This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 292: Four new fairies and egg fried rice that can make people fly

  Chapter 292 Four new goblins and egg fried rice that can make people fly

  【The adventurer has finished his treasure hunt and is repairing in his homeland. He brought you a lot of treasures】

  【You get the following items】

  【Items Containing Historical Connotations: Missing Ear Danding】

  【Items with historical details: bald-haired talisman pen】

  【Items with historical details: tattered books】

  【Items with historical details: red beads】

  【Home space unit × 500】

  【Some unknown letters】

  【Useless Jade Slips】

  【Messy stone】


  Chen Xiyi looked at the things that the adventurer brought back to him, he could understand the items that contained historical details, but the question was why this could give him a home space unit. In theory, this thing can only be obtained by dismantling the secret realm.

  As for the follow-up letters, I don’t know where they came from. The jade slips store some magic spells for cultivating immortals, and the stones are spirit stones, which have been polluted.

  There are still some materials for cultivating immortals in the follow-up, but they are all given various prefixes by the adventurers.

After using the home space of 500 units, Chen Xiyi turned all the four items with historical details into psychics, and obtained the Alchemy Fairy: Dan Ling, Talisman Fairy: Witch, Treasure Fairy: Bailian and Farm Feed Fairy : Ghost bite.

  【Alchemy Fairy: Dan Ling】

  【Ability 1: Alchemy Expertise】

  【Ability 2: Alchemy Hundred Methods】

  【Ability 3: Tens of thousands of fires】

The skills of alchemy are all born for alchemy. In addition to the alchemy specialization, there are many alchemy techniques, not only fire refining, water refining, but also the division of alchemy methods, which can make more than one furnace. There are several elixirs, and there is also a method of forming elixirs to improve the efficiency of elixirs.

  The heat is the most important thing to control the heat and timing of alchemy. No matter what kind of alchemy method, it needs fire.

  One more thing, Dan Ling and Dan Hua can cooperate with each other, one for alchemy and one for material selection, which can make the pill go to a higher level.

  【Amulet Fairy: Witch】

  【Ability 1: Talisman Specialization】

  【Ability 2: Cloud seal character】

  【Ability 3: Dharma Verses】

  Witch Gui's ability is basically a replica of Dan Ling, except that one is alchemy, and the other is talisman, and the ability after hundreds of refinements is basically the same.

  【Alchemy Fairy: Hundred Refinements】

  【Ability 1: Treasure Alchemy Specialization】

  【Ability 2: Forbidden Sacrifice】

  【Ability 3: Magic weapon repair】

  Although Bailian's ability is similar to that of Dan Ling and Wu Zhi, it brought Chen Xiyi a new type of equipment, that is magic weapon.

   He originally only had two types of weapons and equipment, but now he has an additional magic weapon, which can still be superimposed.

   But this is all secondary. With the cooperation of Bailian, Wu Ji, and blacksmiths, the planning and formation master of the city array barely has a foundation. Except for the lack of spiritual objects, the planning of the entire homeland can be started.

  Besides, Chen Xiyi also activated a bond because he collected the Four Arts of Comprehension: Comprehension by analogy.

  【Four Arts of Cultivation: Pill (Alchemy Fairy: Pill Spirit), Equipment: (Treasure Refining Fairy: Bailian), Talisman (Fu Lu Fairy: Witchcraft), Formation (Planning Fairy: City Formation)]

  【Bypass by analogy: know one thing and know a hundred things】

   This is obviously similar to the ability of the six arts of a gentleman. There is no detailed explanation, but the effect can be known from the name and explanation.

   Probably another fetter that enhances thinking and learning ability.

   As for the farm-feeding goblin that was inspired by the last red bead, Chen Xiyi was a little dumbfounded, but the power was really awesome. It was the first time he met two goblins who were specialized in it.

  【Farming Fairy: Ghost Eater】

  【Ability 1: Fertilizer Specialization】

  【Ability 2: Feed Specialization】

  【Ability 3: Composting and fattening】

How should I put it, Chen Xiyi can be sure that the red bead in the predecessor of Ghost Chew is definitely a magic weapon, at least it must be the existence of swallowing soul, eating soul, blood and offering blood, but after being enlightened, it becomes a fertilizer and fodder. Farmers are especially good at composting crops and fattening animals.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi can only say that it is worthy of a farming sandbox game. With such a domineering name, he is now the number one farmer.

  The three abilities are very powerful. The fertilizer and feed produced by the two specializations can increase the production of animals and plants in the homeland, while composting and fattening can increase the production on this basis, and even increase the chance of producing spiritual things.

Chen Xiyi was thinking, if we really want to talk about the ability of goblins and not discuss practicality, maybe this ghost bite can be ranked first. After all, he knows how outrageous the ability specialization is, it can be called the top core skill among goblins, ghost bite a goblin There are two ability specializations plus one ability with two effects.

   It can only be said that it is so strong.

  These four goblins naturally added four kinds of Qi machines and four root bones to Chen Xiyi, which are considered a must-have reward for module linkage.

   "There are still 4 items with historical details left, and the next time the adventurer comes back, I should be able to bring them all."

   "The traveling merchant also came back some time ago and brought me a lot of fairy coins and messy things. The blacksmith seems to be continuing to think about new equipment for me."

   "The Orion has also brought back a lot of prey before, and the lowest is the spirit level. After dealing with a wave of heavenly food spirits, it is estimated that the **** magic chef is preparing to do it now."

   "I remember that he seems to be making tiger **** wine, and he can give Wang Li a jar at that time."

  After all, in Chen Xiyi's network, only Wang Li needs to make up for himself, and with the strength of other people, he doesn't need it at all.

