This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 327: Can the general want to enter the capital of the gods?

  Chapter 327 Can the general want to be in charge of the capital of God?

   "The Yellow Turban Rebellion is over, I see" Tie Futu sat on the main seat and said a lot in eloquence.

  The meaning is also very clear, that is, the matter of the Yellow Turban is over, but the Great Jidi seems to be unable to pass.

  A while ago, the eunuchs took advantage of Sun Shenwu's inability to use force to cultivate at home, and continued to expand their power, but the situation of the Great Ji Emperor made the eunuchs panic all of a sudden.

  If the Great Jidi really disappeared, they would definitely be the first to be liquidated.

   This group of eunuchs relied on the Great Ji Emperor, without the Great Ji Emperor, they are nothing.

As for the civil servants and military generals above the court, they all kept silent about this. After all, the Great Jidi was about to make it through. Tang Sangong does not have this ability.

   Now, the meaning of Tiefutu is very obvious. Let your group of think tanks analyze and analyze what to do next.

   There was a lot of discussion for a while, mainly because the court was too far away from them, and generally speaking, if they were not recruited, they would not be allowed to return to the capital of God, so no matter how the court changed, it had nothing to do with them.

  As long as Tie Futu is alive, even if the new emperor ascends the throne, they will not be hindered. The Nine Frontier Army is like a small imperial court isolated from the world.

   "Is the general enthralled?"

  An abrupt voice came, which stunned everyone, including Tiefutu.

  Actually, there is no such option in this discussion.

  Everyone followed the voice, and everyone couldn't help feeling tense, this person is not a good person, poisonous Bai Yunsheng.

  Of course, this Baiyun has been in the Nine Frontier Army for several months. During these few months, he was on time every day in a daze for a day, and then went back to get off work.

   Occasionally drink with Tie Mi, but at other times basically stay behind closed doors, low-key is not like the famous poisoner back then, but more like a mediocrity.

  But now that such a sentence came suddenly, it was really shocking and endless.

  No one in the staff team jumped out to question or provoke.

"Bai Jijiu has been silent for several months, today's opening is really shocking, please speak bluntly." Tie Futu did not expect Chen Xiyi to say this, he thought this poisonous man would keep silent forever , but I didn't expect to ask him if he was in the mood at this juncture?

  He really didn't think about entering the capital of God. After all, his territory is on the border, not the capital of God, the political center.

   "Since the general has no such intention, it doesn't make any sense to speak out." Chen Xiyi didn't speak directly, but beat around the bush.

  This actually aroused Tie Futu's curiosity, and then said: "If I want to enter the capital of God."

   "Then why can't you take the position of Great General Shenwu?" Chen Xiyi asked an irrelevant question.

  But what he said was not ordinary, everyone's expressions changed.

   Even though Tie Futu and Sun Shenwu are both pillars of the Great Season, in terms of power and reputation, Sun Shenwu can completely stabilize Tie Futu.

  When everyone thinks of Sun Shenwu, he is a contemporary general. Although Tiefutu also has it, he is more of a barbarian image.

  Tie Futu took a deep breath, constantly comparing in his mind, Sun Shenwu is in the capital of God, there is no shortage of various resources, and even his descendants are equally beautiful.

  Although he is also a great general, compared with Sun Shenwu, he is still far behind. The Nine Frontier Army wants resources?

   Yes, self-financing, the court will send some silver taels at most. Over the years, the Great Ji Emperor has been extravagant, and the military expenditure has been decreasing year by year. Most of the time, it is up to Iron Buddha to find a way to solve it.

   But Sun Shenwu is different. His Imperial Forest Army goes directly to the national treasury without approval at all, and the military equipment used is first-class.

   Another one, origin.

  Sun Shenwu is the eldest brother-in-law of Emperor Ji, not counting his status as a general at this level, he also has the status of uncle of the country, so he is very trusted by Emperor Ji.

  Both of them have heavy soldiers in their hands, but he was arranged to guard the frontier, and he was far inferior to the other party in terms of treatment and benefits.

  The more he thought about it, the more irritated Tie Futu became, and that sense of imbalance erupted.

  Why the other party can be so comfortable, but he has to stay here to follow the wind and sand.

  Sun Shenwu's family is well-known, but here, even if his son wants power, he can't squeeze it out.

   He can only suppress his third son in order to perfect his eldest son and second son.

   "What Bai Jijiu said" Tie Futu's voice was slightly hoarse and paused, and everyone's hearts were raised: "It's true."

  As soon as the word "true truth" came out, the hearts of all the staff members almost jumped out of their hearts.

  Chen Xiyi showed a curved smile on the corner of his mouth: "At this time, it is the opportunity for the general to enter the capital of God, whether it is the general Shenwu, the eunuch, or your majesty."

  Listening to Chen Xiyi's words, the staff naturally knew what it meant. Everyone bit their bullets, and couldn't help cursing in their hearts, saying that this kid was a scourge.

   What do you want to do, kid? If you don't sing, you will become a blockbuster?

   This is no longer a blockbuster event. If these words spread, Tiefutu may be fine, but they will all have to suffer.

   But at this time, no one dared to stop it, because they knew that Tie Futu was tempted.

   That's right, I was really tempted.

   "I don't know how to sacrifice wine, what's your opinion?" Tie Futu is not a fool, especially Chen Xiyi's opportunity.

  The Great General Shenwu cannot use force, the Great Jidi is about to lose his health, the eunuchs are nothing to worry about, and the crown prince is just a child.

