This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 234: Incense goblin-Law

  Chapter 234 Incense Goblin-Law

  The chivalrous men and the adventurers brought back spiritual objects and recipes, and at most, some messy coins and the like, items that did not contain historical details.

   On the contrary, there is one thing that is quite special among the things brought back by the traveling trader.

   "So, obviously both are sword world projections, why can't they be superimposed?"

  In addition to fairy coins and some spiritual objects, the traveling merchant obtained a sword world projection from Lin Feng.

  He always felt that there seemed to be some differences between these two sword world projections.

  After carefully reading the explanation of the sword world projection, I found out that there really is.

   "Hiss~ Why is the intensity so much more than zero?!"

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but gasped, and he was short of saying something so terrifying.

  The first sword world projection had an intensity of 10,000, but the sword world projection that Lin Feng sent him this time had an intensity of 100,000.

  He estimated that the reason why the range remained unchanged was that Lin Feng was worried that he would not have time to run away after he was released, and that he would die under the projection of the sword world, so he only increased the damage, but did not increase the range.

   After all, this is a strength of 100,000, even if it has locked damage, but if it is touched, it will not die or lose half of its life.

   "Next time, you explain to Lin Feng that I can't die. The sword world projection has brought me a lot of trouble." Chen Xiyi looked at the traveling merchant and said.

  【The traveler said yes, he will convey it to you】

   The harvest this time can only be said to be quite satisfactory, and it does not have the feeling of being bright before.

   Most likely because there is no such surprise.

   But it’s okay, a surprise is coming soon.

  The spirituality of the Ancestral Temple Golden Book that he has been saving before has been completed to 99%. As long as the cooling is over later, the spirituality can be completed with the spirituality of historical background again.

   At that time, he will get another top elf.

   I have to say that this is a real pitfall. At the beginning, only 1 piece of spirituality with historical background is needed. After 60%, every 1% needs 2 pieces, 70% needs 3 pieces, and 80% needs 4 pieces.

  According to normal logic, more than 90% need 5 yuan, but it just doesn't.

   From 90% onwards, every 1% needs 10 pieces of historical heritage spirituality. At that time, Chen Xiyi was crazy. Does this actually double it?

   But it has already filled up to 90%, no matter how much it is used, Chen Xiyi can only use it for him with tears in his eyes.

   Fortunately, Lin Feng gave him a lot of wool from the spirit world of the first immortal, and he still has enough, otherwise, it would really depend on the output of the mist, which is really low.

   Fortunately, when using it, it is not based on the quantity but the percentage, otherwise the time may be delayed longer.

   "Very well, the cooldown is over, is there something so outrageous now?"

  Chen Xiyi looked at 99% of the spirituality to complete it to 100%, which requires 100 pieces of spirituality with historical background.

   "The robbery is not as good as you!!"

  In the end, Chen Xiyi had no choice but to use 100 pieces of spirituality from the historical background. Looking at the few remaining spirituality from the historical background, Chen Xiyi had mixed feelings for a while.

   "It's no wonder that even in the world of Qi Refiners, there are only nine items with complete spirituality and historical background. These things are really expensive."

  The spirituality of the remaining historical background is no longer enough to pile up a top goblin again.

  Historical background is easy to accumulate, but spirituality is difficult to complete.

  【You used the skill attunement psychic on the Imperial Ancestral Temple Golden Book】

  【1% in Spiritual Awakening of Taimiao Golden Book】

  【You get Incense Fairy: Legal Order】

  【Incense Fairy: Law】

  【Saturation: 100/100】

  【Ability 1: Good weather】

  【Ability 2: Guotai Minan】

  【Ability 3: Incense flourishing】

  【You are blessed by the Incense Fairy: Law Law, and you get status: Golden Qi】

  【The bond list of all things has been updated】

  【Golden Book and Jade Book: Golden Book (Incense Fairy: Law), Jade Book (Saji Fairy: Kingship)]


  【You have activated the fetter: Golden Book and Jade Book, and gained the ability: Longevity and Eternal Prosperity】

  【Jie Shou Yongchang: When there is 1 red-named NPC in the copy, get 1 layer of shield with the strength of (number of red-named NPCs x 1), and recover the next day after consumption】

   Chen Xiyi looked at Shou Yongchang's ability, and didn't know what to say for a while.

   This ability is really strong. Red-named NPCs are not everywhere. As long as you wear a vest, the more enemies you have, the more flesh you will have.

With 1,000 red-named NPCs, he is equivalent to the protector of his homeland. With 10,000 red-named NPCs, he can hold the first version of the sword world projection for one second, um, only for one second, and the sword world projection is 10,000 strengths per second, rather than only hitting 10,000 strengths of attacks.

   It's a pity that there is only one world, otherwise it can be said to be in the copy.

  This also needs to have a red name, without the red name, it will have no effect.

   "There is no red name in this world, how about a wave of disaster?"

   "Forget it, forget it, offend people for nothing, this world is invincible, let alone Ao Lv in the Mahayana period, even Ao Lv who has become a fairy, is not my single-handed enemy."

  Chen Xiyi now has a sword projection with a damage of up to 100,000, which is completely inflated in this world.

  He guessed that if he had this second version of the sword world projection when he was fighting the first immortal, the opponent would also be killed in seconds.

  He likes to overpower props, overpower skills, and overpower occupations.

  As for the balance, if it weren't for the homeland game not having a console, he would be able to bring all the supplies to nine nines.

   "Well, let's make Hakoniwa and food for you first. I think you should stay with Wang Quan. The situation of the two of you is really difficult."

