This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 296: This is much easier than practicing magic

  Chapter 296 This is much easier than practicing magic

  【A group of people who were eliminated by the era came to this era, and they called themselves immortals】

  Chen Xiyi raised his head abruptly, with a calm expression.


  He didn't expect that Zhaofeng Erbao would update him with such news. Before that, it was all the gossip of some demons who eat me and eat you, which has no reference value at all.

   Heavenly Demons have brains, but they basically don’t need them. Especially now that Heavenly Demons are eating each other, their brains have been completely eroded.

  So every day is the news that demons eat each other.

   "Grandpa, don't play mud giants yet, a group of fairies are coming." Chen Xiyi said.

  Zhou Zheng put away the alloy long sword made of mud, with a strange look on his face: "Immortal? There are still people alive in this situation."

  He let the mud giant that had just been created return to the team, and then stuffed the demon back into the cage.

Omen is actually a very good material for brushing mud giants. You must know that Omen cannot be killed. After equipping the mud suit, there is a chance to summon mud giants every time you attack, which forms a virtuous circle. .

  As long as the attack frequency and the number of demons are calculated, it is completely possible to brush mud giants all the time. In just these few days, Zhou Zheng has gathered 150,000 mud giants.

  It's a pity that the occupations are messy, but the scale has also increased greatly.

  Most of them have the strength of the peak Dzogchen in the late stage of the ninth level of Jindan, and it is estimated that they will be able to break through to the strength of the early stage of Huashen after a little more time.

   "There are not many living people left, but I don't really know what the condition of immortals is. I don't want you to ask me." Chen Xiyi said.

  Zhou Zheng moved his body a bit. After all, he had been slashing for more than half a month. Although it was easy, it was also very uncomfortable.

   "How do I know, I'm only half-step immortal now, how can I know what it is like to be immortal." Zhou Zheng rolled his eyes, took out a bottle of Fat House Happy Water, and poured it into his mouth.

   If you want to say that Zhou is the real liver, he doesn’t even watch games, TV dramas and movies, just let the mud giant go.

   It looks like he has got rid of his Internet addiction, but in fact, he is not. Chen Xiyi knows that this week Zheng simply wants to make himself able to surf the Internet with more peace of mind in the future, so he fights like this. This is called bitterness before sweetness.

   "That's right, these fairies must have come from bad people. Let's hang on and don't go out. I guess you can't beat them." Chen Xiyi thought for a while and said.

"That makes sense. Let's talk about when I become a fairy, but how is your research and development of the three-turn magician?" Zhou Zheng is not one of those young and vigorous boys. With his strength and age, he naturally listened to people's persuasion.

   "Soon, soon, about two days after tomorrow, the main reason is that the accompanying magic treasure is a little more difficult to get, but everything else is fine." Chen Xiyi didn't hide the difficulty, and it wasn't a big deal.

   "Even you will have to spend a day or two, it seems that this companion magic treasure is really difficult to deal with." Zhou Zheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"That's not all, the main thing is, I think it's too troublesome to keep accumulating the number of demons, and I have to perform surgery on you every time, so I think you have to change the method, otherwise I will give you an upgrade once you upgrade." You can't stand it even if you cut your stomach open once, can you?" Chen Xiyi thought that I was thinking about you.

  Zhou Zheng had black lines all over his head: "As long as you don't mess with my internal organs, it's just a trivial matter to disembowel me."

For Zhou Zheng, disembowelling is really just a trivial matter. He has gradually recovered part of his memory and already knows some of the pain of practicing magic arts in the past. If the pain back then was as easy as disembowelling, why did so many people die? cultivator.

What really **** off Zhou Zheng was that Chen Xiyi always wanted to do some weird things to his internal organs. As a Mahayana period, he had such a strong strength that Chen Xiyi's scalpel couldn't remove his internal organs. It's time for Chen Xiyi to show off the viscera in a glass bottle to him.

   As for offal substitutes?

   It must be Celestial Demon, what else could it be.

"Is this a question of disemboweling? It's a question of your difficulty in leveling up. I plan to simulate a situation where demons cannibalize each other and let you go hunting by yourself, so I specially selected this demon." Chen Xiyi said with a hand. Pulled out a demon.

  This celestial demon is a celestial demon with the qualifications of the companion magic treasure, the celestial demon king.

  The ability is digestion enhancement, and the magic treasure is called gluttonous stomach bag.

  Chen Xiyi can be sure of one thing. When it was originally a companion spirit treasure, this thing was definitely not called a gluttonous stomach bag, and the ability to enhance digestion is also very likely to be a demonic ability born from the companion magic treasure of the gluttonous stomach bag.

"This one, I remember you said he was a glutton, why did you choose him?" Zhou Zheng asked with some doubts, he thought that Chen Xiyi would give him the choice to strengthen the Heavenly Demon Body of Yuanshi Demon Body and the Heavenly Demon Ability and Companion Demon of Xingsu Demon Jie Bao, I didn't expect to choose an existence that can be said to be irrelevant.

   "You will know when the time comes. I have carefully selected this thing, and it is absolutely compatible with you. I have 90% certainty that you will become a fairy after you become a third-rank demon."

   "Even if you don't become a fairy on the spot, you can still become a fairy with a little effort."

  Chen Xiyi knows that the demons of this era have two most powerful abilities, one is immortality, and the other is the swallowing evolution that restrains immortality.

   Immortality is something. Because Zhou Zheng is a demon-controller, he is considered a human being, not a demon, so basically don’t think about it at this stage.

