This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 333: Ordered to present birthday wine to King Nan of Liang

  Chapter 333 was ordered to give birthday wine to King Nan of Liang

   "Brother Yunsheng, what's going on?"

   On the second day when Tie Futu led the troops to go out on an expedition, Tie Mi couldn't wait any longer, and even ignored his official duties, he hurried to Chen Xiyi's mansion to look for him.

   After Chen Xiyi ordered his subordinates to serve tea, he spoke to Tie Mi in a leisurely manner.

   "When I entered the capital of God, I asked two of my guards to serve as the guards of King Nan of Liang. Captain Tie should know about this, right?" Chen Xiyi said slowly.

  He has an impression of Tie Mi about this matter. Tie Mi is still very satisfied with Chen Xiyi's action. As long as he doesn't keep these two remnants of the Yellow Turbans by his side, it is actually quite good to arrange to monitor Liangnan King and Queen Mother Sun.

   "Isn't there something to gain?" A gleam flashed in Tie Mi's eyes. You must know that they suspected that Sun Bing served the secret edict of the deposed emperor.

  Chen Xiyi smiled without saying a word, took out a note and handed it to Tie Mi.

   "The grass is green and the smoke is condensed, and the swallows are curling up. Luoshui is green, and the people on Mo are envious. Looking at the blue clouds and deep in the distance, it is my old palace. Who is loyal and loyal, and vents my resentment in my heart!"

   "Good poems, really good poems. I never thought that King Nan of Liang would have such talent."

  Tie Mi's eyes showed murderous intent, and his tone was cold.

  He is mediocre, but it doesn't mean he has a brain problem. Chen Xiyi reminded him so decisively before, how could he not know who wrote it.

  Of course, this poem was definitely not written by Xiang Hong, but copied by Chen Xiyi. The copyer was naturally the unlucky Han Shaodi Liu Bian, who died because of this poem.

   "This is a great achievement?" Chen Xiyi asked back.

  But Tie Mi was stunned, what a great achievement, although this poem of complaints could prove that Liangnan King was dissatisfied with them, but that was all, what a great achievement.

   "Brother Yun Sheng, please speak clearly." Tie Mi was a little confused, but fortunately he was honest and asked directly.

   "The king of Liangnan can form a rebel alliance with a secret edict. What if there is another one?"

   "Although the great general is mighty, it is useless to be harassed like this. If there are some people in the capital who refuse to accept the great general and take advantage of the general's absence, it will not be dangerous."

   "In my opinion, using this poem as an excuse, we can get rid of the problem first, so as to avoid troubles in the future."

   "At that time, the general will greatly appreciate Captain Tie's achievements."

  Chen Xiyi's words were extremely bewitching, while Tie Mi was a little embarrassed: "How can the righteousness of the world explain this?"

   "Now that the spring is harmonious, I can give you a cup of longevity wine."

  Tie Mi understood Chen Xiyi's words, and gave him poisoned wine.

   But the problem is that Tie Mi doesn't want to bear the name of poisoning King Nan of Liang. This will be a stain on him in the future.

  He wants fame, and he also wants credit.

What? Isn't this credit?

  How could it be possible? Chen Xiyi believed it without any doubt.

  The main reason is that Chen Xiyi's status is rather special. In the eyes of Tie Futu and Tie Mi, this Bai Yunsheng is tied to their Tie family and will never betray him.

  Tie Mi looked at Chen Xiyi, his eyes were full of heat: "Brother Yunsheng, if you do this matter, what difficulties will there be?"

  Obviously, Tie Mi is not stupid, if he did this, his reputation would be lacking, but the person in front of him has done many harmful things, so he is the best candidate.

  So, it is not normal for the other party to take the blame and gain the benefits.

   "There is no difficulty, it's just after the incident." Chen Xiyi didn't finish speaking, the meaning was obvious, he just wanted benefits.

  Your boy only thinks about good things, Chen Xiyi is not used to him now.

   "Don't worry, Brother Yunsheng, if this matter is successful, there will be a reward." Tie Mi said immediately, patted his chest.

