This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 379: Blood Corpse Fairy Heir

  Chapter 379 Blood Corpse Spirit Immortal Heir

   "Spiritual Skill · Demon Slaying Knife"

  Chen Xiyi mobilized the spiritual power in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Orifices, forming a sword light.

   This demon-slaying sword is not a spiritual skill from the world of spiritual masters, but a spiritual skill deduced by Meng Xingqiu through the spirit orb combined with the magic of the Dazhen Dynasty in the world of cultivating immortals.

   "The compatibility is not high. After all, it is a spell in the world of cultivating immortals, not a pure spiritual skill."

  Meng Xingqiu's Demon Slaying Knife is probably a variant spell. It is easy to use in the world of cultivating immortals, but it is too bad in the world of spirit masters.

  So after Chen Xiyi used it, the power was completely inferior to the spiritual skills in the world of the Spirit Master.

  If the power of the wood-type spiritual skill Flying Leaf Knife used by Li Zhi at that time was 10, then this Demon Slaying Knife is only about 1, which can be called top-notch waste.

  One more thing, this demon-slaying knife is specially aimed at the demon clan. There are no demons in this world, so Ling is naturally not a demon.

  After testing the differences between the spiritual skills, Chen Xiyi gave up. Finally, he didn't need to use more power than the two-orifice spirit master's specification every time. After all, he had to keep a low profile.

  If he really wants to be high-profile, then he can just show his strength directly, but now that he is unfamiliar with the place, it is better to be cautious. If it is too high-profile, it will do him more harm than good.

  Chen Xiyi went directly to the inn lobby and ordered a few side dishes, thinking to see if he could get some useful information.

   For example, are there any relics, inheritance, or whether a certain big family has a martial arts competition to recruit relatives.

  Of course, he didn't think about winning the first place. The main reason was to go there first to see the world and see if he could meet another protagonist or something.

  But after sitting in the lobby of the inn for more than half an hour, listening to the group of loose cultivators bragging, there was no useful news at all.

   Either the sisters of a certain brothel are tightly clamped or the widows on the street are tender. At this time, Chen Xiyi wondered what kind of stuff these people are. Can't they talk about other things besides these?

  Oh, not everyone likes to talk about these things, some people also talk about other things.

   But think about it, whoever tells a serious secret in public, if he really wants to say it, it is definitely malicious and wants to spread it on purpose. Otherwise, if the secret is revealed, it is still a secret?

  Sanxiu must have tightened his mouth. After all, those who really dare to say anything are either being targeted or used by others. Serious people have nothing to do to spread the news.

   Just thinking about it, a man and a woman walked into the inn. They were young, but their strength should not be underestimated.

  They are all three-orifice spiritual masters, wearing the same type of uniforms, presumably they are disciples of a certain sect.

  Chen Xiyi simply swept the two of them away.


  Although the spirits in the divine apertures of these two people are different, they are both Sword Dao Spirits. In this way, it is absolutely certain that they should be sects specializing in Sword Dao.

  Based on the memories of the Li family, Chen Xiyi quickly locked on the largest sect nearby: Jinghong Sword Sect.

  Jinghong Sword Sect is so powerful that even Ciyue City can't match it. It is said that there are several spirit immortals sitting in it, and the strongest spirit immortal is Qiqiao.

   Judging from the fact that other casual cultivators used dodge when facing these two, Chen Xiyi's judgment should be correct.

  The two of them did not show arrogance or disdain. Instead, they ordered and sat down to eat normally, without any other meaning.

   This should be a disciple who came out to practice, the kind with a normal mind, not just seeing everyone with their nostrils upturned.

   After all, the kind of person who looks down on everything may have to have his body collected after a short period of experience.

  In the world of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are many things that cannot be just seen on the surface.

   Not long after the man and woman sat down, they seemed to have been hungry for a while, and they were eating on their own, when they saw a middle-aged man in fancy clothes coming.

  Chen Xiyi didn't know this middle-aged man, but he knew that he was from the Qian family.

