This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 323: madman, skull donor

  Chapter 323 Mad Demon, Skull Donor

   "What does that kid from the Tie family mean?" Liu Rong asked while looking at Jing Daocheng not far away.

   "Prefect, I don't know about this matter for the time being, but judging from the information gathered, it seems that Tie Dutong intends to recruit Bai Yunsheng." The guard beside him said cautiously.

  Hearing this, Liu Rong's eyes flashed a gleam of coldness, and then he snorted coldly: "Hmph, this boy from the Tie family really thinks it's his father."

  Liu Rong was also quite apprehensive, if this poisonous man really entered the Nine Frontier Army, then he would know the consequences, and there might be no chance of resolving this matter.

  He hated Bai Yunsheng to the bone. You must know that the number of soldiers killed by him alone was far more than the number of soldiers who died in the entire Luzhou battlefield.

Although the name of this person is not famous all over the world, when the upper echelons of the Daji court heard the word Bai Yunsheng, poisonous warriors definitely popped into their minds. This person entered the Nine Frontier Army with this ability alone. , must be the guest of honor. With his vicious methods, many political opponents of the Nine Frontier Army may have a headache.

  If you want to separate a faction, Liu Rong is from the lineage of General Shenwu, not from the lineage of the Nine Frontier Army.

   "Prefect, I'm afraid you have to be cautious about this matter. This Jingdao City is not so easy to capture." The guard reminded.

"It's natural. Although I despise that Tie Mi, I still know to be careful with this Bai Yunsheng. He can wipe out the hunting wolf, the ghost face, and the three armies in white. If I still despise him, he will end up like a dead bone in the grave, but I don't need to attack directly, I just need to surround without killing, cut off its food supplies, and let this beast starve to death in the city." Liu Rong never underestimated Bai Yunsheng, but he also knew Bai Yunsheng's shortcomings.

  The destruction of the Yellow Turban is imminent, and the various places are gradually recovering. Even the Luyin City was destroyed. The body of the thief leader Zhao Quan was found in the city. Not long ago, his head was beheaded and sent to the God Capital to comfort the emperor.

  As for the corpse, it was naturally chopped up and fed to the dogs.

   And this Jingdao City is now the only place in the entire Luzhou that is still resisting, and it is completely an isolated city.

  Liu Rong was afraid of Bai Yunsheng, so he would rather surround the opponent with all his ammunition and food than to take risks himself.

   "It's not good, the prefect, please send a report to report that the yellow turban thief in the city has changed, and it seems that they are going to abandon the city." Suddenly, a soldier rushed over and reported.

"What? Not good, then Bai Yunsheng must know my plan and wants to break the situation and leave in advance. Hurry up, all the soldiers will move out. We must not let Bai Yunsheng escape from Jingdao City, otherwise there will be endless troubles." Liu Rong's expression changed. Change, his plan is very good, but the premise is that people don't run away.

   If this person runs away, what should they surround and kill?

  Think about it, if Bai Yunsheng took 15,000 Yellow Turbans and joined the Nine Frontiers, what would happen?

  It is one thing to have a high status, and you still have soldiers in your hands, so with the vicious methods and temperament of the opponent, you can really let yourself go.

  If it is true that after the reconciliation with the Five Thousand and Nine Frontier Army at that time, it will really be that the sky is high and the birds are flying, and the sea is wide and the fish are jumping, but then I will be unlucky.

  So I don't care about other things, let's kill first.

   "Where does the Yellow Turban Army want to go? But to the north?" Liu Rong asked on the road.

   "Exactly, a large number of yellow scarf thieves gathered and wanted to go to the north gate. The people in the city were also panicked and wanted to leave towards the other three gates."

   To the north is where the Nine Frontiers are stationed.

  Hearing this, Liu Rong also breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, let the ambush at the north gate move, and don't let Bai Yunsheng get away. I'll go straight into the city and attack back and forth."

Before this, in order to deal with this matter, Liu Rong had already ambushed eight thousand Tie Teng Army in the northern main road, and a third-rank warrior led the team. Not to mention anything else, it would be no problem to stop this group of Yellow Turban Army for a while. .

  He already knew the number of people in Jingdao City. Although there were 15,000 people, there were actually only 3,000 Yellow Turban Warriors who were soldiers, and the rest were basically useless.

So in terms of strength, the essence is still crushing, but he is still a little worried, after all, there is a poisoner there, who poisoned and killed 45,000 soldiers back then, even if he had prepared in advance, he still had to guard against it. .

   Fortunately, they were not far from Jingdao City, and immediately broke into it from the east gate. The streets were quiet, without any movement.

   This made Liu Rong feel nervous, could it be a trick?

  Didn’t you say that the people were in a panic?

  How come there is no one.

  But at this time, I can't take care of it too much. The shouts and shouts at the north gate are getting louder and louder. It is obvious that the eight thousand iron rattan soldiers fought with the Yellow Turban Army.

   "A thousand people each will guard the three gates, and the rest will go with me to hunt for thieves." Liu Rong is not stupid, it is impossible to really take all the soldiers away, what if the other party uses a golden cicada to escape their shells?

  After giving the order, he galloped forward, and the strong smell of blood continued to permeate, pouring into Liu Rong's nostrils.

   "It smells so bloody, but why didn't I see any corpses?" Liu Rong felt more and more uneasy.

   When he arrived, he found that a yellow scarf soldier who was so strong that his clothes were torn apart was blocked at the north gate and was fighting with iron rattan soldiers one by one.

Whether it is a yellow turban warrior or a yellow turban thief, they all have red eyes like a madman, and their mouths are constantly drooling. It is especially terrifying when fighting. Even if they lose half of their bodies, as long as they are not dead, they will struggle to crawl over to fight with the enemy. .

