This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 308: Boldness, life star, famous all over the world

  Chapter 308 Bold Bravery, Fate Star, Famous in the World

   "The system of this world is really interesting."

  Chen Xiyi flipped through Cao Dong's memories, chatting and joking with him by the way.

  In this world, literati cultivate their talents, and warriors cultivate their qi and blood.

  The way of civil and military affairs, one piece and one relaxation, jointly assist this dynasty named Daji.

  In this big season, the country has been established for 800 years. First, the eunuchs were in power, and the emperor was exhausted.

   Coupled with the successive natural disasters over the years, this led to the man-made disaster of the Yellow Turban rebellion.

  The yellow scarves in this world are similar to the yellow scarves of the Three Kingdoms in Chen Xiyi’s memory in the previous life. They follow the lower-level route. The only difference is that they don’t take faith as their belief, but directly adhere to Huang Tianjimin’s ideas.

  The Yellow Turban Celestial Master is also a well-known generation of virtuous scribes, and is also very famous in the big season. Now this rebellion can be said to have caused violent waves. No one thought that the Yellow Turban Celestial Master would rebel.

   "Brother Cao is really a pedantic heaven and man, which opened my eyes." Chen Xiyi complimented Cao Dong politely.

  Cao Dong is also modest: "Don't dare to be or not, it's just some stupid opinion. It's not like Brother Chen's travels in Daji, and he saw the majesty of this mountain and river."

  The bridal sedan chair was carried by everyone, and the two of them improved a lot by bragging about their superficial feelings.

   As for true feelings?

  Chen Xiyi treated the other party as a tool person, and the other party didn't increase his favorability at all, it was just polite words.

   "When I saw you today, I chatted with Brother Cao like a spring breeze. I don't know if Brother Cao would like to send a handwritten letter to Brother Yu, as a souvenir in the future." Chen Xiyi said.

  A gleam flashed in Cao Dong's eyes, and he asked calmly, "I don't know what handwriting Brother Chen wants?"

  After sizing up, Chen Xiyi's eyes fell on the table of the two of them. There was a book in front of him, and he said, "How about this book "The Story of the Tiger and the Dragon's Tale of the Dragon"?"

  Hearing this, Cao Dong didn't have any turmoil in his expression. Instead, he glanced at the "Tiger's Tale of the Dragon", which he had just transcribed yesterday.

   A necessary book that both scholars and warriors must read, but it is not a book that should be cherished.

  Scholars cultivate their talents with sincerity, but this does not mean that scribes are as weak as a mage. The temperature of a scribe who enters the dynasty and governs a place raises his heart to increase his talents.

  While Wufu uses soldiers to train his blood, it doesn’t mean that he is a reckless man without a brain. A warrior can become a general, lead his troops in command, and use the spirit of an army to condense his soldiers’ courage to enhance his blood.

  The two also interact. For example, some warriors serving as county lieutenants can also use the spirit of one place to condense soldiers’ courage and strengthen their blood.

  Scholar and warrior are complementary.

   There are also some scattered people, but they are either from poor families or rangers. Otherwise, most of them confirm the sentence that they have learned literary and martial arts, goods and emperors.

   "Since Brother Chen wants this copy of "The Story of the Tiger and the Dragon's Tale of the Dragon", I will give it to Brother Chen." Cao Dong pushed the book to Chen Xiyi.

   "That's thanks to Brother Cao. It's getting late, so I'll take my leave first." After taking the book, Chen Xiyi got up and cupped his hands and said.

   After finishing speaking, Chen Xiyi resolutely ran away from the Cao Mansion.

  He didn't want this book "Tiger Strategy and Dragon Story" for no reason, it's a module.

   Moreover, the name of the module gave Chen Xiyi a bad feeling. After finding a safe place and digging an underground shelter, Chen Xiyi began to prepare to activate such a module.

  【Module: Life Star】

  【Unlock system after activation: Scribe/Warrior】

   "I can only choose one, is it so bad?" Chen Xiyi has a black line, this module named Fate Star can only choose one of the scribes or warriors, not all of them.

  Therefore, Chen Xiyi was thinking about one thing, which is whether to choose a scribe or a martial artist.

  In fact, he prefers scribes. Compared with the fact that he always wears scholarly fashion, and he has always disliked reckless behavior, he is more suitable for scribes.

  You must know that scribes are not only good at summoning, poetry, poetry, classics, etc. all have special powers.

   But this also leads to another problem, that is, Chen Xiyi doesn't have such a good talent.

You must know that writing lyrics and writing poems does not mean that you can succeed by copying the classics handed down from the previous life. Plagiarized.

  Your plagiarism is not irresponsible to others, but irresponsible to yourself, and you may even lose nothing because of it in the future.

   There is not much problem in letting Chen Xiyi compose poems, it is a matter of a poem generator, but the problem is that he cannot confirm his loyalty and inspire him with talent.

When copying poems, such as Jiang Jinjiu, he has to be Li Bai, and lastly, Li Bai must have the talent, experience, and even mood when he wrote Jiangjinjiu, otherwise, even if it is copied, it will be just a line of words instead of a poem. It is a bold and indulgent seven character song line.

  Danxin does not care about good and evil, but it is about talent.

  Chen Xiyi felt that the only possibility of choosing the scribe system was that this module was wasted.

   In this regard, he is still very self-aware.

   After all, a scholar depends on his talent and ability.

  He should have the ability, but let alone the talent.

   "Wufu is just Wufu. He happens to be one who specializes in body, qi and blood. My dual cultivation of life and soul surpasses a large part of my body, so I just use Wufu to make up for it."

  Chen Xiyi had no choice but to choose the Wufu system reluctantly.

