This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 325: Wouldn't it be in vain to blind him if he didn't make him lame?

  Chapter 325 Wouldn’t it be a waste of this opportunity not to fool him

  Chen Xiyi wiped off the blood on his hands, and casually let his subordinates dispose of the corpse in front of him.

  I couldn’t help but sighed in my heart: ‘Sure enough, the big forces are easy to do things. It’s not like before in the Yellow Turban Army, who didn’t even have the materials for an experimental product. '

   This time Luzhou was dealt with, and many warriors were arrested, some of them were really remnants of the Yellow Turbans, and there were also many people in the court.

  Chen Xiyi has studied the warrior's courage and blood, and he barely knows it.

   "Military division, Luzhou is now in my hands. Look, this is Your Majesty's letter of appointment as acting prefect." Chen Xiyi walked out of the tent, and Tie Mi, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed up to meet him, with a bright smile on his face.

  As for Chen Xiyi's experiments with prisoners of war, Tie Mi naturally pretended he couldn't see it. You must know that the loss of the entire Luzhou this time was only 300 people, all thanks to Chen Xiyi's plan.

  If he had told him to use five thousand and nine frontier troops to win a state, he would have cut off his head and would not have believed it, but now he has really done it.

   "This is due to the command of the capital, otherwise it would not be so easy." Chen Xiyi said that everyone carried the sedan chair, and for a person like him who is indifferent to fame and wealth, it is not a big deal to praise the other party.

  Tie Mi Shile's mouth was almost cracked to the ear, but he said: "I dare not be a military advisor, and I have no plans to let my subordinates have this meritorious service."

For Chen Xiyi's praise, although Tie Mi was happy, he was not so happy that he lost his mind. He didn't dare to take credit for this matter. These days, he is like a tool man. Chen Xiyi can fight wherever he says, and how to fight No matter how you fight, just beat the whole Luzhou down in such a muddleheaded manner.

   "It's a fluke, a fluke, I don't know if everyone is in such a hurry, but what's the matter?" Chen Xiyi naturally stopped the embarrassment between the two, but asked.

"Yes, yes, look at my brain. This time I'm here to ask the military adviser how to govern this Luzhou. I'm a military officer, and I really don't know much about internal affairs. I also ask the military adviser to go to clarify the confusion." .” Tie Mi said hastily.

  Chen Xiyi smiled slightly: "The capital really wants to use this Luzhou as its foundation?"

   "It's okay to speak as a military adviser." Hearing Chen Xiyi's tone, Tie Mi felt a little uneasy.

"Although Luzhou is good, with the power of the capital, I'm afraid it won't be able to control it. If it's fine for a short time, it will turn into a quagmire and eat back the capital in the long run. At that time, Luzhou will be lost in the slightest, and death in severe cases." Chen Xiyi said without any hesitation.

  These words made Tie Mi's expression very ugly, and Chen Xiyi was no different from scolding him face to face for his incompetence.

   "This Luzhou is the capital of the general's promotion, not the place of foundation."

   "Let me ask a question, is Dutong going to be the prefect of one place or the head of the Tie family?"

Chen Xiyi's words made Tie Mi wake up from a dream, his goal was not to be the prefect of Luzhou at all: "No wonder, no wonder, Dylan misunderstood me, but now the general has already reported to His Majesty, let me take the post of prefect, what should I do?" Is good."

Tie Mi knew that his abilities were limited, and it was a little ugly to be told face to face, but this one thoughtfully arranged for him, as long as he took down Luzhou and let his father let someone take it in, that would be a great achievement file.

  He doesn't have enough ability to rule a state. If he has more soldiers and generals, he can do it, but he doesn't have many people around him now.

   What's more, he doesn't need to do this move if he wants to have many soldiers.

   The blame is to blame Dylan for talking too much, which caused things to change, and the follow-up will be much more difficult.

  Easy to start, does not mean so easy to end.

   "General Futu is the father of Dutong." Chen Xiyi said this in a strange way.

  Tie Mi nodded, not knowing what it meant.

"Since this is the case, it will be much easier. You can write a letter yourself. First, you will say that all the remnants of the Yellow Turbans in Luzhou have been wiped out, and then you will say that you are not capable enough to rule a state, and then give up this Luzhou. .” Chen Xiyi gave a bad idea, and it was very simple, just let Tie Mi say that he couldn’t do it.

   But Tie Mi heard this, but he was not very happy. You must know that he is eager to show that he can do it, but now that he can't do it now, wouldn't it ruin his previous image.

   "This is to retreat to advance. You must know that Luzhou is still doing well, but it is definitely a hot potato. You can't even ask yourself, can you really solve this Luzhou matter?"

   "If you have that talent, I will naturally take a gamble with Dutong. It's fine if you succeed, but if you don't succeed, you will be lost forever."

   "More importantly, if your two elder brothers can't say that they will fight each other because of this matter, if you pull one into the water, you may not be able to get away in the next two or three years, but you can take this opportunity to develop and achieve multiple goals."

   "The only price is that you are not willing to admit your mistake."

  Chen Xiyi opened his mouth and came, fooling around casually.

  Tie Mi's expression was uncertain, he was thinking about what Chen Xiyi said, and he had to admit that he also somewhat agreed with Chen Xiyi's plan.

  Especially hearing the possible follow-up results will do him no harm, and if he really keeps it in his hands, he may soar into the sky, but it is more likely to drag himself to death.

He was also not sure that he could command the huge Luzhou well. On the contrary, his two elder brothers only needed to add people to his team, and they could gradually overtake him with ease, resulting in a failure. The final victory made his two brothers Brother picked it up.

   "Okay, then according to Mr.'s advice, I will immediately write a letter to the general."

