Chapter 249 Magic Erosion

   "It's working fine, but I always feel like something's wrong, isn't it excruciatingly painful?"

   "Why do I have an extra negative state when I don't feel anything?"

  Chen Xiyi was a little puzzled. The kung fu is a magical kung fu, and it works normally. It may be because his physical fitness is too strong.

  【Magical Erosion (first layer): 1% of HP damage every second】

  Evil thoughts are distracting thoughts and impure thoughts.

  He is not afraid of blood deduction, he has a lot of slow recovery of health and fast recovery of health, plus his health is 110%, he can't feel his own

   "Wait, it won't be because the damage is too low to save it."

Chen Xiyi only remembered one thing at this time, that is, the mud armor III of his Mud Heart Armor made him exempt from damage below 10% of his health. He caused harm to the situation.

  Chen Xiyi carefully perceives his own situation, becoming stronger should be becoming stronger, but it has little effect.

   First of all, his physical fitness is comparable to that of an immortal cultivator in the foundation-building stage. Even if he is now only recognized in the home game as being in the Qi-refinement stage, he is not actually in the body-refinement stage.

  Because the attribute is too high, this "Magic Phagocytosis Transformation Art" is effective, but the attribute is added less and the side effects are also offset.

  It's a pity that it is a pre-requisite skill, otherwise Chen Xiyi would definitely not practice it.

   Zhou Zheng, who was watching a TV series, turned his head and glanced at Chen Xiyi. At first glance, he thought it was a bit weird, but then he looked again: "You are practicing "Ten Thousand Demons Devour Body Transformation Art"? Why are you okay?"

   "Maybe it's because I live a regular life, so my immunity is relatively strong." Chen Xiyi thought for a while, and used his few praiseworthy schedules as a shield.

   "Strange, really strange. I have lived for more than 9,000 years, and this is the first time I have seen such a strange person. It is indeed my grandson." Zhou Zheng couldn't help but wonder.


Well, Chen Xiyi got another piece of information from the other party, but this nine thousand years is really outrageous. Although it is not as good as a Qi refiner, but at Zhou Zheng's age, he has the nerve to recognize someone his age as a grandson, which is not obvious Downgrade yourself.

   "You still think about it. You are already nine thousand years old, and you have been beaten until you lose your memory. Shouldn't you reflect on your popularity?" Chen Xiyi complained in turn.

   "The one who was beaten until he lost his memory was my previous self, so what does it have to do with my current self?"

   I don't know where Zhou Zheng learned the fallacies, so he became even more cheeky after using it, and turned to continue watching TV dramas.

  For a while, Chen Xiyi felt that the weak state should be called madness.

   After thinking about it, he still didn't continue to argue with Zhou Zheng, a little old man. Due to his own particularity, he was going to micro-manipulate the progress of the "Ten Thousand Demon Phagocytosis Transformation Art" to speed up the first layer of skin refining.

  I saw Chen Xiyi's epidermis wriggling constantly, and hideous faces floated up on his skin.

   At this time, the blood loss rate of the negative state of Erosion of Mana has also increased from 1% to 5%, and then to 10%, even if it is still exempted.

  He poked the face that appeared on his body curiously. It felt very soft, like a water balloon.

"Magic thoughts come back, Xiyi, hold on, I...Are you okay?" Zhou Zheng rushed over to help, but just as he was about to help Chen Xiyi get rid of the evil thoughts on his body, he found that Chen Xiyi was fine, and he still played with the evil thoughts , and took out a knife in an extremely ghostly manner, as if he wanted to dig it open to see what was inside.

  Chen Xiyi's hand shook: "Fuck, don't be surprised, okay, I almost stabbed in the wrong place."

   "Cough, do you feel uncomfortable?" Zhou Zheng was still more concerned about Chen Xiyi.

   "Uncomfortable? No, you said this thing is a magic thought, what is it specifically, why does it turn into a human face, I don't know this appearance yet, it feels like a public face."

   "Forget it, I'll take one apart and take a look."

   As he said that, Chen Xiyi was ready to do it. He was very curious about how this magic thought grew and took shape.

"You don't need to remove it, the first layer of the "Magic Devouring Body Transformation Art" is on your skin, and it's just the skin polluted by the demonic thoughts. How did you get the magical thoughts to backfire all over your body? Yes, you have to deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise, if the magic thoughts continue to grow, it will drain your energy and make you exhausted and die."

   As he spoke, Zhou Zheng was about to clean up the evil thoughts on Chen Xiyi's body.

   "No, this is a normal situation. I accelerated a little bit, and it will be fine in another ten seconds."

  Chen Xiyi hurriedly stopped him. He simply accelerated his cultivation on the first floor.

   "???" Zhou Zheng looked at Chen Xiyi, whose skin was layered with magic thoughts, with some doubts.

  Ten seconds passed quickly, and all the evil thoughts on Chen Xiyi's skin disappeared suddenly.

   This means that his "Ten Thousand Demon Phagocytosis Transformation Art" has successfully broken through to the second layer, and the magic thoughts are no longer confined to the skin, but penetrated into his muscles.

   Even the negative state of the invasion of magic thoughts has changed.

  【Magic Erosion (Second Layer): Causes 2% HP damage every second】

   "Finished the first layer?" Zhou Zheng sized up Chen Xiyi and checked it again: "Sure enough, you are a genius like no other in a million."

   And Chen Xiyi was also a little confused: "I'm not a genius, wait a moment, this second layer can actually work in my body, something is wrong."

   First of all, he has no muscles, which he has checked.

