This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 289: source of pollution

  Chapter 289 The source of pollution

   "The companion spirit treasure is the external manifestation of being compatible with the Great Chaos Demon, so it has a special vision when it is born."

   "Once such people become demons, they have the opportunity to become demon kings, that is, immortals."

   "Old man, you also have a companion spirit treasure."

   Chen Xiyi asked after looking back at Zhou Zheng.

  Zhou Zheng shook his head: "No, if I had a companion spirit treasure, I wouldn't have been a casual cultivator back then. I would have joined the Great Sect long ago. How could I have become a demon master?"

  If there is a companion spirit treasure, those big sects will naturally open the door to him, how could he encounter the demon because of this.

   "Oh, then you are really unlucky." Chen Xiyi said with emotion, there is no good or bad, otherwise the Tianmo Cult might be gone.

  Although it is gone now.

"I suddenly found out that immortal cultivators are really unlucky, especially demonic immortal cultivators. A immortal cultivator in the fusion stage, after an hour of staying in the polluted aura, changed from an immortal cultivator to a demon. Just this resistance, low It's gone."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the celestial demon in front of him. This celestial demon was the true disciple with the body of the Yuanshi celestial demon that he and Zhou Zheng had caught back then.

  【Heavenly Demon’s hundred-mile weight, HP: 100%, state: coma】

  【Ability 1: Chaos Law】

  【Ability 2: Heavenly Demon is weird】

  【Ability 3: Source of Pollution】


  【December: The prefix is ​​transformed into a demon, the ability is changed, and he is in a coma】


   "The first step is to draw out the soul."

   Omens have their own characteristics in appearance. Of course, they also have one thing in common, that is, they are very casual.

For example, this Tianmo Bailizhong, although he still has a human form, looks like a gorilla, with hair all over his body, and his face has become very hideous, basically he can't see the appearance of a human up.

   This is likely to come from the distortion of the Yuanshitian demon body.

Chen Xiyi doesn't know Bailizhong's first two abilities, but Chen Xiyi, the source of the pollution, knows that the area where the demons are located will make the polluted aura intensify and mutate into demonic energy, and when they are close to the opponent, they will also mutate into demonic .

  But generally speaking, basically no one will become a celestial demon because of the celestial demon's ability to become a celestial demon, because they have already been killed by the celestial demon before becoming a celestial demon.

  Don't ask why Chen Xiyi knew, because Chen Xiyi saw the effect of refreshing the source of pollution in the game log.

   This thing is still a passive skill, and it cannot be turned off even if you are unconscious.

   "The old man came here and stabbed a sword to see how good this demon is."

During the fusion period, Chen Xiyi currently does not do enough damage. Don’t look at the fact that he could hit 5% of his health with the mud alloy musket before hitting the Mahayana demon king, but at that time he had other mud suits to assist him. It is estimated that it cannot be shot so high.

  Zhou Zheng didn't ask why, and he stabbed Baili Chong when he came up.

  【Zhou Zheng, who lost his memory, used the alloy long sword of mud to deal 100% damage to the Bailizhong of the Heavenly Demon】

   "." Chen Xiyi found out that Baili Zhong had died, but he wasn't completely dead.

  The life value has returned to zero, but he is still alive, and there is one more resurrection behind the state.

   One second later, the state of being resurrected disappeared, and Bailizhong's life value became 1%, and the life value was full in the blink of an eye.

  Although the blood recovery efficiency may not be top-notch among those old monsters that Chen Xiyi has seen, it is really useful to be able to revive this ability.

   "Not dead?" Zhou Zheng naturally discovered that Bai Lizhong, who had lost his vitality, suddenly came back to life.

   "It always feels wrong to come back to life after being dead. Didn't the demons before have this ability?" Chen Xiyi was a little puzzled.

  He has never seen the Heavenly Demon, but he has seen the Heavenly Demon in the memory of the Demon Race Heavenly Demon in the previous era.

  The Omen is very strong and weird, but it definitely doesn't have the ability to be immortal.

Even the monsters of the demon clan who have survived to this era rely on a special secret method to escape, but they are also suppressed to death because of the aura environment before the world of cultivating immortals, and they even have to merge with the entire secret realm. Gou survived.

   "Maybe it's because you blasted the Great Chaos Demon." Zhou Zheng said suddenly.

What is the difference? In the previous era, the Great Chaos Demon descended normally. In this era, after the Great Chaos Demon descended, he was stabbed in the waist by Chen Xiyi. He died violently, but he was also blown into ashes. where it goes.

  Chen Xiyi thought about it: "Grandpa, do you mean that the celestial demons inherited a part of the Great Chaos celestial demon or that the celestial demon itself was formed by the scattering of the Great Chaos celestial demon?"

   "It's possible, but I don't know exactly how." Zhou Zheng shook his head, how could he know so much.

  Now he is like a nuclear bomb, it is very powerful, but there is only one, and it will be cold after it is used up.

   But Chen Xiyi didn't think about these things, he thought about more.

   "Old man, you rest in the shelter first, I'll go out and catch a few demons and come back." Chen Xiyi left the shelter after finishing speaking.

  He wants to experiment with his idea.

After leaving the shelter, Chen Xiyi looked at the NPC prefixed with demon on the game map. It is still white at present, because the other party does not know that there is such a person as Chen Xiyi, so he has no ill will towards him, so it is still a white NPC, otherwise it is definitely a white NPC. Red name NPC.

   "This is simply a good place to improve the ability of Ji Shou Yongchang."

  He thought that this world might not be useful, but he didn't expect it to be.

  How many demons are there?

  The number is endless.

