This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 232: The audience is all mine, what are you fighting against me with?

  Chapter 232 The audience is all mine, what are you fighting with me?

  The next day, the match scene.

  Chen Xiyi has seen chef competitions on the Internet before, that is, bursting golden lights and colorful lights.

But Liu Ping's flying dragon soup is really outrageous. The moment the lid is lifted, the special effects are so cool that it's just like Hongjun's preaching next door. The sound of heaven and earth between.

   "Hundred Fresh Flying Dragon Soup, please taste."

   Liu Ping winked at Chen Xiyi, who was sitting on the judges' seat. Although he was a little curious as to why the uncle who was watching the cemetery became a judge, he didn't say much.

  As for Fan Mu on the other side, the special effects are poor, and after a golden light, it disappears.

  Looking at the pot of hazel chicken soup mixed with fresh fungi, this is just the first glance. When you look carefully, you can smell the fragrance again, as if you are in a fairyland on earth.

  【You have been exposed to the fragrance of Hundred Fresh Flying Dragon, and you have gained the illusion of deliciousness, and you don’t need the state, which is transformed into recovery of health】

  【Delicious Illusion has recovered 0% of your HP】

   Well, this wave is really outrageous. Just one sip immediately restores his health, but because his health is full, it doesn't recover.

  As for Fan Mu’s Longfeng Haohe Soup on the other side, the difference is too much, not at the same level at all.

   Besides, the culinary skills of the two are not at the same stage. One is an extraordinary culinary skill and the other is a proficient culinary skill. How can they be comparable.

  Although the soups of both of them are very strange, he doesn't know why the hazel chicken stewed with mushrooms has this effect, but it can only be attributed to the specialness of the extraordinary chef in this world.

   "Try it." Another judge said impatiently.

   This naturally won the unanimous consent of several people.

   "Let's try Chef Fan's first." Another judge said with some difficulty after swallowing.


  Chen Xiyi sneered, these people are really shameless.

This group of people was bribed by Fan Mu. The first match was considered fair, but the second match can no longer be lost. This Fan Mu is their face chef in Xianzhou. If they lose, they will lose their face. ah.

  Even if you want to lose, you have to drag out a three-game two-win situation instead of losing the first two games.

   After the remaining judges sang together, Fan Mu's Longfeng Haohe Soup was distributed.

  Longfeng Haohe soup is hazel chicken stewed black chicken soup. Of course, only the soup is used.

  Chicken stewed chicken, I don't know how to complain about this strange dish for a while, it really challenges Chen Xiyi's three views, after all, his food is quite normal.

  After Chen Xiyi took it in, he found that the taste was actually just like that, much worse than Hell's Magic Kitchen, and the taste was really just so-so.

"Average." After Chen Xiyi took a sip, he put it down indifferently. After being teased by the system, and then experienced the baptism of the top culinary skills of the **** magic chef and the top ingredients cultivated by the heaven food spirit, this fan Mu's Longfeng Haohe Soup is really mediocre.

  So he naturally gave a general evaluation truthfully.

   Several judges glanced sideways at Chen Xiyi, and immediately ignored the other party's words.

  Chen Xiyi was the judge who was plugged in last night. The backstage was so tough that they didn't dare to talk back, so they could only ignore it.

   Then I began to comment on my own in accordance with the order process. I said it was a comment, but it was just a bragging, anyway, how awesome it is.

  In the end, they unanimously gave full marks, and only Chen Xiyi gave half points.

Then it was naturally Liu Ping's Hundred Fresh Flying Dragon Soup. Although the other judges were a little impatient, they still held back. After all, they still need face. Otherwise, how would they belittle the other party's food and give Fan Mula a score line to win this award? a game.

   At that time, the score of such a delicious soup will be lower than that of Fan Mu's ordinary soup before. Wouldn't it expose the behavior of himself and others, and it would be a trap. .

   "It's delicious, you win." Chen Xiyi said decisively after drinking the Hundred Fresh Flying Dragon Soup, looking at the refreshed game log.

  【You used Hundred Fresh Flying Dragon Soup, your satiety degree is +200, and you have obtained a status: refreshing, recovering health quickly, and full of energy】

  【No other required state, converted to HP recovery】

  【Delicious Illusion has recovered 0% of your HP】

   This is really outrageous. In addition to the three states, there are many states that he does not have, which directly become the restoration of health.

  When the other judges heard Chen Xiyi directly announcing the results, their faces showed displeasure.

  You have a background, but it doesn't mean you can be presumptuous in Xianzhou.

   "Little brother, you don't know anything about gourmet food. You can't be considered a gourmet by relying on your connections to become a judge." A judge said eccentrically.

   Directly say that Chen Xiyi is a related household.

"I really haven't studied food deeply, and it's true that I came here through relationships, but I have no problem with my sense of smell and taste. I can still tell which one smells good. It's not like some judges who paid money to prepare Shady, come, turn to the big screen."

  Chen Xiyi clapped his hands, and then a video was projected on the big screen. This video was exactly the scene of the judge collecting money from Chen Xiyi, who was so yin and yang.

   And very considerately attached the other party's bank collection records.

  Seeing this scene, the judge's face turned pale.

  He never imagined that this person could reach such a level. He just gave someone eye drops, and they directly asked for his future.

"Everyone, tell me, how can this kind of person who collects money and engages in shady activities be qualified to be a food judge? , right?" Chen Xiyi looked at the remaining judges with burning eyes.

  The meaning is also very obvious, either take advantage of your own future, or honestly follow what he said.

  If they don't charge money, Chen Xiyi may not be able to handle them, but unfortunately, there is no if in the world.

  The rest of the judges had cold sweat on their foreheads. They had only one choice now, and that was to follow Chen Xiyi's ideas honestly, otherwise, their only fate would be ruin.

