This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 353: The Beginning of the Doomsday

  Chapter 353 The Tribulation of Doom

   "Cough~" Tie Mi coughed out a mouthful of blood. He felt a little weak in Luo'an City, as if the strength in his body was being sucked away little by little.

  The first thought was naturally that someone had poisoned him, and it seemed that it was still a chronic poison, and now it had an attack.

   "Come here, tell the imperial physician." Tie Mi just roared, because of his own weakness, he seemed to be a little bit unable to control the circulation of Qi and blood, just like that, a terrifying Qi burst out from his throat.

  Although he said that he has been drunk these days, but the strength of a second-rank martial artist still exists.

   Without first-rank warriors and scribes in the Peaceful World Realm, there is no one in the entire city of Luo'an who is his opponent, let alone a large number of warriors and scribes who have been conscripted to Taiye Pass to stop Lu Bu and the Longxiang army.

  The entire hall was in a mess, he struggled to get up, and there seemed to be some kind of double image in his eyes.

   What greeted his eyes was no longer his own palace, but a vast ocean full of horrors, which made him feel absurd.

   Then he quickly shook his head, it was just a messy palace, where there was no ocean of absurdity, he thought it was definitely due to the poison in his body.

  He staggered when he got up just now, and almost fell to the ground again, his eyes seemed a little dim, and this feeling was as if his heart had been pulled out just at this moment.

   Fortunately, he stabilized soon, and a group of servants came to support Tie Mi.

   At this time, Tie Mi looked at the scene in front of him, as if he was watching a silent drama, everyone obviously made a sound, but there was no sound.

   Coupled with the dimness in his eyes, he felt that he was stripped of this world.

He wanted to reprimand loudly to make his own voice, to get himself out of this silent and dim world, but for some reason, he couldn't open his mouth at all, because his muscles were paralyzed, and his whole body was stiff Like a wooden man.

   Until the end, he passed out.

   This made the already chaotic situation even more chaotic.

   For a moment, everyone couldn't help but glanced at each other, and finally put the person on the bed in a hurry.

  But Tie Mi had just been put away here, and before he could go to the imperial physician, Tie Mi began to feel discouraged, as if the flesh and blood in his body were drying up quickly.

   This scene frightened everyone, and no one knew what was going on.

   But it was too late at this time, and could only watch Tie Mi turn into a dry corpse.

After a short period of shock, everyone knew that their good days were coming to an end. They were under Tie Mi's command. If Tie Mi didn't die, nothing would happen in Luo'an City. When facing Tie Mi every day, they were trembling, but they also used Tie Mi's name to live a prosperous life without worrying about food and clothing.

  They all know that everything they own comes from Tie Mi, but now that Tie Mi is dead, it's time for liquidation.

   Now that the news has not spread, naturally I have to find a way to make a fortune and run away quickly.

  The tree fell and the monkeys scattered. The big tree of the Tie family fell down completely. These monkeys must run away, or they would be crushed to death.

  No one expected that Tie Mi died just like that, and so suddenly.

  Once the news gets out, the chaos will not only be caused by their iron mansion, but the whole city of Luoan will be in chaos.

  The most valuable things in the entire Luo'an City are the Emperor Beiji, the Yulin Army and the Nine Frontier Army. As for the others, they are worthless. Whoever can grasp righteousness and force will be another Tie Mi.

  Unfortunately, these things have nothing to do with the servants in the Iron Mansion. What they have to do now is to take this opportunity to search for wealth and run away with their families. If it is too late, their fate will be decided here.

  Chen Xiyi opened his eyes, and randomly took several life stars, one of which was naturally Tie Mi's.

  He used the corpse of the **** as a great medicine and began to refine it. As one of the derivatives of the god, the life star was naturally taken back by him.

Of course, not everyone died on the spot like Tie Mi, mainly because Tie Mi was short of body and his life star itself was negative in nature, so after being drawn out, he briefly saw the absurd world, and then received Luo'an City turned back and died.

  That's right, it was backlashed by Luo'an City, and it had nothing to do with Chen Xiyi. He took so many people's life stars away, and only Tie Mi was crushed to death by his own city.

   It was directly smashed into a pulp, of course, in reality it became a mummy.

  Tie Mi is not a good person after moving the capital, his actions are basically similar to Dong Zhuo, even more cruel than Dong Zhuo.

  The other party also felt a little self-defeating, otherwise it would not be possible to be so lewd.

   It is exactly the same, when he sees the absurd world, he will be backlashed by Luoan City.

Lu Bu let out a muffled snort. He felt as if he had lost some kind of blessing, but he quickly got used to it. His strength did not come from the Fate Star or Wufu system, but from other systems. The strength has dropped a little, but not by much.

   "I feel like I've lost something, and my strength has also dropped a little." Lu Bu said in a low voice.

   Ma Ke on the side gave Lv Bu a strange look. He didn't feel at all that even if the other party's power was restrained, the pressure on him was still very great.

  If he hadn't gotten to know each other well, otherwise, if he really wanted to get so close, he would probably be terrified by the unconscious pressure emanating from the other party.

