This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 356: Broken city, no survivors

  Chapter 356 Breaking the city, no survivors

  Boom! !

  The gate of Taiye Pass was punched by a figure like a demon god. A huge hole was punched out. The 300,000 soldiers in the city continued to come towards the gate of the city. Second-rank warriors took the lead in charging, intending to stop Lu Bu who wanted to enter the city.

   It's just that the **** Fang Tian's painted halberd fell, sweeping across a large area, and even the city gate, which had a hole in it, was divided into two.

"I've been at odds with you for several months, and I've already had a close relationship with you. Let a certain family come to weigh you today." Lu Bu rode a red rabbit horse and charged into the crowd, his arrogant tone accompanied by With **** arrogance, Fang Tian's painted halberd fell, and no matter whether it was a soldier or a guard, he couldn't catch his halberd at all.

  The stronger ones were seriously injured and only had half their lives left, while the weaker ones were shot down and directly blasted.

   First, the overall strength declined, and then the location was lost. This Taiye Pass is no match for Lu Bu and Longxiang Army at all.

  A large number of Longxiang troops followed Lu Bu into Taiye Pass, and for a while, the unreasonable massacre of 20,000 people against 300,000 people began.

  Especially the leader Lu Bu, with one man, one horse and one halberd, forcibly killed a clear line of blood among the 300,000 soldiers.

  There were stumps and broken arms everywhere, and no corpse was intact.

  Everyone who watched this scene was horrified, and they felt like retreating in their hearts.

  But now they want to leave, but they can't help them anymore.

  How could a tiger let go of a sheep when it entered the flock.

   Killings continued to erupt in the entire Taiye Pass. Lu Bu's idea was very simple. Whether it was the fifty second-rank warriors and scribes who ruled the country, or the 300,000 soldiers, he would stay here.

  Recruitment is definitely not enough to support, and it is not the soldiers and horses of the headquarters, maybe they will rebel, so just slaughter them all.

   After all, this Taiye Pass is just a pass for entering the northern imperial court, and there are still many cities in the future. It is impossible for them to slow down the pace of unification because of the placement of surrendered troops.

   Therefore, Zhao Ning naturally acquiesced to Lu Bu's behavior.

  The Nanji court has always followed the route of elite soldiers. Even if the troops in the Nanji court are added to maintain order, there are only 40,000 dragon troops in total.

   That's right, they took half of their troops this time.

Although it seems a bit exaggerated to say that half of Daji's land can be stabilized with 20,000 Longxiang troops, but the Longxiang troops are all third-rank warriors, and they still have Gu warriors and dragon blood, so it is not easy to suppress a place .

   Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Northern Ji court to use 300,000 soldiers plus so many warriors and scholars to hold back Lu Bu and the Longxiang army.

  There are no civilians in the entire Taiye Pass. As early as when the 300,000 coalition soldiers moved in, the people here have already been moved out, otherwise it may not be possible to accommodate so many troops.

  The 300,000 are the main soldiers, but there are also auxiliary soldiers, logistics, etc., and the overall number is definitely more than 300,000.

   The first round of rushing kills directly killed all morale.

  Who would have thought that facing Lv Bu and the Longxiang army would be defeated so badly.

   As a result, the original scene immediately became chaotic, with stampedes, shouts, etc. erupting one after another.

  ‘It’s over, it’s over. '

  The guards of Taiye Pass had the same idea in their minds, and no one thought that things would turn out like this.

The reason why Taiye Pass was broken was very simple. The overall strength dropped by 10%, and then there was no more. Lu Bu used the energy and blood of the entire Dragon Army to break through the city gate with one arrow and the combination of warriors and scholars in the guard. An army formed by geographical advantage.

  The smell of blood became stronger and stronger, and a large number of corpses piled up together.

   All the dragon soldiers covered in blood were making up one by one to ensure that no one would crawl out of the pile of corpses alive.

   Lu Bu wiped the blood stains on his face casually, Fang Tian shook off the blood stains with a flick of his halberd, and rode a red rabbit horse to patrol the entire Taiye Pass.

  His body was also stained all over with blood, and the red rabbit horse itself was red, so it couldn't be seen, but the **** smell emanating from this person and horse was quite terrifying.

  Just Lu Bu alone, tens of thousands of people died at his hands. As for those guards, he also killed a lot.

  For him, these so-called second-rank warriors or scribes governing the country are not much different from soldiers and auxiliary soldiers.

After getting the signal of victory, Zhao Ning and Ma Ke also brought people over to clean up the mess. You must know that there are too many people who have died now. It is difficult for Lu Bu to deal with it alone. He has to let Zhao Ning Come and help him make up his mind.

   After all, he is only responsible for killing the enemy, and other things are none of his business.

  After he inspected the Taiye Pass, Zhao Ning just happened to bring someone in, and when he saw Lu Bu who was covered in blood, he also saw how tragic the battle was.

  Well, how tragic the enemy's death is.

   "Marshal, I will leave it to you to clean up the mess later. There are too many corpses, and I don't know what to do with them." Lu Bu didn't beat around the bush, he just said that in front of everyone.

   "Are there any survivors?" Zhao Ning asked as usual.

   "There should be, but the Longxiang army is already making up the knife, so I guarantee that no one will be left alive." Lu Bu seemed to have misunderstood Zhao Ning's meaning, thinking that Zhao Ning was asking about the situation of making up the knife.


  As soon as these words came out, everyone had a deeper understanding of Lu Bu's ferocity.