   As for the fact that Tou Tie is actually proceeding according to the original plan, that is also impossible. As long as they dare to say it, Chen Xiyi will continue to expose it.

  Even if Fan Mu was declared the winner forcefully, the result would probably be invalid.

   "That's natural. As a gourmet and a food judge, it must be fair and just." A judge bit the bullet and finished, and after taking a sip of Baixian Feilong Soup, he began to brag.

   It tastes delicious, but it also depends on when you drink it. Under such environmental factors, no matter how delicious it is, it will be like chewing wax.

  Once the first person takes the lead, others will follow. In the end, there is no doubt that Liu Ping won.

   "I don't accept it, you threatened the judges with despicable means."

  After the result was announced, Fan Mu pointed at Chen Xiyi and yelled.

   "Dissatisfied? Why are you dissatisfied? The organizer, co-organizer, referee, field manager, and even your suppliers, distributors, and sponsors are all mine."

   "If necessary, your apprentices and assistants can also be my people."

   "What are you fighting with me? Is it the cooking skills that can't make waves or the weak relationship?"

  Chen Xiyi got up, looked at Fan Mu, and said slowly.

  As soon as these words came out, the faces of several food judges became even uglier.

  Fan Mu heard this and looked around, only to see a group of people looking at him indifferently, and then his assistant rushed over with a mobile phone.

  The phone was ringing, and looking at the name of the caller, he quickly picked it up without caring about anything else.

   "Old Fan, admit defeat, you can't win." The voice of his patron came from the phone.

  Fan Mu was completely dumbfounded. He never expected that things would develop to such a helpless point.

   "I, I see." Fan Mu's voice was a little hoarse, and he really lost this round.

  Looking at Liu Ping, he never thought that this kid would have such a strong relationship and background.

   After hanging up the phone, Fan Mu glanced at the judges' seat, and finally said, "I lost."

  Chen Xiyi cracked his mouth and smiled: "It's good to admit defeat. If you don't make small moves and be fair and just, these things today will not happen."

   "I understand, I will change my past." Fan Mu's tone was aggrieved, but he had to bow his head under the eaves, that's all he could say.

   "It's good that you understand, let's go, and do what you should do."

   After Chen Xiyi gave Liu Ping a wink, he asked Liu Ping to leave with him.

   After leaving the competition venue, Liu Ping also caught up and asked, "Uncle, thank you this time, but you are really amazing, Uncle."

   Liu Ping is innocent, but he is not stupid. He knew what was going on when Chen Xiyi projected that the judges were collecting black money.

   It's just that he didn't expect Chen Xiyi to be able to grasp the situation.

   "So-so, I can't compare to you. Your Baixian Feilong Soup tastes great." Chen Xiyi said with a smile: "If you can't compare with the other party, I won't help you get ahead, the main thing is you work hard."

   "It's not as good as uncle said." Liu Ping rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment, obviously thinking that Chen Xiyi's praise was too much.

  The two chatted all the way, while Chen Xiyi was observing Liu Ping.

   It is absolutely true to say that he is the ZTE Master of Extraordinary Chef.

  The food made by other chefs has some special effects at most, but the food special effects made by Liu Ping are not only more powerful, but also have status.

   That is to say, after eating, there will be special abilities. Although it is only temporary at present, if his cooking skills go further, from extraordinary to supernatural, I am afraid that he can really cook food with permanent effects.

   To put it another way, it means being able to reproduce the supernatural beings.

  And if the skill is close to the Tao, then maybe it is the reappearance of the first God of Cookery.

   At this time, Chen Xiyi had already begun to suspect that Liu Ping was the reincarnation of the number one God of Cookery.

  Perhaps, it is to deal with the hidden danger of Ao Lv.

   "By the way, you said you were going to participate in the God of Cookery Competition in a month, right?" During the chat, because Liu Ping was not very wary of him, a lot of information was tricked out.

   "What's the matter, uncle? You don't want to be a judge, do you?" Liu Ping asked curiously.

  Chen Xiyi thought for a while: "If you have this idea, you can try to mix it in. I have some recipes here. You can take a look and use it to accumulate experience."

   As he spoke, Chen Xiyi handed out a stack of recipes. These recipes were collected by adventurers and chivalrous men. Hell Magic Chef knew it all after reading it, so he took the time to make a copy and gave it to Liu Ping.

   Liu Ping was naturally overjoyed: "Then I'm sorry, thank you uncle."

   "However, uncle, if you give me the recipe, will it be okay if other chefs find out." Liu Ping, who had just received the recipe, asked hesitantly.

   After all, recipes are inherited by the chefs, and they are generally not leaked.

  If the chef of the recipe knew about it, Liu Ping felt that Chen Xiyi might be in trouble.

   "No, this is from my ancestors, and my ancestors were a very good chef." Chen Xiyi said with a smile.

   "It turned out to be like this, so I don't worry about it." Liu Ping didn't think deeply about what it meant, he just thought that Chen Xiyi wouldn't lie to him.

  【You gave the cookbook to Liu Ping, the God of Cooking, and Liu Ping, the God of Cooking, has a favorable opinion of you +30, and the current favorability: 4 stars]

Chen Xiyi looked at the refreshed favorability, and it really changed from 3.5 stars to 4 stars. Last night, he raised his favorability to 2.5 stars. In the previous game, Chen Xiyi rose to 3.5 stars for Liu Ping. Sending recipes now directly breaks 4 stars.

   This made him very relieved, at least his work was not in vain.

  Of course, it may also be because Liu Ping is still a child, his mind is not yet fully mature, and coupled with his obsession with cooking, as long as he prescribes the right medicine, his favorability will naturally increase easily.

  (end of this chapter)

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