  Then once the Iron Buddha enters the capital of God, he will definitely be at the level of the regent king.

   "It's a small plan, but it takes a lot of guts. If it's an ordinary person, it might be exhausted." Chen Xiyi said pretending to be mysterious.

  Tie Futu's expression remained unchanged, but he said boldly: "You can eat nine tripods for a meal, do you have the guts?"

   "Since the general is trustworthy, then this plan will work, but this matter still needs to wait for one person to die." Chen Xiyi said slowly.

  For a while, the entire camp fell silent. The word "death" can only be used on the emperor.

   "Looking at the sky at night, the letter may have been delivered outside the door."

  Chen Xiyi had just finished speaking when he heard a voice from outside.

   "General, the secret report from the capital of God, hurry up in eight hundred miles." Said the soldier outside the door.

  At this moment, everyone looked at Chen Xiyi with a hellish expression. After all, this fact is too unbelievable. Chen Xiyi came to the Nine Frontier Army, but without any influence, it is absolutely impossible to know this.

   "It's a coincidence. I thought I wouldn't arrive until noon. Why didn't the general invite you to see the secret report?" Chen Xiyi said with a slight smile.

  Tie Futu took a deep look at Chen Xiyi and said, "Bring it in."

The soldiers personally handed the secret report to Tie Futu, looking at the situation on the secret report, his expression became more and more strange, and then he sighed: "Bai Jijiu, Mi'er once said that you have no plans to spare, this matter I was originally I don’t believe it, but at this moment, I have to believe it.”

   After finishing speaking, circulate the secret report to the staff.

  Emperor Da Ji died, but the funeral was not announced at present, and the news was suppressed by a group of eunuchs. Fortunately, the spies of Tiefutu were powerful enough to find some clues from it.

  As for why Chen Xiyi knew about the death of Emperor Da Ji?

   Oh, he did it.

   I don't know how far away, and I just hit the Heavenly Demon Transforming Blood Knife in the past, and I died very happily, basically without much pain.

   Secretly reported this matter, it was purely because he stared at the game map and then deliberately jumped out to pretend to be aggressive.

  As long as he doesn't say it, who would know that he cheated?

   "The right time and place have been prepared for the general, and now there is only one person left. I don't know what the general wants in this matter?" Chen Xiyi asked self-consciously.

  Tie Futu got up immediately, and saluted Chen Xiyi with his bear-like body: "Please give Bai Jijiu some advice."

"Those eunuchs are now showing signs of death. If the new emperor ascends the throne, they will surely die. Whether it is the Great General Shenwu or Empress Sun, I am afraid that they will not be able to tolerate them, and those who can stand up to these two in this world , only the general.”

   "The eunuchs suppressed the news of His Majesty's death in a big way. How about getting another edict to invite the general to report on his duties in order to show his contribution to exterminating the Yellow Turban?"

Chen Xiyi's meaning is obvious, that is to ask Tie Futu to find this group of eunuchs who have nowhere to go, and use the reason of showing meritorious service to falsely spread the imperial decree to let him lead the soldiers back to the capital of God. It was revealed that as long as he was allowed to enter the capital, even if the new emperor ascended the throne, they would keep their status.

   What is even more fruitful is that he wants to cooperate with them and replace the position of General Shenwu.

  Tie Futu naturally understood what Chen Xiyi meant, but there are still many variables in it, that is, whether there is enough time between rounds.

   But looking at Chen Xiyi's calm appearance, Tie Futu couldn't help but thump in his heart. He felt that the other party's plan was probably just the first ring, used to deceive people.

   Therefore, he did not answer immediately, but pretended to think deeply.

   "Come here, bring paper, ink, brush and inkstone." Tie Futu did not answer directly, but directly proved his idea with actions.

  In the staff group, some people who guessed what Chen Xiyi and Tie Futu were thinking pretended that the table was beautiful and their fingers were fun, and they didn't think of stopping them at all.

  If this thing really happens, they will also be the beneficiaries.

  Although they felt that this plan was inappropriate, there was always a force in their hearts that constantly paralyzed them, making the original words reach their throats and be swallowed by them again.

   In the end, he didn't say a word.

   "White sacrificial wine, let's see." As he spoke, Tie Futu asked for his letter to be handed over to Chen Xiyi.

  However, Chen Xiyi refused: "I won't read this letter. I really don't understand this kind of writing, so I have to ask other colleagues for help."

  He can understand Jill, but he is not a real scribe, how would he know how to polish or delete articles.

  Hearing this, Tie Futu smiled abruptly: "I thought everything about Bai Jijiu was clear, so there was something wrong with it. Since that's the case, Bai Jijiu should take the post of Zuojun Shijiu first."

   "Thank you for your support, General, and I am determined to live up to the entrustment of the General." Chen Xiyi naturally got up to thank the gift, although he felt that it was useless.

   But for others, this is a direct jump to the core team of Tiefutu, which can be said to be a step up to the sky.

   But no one objected. After all, his ability is real. If you say that you stand up and object, you might be labeled as jealous.

  'It seems that in terms of spiritual impact, the other party should be the main one, and I can't force changes. Otherwise, not only will my goal not be achieved, but it will also be counterproductive. '

  Chen Xiyi felt that being famous all over the world doesn’t necessarily require a great virtuous teacher who takes the good line, but a poisonous man who is evil can also succeed, and can also fulfill the agreement with Zhao Ning, killing two birds with one stone.

As for what kind of life star will be generated later, he actually doesn't care about it, and he doesn't know what kind of life star will be born by fame. .

  (end of this chapter)

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