This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 252: How many times have I said it, we are righteous people

  Chapter 252 How many times have I said that we are righteous people

   "Who dares to make small moves in my Luo Tian faction's territory~"

   There was a loud shout, and the invisible figure stuck behind everyone was instantly shattered.

  Chen Xiyi's memory transmission came to an abrupt end, and he saw a figure floating in the air, his consciousness swept across the entire market, as if he wanted to find the mastermind behind it.

   Chen Xiyi's disguise was a bit strong, and the other party didn't see it through at all.

   And the group of casual cultivators also woke up like a dream. It was obvious that something had sneaked in just now, and they were going to make trouble.

   Otherwise, you could see something shattered behind the crowd.

As far as Chen Xiyi is concerned, this cultivator at the Golden Core Stage is much stronger than him. His soul can reach the strength of the Golden Core Stage, but his body is still at the Foundation Establishment Stage. It is a drag on him. It just takes a lot of time to catch up a little bit.

   Soon, disciples of the Luotian Sect poured into the market one by one, and began to investigate the entire market.

  Chen Xiyi's action was simply slapping the face of the Luotian faction. More importantly, he did not dare to stand up, which meant that the other party knew that his strength was not as good as them.

   Otherwise, the immortal cultivator at the Jindan period would be cold.

  ‘It’s hasty, how can I get out this time, the spiritual consciousness of a cultivator is a bit powerful. '

  Spiritual consciousness is a sign after breaking through the foundation-building period. His primordial spirit can scan a wave, but this is meaningless. If you really want to distinguish people, wouldn’t game logs and game identification be better?

  The main reason is that the consciousness of Jindanqi is enough to cover the entire Huinan City.

Don't look at this golden core cultivator who is flying in the sky and looking at the market. In essence, the entire Huinan City is within the scope of his spiritual consciousness. Otherwise, how would he have discovered Chen Xiyi's method of silently searching for souls? .

If it were in the world of qi refiners, Chen Xiyi could do this with his primordial spirit, but this is the world of cultivating immortals, and there is not such a big environmental bonus. In the world of warriors, he might be even more embarrassed than Chen Xiyi.

  'Wait, Jindanqi's spiritual consciousness is covered, so Zhouzheng's is also fine? '

   "Ahem, help me get out!!" Chen Xiyi whispered, wriggling his throat.

   This immortal cultivator at the Jindan stage locked onto Chen Xiyi in an instant. After all, it is only a trivial matter for a cultivator to have good ears and eyes, let alone a spiritual consciousness.

   "Dare to be presumptuous during the mere qi refining period, and seek death."

   After finishing speaking, the Immortal Cultivator at the Golden Core stage immediately shot at Chen Xiyi, intending to capture him and interrogate who instructed him.

   Just after the roar, a blood flower exploded in the sky, and a powerful coercion covered it.

  Then the soaring devilish energy exploded, and none of the people reacted. The devilish energy entered their bodies, and everyone turned into a puddle of pus amidst howling screams, and even their souls and mana were eroded into devilish energy.

  A terrifying figure appeared on Huinan City, and when the giant palm hit it, the entire Huinan City burst open and turned into ruins.

  Chen Xiyi stood in a mess on the ruins. He was fine. In other words, from the beginning, whether it was coercion, magic energy, or giant palm, he had no influence at all.

   "Xi Yi, are you okay?" Zhou Zheng was watching TV with an MP4 in his left hand, a bag of potato chips in his right hand, and a bottle of happy water under his arm.

   His gaze never left the MP4 screen, and his tone was somewhat perfunctory.

   "It's okay, I want you to help me get out, I don't want you to raze the whole city to the ground!" Chen Xiyi was a little crazy.

   "You didn't say how to help you get out. Of course I came here in a simple way. Besides, didn't you get all the information you wanted?"

Zhou Zheng took a big breath, and he swallowed the devilish energy of the whole city into his body, and then exhaled, with a hint of indifference in his tone. To him, the people in this city are just a series of numbers on paper. That's all, don't worry about it at all.

   "Yes, I got the information I wanted, but forget it, your brain is not good, so I don't care about it with you." Chen Xiyi was a little helpless.

  Hearing this, Zhou Zheng straightened his face and started to make trouble for Chen Xiyi: "You all know that my brain is not working well, so why don't you take out the computer and let me practice my brain. When my brain is ready, I guarantee it."


  For a while, Chen Xiyi didn't know whether it was a real bad brain or a fake bad brain this week, and whether the computer-needed facial appearance really had three points of his authenticity.

   "Even if it is given to you, you can't use it. There is no electricity, and the computer is so big that it is inconvenient for you to use it. Wait"

"Don't wait, I remember you have a notebook, you take that thing out, I'll refine a magic weapon for generating electricity, I've researched it before, as long as the current doesn't exceed it" Zhou Zheng interrupted Chen Xiyi, saying that he is not what he was before Someone who can fool around, he has seen notebooks in TV dramas.

  And in order to prove that he has real talent and learning, he used the soul and blood essence left over from the whole city to refine a heavenly ghost and thunder order for Chen Xiyi on the spot, and demonstrated it to Chen Xiyi after refining it for a while.

   "The reason why you slaughtered the whole city was to refine the power bank." Chen Xiyi looked at Fang Zhengzheng above Zhou Zheng's hand, insisting that it was the power bank of the token, and couldn't help breaking the opponent's little mind.

   Zhou Zheng blushed: "Cough, Xi Yi, don't talk nonsense, this is just a coincidence."