   "No, I think you put a lot of pressure on me." Ma Ke said after looking at Lu Bu seriously.

   "That's because you are too weak. This is all you can see in front of your eyes. If you change to a top expert, you will definitely be able to detect the decline in my strength." Lu Bu said directly without any taboo.

Ma Ke didn't feel much about Lu Bu saying that he was weak. After getting along with him these days, he could see Lu Bu's temperament. He has always been straightforward. A very pure warrior.

   "Nonsense, you are a first-class martial artist, of course you think I am weak. In this world, except for the late Tie Futu and Sun Shenwu, no one is your opponent."

   "I didn't see that group of thieves in Beiji brought 500,000 soldiers, a large number of second-rank warriors and literati who ruled the country in order to stop you. I really thought everyone was like you." Ma Ke complained.

   "There is no relationship between the two, right? And I am not a first-rank martial artist, but a second-rank martial artist." Lu Bu asked with some doubts.

It has nothing to do with a first-rank martial artist, let alone, he is not a first-rank martial artist. In fact, he should be a second-rank martial artist. He has not reached the level of a first-rank martial artist. Even if ten thousand soldiers died, even one million soldiers plus one hundred second-rank warriors and one hundred literati who ruled the country plus the geographical advantage of Taiye Pass were not his all-in-one enemy.

  He has been stuck in the second-rank Wufu for a long time, which is normal. Although the star of life has been born with the reputation of Lu Bu among the people, his reputation is not enough for him to break through to the first-rank Wufu.

  Because he can't practice, if he is a normal person, it is no problem to rely on these reputations to become a first-rank martial artist, but the problem is that he is not a normal person, but an artificial human created by Chen Xiyi.

  Ma Ke looked like you kid, don't lie to me. In your case, you are a second-rank martial artist?

   "General Lu, you are a second-rank martial artist, I am also a second-rank martial artist, and the other side is also a second-rank martial artist, so why is there such a big gap?" Ma Ke said that our strength is not as good as yours, but you don't need to say that.

  Before, Ma Ke also broke through from a third-rank martial artist to a second-rank martial artist, and the process was quite difficult.

   "What does it have to do with me that you are so weak." Lu Bu was a little puzzled. If he is weak, he is weak. Why do you say that the gap is big?

   Ma Ke thinks it's better not to fight with Lu Bu, what to do if the other party gets superior, but hastened to say: "General Lu, what you said is right, I am really weak."

   If this is the top, you have to make a gesture with him, his small body can't hold the opponent's halberd.

"Well, if you know you are weak, work harder. Sooner or later, you will be able to have the same strength as me. It's just that we have been retreating for three days. Why is there no news from Taiyeguan?" Lu Bu was also a little bit at this time. impatient.

   Ma Ke calmly advised: "General Lu, the other party is not stupid, they will definitely wait and see for a few days, and they will also worry about fraud."

   "What's more, there are scribes on the opposite side, and many of them are good at strategy. Maybe the other party has seen through our plan."

   Regarding the plan of themselves and others, they actually didn't have many hidden ideas. They didn't have any military advisers and scholars on their side, and they all relied on the force of Lu Bu and Long Xiang's army to forcibly level the situation.

  If there were Lu Bu and Longxiang Army on the opposite side, coupled with the strategic planning of the military division, they would definitely be able to blow them up.

  Lv Bu listened to Ma Ke's words, and quickly adjusted his mentality. He still has very precise control over his mental and emotional aspects, and he will not say that he has lost his mind.

  Wu Chi is just his character design, not his character. Chen Xiyi would not have such an obvious flaw.

  Looking at the direction of Tai Yeguan, Lu Bu also felt the power in his body fade away again.

  He can be sure that he is definitely not the only one like this, and other people are also like this, but he is quite special and can accurately grasp every part of his own power, so he is aware of it.

  Because the fading of power this time is very rare, just like Ma Ke, he will not notice it at all.

What's more important is that the power fading these two times is different. The previous one was because he lost some kind of blessing on his body, but this time it's different. It's directly the fading of energy and blood, or the fading continuously. rather than a one-off.

  That's why he concluded that it wasn't just his strength that was fading this time.

  He silently estimated his own strength. If this speed is followed, everyone will find that their strength has dropped significantly in a month at most, and in the next three years or so, everyone will become ordinary people.

   But he won't, no matter how much his strength retreats, he will only retreat to his own threshold, that is, the period when he first entered the barracks, and will not continue to fall.

   "Ma Ke, I'm afraid the weather will change. If there is still no movement in Taiye Pass within three days, we will continue to go back and confront them, and try to break Taiye Pass within a month and go straight to the capital of God." Lu Bu said sonorously.

  Ma Ke was a little puzzled, why did he change his mind so suddenly, but he didn't ask why, since Lu Bu was confident, he couldn't say that he dared to confront him.

   "Okay, but I have to talk to the marshal at this time, otherwise it will be difficult, but what is the change of the sky you are talking about? Why are you in such a hurry, you have to break through the Taiye pass within a month."

   "You will know when the time comes. This is not a good thing." Lu Bu didn't say it directly, but played a charade.

  (end of this chapter)

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