  Hearing this, Chen Xiyi didn't believe it at all, and sneered in his heart.

   As far as this kid's situation is concerned, I'm afraid he will just shirk it after the matter is done.

  The mean and ungrateful temperament is not bad at all, even before recruiting his gold and silver treasures in Luzhou, it was Dylan's intention, not Tie Mi's intention.

   "I would like to ask Your Majesty to grant me a piece of land for the Marquis of Anyang." Chen Xiyi said slowly.

  Tie Mi's expression changed, fiefdom is a thing, one radish and one hole, most of the marquis titles are just honorary titles, there is no real fiefdom at all, it is equivalent to a professional title, and you will be paid more salary.

   Among the official positions like Chen Xiyi, there is no real power at all, and they are all empty promises.

"Okay, after my father comes back from victory, I will ask for credit for brother Yunsheng." Tie Mi is not stupid, he will get the benefits first and then talk about it. As for later, he said, ask for credit for him. If it can't be done, then it's none of his business.

  Chen Xiyi saw what Tie Mi was thinking at a glance, but he didn't care, this was just a small temptation.

   "In this case, let me handle this matter. Captain Tie, don't want to interfere. If there is any mistake, the work will be over." Chen Xiyi's tone was full of warning.

   "Don't worry, I will definitely not interfere in this matter." Tie Mi said solemnly.

   "Then please Captain Tie wait for the good news." Chen Xiyi got up and cupped his hands, then turned and left his mansion.

  This Tie Mi has self-knowledge, but this self-knowledge has almost worn away during this period of expansion.

  Chen Xiyi took his guards and headed towards the Youliang Palace in the imperial palace.

  He had never been here once, but he couldn't stand someone leading the way. When he came to Youliang Palace, the guards who imprisoned Liangnan King didn't dare to stop Chen Xiyi at all.

  But Chen Xiyi also opened his mouth and said: "According to the general's order, I specially send birthday wine to Liangnan King and Queen Mother Sun to drink together."

   Several guards saw that the tray held by the servants behind Chen Xiyi was covered by a white silk, which made their hearts jump.

  This is not a gift of birthday wine, it is completely a gift to the end.

   "Yes, my lord." The guard hurriedly responded. Although he didn't know why this man wanted to tell them these things, he still answered honestly.

   "Okay, give me the birthday wine, you are waiting for my news outside." Chen Xiyi said, took the tray, and walked towards Youliang Palace on his own.

   After entering, the land was desolate, and there were no maids and eunuchs serving at all.

   "I've seen Lord Bai, but I don't know why Lord Bai is here?" Hearing the movement outside, Sun Lingsi and Xiang Hong had already made preparations.

   Ma Ke and Zhao Ning stood aside.

   "The general serves birthday wine to drink with the Queen Mother and King Nan of Liang." As he spoke, Chen Xiyi removed the white silk casually, revealing two glasses of poisoned wine, and said in a cold tone.

  Sun Lingsi and Xiang Hong couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then glanced at Zhao Ning, are they drinking or not?

  They knew that Bai Yunsheng was one of their own, but the problem was that Bai Yunsheng's reputation was extremely terrifying in the entire God Capital, even if they were in Youliang Palace, they knew it.

   I was a little frightened when I came up, after all, I was gambling with my life, and it was good if I succeeded. If Bai Yunsheng rebelled, wouldn't he be dead?

  Zhao Ning nodded slightly, indicating to drink.

   "Then I would like to thank the General for the gift of wine, and bring it here." Sun Lingsi said immediately.

   "???" Chen Xiyi was confused, you two must be sick, it's this time, don't swear, you are asking him to pass the wine to drink, isn't it a bit unprofessional?

   But now it's almost the end, and Chen Xiyi doesn't bother to act, so let's do it anyway.

   Passed over two glasses of wine casually, without saying anything.

  The mother and son drank it all in one gulp, then immediately lost consciousness with a plop, and their faces were covered with jet black, which looked very scary.

