This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 338: Enter Liangnan, Bai Taishi regent

  Chapter 338 Entering Liangnan, Bai Taishi Regent

  A huge city wall made of a large number of bones, the city gate is a huge skull with an open mouth, not just a simple skull, but also full of various potholes, and huge insects are interspersed in the potholes.

  At the gate of the city, monsters with different shapes and terrifying looks lined up and slowly moved towards the city.

   This is not a city of demons and ghosts, but Liangnan City in Chen Xiyi's vision.

   Sitting next to him was a rotten and coiled boa constrictor and a huge hybrid made of a large number of bugs and black flowers.

  That's right, the rotten python is Xiang Hong, and the worm-flower mixture is Sun Lingsi.

   "Yunsheng, what should we do next?"

  Twisted and sharp, the sound of a large number of insects vibrating their wings and flowers swaying formed this sentence, which was directly poured into Chen Xiyi's ears.

   "Go directly to the government office and take over all the rights." Chen Xiyi's expression remained unchanged, and his tone was indifferent.

  He could sit with these two things without changing his face, and he was worried that they would not be able to speak.

   Besides, he has seen Chaos Demon before. At most, these things are just a little ugly, and they will not give him negative status, and will not deduct his life points.

   Besides, he is still a 4-star friend, and he is not famous, so what is he afraid of.

   "How should the family in the city deal with it? If the other party knows about Hong'er's situation, they will definitely"

   "Those who are obedient will stay, and those who are not obedient hang on the city gate to let blood one by one. After three days, I promise that they will not refute whatever we say." Chen Xiyi interrupted Sun Lingsi.

  In the past, if you had to do a task, of course you had to pretend. Now that you don’t do the task, you naturally don’t pretend.

   It must be as convenient as possible.

  After saying this, Chen Xiyi turned off his spiritual vision, and his head hurt from the noise outside.

  This field of vision is a bit strange. It is not just a simple field of vision, but comes from some kind of deep-level observation behavior.

  Entering the city went very smoothly, after paying a little entry fee, it will be fine.

   Liangnan was relatively calm. Although the Yellow Turban Army had been raging for a while, it was quickly subdued.

   And the things in Shendu will not affect this place. Although it is very exciting, it is just like that. It has only been heard, not seen, so naturally there is not much awe.

   After entering the city, headed all the way to the government office.

   "The government office is an important place, idlers are not allowed to enter." There was a loud shout, and the carriage was stopped immediately.

"Hurry up and pass on to the prefect. The king of Liangnan and the queen mother are here, come out to meet him quickly." The blood of Ma Ke's third-rank martial arts burst out, and the strength of the guards in front of him was only fifth-rank martial arts. Can live.

   Several people's expressions changed, and they looked at each other. Didn't it mean that Liangnan King and Queen Mother were poisoned by that poisonous man Bai Yunsheng?

   Isn't this impersonation somewhere?

   "Wait a minute, I'll report to the prefect." After finishing speaking, one of them hurried towards the government office.

   Soon, a middle-aged man in official uniform came out slowly, with a dignified look on his face.

   "The king of Liang Nan and the queen mother were killed by the poisonous Jiu, how could such a lunatic dare to pretend to be, let me take it down." After the middle-aged man glanced at it, he couldn't help but say.

  Chen Xiyi was very impatient when he heard this, it was a waste of his time.

  The Xiantian Fangyuan Diagram enveloped the entire Liangnan City, and the dark shadows continued to rise.

  Chen Xiyi lifted the curtain of the carriage and walked out. Behind him, the ferocious Yuanshi Tianmo appeared, looking at the middle-aged scribe with scarlet eyes.

   "Let me introduce myself, my surname is Bai, and my name is Yunsheng."

  Getting off the carriage, the entire Liangnan was divided into a strange and unpredictable place by countless soul array wonders.

   With one hand, he grabbed the prefect's neck and pulled him over.

  The opponent couldn't move at all, and his eyes were wide open.

   "Come on, you can see clearly, this is the Empress Dowager, and this is the King of Liangnan, do you understand?" Chen Xiyi pressed the prefect's face, allowing him to see clearly the two people in the carriage.

  The prefect naturally recognized Liangnan King and Queen Mother.

"This time, it is thanks to Taishi Bai who brought Aijia and King Liangnan away from the **** capital by feigning death, and escaped from the clutches of Tiefutu. Taishi Bai endured the stigma, and thus saved Ji Zhengshuo." Sun Lingsi posed She put on the empress dowager's airs, and there was no doubt in her tone.

   Then, Chen Xiyi mentioned the prefect, and said, "You understand now, just blink your eyes when you understand."

  The **** felt a strong fear in his heart. It seemed that something was wrong, but since his life was in the hands of others, he could only smash his eyes.

Then Chen Xiyi put away the Xiantian Fangyuan map, threw away the prefect and said: "Arrange a place for the King of Liangnan and the Queen Mother to live, and by the way, within an hour, let all the heads of families in Liangnan City, manage All the officials came to see me, otherwise, I don't mind letting the whole Liangnan City know how I got the name Bai Yunsheng."

   "Yes, yes, Grand Master Bai, don't worry, everyone will come within an hour. If not, I will raise my head to see you, Grand Master." The prefect said hurriedly.

   "Heh, what's the use of your head, remember, there is one family missing, and I will make sure that there will be no family in Liangnan City."

   "There is one less official, you'd better ask all the officials in Liangnan City to prepare coffins for the whole family."