   "General Lu must be tired too, why don't you take a rest first." Zhao Ning didn't expect Lu Bu to say that, which was quite in line with his personality.

   This is not just cutting the grass and roots, but even digging the land where the grass used to grow.

"Well, that's exactly what I mean, and I'll leave it to you, Marshal." I don't know if Lu Bu understood the meaning of Zhao Ning's words, anyway, after he agreed, he rode away on the red rabbit horse. .

   A group of people looked at each other's **** back, as if they were looking at a demon god.

   "Okay, Captain Ma, let someone arrange to dig a hole and gather up the corpses. Let's bury them all." Zhao Ning also said helplessly.

  300,000 soldiers, plus possibly more auxiliary soldiers, logistics, etc., with such a huge number of corpses, how big a hole do we have to dig?

   "Marshal, I'm afraid this will not be easy. At least it will take a few days. The corpse will decompose and there may be an epidemic disease. It will not be good at that time." Ma Ke said.

   If ordinary beasts die and rot so much, it will not affect them, after all, they are just beasts.

  But people are different. People in this world have evolved individually, so if the disease born after decay is someone who has not practiced, they will definitely be infected.

  These auxiliary soldiers are not third-rank warriors like the Longxiang Army, most of them are ordinary people recruited.

  The Dragon Army naturally had auxiliary troops. Otherwise, if there were no auxiliary troops, these Dragon Army troops would have a lot of inconvenience.

  Such as daily food, maintenance of weapons and equipment, etc., and even various barracks sanitation, etc., these sundries cannot be said to be really provided by the Dragon Army themselves.

  If this is normal, it is true that the Longxiang Army came by itself, but now it is wartime, so it is naturally different.

Generally speaking, Lu Bu is in charge of the Longxiang Army, while Zhao Ning is in charge of logistics. Although Zhao Ning is Lu Bu's superior on the surface, in fact, in terms of power, it must be that Lu Bu is relatively big, and he has the privilege of doing things cheaply. .

   That is to say, he can lead the Dragon Army to act without notifying Zhao Ning.

   In fact, Zhao Ning has no objection to this. This journey all depends on Lu Bu and the Longxiang Army. Otherwise, can such a large territory be won?

   "In this case, we can only collect the corpses first, then gather and burn them, and then bury them." After hearing Ma Ke's words, Zhao Ning didn't think he would be swept away. Instead, he felt that Ma Ke's words made sense.

   This was indeed her mistake, she was completely unaware of how terrifying such a huge number of corpses was.

   "Yes, Marshal." Ma Ke naturally took the order.

   Then, of course, he led a group of auxiliary soldiers to cooperate with the Longxiang Army to start sorting out the entire Taiye Pass.

  Although it was not the first time for these auxiliary soldiers to clean the battlefield, it was the first time they saw such a tragic battlefield. Everyone's stomach was churning, and some even couldn't help but began to retch.

  In the past, when attacking a city or pulling out a stronghold, generally speaking, they would not kill them all. As long as the enemy's army was broken, they would shout that those who surrendered would not be killed, and then they would take over the city.

  After all, ordinary cities are not full of soldiers like this Taiye Pass, but most of them are civilians, so there is no need to kill them all.

   Fortunately, the auxiliary soldiers had also experienced strong winds and waves. Although they were both physically and psychologically uncomfortable, they held back anyway and began to restrain the corpses.

   This process lasted for nearly three days, not only the auxiliary soldiers, but also the main soldiers of the Longxiang Army due to the huge amount of work. Otherwise, how could it have been processed in three days.

   And these three days, Zhao Ning naturally wrote an urgent report of the great victory and sent it back to Liang Nan.

  As long as Taiye pass is broken, the Beiji court will have no way to stop them.

   After all, this time they are not facing a single prince, but the joint efforts of all the princes of the North.

  After this, it is absolutely impossible for the northern princes to gather so many troops and manpower again in a short period of time.

   It is impossible to reproduce the defensive ability of Taiyeguan, but even if it is reproduced now, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of Lu Bu and Longxiang Army. Now everyone's strength is fading.

   "Within three days, march to Shendu in a hurry, and Sun will be caught off guard." Lu Bu, who was sitting in the tent, said in a deep voice.

   "Okay, I'll make arrangements immediately. After taking down the capital this time, I will go to Luo'an to capture the false emperor Shengjiang King, and then sweep away the rest of the northern land." Zhao Ning's tone naturally has no doubts.

  What is this called? This is called Li Daitao stiff.

  When Chen Xiyi and Zhao Ning mentioned the plan, she didn't really believe it. After all, Da Ji is not just a cat or a dog, but now, success is close at hand.

  As long as Shendu and Luo'an are taken down, the rest of the Northland is nothing to fear.

  Among the Northlands, only Sun Bing is the most powerful, but compared with Lu Bu, he is still far behind.

  Sun Bin only had 100,000 horses at most, and Lu Bu plus Longxiang Army, 300,000 soldiers were not enough to kill him, let alone 100,000.

  He even doubted that Lu Bu could kill the opponent with a hundred riders alone.

  The military strength and defensive capabilities of the capital of God are not as luxurious as Taiyeguan, how could it be able to stop Lu Bu and the Longxiang army.

"I never thought that we would return to the capital of God in this way." Ma Ke couldn't help feeling a little emotional, thinking that when they left the capital of God, they were so disheveled, but now they are going back in a fair manner, which was never expected before .

"We not only have to go back openly, but also stand above the court openly, let those people know that we are back, and come back in a way that makes them look up." Zhao Ning's tone also brought a trace of refreshment .

  (end of this chapter)

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