This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 370: Co-authored by you who cut off the husk of Reborn

  Chapter 370 is co-authored by you who cut off the rebirth

  【Xia Ke and Hong Yan came back from their historical travels and are repairing in their homes. He brought you a lot of souvenirs】

  【You get the following items】

  【Module: Animism in Heaven and Earth】

  【Some incomprehensible books】

  【I don’t know what kind of material a friend sent me】

  【Spiritual creature: Fire sheath cicada slough】

  【Spiritual Object: Stone Flower】

  【Spiritual object:】

  Chen Xiyi thinks that the knight actually brought back the module for him, which is something he really didn't expect.

  【Module: Animism in Heaven and Earth】

  【After activation, you will get a new system: Spirit Master】

  【You get the skill: Divine Aperture】

  【You are blessed by the river goblin-Jianghu, and you get the status: Aperture pattern】

  【You are blessed by the Mountain Fairy-Mountain, and get the status: Aperture Pattern】

  【You are blessed by the Sheji Fairy-Royalty, and get the status: Aperture pattern】

  【You received】

  Chen Xiyi perceives the extra orifices in his body, which is not bad. As for the so-called orifices, they are the lines all over the orifices, which are probably aptitude.

But that's not the point, the point is that the materials brought back by the chivalrous man and the confidante are, yes, the materials that the friend sent to him, after he obtained the spirit master system, it became the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit ), Chen Xiyi was stunned.

   "Damn it, I co-authored this thing and really sent it back, but it was cut off by the knight and the girl!!"

  Chen Xiyi really didn't expect this. After all, the whole time span is so long, Chen Xiyi felt that it was impossible to meet him.

"To be honest, if they know about Sun Moon Chunqiu Ling's being intercepted, they don't know what they will think." Chen Xiyi doesn't know how the knight found it, but he should be able to understand that the knight didn't do it on purpose from the gift from his friend earlier. The one who wanted to cut off the beard was given by the person who picked up the sun and moon spring and autumn spirit.

  Things are really outrageous to the limit.

As for why it is one turn instead of nine, the reason is also very simple. During the process of reversing time, the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit will reduce its level little by little, and when it finally drops one turn, it will stop, that is to say, this The grade is the end point of the rebirth of the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit.

  If the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit is a gradual process, then the Universal Light Spirit of the past is a desperate way to consume all the grades and go back to the past. The higher the grade, the longer the time to jump back.

  Of course, these two functions are just the final functions after nine turns, it doesn't mean that these two spirits only have this function, and there are other functions.

   It’s just that the process of going back is uncontrollable, that is to say, which time node you want to go to is not up to you, but you wish to go back as soon as possible.

  Chen Xiyi didn't have much thought about this, after all, this was a spirit that was refined by others in order to go back to the past, so it naturally exerted the greatest effect.

   "The spirit of the first turn is there, but the question is, how to refine the spirit of the sun, moon, and spring and autumn in this turn?"

  If you want to become a spirit master, you have to refine the spirit, but the problem is that Chen Xiyi doesn't know how to refine it, especially since Zhou Daoling is not a simple thing at first glance.

  Meng Xingqiu has a way to refine the spirit. Normally, it is blood refining. He directly forcibly injects his own essence and blood into the spirit body, and then refines it into the divine orifice.

This is the simplest way, but the success rate is also very touching. If you refine some ordinary spirits with blood, then it is indeed no problem, but if you change to high-level spirits, especially this Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit, it is not only The top spirit used to be a nine-turn spirit. Whether the blood is refined or not is another matter. Maybe the backlash can kill people.

  Chen Xiyi is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that if the Sun Moon Chunqiu Ling is killed, he will be about to cry.

   After all, the one-turned spirit he has now is just right for him, as long as he gets into the divine aperture, he will be a one-appointed spirit master.

  Of course, in addition to the most basic blood refining, there are other techniques of refining spirits, such as combined refining, which is actually a technique.

It's just that combined refining is generally used for upgrading and advanced spirits. Usually, multiple spirits are combined into one, and generally speaking, combined refining requires a formula, otherwise it will be combined randomly. If you are lucky, you will get one. I don't know the so-called spirit. If you are unlucky, the spirit will die and be destroyed directly.

   "In Meng Xingqiu's memory, apart from the blood refinement, there is only one earth refinement left, neither of which is suitable for the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit."

Soil refining is a method that specifically targets spirits of the earth attribute. It can be regarded as the basic method of the earth way. Meng Xingqiu was a spirit master who specialized in the way of earth before, so it is normal to be able to calculate the earth, and there are many more in this way. For example, Shi Lian, Yan Lian, etc., but these are all controlled by some big forces, and Meng Xingqiu can't get them at all.

  Before Meng Xingqiu went to the world of immortal cultivators, he was just an ordinary three-aperture spiritual master, and he didn't come from a big power, so his income was naturally limited.

"First of all, this Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit has the memory of Bai Huang, the Eight-Aperture Spirit Immortal. Although the suicide note does not record who Bai Huang is, he is definitely not an ordinary person. As long as I refine this Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit, wait for me Back in the past, it is completely possible to act as a rebirth person, combining formulas, matching ultimate moves, etc. are not a problem."

   "But the problem is that it may be difficult to refine the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit by relying on blood."

It's not that Chen Xiyi can't do it, the main reason is that he's afraid that the Sun Moon Chunqiu Spirit won't be able to do it. He, an indescribable existence, pouring a drop of blood on the Sun Moon Chunqiu Ling can probably distort it directly. , but this turn of events is definitely unbearable.