  The purpose of coming here is also very simple. Naturally, it is to curry favor with these two people. After all, they are visitors of Jinghong Sword Sect, but they are distinguished guests.

  To be honest, the people from the Qian family in the Miao’s inn came first, which is a bit meaningful.

  However, Chen Xiyi didn't have the heart to guess these things. He felt that these two disciples of Jinghong Sword Sect did not seem to be simply passing by.

  After some communication from the Qian family, the two finally agreed to follow each other to the Qian family for a banquet, and to stay for a few days.

  He did not search for the souls of these two people, but he knew that something might happen in the afternoon at the earliest, or in the evening at the latest.

  When these two people came in, they seemed to be busy with travel and dust, and they seemed to be a little bit tired, but Chen Xiyi could tell that these two people were more than that, and they looked like they were running for their lives.

  ‘Is Jinghong Jianzong a traitor or is he being hunted down? '

  Chen Xiyi is not sure, but he knows one thing, that is, this is not the territory of Jinghong Sword Sect, nor is it close to Jinghong Sword Sect.

  So both are actually possible.

   Soon, the afternoon passed by, and the night gradually became thicker.

  Chen Xiyi, who was in his room, suddenly felt a certain breath approaching. This breath was **** and rancid, and Chen Xiyi felt like rotten blood.

   "Blood path or corpse path?" Chen Xiyi said in a low voice, then looked out of the window, and there was a hint of red in the dark night.

   With a sweep of consciousness, it became clear.

   "The path of blood and the path of corpses are interesting. Could it be the inheritance of blood corpse spirits?" Chen Xiyi did not expect that he could see the special inheritance in Bai Huang's memory.

  Blood Corpse Spirit Fairy is an evil spirit master who was active in the White Desolation Era. He created two fusion schools of Blood Corpse Dao with the Dao of Blood and Dao of Corpse.

  The fusion genre does not mean that it is enough to simply find two different spirits and refine them. It also needs to have complementary effects, corresponding ultimate moves, exclusive spiritual skills, and so on.

  It is equivalent to a complete set of passive skills and active skills.

  Just like Chen Xiyi now, he cannot be regarded as a Time Dao school, but a casual cultivator with two Time Dao spirits.

   "The Blood Corpse Spirit Immortal is a Spirit Immortal of Seven Apertures. He fought against Bai Huang, who had just achieved Seven Apertures. If it wasn't for Bai Huang's special divination, there might not be a Spirit Immortal of Eight Apertures in Tianji Pavilion in the future."

   But later, with the backing of the Tianji Pavilion, Bai Huang became the Eight-Aperture Spirit Immortal, while the Blood Corpse Spirit Immortal was besieged and killed by the righteous spirit master.

   Therefore, Chen Xiyi is still very familiar with the red light in the sky. It is called the Blood Sea Sky Curtain Spirit, which is the signature ability of the Blood Corpse Spirit Fairy when it comes out. It can turn a place into a sea of ​​blood.

   But look at that appearance, this blood sea and sky curtain spirit is only rank four, and it is still far behind the original seven rank blood sea and sky curtain spirit.

   "The Five-Aperture Spirit Master is only one hole away from becoming a Six-Aperture Spirit Immortal. I don't know if Ciyue City can withstand it." Chen Xiyi narrowed his eyes and looked at the **** curtain that was getting closer.

  If this had nothing to do with the two disciples of the Jinghong Sword Sect, Chen Xiyi would have dared to eat this table alive.

   "Where did the evil cultivator come from, how dare to come to my city of Ciyue to be presumptuous!"

   There was a bang, and the entire city of Ciyue was shaken like a thunderstorm.

   Ciyue City does not welcome evil spiritual masters, the main reason is that someone like the other party can see at a glance that they are here to make trouble, so how could they give him a good face.

  Just a five-aperture spirit master, naturally he can't lose his reputation. If it's a six-aperture spirit fairy, I guarantee that he won't fart.

