switched to cultivation since the Qi refining period, and he also used Hehuan Dao's "Bai Hao Lu Yu Gong" to build the foundation.

  As for these two kinds of exercises, there is no memory in this period, only the names, after all, he has not recalled these.

  Cultivation is also very simple, that is, room art and double cultivation. To be honest, if it weren't for Chen Xiyi, he might not be considered a human being. This memory looks like a needle's eye.

  At the end of this period of memory, Ao Lu is about to break through to the golden elixir stage, and started to obtain the "Purple Pill Mysterious Kungfu", which is the golden elixir stage exercise of Hehuan Dao.

   "The son of the River Dragon King who has entered the Hehuan Dao has three realms of Qi Refining, Foundation Establishment, and Golden Elixir."

   "This is really true."

  From this second memory, Chen Xiyi also knew that the world of cultivating immortals that Ao Lu originally lived in was similar to the ancient world, probably the situation of the traditional underworld cultivating immortals.

  Murdering and seizing treasures are not uncommon, and there are good and evil intrigues.

   Fighting openly and secretly can be seen everywhere.

   "So, how did Ao Lu come to this world?"

  (end of this chapter)

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