This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 244: Powerful set of equipment

  Chapter 244 Powerful set equipment

"Although it's the start of the game in the wilderness again, it's obvious that I should have gone to the wrong map. This rich aura is really comforting." Chen Xiyi took a deep breath, feeling the active mana in his body, as if returning to the It's the same as the world of Qi refiners back then.

   This is the result of Chen Xiyi's five years in the world of extraordinary chefs. It is a fusion of two kinds of mana and spirituality. It is its own type of power, also called mana.

  The first step of integrating the three systems is still very smooth so far.

  The integration of the three systems did not increase Chen Xiyi's strength, but produced a qualitative change.

   "The purpose of being in this world is very simple, to cultivate to the stage of integration."

Although Chen Xiyi is still just a young man in the Qi refining stage, his current physical fitness is already comparable to that of the Foundation Establishment stage, and his real strength is also around the Golden Core stage. If he uses the Sword World projection, he can probably kill the entire immortal cultivator by himself. world.

That's right, that's how confident he is. In the past year, Chen Xiyi has obtained three upgraded versions of the Sword World Projection through the traveler, with the strengths of one million, ten million, and one hundred million. In short, each upgrade adds a zero, Outrageous to the extreme.

   Later, according to Chen Xiyi's accidental injury situation, Lin Feng changed Chen Xiyi's self-defense props.

  【Rule·Sword (Projection)】

  【Summon out the regular projection of the sword for you to drive and automatically protect you, the duration is to be determined】

   There is no specific data, only a duration, which is still to be determined. At first glance, it seems weak, far inferior to the projection of the sword world.

   But the question is what is the rule of the sword, it is Lin Feng, the projection of Lin Feng has been pulled out, it must be the strength of the entire sword world, and even exaggerated to interfere with history.

   This thing might be easier to make, Lin Feng gave him a hundred or so in the past five years.

  From that moment on, TNT was no longer Chen Xiyi's strongest weapon, but the projection of the rule-sword was.

  Of course, Li Zhao and his wife also gave Chen Xiyi a lot of things, which seemed to inspire the protagonist's life after becoming a Qi refiner, and the things were exaggerated every time.

  Li Zhao sent Chen Xiyi a set of psionic annihilation symbols, which are said to be the psionic energy he extracted from dark matter through observation of the universe.

  【Psychic Annihilation Talisman】

  【After use, cause 10 points of damage to the target regardless of defense】

   Chen Xiyi said about this, why psionic energy is extracted from dark matter, and more importantly, why do you have this technology.

  These Chen Xiyi can be understood as the ability of a qi refiner, but why are they all bullet-shaped, and his musket can be loaded.

   What's even more outrageous is that not long ago Li Zhao said that he was researching nano-ecological instruments, and when the time came, he would send a copy to him.

  Chen Xiyi said what's the situation with this guy, isn't he a student from the Republic of China?

Why is there such a technology? At that time, Chen Xiyi was stunned, and the other party also sent him a lot of technology. At the beginning, he could explain that he had a good brain. Later, he sent a letter saying that the nuclear fusion station had been built. Wait for the next time. I made a set and sent it to Chen Xiyi.

  As for Wang Li, it was relatively normal, and nothing so outrageous happened. After all, everyone is relatively normal.

  So I didn't send any good things, but I got a lot of fairy coins. Dali World is probably the fixed production place of Chen Xiyi's fairy coins.

   Fortunately, in the past five years, he has put together the remaining five mud suits.

  【Mud Alloy Helmet】

  【Durability: 1000/1000】

  【Life: 20】

  【Mud Covering: Decreased Presence】

  【Self-healing: slow recovery of health】

  【Strength: Speed ​​up physical recovery】

  【Toughness: Negative state immunity increased】

  【Mud Alloy Breastplate】

  【Durability: 1000/1000】

  【Defense: 20】

  【Mud Armor III: Save damage below 10% HP】

  【Toughness: Critical Strike Resistance Increase】

  【Flexibility: Critical Multiplier Resistance Increase】

  【Thickness: fixed damage reduction】

  【Mud Alloy Shield】

  【Durability: 3000/3000】

  【Block: 20】

  【Mud Splash: After the melee block is successful, it will trigger splash rebound damage to the surroundings】

  【Sturdy: Durability doubled】

  【Reverse Shock: Rebound part of the damage when blocking】

  【Hardness: Durability declines more slowly】

  【Mud Alloy Tool Belt】

  【Durability: 1000/1000】

  【Storage: 30】

  【Mud Protection Layer: Tools placed in it have a probability of obtaining an extra durability protection layer】

  【Automation: Pickup range increased】

  【Large capacity: more storage tools】

  【Portable type: weight reduction】

  【Mud Alloy Metal Bullet Pendant】

  【Durability: 1000/1000】

  【Long-range damage: 20】

  【Mud Splash: Mud bomb splash effect increased】

  【Symbol: Charm +1】

  【Metal: metal bullet damage +10】

  【Bloodthirsty: After killing a certain number of enemies, it will add 0.1 damage to Enchantment: Metal】

  【Mud Set】

  【2 pieces: physical reduction】

  【4 pieces: Energy reduction】

  【6 pieces: slow recovery of HP】

  【8 pieces: Each attack has a chance to summon a mud giant】

  【10 pieces: The mud giant will get the corresponding occupation and equipment after being summoned】

  Chen Xiyi has all the ten pieces of mud set. How should I put it, it is very powerful. This is only the lowest-level set, and it has been completely forged by the blacksmith to have the attributes of an artifact.