   Chen Xiyi looked at the law and couldn't help complaining.

  The kingship is a potted plant, and the law is a longevity card, and the type of food is the same, all of which are incense.

   These two are passive abilities.

  Fun weather can increase all the production in the homeland. At present, it only needs to increase by 100%, and it can grow again in the future.

   Guotai Minan can enhance the abilities of all goblins, but it is only 100%.

This ability is still very against the sky, especially for Qianmian, the three times of the good and evil sides of Qianmian plus the three times of the formless side, it can be regarded as overlapping after a wave, and then eating this 100% increase, it is worthless. It is called an eighteen-fold increase.

  At this time, Chen Xiyi already felt that the growth rate of his mana had finally reached the middle-to-lower level of the Qi Refiner.

  If we go back to the world of qi refiners, under the superimposition of various states, we must not trigger a black hole of qi mechanism.

  Of course, this good weather and peace of the country and the people are considered combo skills for the rivers and lakes, mountains and heavenly food spirits.

   Guotai Minan strengthened their capabilities, and the production of resources and spiritual objects naturally increased, and then doubled again when the weather was good, which was equivalent to doubling the production.

  It can only be said that the farming game is the main body, otherwise it can increase in such a way.

   As for the last peak of incense, this one seems to be stronger, allowing living spirits to reproduce on their own.

   That is to make the former anchovy spirits and dwarf slime monsters a real race.

   Otherwise, the quantity of these two kinds of spirits cannot be obtained except when grazing in rivers, lakes and mountains.

   And after the incense flourished, it broke through the original restrictions, turning it from a tool-man-like spirit into a group.

   Of course, this is also a requirement, the number of the species needs to be more than 10, otherwise it will not take effect.

   "It seems that the elf abilities born from the enshrined items are all large-scale passive abilities. You can pay more attention to this aspect of items in the future."

   "If the next world is ancient, you can collect a jade seal or a symbol of imperial power."

  Whether it is the law or the kingship, the ability is extremely powerful.

   "Or a **** statue is fine, maybe it's also possible to be able to tap into a **** and goblin, then it will be fun."

  Chen Xiyi found that his vision seemed a little narrow, and whether the spirituality was complete represented whether the goblin was a top-level existence.

  The experience and historical background of the item represent the ability of the goblin.

  For example, if he lacks a dragon and his own wild elephant makes up the strength of the dragon elephant, he can go to the Dragon King Temple and take the Dragon King statue away.

   "But there doesn't seem to be such a thing as a dragon in this world."

"Let's talk about the next world, and the spirituality of the historical background is not enough. Before that, I should first find a goblin with farming expertise to manage the ranch and fishery for me. After all, only the mist can produce the spirituality of the historical background. "

   It takes ten days to harvest the mist, and only one piece of spirituality can be harvested once, and more importantly, only one can be raised at a time.

   Fortunately, there must be cubs in the pasture breeding in the home game, otherwise, they might all be raised to death by him.

  The quantity limit, time limit, and production limit of the mist made it impossible for Chen Xiyi to rely on the spirituality of this historical background to cultivate top-level goblins.

   As for going to Lin Feng to ask for it, to be honest, he didn’t have it either. This thing is only available in the spirit world of the number one immortal, but not in Lin Feng’s sword world. Instead, he has a lot of sword energy.

  The concepts of the two are different. Lin Feng's concept is the sword, while the first longevity is history, so the spirituality of the historical background is produced, and the original one has already been searched.

Therefore, Chen Xiyi can go to Lin Feng if he wants a sword-type treasure of heaven, material and earth. He can pack a truck for Chen Xiyi. .

  For example, spiritual object: sword fruit (Taiyi points lightsaber).

   After eating this thing, it can directly master this Taiyi split lightsaber. Chen Xiyi gave this thing to the knight.

   Of course, there is also a spiritual object: sword bone, after eating it, the kendo qualification +1, Chen Xiyi still gave it to the knight.

   After all, in the whole team, the knight wields the sword alone, not for whom he eats.

He originally wanted Hell Magic Kitchen to make fairy food for knights to eat, but Hell Magic Kitchen and Heaven Food Spirit said that these swords, heavenly materials, earth treasures and spirits are too high-end. If they are allowed to make fairy food, Not only does it have no bonus effect, but it also destroys the original effect.

   This should be regarded as a very high-level spiritual object. It can only be said that it is indeed a spiritual object created by the sword concept of Lin Feng.

  To be honest, if the knight continues to rely on these swords, natural materials, earth treasures and spirits, he may be the most powerful in the field.

Maybe one day a certain powerful BOSS or famous NPC will be killed by Zhongdao. The reason is that in the past history, knights slaughtered each other with a sword, and then took the opponent's body as a souvenir to Chen Xiyi. return.

   This kind of thing is not impossible. It is true that a knight cannot be in the present, but can only exist in the past history, but it does not mean that he cannot change history.

   You know, the knight is the Light Sword, and You Guang used this sword to interfere, solidify, and change history. Naturally, these abilities have been inherited by the knight, after all, it is all his experience.

  Especially under the cultivation of Lin Feng's concept of sword, maybe one day a chivalrous man will realize the time-type swordsmanship, and it is not impossible to cut directly from the past to the present.

  Of course, this has to be done after growing up.

It's just that Chen Xiyi thinks that with his growth rate, when the knight can slash from the past to the present, he will probably be as strong as the number one immortal in his heyday, and he doesn't need to rely on the sword of the knight at all. Help, but it's great for sneak attacks.

   "Sure enough, holding a thigh is much easier than trying hard by yourself."

  (end of this chapter)

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