  After going through crazy entanglements in his heart, he still planned to believe Chen Xiyi's words. After all, if he really wanted to say it, it was thanks to the other party that he could get the whole Luzhou.

  If the other party really wants to cheat themselves, why bother to do so much.

   After finishing speaking, Tie Mi naturally left, he couldn't bother Chen Xiyi with such a trivial matter, wouldn't it make him appear incompetent.

  Back in the tent, Zhao Ning looked like a ghost: "Why are you so diligent recently?"

   "Diligence? You don't need a certificate. If you want the life of the Great General Shenwu, you don't really think I can do it alone, do you?" Chen Xiyi rolled his eyes and slumped in his seat casually.

  Don't say it, think about it carefully, it really works, go up and give the opponent a demonized blood knife for a day, and guarantee to die suddenly on the spot.

  Of course, there is not much benefit in doing so, at most some human components can be collected.

  Zhao Ning was silent. The only person who could stand up to General Shenwu, apart from the Sangong of the current dynasty, was this General Futu.

   There are definitely not many chances to rely on Sangong, but if you use this General Futu to borrow a knife to kill people, the reliability will be much greater.

   "How sure are you?" Zhao Ning finally asked.

  Chen Xiyi lay lazily, and said casually: "Not much, try."

  He must not have much confidence. In the end, he really had no choice but to just flip the table.

   Otherwise, what else can I do, I really can't get along with the other party.

   But in fact, he also saw that this Yellow Turban Rebellion also caused many problems in the Daji Dynasty.

  The biggest problem is the growth of the aristocratic family. If it is not handled properly, it is really possible to have a situation of separatist regimes at the end of the Han Dynasty.

   He doesn’t know if there will be three kingdoms at that time, but the Daji Dynasty will definitely be thundered because of this.

  ‘There is no Dong Zhuo in this world, but I can be one. '

  Chen Xiyi felt that this General Futu was very suitable, especially in this battle to wipe out the Yellow Turbans, this General Futu had worked so hard and was absolutely unsealable.

   Coupled with the fact that General Shenwu cannot use force, many things are naturally simplified.

  'In addition, the eunuchs and foreign relatives are fighting in dire straits, which is also a good opportunity. '

  The **** is the vicious dog raised by the Great Ji Emperor, who specializes in collecting money and dealing with those disobedient officials, and the biggest relative is the Great General Shenwu, and the queen of the Great Ji Emperor is the younger sister of the Great General Shenwu.

  Of course, the position of the queen must have been achieved by the majesty of the great general Shenwu, rather than the fact that the great general Shenwu became a general by relying on the queen.

   It is precisely this kind of relationship, the Great General Shenwu protects the king's division inside, and the Great General Futu deters foreigners from the outside.

   This time, it was supposed to be the Great General Shenwu who wiped out the Yellow Turban, but was overwhelmed by the Yellow Turban Celestial Master and was unable to use force, so it fell on Tie Futu.

   "Can this be tried?" Zhao Ning was a little puzzled. In her eyes, this was almost like a rebellion.

   "What can't we try? We're not doing things aboveboard, and we're using secret tricks and tricks. As long as the traces are handled well, who would know who did it?" Chen Xiyi asked with some doubts.

   "Well, isn't it a little bad for us to talk about conspiracies and tricks so openly? Shouldn't this kind of thing be hidden?" Ma Ke on the side also came forward to remind.

   "Who is hiding this, who is hiding it, the three of us are our own people, are you still going to report on yourself?"

  There are only three of them in the camp, so what's the point of hiding here.

  Ma Ke was also taken aback. He felt that what Chen Xiyi said was very reasonable, and since he was not outside, he couldn't say that he was playing charades in hiding. That was really not good.

   "Then the next step."

   "The next step, I'm going to join the Nine Frontier Army, and then see if there is a chance for Tiefutu to enter the capital of God. I know from the previous information that the Great Jidi seems to be unable to hold on." Chen Xiyi said.

   "What? Da Ji Di is not in his prime, how is that possible?"

Chen Xiyi rolled his eyes: "It's true that you are in the prime of life, but sleeping with ten or so concubines a day, so greedy and lustful, you can't bear it, how do you say that, two or eight beautiful human bodies Like Su, beheading a fool with a sword at his waist. Although no head is lost, the bone marrow of the teaching monarch is withered in secret."

   "What's more, he not only plays, but also takes tiger wolf medicine. To be honest, it is not easy to live to this age. Another one, if he is not obsessed with women and ruined the government, how could you have the opportunity of the Yellow Turbans."

  Hearing this, Zhao Ning was also thoughtful. Although she didn't know what Chen Xiyi wanted to do, fortunately, she didn't ask, and there was no point in asking, and there might be a risk of exposure.

  A few days later, Tie Futu sat on the head of the tent, looked at the letter in his hand, and couldn't help chuckling: "This Bai Yunsheng is really extraordinary."

  The expressions of the civil and military people in the tent were filled with curiosity. Bai Yunsheng and the others had naturally heard of it, but now they were a little curious when they heard Tie Futu's praise.

   "In just a few days, he took down the entire Luzhou with five thousand soldiers. What do you think of this man's talent?" Tie Futu said after putting down the letter.

   The group of people were also a little shocked, taking Luzhou so quickly? It's just unbelievable.

   "If you are a great talent, the general's move is like adding wings to a tiger." A scribe congratulated.

It's just that Tie Futu smiled happier: "What's more, Mi'er has learned to be tactful after being with him for a few days. This person not only has the talent for strategy, but also has the ability to penetrate people's hearts. Compassion does not command soldiers."

   Regarding this, a group of people originally wanted to congratulate, but suddenly felt that there was something in Tie Futu's words, and they all fell silent immediately, wondering what Tie Futu meant.

  (end of this chapter)

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