"I've said it several times, we are people in the right way, I don't ask you to be kind, but before you start, think about it, isn't it a bit bad for you to refine the whole city into a charging treasure? "Chen Xiyi vaguely saw a brat, the kind who was so powerful that he could do whatever he wanted.

"Isn't it itchy hands, and it's very durable. It can be used for thousands of years without charging. It's also easy to charge the power bank. It's just a direct slaughter. I'll just pay attention next time." Zhou Zheng found out Chen Xiyi seemed to be staring at the MP4 in his hand, which made him feel uncertain, and he resolutely did not dare to argue with Chen Xiyi.

   "Okay, let's forget it this time, tell me next time anyway." What else can Chen Xiyi do, take out the sword world projection and send him on the road?

  How could it be possible, it was just a group of NPCs, he was annoyed that Zhou Zheng was too stupid, and he didn't know how to save some merit for him.

   "Well, then you have been trained, and I have admitted my mistake, can you give me the notebook." Zhou Zheng said weakly, without the appearance of a domineering old man or a person in the way of a demon.

   "Hey, here you go, pay attention to your battery." Chen Xiyi reluctantly took out a laptop.

   Zhou Zheng happily took the laptop, and then stuffed the MP4 into a storage ring. He wanted the laptop, and he also wanted the MP4.

   "Where did you get this thing?" Chen Xiyi discovered at this time that Zhou Zheng got a storage ring from somewhere.

   "Oh, it was picked up from the fingers of the person floating in the sky just now, and there was still a lot of garbage in it, so I threw it all away." Zhou Zheng said, concentrating on controlling the laptop.

No wonder this guy brought some snacks with him when he arrived. He usually keeps snacks with him. Chen Xiyi thought they put them in the inn before, but it turned out that they were all stuffed into the golden core stage immortal cultivator of the Luotian sect. The storage ring went inside.

  Chen Xiyi never thought about competing with Zhou Zheng. It's not like he doesn't have this thing. Pixiu's pocket space has grown to 20 cubic meters, which is completely enough for him.

  So what he values ​​more is the **** that Zhou Zheng said.

  Zhou Zheng's Mahayana stage immortal cultivators naturally look down on some things in the Jindan stage.

   "Where did you throw that rubbish? I'll see if it's useful. Also, where are the most books about cultivating immortals in this city?" Chen Xiyi asked.

  Sudden changes in the surrounding environment, and Hou Zhou pointed to a bunch of things and said.

   "Oh, I threw it here."

  Chen Xiyi took a look, there were some pills, spirit stones, and a few magic weapons. Other than that, there were only a few books, and most of the rest were materials.

  He can't recognize the specific material. For now, he hasn't systematically studied this world.

  After putting away all the things, the environment changed again, and it was obvious that Zhou Zheng led him to move.

  The speed was so fast that Chen Xiyi couldn't even react, and he didn't even know how to move it.

   "There are the most books related to cultivating immortals here. You can dig an underground shelter. By the way, what shall we have for dinner?" Zhou Zheng said.

  Chen Xiyi looked at the ruins under his feet. Before that, it should be a large shopping mall for immortal cultivators mainly operated by the Luotian faction, called Luotianlou.

  Don't ask why Chen Xiyi knew this name, the plaque just fell aside.

   "The next time you do something like this, old man, you can spare me a place like this, so I can save myself digging." Chen Xiyi said earnestly.

   These things are all contemptuous to Zhou Zheng, even if he has amnesia now.

But for Chen Xiyi, it is the best way to understand the world. After comparing the memories of current cultivators and Ao Lu, he found that Ao Lu was probably a person tens of thousands of years ago. Out of date.

   Fortunately, I searched a lot of memories before, although not complete, but not much worse.

   After all, Chen Xiyi's soul search method is from near to far, so most of the incomplete memories are the childhood memories of these casual cultivators, which is considered an insignificant part.

  Most casual cultivators actually became immortal cultivators by chance, so they were basically mortals in childhood.

  Take out dozens of alloy picks and start digging towards the ruins.

  Generally speaking, only casual cultivators will use books, and most of them are stored in jade slips, and then directly stuff the information stored in the jade slips into the minds of users.

  The making of this jade slip is a skill, and casual practitioners without any skills can't touch it.

  ‘Hope it’s all well preserved. '

  There should be formation restrictions in Luo Tianlou, but the problem is that these formation restrictions can block a Jindan Nascent Soul, but for Zhou Zheng's Mahayana magic way, it is basically no different from paper.

  【You use an alloy pickaxe to dig, you get: 1 unit of wood, 1 unit of stone, detailed explanation of treasure refining (book)】

   "Well, it just crashed to the roof." In less than ten minutes, Chen Xiyi dug up a book, and from the name, he knew it should be about refining magic weapons.

  Chen Xiyi did not stop, but continued to dig down.

  He can be sure that this Luotian Tower is definitely the most valuable place in Huinan City.

   It is estimated that it is used to harvest casual cultivators, and the previous Jindan stage immortal cultivators are probably also mainly based here.

  The ruins of Luotianlou are like a small mountain bag, and the original size must be quite large.

  Chen Xiyi has never seen it before. He has never been here before. It is impossible to collect information and come to the mall. He heard more news when he went to the market than in the mall.

  The Luotian Pai family has a big business, so there should be no shortage of such a city.

   "Old man, pay attention, if someone comes, you will kill him, don't affect my work." Chen Xiyi turned his head and ordered.

  Zhou Zheng nodded, as if he was playing a game: "I know, I won't keep any of them. I want to eat dumplings in sour soup tonight, so give me the whole one."

   "Okay, be careful, don't let me down." Chen Xiyi naturally agreed, and it wasn't him who made dinner.

  (end of this chapter)

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