This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 254: Heavenly Demon Lord? Don't talk nonsense, I'm a man of the right way

  Chapter 254 Heavenly Demon Lord? Don't talk nonsense, I'm a man of the right way

  Tianmojiao, this is a sect of demons, and it is also a sect similar to the leader of demons.

  The ruler of Tianmo Sect, Tianmo Daozhu, is at the peak of the Mahayana period, Dzogchen.

   It can be said that they are the people who stand at the top of this world of cultivating immortals. There are not many people in this category. Apart from the Heavenly Demon Daoist, there are a few people who are distributed in the two ways of righteousness and demons, casual cultivators, and demon clans.

  However, the Demon Sect is not close to here, at least half a world away.

  The area where those sects are located is the Central Plains, so the area where the Luotian Sect is located is already the fringe area of ​​the Central Plains, and it is completely out of touch with the Tianmo Sect.

  Ordinary people will never even think about going from the Luotian faction to the place where the Tianmo sect is located.

  Of course, let alone a mortal, even Jindan Qi may not necessarily go to the Central Plains.

  The area where the Grand Sect is located occupies the best resources, but the battle is naturally extremely fierce.

The head of the Luotian Sect is a Nascent Soul Stage Immortal Cultivator, who is considered a top immortal cultivator in this area, but if it is placed in the top orthodox sects of the Central Plains, even the true disciples are probably a bit too much, and they can compete for a place. It's just for inner disciples.

As for the foundation-building period, that's just a condition for entry. Immortal cultivators below the foundation-building period are all scattered in small courtyards of the sect. They can only be regarded as handyman disciples. To enter the roster in the door, disciples must at least have the realm of the foundation period.

  In short, just one word, that is volume.

   Roll other people to death, and you win.

  However, it is not for ordinary people who want to pass the exam. There is a threshold for entry, and the threshold is not low.

  Some people who want to enter the volume are not qualified.

   These news were obtained by Chen Xiyi from the memories of the casual cultivators in Huinan City.

   It's just that the information is still limited, and I only know about the introduction of the Tianmo Sect. Besides the Tianmo Sect, there are other sects.

   As for going further, there is no such thing. The distance is too far. Although it is said to be the world of cultivating immortals, it has not developed anything similar to the Internet, and it is still the same as an ancient society.

  If you want more detailed information, you must have an information channel.

  The top management of the Luotian faction may know some recent news, but the casual practitioners will definitely not know, unless there are outside casual practitioners.

  Chen Xiyi just couldn't find it.

  Tianmojiao's affairs were put aside for the time being, and Chen Xiyi never thought about going to the Central Plains. After all, he was just a newcomer in the Qi refining period. First, he had reached the Foundation Establishment stage in the past two days and then began to practice Xingxiu Demon Tribulation.

   Then, promote yourself to Sequence 4.

  Finally, update yourself with supernatural powers.

What? Go to the Central Plains to fight?

   Don't make trouble, what is he doing stepping into the pit when he has nothing to do.

  Chen Xiyi's practice is relatively less dependent on external objects, besides, he is not in a hurry to upgrade.

  After updating himself with supernatural powers, he was ready to shape the primordial spirit. At that time, he had almost walked out of his own way.

  So, at present, many of his researches have stagnated, and he is concentrating on gaining experience, whether it is the experience of Sequence 3 or the experience of immortal cultivators.

"By the way, old man, I always feel that there is something wrong with my mana. It is not said in the inheritance that power is made of magic thoughts, so it is very dangerous, but why is my mana like a little sheep? Honestly, this Will it affect my subsequent upgrades, after all, I was stuck in the late stage of body training before and did not move."

  Chen Xiyi asked with an attitude of giving it a try.

Zhou Zheng rolled his eyes: "I don't know. If I hadn't lost my memory, I might have seen it. Now I don't have this ability. I can only say that you are stuck and you can only change it. Just don't change it. It’s too much, XingXiu MoJie can be practiced when it’s not too serious, but the Yuanshi Tianmo body is a little bit hanging.”

   Zhou Zheng couldn't do anything about Chen Xiyi, after all, he lost his memory.

  Hearing this, Chen Xiyi was also silent, and then suddenly thought of something: "You should also have the Yuanshitian demon body."

   "Fuck, what do you want to do, kid?" Zhou Zheng suddenly felt a little hairy on his back, and couldn't help but shiver.

   "No, I just thought about it, I just thought about it, and I didn't intend to do anything." Chen Xiyi said.

   Obviously, Zhou Zheng also understood what Chen Xiyi was thinking.

"Hey, why don't we go to the Heavenly Demon Cult one day. Didn't we collect information before, and there is a Yuanshi Heavenly Demon Body in the Demon True Biography that day. I will capture it for you at that time, and open it up as you like." Zhou Zheng thinks that a dead fellow is not a poor one. Although he may be inextricably linked with the Tianmo Sect, but when it comes to this kind of thing, let other people do it.

   "Let's do it next time, anyway, I haven't had a fit period yet." Chen Xiyi felt a little regretful, but he couldn't force the opponent, unless he took out the projection of the rule sword, otherwise he wouldn't even be able to touch the corner of the opponent's clothes.

   "It's easy to say, easy to say." Zhou Zheng felt that as long as he didn't hit himself on the head, he was a true legend of the demon, and it was not a big deal.

   "Old man, do you know where there are ghosts? The ones that have only died for less than two or three years, I need them urgently." Chen Xiyi asked.

   Zhou Zheng was silent for a while: "I can make some for you now, how many do you want?"

   "I want the original ecology. We have already said that we are righteous people. Don't do these things at will." Chen Xiyi was speechless.

