This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 343: Curse of immortality, eternal torment

  Chapter 343 Curse of Immortality, Eternal Torment

   Turning off the spirit vision, Chen Xiyi looked at the death row prisoner curled up on the ground in front of him, his skin seemed to be washed by scalding boiling water, and a large number of blisters gushed out from the opponent's skin.

   "Help me, save me!!"

  The death row prisoner begged for help from Chen Xiyi with a voice like the roar of a beast, and his reason seemed to be gradually obscured in the pain.


   It seems that the movement was too big. When he was rubbing on the ground, a large piece of skin was rubbed off, and a lot of blood flowed out.

  Chen Xiyi watched the other party's HP drop little by little, which shocked him very much.

  He has never seen a negative ability, and even the Chaos Heavenly Demon's chaotic dimension ascension should be considered positive in essence, but it's just because of a little mistake.

  But for the oath-breaker in front of him, all three abilities are negative. This is not a negative state, but a negative ability that cannot be removed by home games.

  Chen Xiyi didn't care too much at this time, he grabbed the man with his hands, and then prepared to take him back to the laboratory for research.

   There is definitely some kind of big secret in it, otherwise it is absolutely impossible for this to happen.

   During such a short period of time, apart from the blood flowing from the rotted skin of the condemned prisoner, there was still a bulge visible to the naked eye, as if something was wandering in this area.

  At this moment, he didn't care too much, and Luaoren went back to the underground shelter.

   Before he could put it on the operating table, he heard the sound of a foreign object bursting out of the flesh and blood.

  A snot-like, narrow, weird thing grew out of the broken wound of the death row prisoner.

  That's right, according to Chen Xiyi's observation, it didn't break out of the body, but grew out.

  Chen Xiyi also knows this thing, it is the appearance of the absurd slug in the world before, but now it has grown into reality.

  Chen Xiyi hurriedly began to dissect it, and later discovered that the opponent's body was undergoing irreversible mutations, and the source of this mutation was the Fate Star.

   "There is indeed a problem with this star." Chen Xiyi's tone was dignified.

  He has investigated the death row prisoner’s information, and used his consciousness and primordial spirit to scan him thoroughly when he was brought out of the cell, and even passed the identification of the Homeland game.

  Chen Xiyi can be sure that this death row prisoner is neither a warrior nor a scholar, so he has no courage and loyalty at all.

One more point, even if there is, it is impossible for the other party to say that a life star is born. To give birth to a life star, in addition to being a warrior or a scribe, you need to be famous all over the world, but how could this death row prisoner be famous all over the world? .

   Digging open the opponent's body, he quickly found the life star. The pitch-black appearance was surrounded by various blood-red brilliance, exuding an aura that was twisted to the extreme all the time.


  Chen Xiyi was silent. He could understand that the other party's life star was different from his own, but the problem was that the nature of the other party's life star was completely different from his own.

  Although his life star also exudes an ominous atmosphere, the problem is that this thing is facing positively, not like the life star on a death row prisoner, constantly torturing the other party with the backlash of the curse.

   "This fate star may be the other party's curse, and the red light is the rejection of civilization, and it will eventually be reflected in him, which will be eternal torture."

  Chen Xiyi watched the opponent's HP drop to 1%, and then stopped falling.

   And a large amount of mucus like snot seeped out of the pores of the skin, and the wailing voice of the condemned prisoner gradually weakened.

   But Chen Xiyi knew that the other party's consciousness was very clear, and the extreme pain in the status bar never disappeared.

   "So what kind of oath did the other party break?" Chen Xiyi was a little confused about this.

  He can be sure that this oath was definitely not made by the death row prisoner. The other party is just an ordinary person.

   Just like Hong Huang making a big wish, it is really no problem to ask a powerful person such as Jieyin Zhunti to make a wish, but if you ask a little demon who has just transformed into a big wish, Heaven will not care about the other party at all.

   This is the problem of volume.

   "This oath is definitely passed down in civilization or blood, so everyone is valid."

  Chen Xiyi can be sure that the content of this oath must have something to do with the absurd side of the world, and maybe it has something to do with the star of fate.

   As he spoke, Chen Xiyi stretched out his hand and broke the death row prisoner's neck.

  But even if the neck was twisted three hundred and sixty degrees, and turned back, the other party still did not die.

   Then he took out the alloy musket and shot at the opponent.

   "The blood is locked."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the death row prisoner who had a lot of sieves thrown out of his body, and couldn't help but gasped and said.

  The game log also refreshed the attack reminder, but there was no kill reminder.

   "Hey~ kill me, hurry~" The dead prisoner's tattered body was continuously seeped with mucus, as if he was repairing the hole made by the musket.

   "How to kill, give me a reminder." Chen Xiyi didn't dislike the slime, and grabbed the other party and asked.

   But when the other party opened his mouth, mucus gushed out of his mouth and spat all over Chen Xiyi.

  Thanks to the fashion he was wearing, the slime flowed down to the ground along with the fashion.

   "Hey, let's try to search the soul first and see if we can find something." Chen Xiyi decisively began to search the soul, but the next moment, Chen Xiyi saw a large number of blood-red lights emerging continuously.