  But phagocytosis evolution is possible. This thing can be completely man-made. For example, the enhanced digestion and gluttonous stomach bag are very in line with Chen Xiyi's conception.

  Of course, due to race reasons, it is more difficult for Zhou Zheng to improve his ability, and his improved strength is five to ten times that of the normal demon devouring evolution.

  In addition to racial reasons, there are also ability reasons.

  Once Chen Xiyi transplanted the third celestial demon to Zhou Zheng, then the devouring evolution would need to support three abilities plus one magic treasure, and the growth would naturally slow down if the consumption was too high.

Digestion enhancement and gluttonous stomach bag are complementary to each other. Gluttonous stomach bag can make it devour more demons, and can also enable itself to gain the ability to be swallowed by demons, but this ability is limited. At the beginning, there was only one. is able to get more.

  If you are not satisfied with this ability, you can also delete it through the gluttonous stomach bag and choose again.

   And digestion enhancement is a literal meaning. It can have better digestion ability to speed up the digestion of a large number of demons in the gluttonous stomach, so as to quickly become stronger.

Chen Xiyi's thinking is normal. He fused three demons, and then created an independent organ to connect to the gluttonous stomach. Otherwise, if Zhou Zheng was to devour the demons, there would be no corresponding digestive and absorption organs, so the gluttonous Stomach bag will come in handy.

   "It seems that you, the third-turn demon controller, have undergone a qualitative change, but how do you plan to transplant the accompanying magic treasure into my body? This stomach bag is combined with the stomach of this demon." Zhou Zheng was a little curious about this.

"It's very simple, let some demons completely become a part of your body and you can control it. Although it is called a demon controller now, it is essentially a symbiotic relationship, not controlled by you. If the demons become a part of you Even the organs, many things have not only become simpler." Chen Xiyi said.

   Zhou Zheng understood what he heard, but he didn't want to understand what Chen Xiyi was going to do.

   "That means I can become a demon in human skin?" Zhou Zheng asked according to his own understanding.

"No, you will become a person in the skin of a demon. Whether it is your body structure or gene sequence, you are still a person in fact. There is no reproductive isolation from humans, and there is no reproductive isolation from demons. If you want, you can still When you give birth to a half-demon, the only thing that changes is that you have an extra organ in your body, which is used to adapt to the current environment."

  Chen Xiyi then explained, how can he have the ability to change the species for people, it's just a pure technological change.

   "Understood, there is an extra thing in my body, and then I became stronger." Zhou Zheng felt that what Chen Xiyi said was messy, so he summed up the situation.

   "It's not impossible if you want to understand it this way." Chen Xiyi didn't tell him too much in depth, after all, Zhou Zheng didn't think about it.

Then Chen Xiyi suddenly remembered something: "By the way, there is one more thing, that is, the enhanced digestion and the gluttonous stomach. The growth direction of these two things is rather strange. Only the ability of the Heavenly Demon is limited to the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon Body and the Xingsu Demon Calamity, which will only enhance your two abilities, but this one is different. It is estimated that it will develop a system of devouring evolution, which is similar to yours. The magic system is a bit different."

   "I see, I will pay attention to it later, but after this, how long do we have to hide?" Zhou Zheng asked.

  Chen Xiyi thought about it for a while: "You don't need to hide for long. If you become an immortal at the third turn, you can go out to hunt demons after you get used to it for a while. If not, you can only adapt and evolve after devouring demons."

   As for whether he could become a fairy after the third rank, Chen Xiyi was actually not very sure.

  Of course, the three-turn magician becoming an immortal is only useful to Zhou Zheng, who was originally a half-step immortal and a Mahayana immortal cultivator.

Only strong strength can support Chen Xiyi to unscrupulously choose heavenly demons of all levels of strength. If it is a cultivator in the body training stage, at most he can only choose heavenly demons transformed from mortals. Exploded and died.

  So, it doesn't mean that a magician who turns three times can become an immortal, but that Zhou Zheng can only if he has a foundation.

  Just like Chen Xiyi, his cultivator system is the Golden Core Stage, but it doesn't mean that he really only has the strength and ability of the Golden Core Stage.

   "Okay, but what are you going to do with those fairies? I'll catch them after I become a fairy?" Zhou Zheng asked.

  He still has great confidence in the Demon Controller.

"Don't worry, the third turn is just the beginning, it's best to dodge and go, and then I will give you the immortality of the demon for you. Besides, as long as we can't die, we have countless chances, while the other party only has one chance. .”

  As soon as Chen Xiyi finished speaking, he discovered something. Two white dots appeared on the game map.

   This is quite rare. After all, there are two white dots suddenly appearing on the map full of red dots. Can this not make him curious?

   "Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here. I didn't expect someone to come to the main altar of the Demon Sect." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but have a weird tone.

  Two people, one he knew, Shang Yuanqing, the owner of the Qingming Palace whose prefix was Immortal Cultivator, and the other was more meaningful, and the prefix was not Immortal Cultivator, which made Chen Xiyi think of those immortals.

  【Bai Wangjun, who is eliminated by the era】

  Before Zhangliu’s Zhaofeng ear report reminded him that there is a group of people who have been eliminated by the times, and they call themselves immortals.

   Then those who use this as a prefix are naturally those immortals.

   "The main altar of the Tianmo Sect? Those immortals? What are they doing here?" Zhou Zheng was also a little puzzled when he heard this.

   "Who knows, but let's hide it well, and we will talk about everything after you become a third-rank demon controller." Chen Xiyi said.

  (end of this chapter)

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