   "The chivalrous man hasn't come back yet, and I don't know which historical wave he went to with his beauty. I hope he will bring some good things back."

  Chen Xiyi found out that all the goblins who were out on the field, except the knight and the confidante, had all returned and were recuperating in their homes.

   "I don't know what magic weapon Bailian can make for me. By the way, can Bailian and the blacksmith cooperate?"

  He was thinking about one thing, if the two goblins could cooperate, wouldn't it be possible to make a set of weapons and armor refined into magic weapons?

  He can indeed refine the magic weapon by himself, but the problem is that it is unnecessary.

  The effect of the magic weapon is nothing more than to protect oneself and kill the enemy, no matter what, it is just a tool.

Whoever refines the tools for him is the same, not to mention that the quality is better than the ones refined by the goblin. The goblins use spiritual objects for refining, and they are blessed by the rules of the Homeland game, which is completely stronger than the ones refined by themselves. many.

  It is also a recovery magic weapon. The self-refined one may only be aimed at the recovery of the same realm, and the one refined by the goblin may be a percentage recovery. From the recovery amount, it can be recovered indiscriminately.

   That's the difference.

  Of course, at present, there is no magic weapon for him. The first step in Bailian is to refine magic weapons for goblins to improve their various abilities.

  Then it is to cooperate with the city formation and the shaman to plan a large formation for the homeland to refine the necessary arrays, so as to target the growth of the entire homeland.

  Chen Xiyi's magic weapon is the last one.

   At best, he would take the time to discuss with the blacksmith about Chen Xiyi's latest equipment.

   For now, the mud suit is given to Zhou Zheng, so it can be regarded as eliminated.

If you want, you can make another set after spending some time. After all, the materials are only hydrogels and earth essence blocks. After the development of these two low-level spiritual objects, there is no shortage of them. A year and a half can't be made.

   After all, for blacksmiths, what they are building is giant equipment, and a year or so is considered short. How many years did it take to create this set of mud suits.

Therefore, it is a waste of time to create another set of mud suits. With such time, it is better to think more about new equipment. Nowadays, there are many types of spiritual objects, but the number is relatively small. If you integrate them, you may be able to create a set that is more Mud suits come out with more powerful gear.

  Afterwards, it will be refined into a magic weapon through hundreds of refinements. Talismans and city formations will join hands to carve small talisman formations. Maybe they can crush the enchanted mud suit without enchanting.

   "The immortal cultivation materials brought back by the adventurer are useless. Most of them are polluted. They have completely changed from spiritual materials to magical materials. They can only be thrown to Ghost Chew as fertilizer or feed."

  Chen Xiyi glanced at it and was a little embarrassed. If it was still a spiritual material, maybe Hell Magic Chef could also use it.

   "It seems that it can be used now."

  At this time, Chen Xiyi seemed to realize one thing, that is, Hell Magic Chef can not only make delicious food, but also dark cooking.

  After he tried to communicate his thoughts with Hell Magic Kitchen, Heaven Food Spirit said that these things can actually be processed again.

  Of course, after processing, it doesn't change back to spiritual material, but makes the effect darker.

   For example, this freshly baked soaring egg fried rice.

  【Flying Egg Fried Rice】

  【Saturation +5000】

  【Life limit -50%】

  【Severe hallucinogenic】


  【Life is dying】


  【Cause 1% HP damage per minute】

  【weak and weak】


  【Soul failure】

  【10% chance of death】

  【Probability of whole body distortion +50%】

   If he swallowed this thing in one gulp, he would be lucky if the person disappeared on the spot. He was afraid that the person did not die, and it also triggered a 50% distortion probability, so he could change the race directly.

   Coupled with a large number of negative states such as half of the health deducted and soul exhaustion, the whole person feels cold.

   As expected of the soaring egg fried rice, either spiritually or physically, in short, there is absolutely no good end.

You know, this is a satiety level of 5000. After eating, these negative states will not disappear until the digestion is complete. At the beginning of Zhou Zheng’s Mahayana period, he ate two bowls of rice. With a satiety of 5000, it is not necessarily enough to digest the satiety after the life value is deducted.

  Of course, Chen Xiyi suspected that the 10% fatality rate was caused by overeating.

   All in all, this thing is definitely a big killer, especially with the blessing of the homeland rules. After the opponent eats it, unless Chen Xiyi treats it, otherwise, even if it locks blood and has no life value, it will be hit.

   "In this way, is the sandbox the correct way to play?"

  He was thinking, if Chaos Great Heavenly Demon was fed this bowl of Fried Rice with Flying Eggs back then, the other party would have half his life even if he was guaranteed not to die.

   It’s just that not all the ingredients have been used. Wouldn’t it be even more terrifying if all the ingredients were used to make a Buddha jumping over the wall or a messy stew?

  He used to think that the name of Hell Magic Chef was only given by the world of dark chefs, but he never expected that he was not only proficient in normal cooking, but also better at dark cooking.

  Normal spiritual objects can of course be made into dark dishes, but because there are basically no goblins and no one to eat those things, cooking them is a waste of materials, so I have been making normal delicacies.

   Now, Chen Xiyi has discovered the horror of dark cooking. To be honest, poison may not have such a terrible effect.

"Well, save these polluted spiritual materials first. Next time, you can make me a pot of dark food with better effect. Add all these things into it. I will keep it as a big killer. It is best to make it It can be easy to throw or have a strong deceptive flavor that can make people crazy infatuation."

  Chen Xiyi said solemnly to Hell's Magic Chef.

  【Hell magic chef expresses that you can rest assured that as long as the ingredients are in place, he is guaranteed to make dark dishes that satisfy you, and he is very happy that you think dark dishes are a big killer】

  (end of this chapter)

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