   Well, there is something wrong with the soul of the other party.

   His soul was eroded by the blood light of his black life star to torture the opponent's soul.

   No wonder it’s called eternal torture. It doesn’t just refer to physical torture, but also soul torture, so don’t even think about searching for souls.

   "So, in the end, there is only one life star left?"

  Chen Xiyi looked at the life star in the opponent's body. As for the mucus that looks like snot, Chen Xiyi has studied it, it's just secretions.

   As for how it is secreted, it is derived from the torture of the fate star.

   "It seems that if you want to get the star of life, you don't need to be famous all over the world, as long as you become an oath breaker?"

   It's just that this fate star is not normal, and it will be eaten back by you when it comes up.

  Chen Xiyi directly pulled out the black life star from the prisoner's body, a large amount of mucus and flesh and blood started to go crazy, wrapped around the life star and did not want Chen Xiyi to drag it away.

Regardless of these, he forcibly pulled it out of the opponent's body, and seeing the Fate Star in his hand, which was the size of a marble, he couldn't help but marvel: "It's a little small, but I really didn't expect Fate Star to be a entity."

   You must know that the life star in his body is just an illusory star body. Don’t ask him why he knows it. Ask him that he had disemboweled himself during the research before, and he can see it but not touch it.

   Right after the death star was pulled out from the prisoner's body, the other person collapsed. Flesh, organs, bones, and mucus were constantly intertwined, looking like a lump of slime.

   But even so, the other party still didn't die, and was still alive.

   This made Chen Xiyi's expression freeze.

   "This kind of immortality is really eye-catching." Regardless of whether this world is a martial arts world, every living body has to speak logic, and in the case of the other party, there is no logic at all.

   It feels like a monster running from the absurd side.

   "The corpses in the city, the strange appearances of all the people in the absurd world." Chen Xiyi took a deep breath, and he felt as if he should probably make something bigger again.

   It's the same as when a glimpse of Chaos Great Heavenly Demon made the opponent wake up.

   But before that, he had to figure out one thing, and that was what this so-called oath was.

  He thought it might have something to do with the corpses in the city embodiment and the life star system that was divided into two, but after that, he didn't know.

   "Wait, if the life star is divided into two, is it possible that the person is also divided into two, which leads to the opposite of the warrior and the scribe, because there is only half, so you can only practice one kind?"

   "And the oath is to prevent people from taking back their other half. Once they take it back, they will violate the oath and suffer rejection and eternal torture from the entire civilization."

   "This oath seems to be more towards protection and exile than secrecy."

  Chen Xiyi looked at the death row prisoner, recalling the process from the other party's mutation to the present, and the other party completely lost the ability to move along the way.

  Following memories, Chen Xiyi also gradually discovered what the rejection of civilization is. Everyone turned a blind eye to this death row prisoner, even if the other party stood in front of him, they would ignore this death row prisoner.

   This is not a one-way, but two-way.

  After the death row prisoner became like this, he could only see Chen Xiyi, and the others couldn't see it either.

   This may be caused by the fact that Chen Xiyi does not have a corresponding oath in his body. In other words, Chen Xiyi is not actually a human being in this world, although it is the same in other worlds.

   But this world is particularly obvious, it is simply the kind of red fruit.

   "Oath and life star are not the same, but they are related." Chen Xiyi came to such a conclusion after calculating various data.

   "Gan, isn't this nonsense."

  Chen Xiyi's face sank. This matter has been speculated for a long time, but it has just been confirmed.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi had nothing to do. He could only find a place to lock up the death row prisoner who had turned into a flesh and blood slime, and then began to study his life star.

   "This thing is said to be a life star, but I always feel a bit like a stone, and it won't shine after being separated from the opponent's body."

  Chen Xiyi began to study it. If he could research something, it would be easy to say. If he couldn't, then Chen Xiyi could only try to make it home and see what it was.

  He is not omniscient and omnipotent, it is impossible to know everything at a glance, not to mention that the fate star system is still so absurd and illogical.

   "You can start with emotions, reputation, and prestige."

   "Well, we can only start from the emotional aspect."

  Chen Xiyi couldn't help but feel a little helpless. There is no way to start with fame. This thing is illusory, invisible and intangible. It only exists in other people's words and thoughts, and it can only be studied from the emotional aspect.

   At least he has studied the pre-emotional disorder of Heavenly Demon Soul Erosion before. Although it may not be from the same system, but at least it has a little bit of edge, and maybe he can learn something by analogy.

   "I remember that before this, I had already loaded the ability of emotional disturbance into Yuanshi Tianmo Yuanshen, and it seems to have upgraded it to affect emotions."

  Chen Xiyi took out the artificial soul from his body, and then cooperated with him to start research on the emotional aspect of this fate star.

   "No, maybe the level is too low, I have to upgrade this thing again."

  After tossing for ten minutes, Chen Xiyi found that the collected data was limited, and he could not further obtain more data he needed.

  So this can only be attributed to the fact that the ability to affect emotions is not enough, it has to be upgraded to emotional manipulation.

  (end of this chapter)

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