   What shocked Liu Rong even more was that when those Yellow Turban soldiers saw them coming, they turned their heads and rushed towards them. It looked like they were about to bite off a bite of flesh from them.

   "Hiss, it's been tricked, that Bai Yunsheng is really poisonous, and he used the Yellow Turban Army as a delay." Liu Rong couldn't help but gasped, he knew that it was definitely Bai Yunsheng's handwriting.

  To be honest, the delay of the people under his command is not a big deal. The real big deal is that Bai Yunsheng poisoned these people in order to delay the time better.

   With such a crazy appearance, if there is nothing wrong, who would believe it?

   In their large army, they shared a lot of pressure, and the pressure on the eight thousand iron rattan army who stopped the crazy yellow scarf army was a lot lighter.

  Under the constant encirclement and suppression, even if these Yellow Turban soldiers are fearless because of madness, the gap in strength is still there, and it is only a matter of time before they are all strangled.

  But the more so, Liu Rong felt more and more uneasy, he didn't think that the dignified poisonous Bai Yunsheng had such a little trick.

  The increasingly strong smell of blood in his nasal cavity made him a little upset.

  Suddenly, he suddenly realized that the smell of blood was completely abnormal, and when he looked at the Iron Vine Army under his command, there was a tinge of red in their eyes, as if they were red-eyed.

   "Not good, poisonous!"

   "Everyone listen to the order, quit!!"

  Liu Rong yelled and retreated, but the problem was that at this moment, everyone was blindsided, no one obeyed his orders at all, and even his horses began to show similar symptoms.

   What's more important is that he found that those Yellow Turban soldiers were showing signs of dying from strength failure, that is, beating and beating, and suddenly fell straight down with just such a hiccup, losing their vitality.

   What surprised Liu Rong even more was that after the death of these Yellow Turban soldiers, blood would continuously seep out of their skin, and then evaporate until they turned into a mummy.

  The blood volatilized into the air, or drifted away with the wind, or was inhaled by the other Yellow Turban Army and Iron Rattan Army who were fighting, and then became more and more crazy.

   At this time, Liu Rong seemed to understand why the people in the city were panicked but no one was there, and more importantly, they could smell blood.

   At this moment, Liu Rong also heard the sounds of fighting at the other three city gates.

"I never thought that this poisonous warrior's methods could be so vicious, not only the Yellow Turban Army, but even the people of this city." Liu Rong could feel the murderous intent surging in his heart, he knew that he It seems that it is about to lose control and fall into madness.

  At this time, he didn't even think about it, and immediately abandoned his horse and left. With his own strength as a scribe who ruled the country, his talent and poetry turned into a brilliance, and he immediately wanted to escape from this place of right and wrong.

  As long as life is still there, everything is easy to talk about. If life is gone, what is the use of power and status?

   Is it true that you are loyal to the country and have a name behind you?

  He didn’t plan these things. If he had really planned these things, he would have brought troops to encircle and suppress Jingdao City. He didn’t know that the Nine Frontier Army hadn’t moved, so he brought troops to clear them under pressure.

  Liu Rong hated this Yellow Turban Army to the bone because the actions of the other party made his political performance unsightly.

  As he moved away from Jingdao City, without the influence of the smell of blood, and with the help of some poetry, his sanity gradually recovered.

  At this time, it is natural to find a way to shirk this matter, otherwise, if the court blames him, he will not be able to afford it.

"This matter can only be attributed to Bai Yunsheng, but it seems that the weight is not enough. Tie Mi, Tie Mi, I can only let you come. Who told you to be Tie Futu's son." Liu Rong knew that this matter was due to his hasty underestimation of the enemy , was blinded by the illusion that the other party wanted to abandon the city and flee, but Tie Mi was also there.

  This incident can only muddy the waters of the entire court, and he will have a chance of life.

  The best way to stir up trouble is naturally to let the two largest military and political factions fight in chaos.

   Coincidentally, he is from the lineage of General Shenwu, and Tie Mi is the son of Tie Futu. He may not be qualified to represent the lineage of General Shenwu, but Tie Mi is definitely qualified.

   Soon, a plan was born, and Liu Rong felt that he didn't need any sophisticated means, he only needed to pull Tie Mi into the water, and things would naturally come to fruition.

  His idea is indeed operable. Although the Yellow Turban is a disaster, for the civil and military court, this is not only an opportunity to expand their own influence, but also an opportunity to promote their entire staff.

   It can even be said to be a good time to attack political opponents.

   It's just that Liu Rong thought a lot, but he didn't have the chance to implement it.

  A black and red streak suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. Before he could react to what it was, he felt that there seemed to be a problem with his vision.

  ‘Why can I see my own body? '

  Before Liu Rong's consciousness fell into darkness, he saw his body fall backwards, and before he could react, everything was over.

   Then I saw a black and red exquisite flying knife that lifted Liu Rong's head in one stroke, and fled towards the distance into a black and red light, only to see the blood that was sprinkled along the way all over the ground.

   "The head of Liu Rong, the prefect of Luzhou, happened to be used as a meeting gift. As for the 20,000 iron rattan troops, counting the time, they are almost dead."

  Chen Xiyi sat in the pavilion, casually put Liu Rong's head on the stone table in the center of the pavilion and said.

   Zhao Ning and Ma Ke stood aside, not knowing what they were thinking.

  In the distance, the sound of horseshoes from far to near.

   It wasn’t the Tie Teng Army that came, but the Five Thousand and Nine Frontier Army, and it was Tie Mi who led the team.

  Don't ask Chen Xiyi how he knew, he was looking at the game map, and there was such a big green dot with a lot of white dots coming towards him, plus the name prefix, how could he not know who it was.

  (end of this chapter)

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