  Chen Xiyi moved at a high speed, and soon met a beast-like demon, and held him down with his hands.

  This Demon is not strong, probably only around the Foundation Establishment period, and it is likely to be a handyman or an outer disciple of the Demon Sect. He was performing missions around here, and he met Chen Xiyi.

  The opponent struggled crazily. When Chen Xiyi opened the Innate Fangyuan Diagram, his entire body exploded in an instant. There were all kinds of messy injuries on the body parts, such as freezing, burning, and heavy pressure.

  Although he was exploded into corpse parts, he did not die. The words "Resurrecting" flashed past, and the corpse parts wriggled and wanted to gather together.

  It can be shrouded in the range of the innate circle map, and a large number of soul circles are shrouded on the corpse, and there is no way to revive it.

   "What a weird ability, almost catching up with my resurrection." Chen Xiyi looked a little serious about this, and then gathered all the corpses and stuffed them into the carriage.

   "Fortunately, it is still in the early stage, and there is only one resurrection ability. It will be troublesome in the later stage."

  The current celestial demon is barely considered weird, but it has not yet fully developed. You must know that the demon celestial demon of the previous era that Chen Xiyi caught before had an ability called emotional disorder in the early stages.

At the beginning, it was just a simple ability to target emotions. At most, it was to make irritability or anxiety. Step by step, it alienated itself into a demon eclipsing the soul, causing itself to die but leaving the vitality of resurrection. It was only by relying on this ability that it survived In this era, it is also true that Chen Xiyi needs the primordial spirit to go out of his body, and to be able to contact the other party with the spiritual ability of the historical sequence. The magical powers, primordial spirit, and divine consciousness of the immortal cultivators are completely useless.

  It is equivalent to turning on the invincible hang.

  Nowadays, the demons have just been transformed from immortal cultivators and mortals, and have not yet developed such strange abilities. Even if they were born, they are only in the early stages and do not have much power.

  But as it grows up, it will become more and more weird.

   And it will become more and more incomprehensible. If it weren't for Chen Xiyi's bugs, he might not be able to do anything about the demon clan left over from the last era.

   As far as the current situation is concerned, neither Bailizhong nor the demon in the form of a beast has yet developed the corresponding ability, and it can be regarded as only its own original strength.

   Omen's abilities seem to be the same template, think about it too, what's so special about mass-produced things.

  Chen Xiyi sneakily caught three more demons along the way, and they were not very strong, except that the one he caught before was only at the foundation building stage, and the three he caught later were all at the qi refining stage, and their strength was not strong.

   After capturing four samples, Chen Xiyi decisively returned to the underground shelter.

  Zhou Zheng looked at Chen Xiyi's behavior with some doubts. What's the use of going out to catch the four heavenly demons?

  Then Chen Xiyi did not hesitate to stuff the four supernatural demons into Bailizhong's prison.

  Bai Lizhong had already woken up a long time ago. When he found Chen Xiyi, he couldn't help showing a sinister smile. Obviously, he should have retained his own intelligence, but his thinking was probably distorted.

  Seeing Chen Xiyi stuffing the demon into his prison, he was taken aback for a moment at first, but then decisively picked up a whole demon and squeezed it into his **** mouth.

   "Fuck, you're a bit powerful, you can eat this." Chen Xiyi looked at the demon with a shocked expression.

   To say that Chen Xiyi has seen a certain football coach do it on the screen in his previous life, but you have three mouths and one monster is a bit too much.

   This is Tianmo, not white flour bun.

The four heavenly demons he caught were all transformed by immortal cultivators. Although they have their own strengths in appearance, needless to say, their physiques are heavy. So big.

  Under Chen Xiyi's shocked eyes, the three heavenly demons entered his stomach without even puffing up his stomach.

  As for why there are three, because there is still one corpse, and Baili Zhong is currently stuffing it into his mouth piece by piece.

  About two minutes later, Baili Chong's eyes showed a fierce light: "You have done a good job, catch me another thousand sacrifices, and I will give you the body of a demon and become my slave."

   "." Chen Xiyi thinks, this guy might be stupid.

   "Cough, you have the ability to come out." Chen Xiyi said provocatively.

  Bailizhong's expression changed, and then

There's no after that.

   "This guy is not stupid. He tried it when he woke up. He couldn't get out when he was blocked by the air wall, so he gave up struggling." Zhou Zheng said slowly.

   Not long after Chen Xiyi went out, Bailizhong woke up. Seeing this, he must be struggling, and he bumped his head.

   Chen Xiyi didn't pay much attention to this. His focus was on Bailizhong's ability 4.

  That's right, after eating the four heavenly demons, Bailizhong developed an ability called balance enhancement.

This ability seems ordinary at first glance, but the problem is that the ability of celestial demons can evolve. The current balance enhancement may not be strong, but the emotional disturbance of demon clan celestial demons in the previous era is more tasteless than this, and they can still become celestial demons. The ability of the soul to survive the dead comes from this.

  The more important point is that the celestial demons of this era can evolve their abilities in advance by devouring their own kind. This is the biggest problem.

   You must know that the demons of the previous era did not have this ability.

  ‘Devouring evolution coupled with the ability to kill non-celestial demons, this will not be the resurrection ceremony of the great chaotic demon. '

  Chen Xiyi didn't have a brain problem, so many clues gathered together, if he didn't guess what was going on, he would have spent so many years in vain.

  ‘Yesterday I was thinking about ascending the dimension, and today I am given such an opportunity, can I get involved? '

  ‘The requirements are not high, just come and borrow a chicken to lay eggs. '

  Chen Xiyi felt that something was wrong.

  (end of this chapter)

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