   Chen Xiyi knew who this voice was, it was definitely the five-aperture spirit master from the Qian family, after all, this person from the Qian family invited away two disciples of the Jinghong Sword Sect.

   "Jie Jie Jie, hand over the two little boys of Jinghong Sword Sect, otherwise you can stop me today, but can you stop me from killing the people in your city?"

   "It depends on whether the lord of your city wants to protect the people of Jinghong Sword Sect or the people under your rule in the city."

  The evil spirit master laughed strangely, with a strange tone in his tone, and directly sent him a wave of murder.

   If he protects the two disciples of the Jinghong Sword Sect, then the Qian family will inevitably be alienated, but if he protects the people in his own city and hand over the two disciples of the Jinghong Sword Sect, then his goal will be achieved.

  The evil way spirit master is not a fool, but he found that there are three five-aperture spirit masters in this city who are similar in strength to him, and he is naturally at a loss for beating three.

   But he didn't come to rob houses, he was just looking for someone.

  He really couldn't defeat the three five-aperture spirit masters teaming up, but if he couldn't stand the three five-aperture spirit masters, the whole city would be dragged down.

   Being powerful is an advantage of being powerful, but it also has disadvantages, and there are many things to consider.

  Since this situation is a dilemma, the original two disciples of Jinghong Sword Sect are no longer good things, but a hot potato.

  The Qian family is in trouble, so they can only ask for help: "Brother Miao, Brother Xiao, there is an evil way coming, please help me to kill the evil together."

  If I can't handle it myself, I naturally have to let others into the water.

   But no one responded.

   This matter is very simple. You have to enjoy the benefits alone, but let them share the risk. Do you really think they are fools?

   For a while, I really felt helpless.

   "I don't think you will sacrifice the people in the city for two outsiders. If you want, I don't mind doing it for you, Jie Jie Jie."

  Among the **** light, the voice of the strange laugh was malicious.

   "Hmph, how can I be coerced by evil ways!" Qian family spirit master couldn't help but let out a cold snort, and made a decisive move.

  A gust of wind swept in, tearing towards the sky of the sea of ​​blood.

  Obviously, the attitude of the Qian family has made it clear that they are going to hug Jinghong Sword Sect's thigh tightly, even if it means sacrificing the people in the city.

   In this regard, the evil cultivator had already taken precautions, and the black blood gushed out, only to corrode the strong wind in an instant.

   These two people were fighting each other, and the fight was very brutal.

  Chen Xiyi knew that it seemed that the Qian family had abandoned the people in the city, but in fact they were forcing the Miao and Xiao families to express their views.

  Either help him, or just hang out together.

   This trick is still very useful. The Qian family has lost their face, so they naturally have no way to protect themselves. After all, the three families are one in Ciyue City.

  In the sky, fire and thunder burst out at the same time, and they went towards the evil cultivator together.

  The Qian family majored in the way of wind, the Miao family majored in the way of thunder, and the Xiao family majored in the way of fire.

  Three Five-Aperture Spirit Masters acted at the same time, and the evil cultivator was naturally suppressed to the disadvantage in an instant, and the blood was drowned in an instant.

  However, it was not without the power to fight back. He immediately fled into the city and killed nearly a thousand people with blood poisoning in an instant.

   It is a battle between dragons and tigers in the same realm, but if you kill someone who is lower than your own realm, you will naturally be able to catch it.

   This evil cultivator really does what he says, if you don’t hand over people, don’t blame him for killing your people.

   After nearly 30,000 people died, the killing finally subsided.

   But this is not the end, but the other party hid in the city after harvesting the merits.

In this way, this is not the end, but the beginning. The opponent's concealment ability is quite strong, and it seems that they have a spirit specially used to hide themselves. Therefore, the three major families will not want to find this evil cultivator in a short time, unless the opponent tries again. crime.

  But after committing a crime again, they can only be found out, not necessarily able to catch the other party.

  (end of this chapter)

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