  He is wearing this ten-piece suit now, which is basically fleshy and capable of fighting.

Especially if his Mud Alloy Gun uses Psionic Annihilation Talisman as a bullet, after the mud bomb and mud splash two special effects come out, one bullet can sputter into 30 bullets, which is completely treating the musket as a low configuration Shotgun to use.

   The special effect of metal cannot be triggered. The Psionic Annihilation Talisman looks like a bullet, but in fact, it is not a metal bullet, so there is no way to bless it.

   But it doesn’t matter, after this group of 999 Psionic Annihilation Talismans are used up, Chen Xiyi will switch to the phantom energy annihilation version of metal bullets. This technology was sent to Chen Xiyi by Li Zhao before, and it will be changed when the time comes.

   "The stacked armor is really fragrant."

In particular, the third type of mud armor of the heart guard is immune to damage below 10% of the health value. Unless the opponent can knock out more than 10% of Chen Xiyi's health at one time, otherwise it will be forced to zero. Generally speaking, Chen Xiyi would have to resort to Sword World Projection or Rule·Sword Projection for enemies that deal more than 10% of their health damage through layers of reduction, resistance, and shields.

   With Chen Xiyi's equipment, he might not be able to fight at the Mahayana stage, but at the Jindan stage he can still stand up and let the opponent fight.

"The production of spiritual objects is not much, but the current production of water condensation beads and earth essence blocks has increased, and there is no shortage of them. In this way, the food in the rivers, lakes and mountains can fully use these two spiritual objects to speed up their growth. Efficient."

With the help of the law, the two groups of dwarf mud monsters and anchovy spirits have grown to more than 500, which is equivalent to a minimum of 500 water beads and earth essence blocks for each harvest. Chen Xiyi had completed this mud suit long ago.

  Of course, in the past five years, most of the goblins have already started producing spiritual objects.

  For example, the sub-territory crystal (small) of kingship can add 1 unit of home space to the homeland after use. Unfortunately, the output is extremely low. Chen Xiyi did not covet this unit of home space, but fed it to the kingship.

  1 Unit home space is very precious, but there are other channels to obtain it, and the growth of royal power is more important.

And blacksmiths also produce secondary enhanced waste products, which are spiritual objects used to strengthen equipment. Don't look at the word "scrap", it actually comes from the concentrated residual substances after equipment building. The output is not high, but at +5 Use this secondary enhanced waste product under the following equipment enhancements, and the enhancement success rate is as high as 100%.

Of course, there are also rivers, lakes and mountains. The land and water veins where the two of them graze have more living water and black jade gold, and the output is even lower. After the number of grazing spirit species reaches 10, the bottom line can only be guaranteed by the blessing of the law's incense peak ability.

  Chen Xiyi was thinking, after the population of gnomes and anchovies broke through a thousand, he would gather a batch of hydrogels and earth essence blocks to enchant his mud cover.

  As for the other elves, there are also various spiritual objects produced, but the most should be knights, adventurers, and traveling merchants.

Knights rely on people to give them away, adventurers are business without capital, and travel merchants are serious businessmen, but it is a pity that except for fairy coins, other spiritual items are random, and Chen Xiyi has no idea what he can get That's it for a type of spiritual creature.

It's a pity that, whether it's Thousand Faces, Elephant, Dew, etc., basically those possessed and auxiliary fairies obtained from the world of alchemists can't produce spiritual things, even if they are dew. The three dews are only his abilities, not spiritual objects.

  Maybe it was due to the nature of the situation, or it might be because of Chen Xiyi's lack of business.

   As a sandbox farming game, Chen Xiyi's experimental research is undoubtedly a proper non-business.

   "In this world of cultivating immortals, there are twelve items with historical heritage, and the number is quite large. Maybe it is because cultivators like to leave inheritance?"

  As for the modules, there are naturally none of them. The modules in this world are the Ascension Modules that Chen Xiyi collected from Ao Lu. Now that they exist, they will definitely not appear again.

   "Now there are twelve items with historical details, so there must be more in history."

  Chen Xiyi knows that objects with historical heritage will disappear due to damage, but only if it is damaged on a large scale, such as if it is broken, if it is broken, it will not have any impact.

   "In the world of qi refiners, if I had knights, I wouldn't have run away so quickly."

  The chivalrous man can travel into history and can bring him items that have historical heritage because they were damaged and disappeared in this time.

  Chen Xiyi didn't plan to search for the historical items this time, he just let the adventurer do it.

  He plans to stay in this world for decades, enough for adventurers to collect all these items with historical background.

   As for disappearing due to damage, to be honest, I might have been afraid before, but I am not afraid now. There are knights, even if there is no one today, just wait until tomorrow. After all, yesterday is the past history, and knights can naturally arrive.

   "Let's find a place to inquire about the situation in this world first. It has been nearly two thousand years since Ao Lu left this world of cultivating immortals. Who knows what this world has become like in the vicissitudes of life."

  For the modern world, two thousand years can produce qualitative changes, but for the world of cultivating immortals of the feudal society type, it is estimated that it is only a drop in the ocean. There may be changes, but they will definitely not be too big.

   After all, judging from the NPC prefixes in the game log, they are basically similar to the prefixes of Dali World and Wuxia World, and they are still ancient society.

There is a huge difference between the NPC prefixes in the modern society and the NPC prefixes in the ancient society. Chen Xiyi has experienced so many worlds, so he can easily see these differences. Otherwise, he cannot rely on guesswork to analyze the nature of the world. Well, that's not realistic.

  (end of this chapter)

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