  This kind of malice that hits the face makes the **** feel bad all over, and he won't even take you so fast.

   "At this point, you can rest assured that I am absolutely capable of doing it, and none of you can escape."

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi swears by it.

  The prefect swallowed: "I believe in the letter, I absolutely believe in it."

   "You believe it, what are you still doing here? Waiting to die?" Chen Xiyi said kindly.

   "Yes, the next officer will do it immediately." Saying that, the **** ran away in a hurry, his back drenched in cold sweat.

   "Okay, it's done, let's find a place to rest, do you think I have the power of the Iron Buddha?" Chen Xiyi asked.

   Grand master, the head of the three princes, Dong Zhuo was in this position at the beginning, and the three princes that Chen Xiyi received before were grand masters.

"Tiefutu is not as arrogant as you. To be honest, you have not been beaten to death. Even if you are strong, you will not be a scribe in the world." Zhao Ning complained, and asked Chen Xiyi by the way realm.

   "I repeat, I am a warrior, not a scribe." Chen Xiyi said, why everyone thinks he is a scribe.

   As far as these words are concerned, whether it is Zhao Ning, Sun Lingsi, Xiang Hong, or even Ma Ke, they all look like you think I am a fool.

  What Chen Xiyi did just now is absolutely impossible for scribes who govern the country. Only scribes who are comparable to first-rank martial arts can do it.

   "Well, I was almost able to touch the realm of peace." Chen Xiyi lied helplessly.

   "Hiss~ so terrifying, so terrifying." Zhao Ning said after taking a breath.

"Gah, don't talk nonsense about that. I'm not the protagonist. If you say such a sentence to me, it's tantamount to setting up a flag. What if I meet a protagonist who is destined to kill me tomorrow?" Chen Xiyi hurriedly covered her mouth. Shut the opponent's mouth.

   As far as his current camp is concerned, it is definitely the villain camp, and he hasn't had time to clean up. What if he meets a protagonist who acts on behalf of the sky.

   "Yunsheng, what nonsense are you talking about again, let's go, it's up to you for the rest." Sun Lingsi smiled slightly, during the time he spent with Chen Xiyi, he was also used to talking nonsense and not being serious.

   "." Chen Xiyi really wanted to say that he was not talking nonsense at all, but unfortunately, no one believed it.

  After entering the mansion, the officials in the government office came to arrange it. They also saw the scene just now.

And Bai Yunsheng's name, of course, is thunderous. Everyone knows how many unconscionable things this poisonous man has done recently. role.

  As for the Empress Dowager and King Nan of Liang, who knows what is going on, maybe they are just unlucky ones who were coerced.

  Only half an hour later, the head of the Liangnan family and the officials of the military and political system gathered in the government office.

  Chen Xiyi sat on the main seat, looked at the row of people kneeling below and said softly: "Everyone, please stand up and take your seats."

   "Xie Taishi." All the people said in unison.

   "As for me, I am a reasonable person, so most of the time I am reasonable. I hope you will not force me to be unreasonable."

   "Liangnan is the fiefdom of the King of Liangnan. Now that the Empress Dowager has moved south and the King of Liangnan is returning to the throne, you should treat him as the master and help the Great Season together."

   "What's the problem?"

  Chen Xiyi asked plainly, so plainly that whenever someone dared to speak up and said there was a problem, Chen Xiyi would immediately send the other person on the road.

   Difficulties, he may not be able to solve them, but he can solve those who have difficulties.

   "Follow the grand master's wishes."

  The people present are not fools. If they were evenly matched, they would still dare to speak, but now they are completely crushed by the opponent. With the name of poisoners, if they dare to speak now, they will definitely not be able to get out of this door.

   "That's good. I hope you guys don't act like you're trying to do it. Otherwise, don't blame me for being unreasonable. Go back today and sort it out, and hand in everything that needs to be handed in tomorrow." Chen Xiyi said.

   "Yes, Grand Master."

   As for what to hand in?

  How would he know, it was nothing more than a scam.

   "This time, the King of Liangnan is in charge, the Queen Mother is in charge of the government, and the Grand Master is regent. Do you understand?"

   After repeating the reading for a while, Chen Xiyi let people go away.

  The purpose of summoning these people this time is mainly to give them a warning. As for orders, there are no orders at all.

  Then just meet people by the way.

  The next thing Chen Xiyi has to do is to create a powerful regular army such as the Nine Frontier Army, the Imperial Forest Army, etc., and it is still their direct line army, so as to stabilize the entire Liangnan City.

   For this, he naturally has some plans. If he really wants to train in the way of pawns, he will have to wait until the year of the monkey is over, so naturally he has to speed up.

  The regular army formed by the real soldiers is not what Chen Xiyi used to train the group of yellow turbans before. It requires a special training method, which consumes a lot of resources and requires a long time of training.

Of course, Chen Xiyi would definitely not say that he trained according to the normal method of training soldiers. Scientists are relatively idealistic, but martial arts are different. Send out a strong army.

  'The half-dragon genetic weapon and Gu warrior system extracted from Ao Lu can completely chimerize the blood of a martial artist. '

  ‘In this way, this army is called the Dragon Army. '

   As for whether it looks like a human being, that is another matter. Anyway, as long as the force value reaches the standard, it will be fine.

  Chen Xiyi was a little hesitant in the selection of materials, whether to clone himself or use local soldiers directly.

  These two have their own advantages and disadvantages. The cost of cloning is low, while the local soldiers are more suitable for the system, and the upper limit will be much higher.

  (end of this chapter)

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