"Oh, there are twenty-three of them in the city one hundred and thirty-two miles away from here, which is quite in line with your requirements, but if you go, what will I eat at night?" Thinking that if Chen Xiyi went, he would definitely not be able to come back tonight, so what he would eat was the key point.

"I'll give you the whole hot pot. No, why don't you come with me?" Chen Xiyi wanted to say give him the whole hot pot, but he suddenly realized that this little old man is a bit of a thief. of.

"Ah, should I go too? I don't think it's necessary. If you really have any questions, you can call me. I can hear you." Adding two zeros is just a trivial matter.

  Chen Xiyi's impression of the Mahayana period was limited to Ao Lu's memory, and he didn't feel it personally, that is, the last Taiyi Zhenshui was very powerful, but compared with the projection of the sword world, it was far worse.

   "Okay, then you should move faster, or else I will have a cold, what's the specific information?"

  Since the little old man Zhou Zheng was sure, Chen Xiyi didn't force it, he trusted Zhou Zheng.

  Zhou Zheng casually transmitted a map to Chen Xiyi with his spiritual consciousness. On the map was a city marked with red dots.

   These red dots are ghosts that meet Chen Xiyi's requirements without thinking about it.

   "Success, you just stay at home and take care of the house. You cook hot pot tonight and come back tomorrow morning." Chen Xiyi casually took out a spicy hot pot, along with various ingredients for hot pot.

   To be honest, Chen Xiyi is a very healthy person, he always eats clear soup pot when he eats hot pot, unlike Zhou Zheng, who wants to eat spicy pot even though he is weak.

  Generally speaking, when two people eat hot pot, they can only eat mandarin duck pot.

   This is not only Chen Xiyi's regress, but also Zhou Zheng's regress, otherwise the two could fight.

   "Go, go, you can rest assured that I will take care of the house." Zhou Zheng waved his hand, indicating that the food would stay and people could leave.

  Chen Xiyi didn't care about it, and after finishing speaking, he took out the alloy carriage and set off.


"This familiar feeling, it seems that I am really a member of the Demon Sect. I am in the Mahayana stage, and I don't know whether it is the Supreme Elder or the Demon Lord. This wave will not deceive teammates, just Xi Yi. Body, it will be cold if it is exposed." As a senior game player, Zhou Zheng is very proficient in this modern term.

   "Forget it, I have all gone to such a remote place, and in my case, they probably thought I was dead, and I will definitely not be exposed if I keep a low profile."

  Zhou Zheng didn't know exactly what his situation was like, but he also knew that he was in a lot of trouble.

  So he is actually the same as Chen Xiyi, he is not very willing to go to the Central Plains.

  He also knew that there might be a problem with him, which caused his personality to change drastically. In the beginning, that kind of instinctive domineering and strong was simply engraved in his bones, but it gradually dissipated due to amnesia and the birth of a new personality.

  If he was the man before he lost his memory, Zhou Zheng felt that he would have slaughtered the entire Luo Tian faction to restore his strength, and finally went back to take revenge.

  As for now, let’s forget about revenge, playing games, chasing dramas and eating delicious food, which one is not enjoying life, he has cultivated to this level, what’s wrong with enjoying and enjoying.

  Although occasionally there will be some magic tricks, but Zhou Zheng feels that the current self is completely different from the self before amnesia.

"It should be something wrong with the soul. It seems that part of it was broken up by someone. Forget it, it's gone, and it doesn't affect my playing games, watching dramas and eating." Zhou Zheng vaguely recalled the scene of himself being seriously injured at the time. Indistinct.

   Fortunately, he didn't delve into it, and quickly forgot about it. Even if he knew, so what, kill him back?

He didn't have such thoughts, and even thanked the other party a little bit. If it wasn't for the other party's all of a sudden, he would have lost his memory and met Chen Xiyi, his grandson. He naturally knew that Chen Xiyi was not his grandson, but he felt that it had to be, otherwise it would be so beautiful What to do with your life.

   It doesn't have to be the one, anyway, he is relying on Chen Xiyi.

"The food Xiyi gave me seems very unusual. Deliciousness is one thing, and it seems to have other effects. It is vaguely recovering my injury, but my injury is part of my soul being scattered. These Food doesn't make up for it."

"It's thanks to these foods that stabilized my injuries and made up for the lack of my soul. Even if I am amnesia, I can still display my full strength. No, it should be about 80% of my strength. In my prime, I seem to be a half-step immortal." .”

   "So, I am the Heavenly Demon Daoist?"

   "No, no, I am a person of the righteous way, what does the Lord of the Heavenly Demon have to do with me?"

   "Heavenly Demon Daoist looks handsome and unrestrained, I'm just a little old man, right? Although I may not be an old man before, but now I am."

  Zhou Zheng also analyzed the situation. He is not a fool, so he can naturally calculate his identity based on intelligence.

  When he thought that he might be the leader of the Demonic Dao, he became a little cautious. After all, he had agreed to be a member of the righteous way together, but in the end he jumped to the leader of the Demonic Dao next door.

"Relax, relax, probably not, it's only possible at the moment, as long as Xi Yi doesn't find out, nothing will happen." Zhou Zheng comforted himself, and then whispered a few words: "I am a person in the right way , I am a person of the right path.”

  After doing this, he seemed to be more confident: "Although I kill people, set fires, and devour souls, I am a righteous person."

   "Fine, keep playing the game."

After Zhou Zheng confirmed his identity as a person in the righteous way, he continued to play games. Anyway, he believed it. As for whether others believe it or not, that is their business. If they don’t believe it, Zhou Zheng has many magic spells to convince them .

   This is not difficult. If you don’t believe it, if you get rid of all the unbelievers, then there will be only believers left.

  (end of this chapter)

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