   "The two of you sorted out the remains of Liang Nan Wang and the Empress Dowager, and then followed me out of the palace to bury them." Chen Xiyi said loudly.

   Zhao Ning, who was about to ask something, heard about it, so he didn't continue to speak. He immediately wrapped it in a white cloth and a straw mat, and carried it up.

   Then I went to ask someone to arrange carriages and horses.

   Not long after, the two corpses wrapped in straw mats and white cloths were stuffed into the carriage. One of the guards seemed to let go of his hand, causing the straw mats to fall and the white cloths to open.

  All the maids and eunuchs in the palace saw Xiang Hong, the king of Liangnan who had a dark complexion and no life.

  For a while, everyone swallowed involuntarily, and the atmosphere became more and more solemn.

  Everyone knows that Bai Yunsheng poisoned the deposed emperor and King Xianghong of Liangnan.

  If this smaller straw mat and white cloth is the King of Liangnan, then the other larger one is the Queen Mother?

   "Hands and feet, hurry up and wrap it up." Seeing this, Chen Xiyi came out slowly and reprimanded him, then wrapped the white cloth and straw mat again, and stuffed them into the carriage.

   Then, after scanning a group of people maliciously, he didn't say much, but sneered, showing contempt and disdain.

  The carriage left the palace slowly, and then headed out of the capital.

  On the way, Tie Mi seemed to have gotten the news, stopped the carriage, and rushed in, and saw Chen Xiyi and two straw mats wrapped in white cloth.

  He decisively lifted off the smaller straw mat, revealing Xiang Hong's face, and after checking that there was no life, he was relieved.

   "It seems that Lieutenant Tie doesn't believe it." Chen Xiyi said with dissatisfaction in his tone.

  Tie Mi just smiled resentfully and said, "Brother Yunsheng, you misunderstood. I was just passing by. I happened to bump into it, so I came to check it out."

   "Oh, since you are passing by, do you want to follow me out of the city to the mass grave?" Chen Xiyi asked.

  Tie Mi said without changing his expression: "No, I have important things to do, so I won't go out of the city with my brother."

   After finishing speaking, he left the carriage. How could he go out with his deceptive detection of the truth? It would be terrible if he was seen.

  Chen Xiyi smiled, this guy was really worried about himself, otherwise, how could he come to see it specially.

   Maybe as soon as Chen Xiyi left, Tie Mi asked someone to inquire about the situation. After getting the news, he came over to check the truth.

  The carriage left Shendu and headed straight for the mass grave.

   It's just that the first half is normal, but the second half makes a sudden turn and goes in another direction.

   "Damn it, you two come here and help lift him out." After reaching the ground, Chen Xiyi yelled from behind.

   It was Zhao Ning and Ma Ke who were driving in front. As for the other guards, they were naturally left behind by Chen Xiyi in the Shendu before, so it was impossible for them to come out with them.

   Ma Ke and Zhao Ning were also swift, and quickly carried them out.

   Then he followed Chen Xiyi to the underground shelter he had dug before.

   After that, Chen Xiyi also took out two bottles of potion to relieve the suspended animation, and poured them down.

   Gradually, the blackness on the faces of the two gradually receded, and all physiological functions gradually recovered.

  Suddenly, the two opened their eyes and found that they were no longer in Youliang Palace.

   "Thank you, Mr. Bai, for saving my mother and my son." These were the first words Sun Lingsi spoke.

  【You have a conversation with Sun Lingsi of the Empress Dowager, and the atmosphere is harmonious. Sun Lingsi of the Empress Dowager has a good impression of you +10, and the current favorability: 4 stars】

  【You have a conversation with the prince’s Xiang Hong, the atmosphere is harmonious, the prince’s Xiang Hong’s favorability towards you +1, current favorability: 4 stars]

  ‘This is really true.’ Chen Xiyi didn’t expect that this would be 4 stars, but after thinking about it, it’s also understandable to be able to break through to become a 4-star friend with 3.5 stars and the grace of saving his life.

  (end of this chapter)

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