   But the level of rank nine does not match.

   "However, it is not impossible. If blood refining is not enough, then simply and rudely stuff it into the orifice for divine refining."

The name of Shenlian sounds lofty, but in other words it means Shenqiao refining. From Meng Xingqiu's memory, Chen Xiyi learned that this is the oldest method, because not everyone knows the method of blood refining. And not all spirits will be refined by the blood refining method.

   Therefore, at this time, you can use God Alchemy. Generally speaking, the success rate and death rate are 50-50.

  If you succeed, you will become a spirit master, but if you fail, you will be destroyed.

  Back then, Meng Xingqiu became a spirit master with the method of divine refining, but this process was extremely painful and dangerous, and he would die if he was not careful.

  Spirits are indeed very fragile, but Meng Xingqiu was just an ordinary person at that time, let alone putting a spirit into his body, even putting a worm into his body would be choking.

   "This method is simple and rude, but I can try it. Anyway, I am not afraid of death. Besides, this is only for ordinary people."

  As far as Chen Xiyi's situation is concerned, let alone putting the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit into his body, he can withstand even putting Ao Lv in his body, and maybe he can become an LSP Renzhuli to awaken the power of joy.

   Then he decisively took out the Sun Moon Spring Autumn Spirit and stuffed it into his orifice.

  The next moment, he felt the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit in his orifice constantly jumping up and down, as if he wanted to break free from his orifice.

  False divine orifice: Weak and weak, it will be destroyed by the backlash of divine refinement.

  The real trick: survive a nuclear explosion without destroying it.

  In short, the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit in Chen Xiyi's body really only had a bouncing effect, which gave Chen Xiyi the feeling that it was like popping candy, with so much novelty.

  With the passage of time, the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit gradually calmed down, and began to gradually cooperate with the divine orifice to refine itself.

  According to Chen Xiyi's observation, this is not the original intention of the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit, but because the environmental factors have induced the instinctive symbiosis, so it will be refined.

  The relationship between the spiritual master and the spirit seems to be divided into upper and lower, but in fact it tends to be more of a forced refining type of symbiosis.

  Ling relies on the spiritual master to grow and evolve to ensure its own safety, and the spiritual master supports the growth and evolution of the spirit to make itself stronger and so on.

   Soon, the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit was refined into the divine aperture by Chen Xiyi.

  【Your skill: Divine Aperture evolved into skill: Divine Aperture】

   Ignoring the lack of matryoshka-style text in the game log, but feeling a lot of memories pouring out of the orifice.

  In my memory, a young man who came out of the wilderness joined the Tianji Pavilion of the Great Sect of the Spirit Master, was born in divination, and became a spirit fairy with eight apertures.

   Then, Shouyuan was about to be sealed in the worship hall of Tianji Pavilion, but it ended here, and all subsequent memories were gone.

  Chen Xiyi was wondering, why did it suddenly disappear?

  Suddenly, a wave of consciousness woke up from the memory, heading towards Chen Xiyi's consciousness.

  Chen Xiyi recognized who this was at a glance, that Eight-Aperture Immortal Bai Huang.

"Oh, so that's what you came up with. The memory injection is fake. The real idea is to live a new life. It's a pity." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sneered. That's it, unfortunately Chen Xiyi is not an ordinary person.

   Besides, you have to have a spirit to be a spirit master. In the case of Bai Huang, even though he is an eight-aperture spirit fairy, without a spirit, he is just a remnant soul.

   Bai Huang also seemed to understand that he had kicked the steel plate, and before Chen Xiyi could catch it, he decisively self-destructed.


   "Is it so decisive?" Chen Xiyi was a little helpless, he didn't expect that this white man would do this, shouldn't he be pretending to be a cheating old man?

  Oh, it's okay to fool other people, but probably not to fool Chen Xiyi.

   "I'm sorry, you die, leave the memory to me!!"

  Bai Huang died, but the follow-up memory was not given to him.

To say that this memory before Bai Huang is dispensable to Chen Xiyi, it is mostly used to pretend to be a reborn person, but the memory of Bai Huang after he was awakened from the enshrinement hall of Tianji Pavilion is the key. It should be the catastrophe of the spirit master, and it is likely to have the source of the black mist and the stone statue, or even the origin of everything.

  More importantly, there are researches on the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit, etc. This Bai Huang obviously participated in the combined refining project of the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn Spirit. This is a precious record for Chen Xiyi.

   But now, it’s gone.

   "This is a big loss, alas."

  Chen Xiyi sighed, the first half is of no use to him, even if he can use this to go back to the past, Bai Huang's memory is really useless.

  Whether it's chance or the so-called secret, refining formula, etc., for Chen Xiyi, it's just a icing on the cake, and he doesn't really need to rely on these things to get started.

  If he was really obsessed with these things, it would be impossible for Chen Xiyi to come to this point.

   Compared with these dispensable things, he wants to know what happened to Bai Huang after he was awakened.

   "It seems that no one really knows what happened this time."

   "Unless there is a secret room similar to the one before, but the possibility of this is too small. That secret room may be left by a Nine-Aperture Spirit Immortal."

  Chen Xiyi knew that this kind of thing would definitely not be everywhere, and he was not the protagonist of the fantasy genre. If this kind of thing was gone, it would be gone, and it was impossible to give him another one.

   "Forget it, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and if it doesn't work, just run." Chen Xiyi said that it would be a big deal to leave this world after the reincarnation function cools down.

  (end of this chapter)

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