  Obviously, this must be achieved through the ascension module. After all, it is understandable to say that the first layer is skin, at least on the surface.

   But muscles, he certainly doesn’t have them, and it’s not like he hasn’t dissected himself.

  He is clear about whether there are muscles or not. He will definitely not have internal body structures and various organs.

"Why not? This is not a very normal thing. Oh, yes, you dislike being too slow. I remember that there seems to be a way to speed up the cultivation. It's over, maybe it's not important, I didn't remember it. Zhou Zheng frowned.

   "No, I have a way to speed it up." Chen Xiyi felt that his way of speeding up could be faster than him?

   "Tsk tsk, Xi Yi, you are simply a born devil. Well, it's a mess of memories again." Zhou Zheng subconsciously praised.

  Chen Xiyi said seriously: "Let me tell you, you have to get rid of this habit. Don't open your mouth about the demons and teach them to keep your mouths shut. We are now righteous people, at least we must maintain a good image."

   This time Chen Xiyi was using the righteous tiger's skin, if Zhou Zheng gave him such a sudden while he was halfway, wouldn't it be a lie.

"I am the Demon Sect. Keke, Xiyi, you are right. The Demon Sect is me before I lost my memory. It has nothing to do with me. We are now people of the right way." Zhou Zheng wanted to refute instinctively. , but when he saw Chen Xiyi take out the alloy pickaxe, he was immediately scared.

   Wouldn't it be a disaster if it hit his precious computer.

  Zhou Zheng knew that Chen Xiyi's alloy pickaxe would knock Chen Xiyi's creation away.

   "It's good that you understand, don't forget it when the time comes." Regarding this, Chen Xiyi can only say that fortunately Zhou Zheng has some brain problems, otherwise he might not be able to make the other party understand what he meant.

   "Then you are busy, you are busy, I will continue to watch TV." Zhou Zheng said resentfully.

  Chen Xiyi could only ignore the other party for now.

  He is going to see if he can get the "Magic Phagocytosis into Spirit Art" to the full level before dawn.

   There is not much problem with acceleration, the main method is to ripen the second layer of magic thoughts.

  The strengthening of the second layer of mana will naturally lead to its own strengthening, but it is estimated that it will not become much stronger. After all, Chen Xiyi's physical fitness is there, and at most it is to check for deficiencies and make up for omissions and brush up some small attributes.

And the process of ripening the magic thoughts will increase the growth of the magic thoughts, which looks like the backlash of the magic thoughts, but in fact it is almost the same. If another person uses Chen Xiyi's acceleration method, he will be turned into a devil by the backlash of the magic thoughts on the spot human.

   But Chen Xiyi wasn't worried, it was just a little bit of evil thoughts, not to mention, he died as soon as he died, and after his resurrection, he was a righteous knight again.

  The body continued to swell with pieces of flesh, and these pieces of flesh grew out like human heads, filling Chen Xiyi completely.

   It looks like a human-headed monster.

   This time Zhou Zheng just glanced at him, and when his consciousness swept over Chen Xiyi, he found that he didn't have any mental exhaustion, so he ignored him.

   After all, I have seen it once just now.

  Chen Xiyi casually cut off a head, and the result was a strange mass of flesh and blood, with black air escaping from the flesh and blood.

  As the black air dissipated and disappeared, the fleshy head gradually withered and turned into dried meat.

   "It's really miraculous. These distracting thoughts and impure thoughts can become so strange after they are operated in the way of "The Art of Devouring the Body of All Demons."

   "This seems to involve the mind interference gene?"

   "Whether the evil that needs to be subdued after reaching the ninth level is a combination of personality and evil, the principle is not something like a demon."

  Chen Xiyi studied that piece of jerky, and soon found that it was just dehydrated jerky, with no internal cells and genetic structures, and it was completely waste after being eroded by magic thoughts.

   This makes Chen Xiyi feel a little pity. After all, this may belong to his body tissue. If it is still intact, it would be great.

  He directly cloned himself, and many things were easier to handle.

  During the process of acceleration, the health damage caused by the erosion of the second layer of magic thoughts soared from 2% to 20%. Fortunately, he had various reductions, resistances, and recovery abilities, so he barely lost blood.

  'A layer of muscles made of pure magic thoughts? '

  When Chen Xiyi broke through to the third layer of bone training, he found that there was an extra layer of muscle tissue in his body, probably just a little bit of different flesh. Blood is not there yet, so we have to wait.

   "Old man, if you practice like this, will you have any special physique?" Chen Xiyi asked.

   "It seems to be there, but I forgot." Zhou Zheng recalled it for a while and said without turning his head.


  Okay, I lost the chain at the critical moment.

   "But don't worry, when the time comes, let's catch someone who knows about the Demon Sect and do a soul search."

"Speaking of searching for souls, I remembered that your method of speeding up is very simple. The first level of swallowing ten living souls can allow the magic to break through quickly. The second level... well, it's better for you to practice fast, killing people to get souls You will be able to break through the Qi Refining Stage in as little time as possible."

  Zhou Zheng was completely unaware that this approach was completely a method of magic.

  Chen Xiyi realized it, but the efficiency was too slow. Besides, killing people to get souls is wasteful, wouldn't it be more efficient to use them directly as merit.

   "I told you, we are people of the right way, it's okay to say this when no one is around, and don't say it when there are people next time." Chen Xiyi said earnestly.

   "I know, I know." Zhou Zheng replied perfunctorily without taking his eyes off the computer screen.

  (end of this chapter)

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