  【You get the skill: Bold Courage】

  【You are blessed by the river goblin-Jianghu, and you get status: Martial Soul +1】

  【You are blessed by the mountain goblin-Mountain, and you get status: Martial Soul +1】

  【You are blessed by the Sheji Fairy-Royalty, and you get status: Martial Soul +1】

  【You received】

  【You have activated the mission of transforming the courage of soldiers:】

  【Let yourself be famous in the world, and your courage will evolve into a life star. The way you become famous in the world is different, and the evolved life star will be different】

   "What the hell, and a mission, what is the life star?"

  Chen Xiyi was confused, Cao Dong didn't have the so-called life star in his memory, not even the martial spirit attached by the fairies.

  However, Chen Xiyi knew that Martial Soul should be something similar to root bone and Qi machine, which is the basic attribute of this system.

   "Could it be that different routes lead to the same goal?"

  Chen Xiyi was thinking that if he chose the scribe system, he might also get the task of transforming the scribes, turning the scribes' loyalty into a star of life.

  So essentially the same path, the only difference is to complete the task.

   "Scholars are divided into four realms: self-cultivation, family harmony, state governance, and world peace. Cao Dong is currently in the realm of self-cultivation, so he has no way to become an official in the court. If he wants to be an official, he must at least be at the level of the Qi family."

   "Warriors are divided into five ranks, and they are not as particular as the scribes. Only the first rank, the second rank, the third rank, the fourth rank and the fifth rank. Currently, the fifth rank is the lowest, and the first rank is the highest."

  The number of first-rank warriors does not seem to be many. Chen Xiyi is not sure how many there are, but conservatively no more than three.

  As for the scribes in the Pingtian Realm, I haven’t heard of them for many years. It is estimated that the Yellow Turban Celestial Master may be the latest literati in the Pingtian Realm.

   "It's a pity, Cao Dong, a scholar of the Cao family for generations, has not practiced martial arts, so he doesn't know much about the journey of martial arts, only some common sense." Chen Xiyi sighed.

  For example, the grade of a martial artist, tempering the courage of soldiers to enhance blood.

   As far as Chen Xiyi is concerned now, how do you temper your courage? How is Qi and blood born?

  He knows about Bingdan, and he also has it. It is in his body, together with Yuanshi Tianmo.

   As for Qi and blood, he doesn't know what it is. He probably has to find a way to exercise his body or so-called tempering his courage.

   These things are either inherited from the family, or from the military, and there are probably people who want to buy and sell them, but they are hard to find.

   Let’s talk about bad streets, it’s not so easy to get, but if you say it’s not easy to get, it’s also possible to walk around.

Generally speaking, the complete inheritance of martial arts is a set of military books. It not only has the methods of tempering soldiers' courage, boiling qi and blood, and even various powerful medicines to nourish and cultivate, but also carries the methods of leading soldiers to fight, commanding and training soldiers, and even arresting and interrogating soldiers. The key to tracking and investigating cases, etc., generally depends on whether it is a family of generals or a family of patrolling.

   This is a complete set of inheritance.

The same is true for literati, such as Cao Dong. In addition to studying various classics and classics, he also had to study his own "Cao's Yaolue". The manual is about local governance and management of government affairs and so on.

  The scribes of the Cao family are all inclined to internal affairs and government affairs, etc., rather than military advisers and staff officers who accompany the army.

   "Famous in the world, this is quite difficult."

  The matter of Wu Fu's courage and blood was quickly forgotten by Chen Xiyi, and he had already arranged for a follower of the soul of the thief profession to help him pick up a copy.

   This follower of the thief's soul is a normal thief, not the kind of thief in online games or Western fantasy.

  That's why the task of transforming soldiers' courage is serious.

   "But if you really want to come, it seems that it can be done quickly." Chen Xiyi thought about it.

  For example, he joined the Yellow Turban Army and then rebelled. With his ability to make troubles, he will soon be able to stand out, and even be able to occupy the magpie's nest, and then turn the Yellow Turban Army into his power.

   "If it is really a rebellion, there is no problem with being famous all over the world, but the question is what will the star of life wake up to?"

  Chen Xiyi felt like shit, it couldn't be Huang Tian or Taiping, right?

   And looking at the power of the Yellow Turban, it is basically the same as the grasshopper after autumn.

   Peasant uprisings are normal, but the problem is that in a world with an extraordinary system that can move mountains and fill seas, peasant uprisings basically have no good endings.

  For example, Cao Dong, a scholar of self-cultivation, took action and easily reversed the situation.

   But if he followed the imperial court, Chen Xiyi felt that he would not be able to get ahead at all.

  As for making a name for yourself by making troubles alone, it is estimated that the star of life is also the kind of hip-pull, and it must conform to the trend of the system.

   "You can change your appearance first, and then hang out with the Yellow Turban Army for a while, and see what the situation is before making a decision. If you really can't do it, you can just jump the camp. Anyway, I have been jumping repeatedly in various camps."

   It is difficult to sneak into the imperial court. They have a military registration system, but it is really not difficult to sneak into the Yellow Turban Army. Chen Xiyi can perfectly blend in by killing a Yellow Turban thief and putting on fashion.

   After all, most of the Yellow Turban Army are civilians and refugees, so wearing a Yellow Turban is considered a Yellow Turban Army.

  Of course, the Yellow Turban thieves who got into the Yellow Turban Army could only start from the outside, but it's okay, Chen Xiyi felt that with his ability to do things, he would definitely have no problem getting promoted step by step.

  Well, the premise is that the allies are not killed together when he makes troubles. He has no problem making troubles, but he doesn't know how to start.

   "It's just right, you can use the recharge of the reincarnation coordinates of the Tianyun Orb."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the Yellow Turban Army on the game map, thinking about which one it would be better to join.

   "Go and kill one to test the waters first."

  (end of this chapter)

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