This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 383: Time Road·White Head Unswerving

  Chapter 383 Time Dao·White Head Unswerving

   "Hey, why are people so realistic nowadays? I'm a little ordinary, but the treatment is so bad?" Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining, and walked into the ruins slowly.

  Obviously Xiao Qian is just a one-aperture spirit master, not as good as his apparent identity, but in the eyes of Situ Ziyan, he is even stronger than him, what a matter.

   Regarding this, Chen Xiyi said that if you don't play cards according to the routine, then he won't play any rules games with you.

  Of course he knows the structure of this ruin, and there is nothing unclear after a quick sweep of his spiritual sense.

  So this group of people had just entered the ruins, and Chen Xiyi had already reached the core of the ruins.

"The inheritance relics left by the spirit fairy Liuqiao, um, he is still a spirit fairy who specializes in wind, no wonder there will be a spring breeze spirit." Chen Xiyi looked around, and then put everything in his bag, leaving only I got a Spring Breeze.

"Drinking Wind Spirit Immortal, I don't have any impression. It seems to be a Spirit Immortal before Baihuang. It has an ultimate move called Four Seasons Tianfeng, which needs to be formed by four spirits: Spring Wind Spirit, Xia Feng Spirit, Autumn Wind Spirit, and Winter Wind Spirit. His killer move can turn himself into wind, which is extremely powerful."

   There are quite a few spirits of the four winds of spring, summer, autumn and winter, but Chen Xiyi only kept one. Then we will see how the "Biography of the Great Sage" handed over the spirit of spring wind to Xiao Qian.

   One thing to know, these four wind spirits are not natural spirits, but synthesized by Yinfeng Lingxian himself. Without the corresponding refining formula, they absolutely cannot be born.

  Chen Xiyi groped a bit more, but he didn't find the compounding formula of Dead Tree Fengchunling, which made him a little puzzled. There was no corresponding formula, how could this Xiao Qian be refining?

   "Wait, it's not impossible to refine without a formula." Chen Xiyi suddenly thought of this.

  The compound refining formula naturally did not fall from the sky, but was explored and explored step by step, and finally formed a system. It was also randomly combined at the beginning.

   That is to say, it is very likely that Xiao Qian himself, when he had no choice, combined the Spring Breeze Spirit and the Dead Wood Spirit, and finally the Dead Wood Spring came out of the combination.

   "But that was when there were a lot of inheritance and resources before. Now there is only one unknown spirit left in the entire ruins. I don't believe that the Situ caravan will really give this spirit to Xiao Qian."

Chen Xiyi couldn't help sneering, he is really generous to his friends, he can give away equipment, food, magic weapons and even the chance to become enlightened, but he is very stingy to non-friends, even if it is enough to pluck a hair The world, but he just doesn't do it.

  Why should he share the resources he has worked so hard to collect with strangers?

   To be honest, he no longer cares about Xiao Qian or the Situ caravan. He doesn’t pay much attention to the two. The only thing that can make him look up is "The Legend of the Great Sage".

Another one, this ancient relic belongs to Yinfenglingxian, and Yinfenglingxian has no bones, so it is naturally an unowned thing. It is not normal for Chen Xiyi to search for unowned things, and this is not a spring breeze The spirit is given to them as toil.

  Chen Xiyi stayed in the corner, took out the records obtained from the ruins and began to look them up.

   "In addition to the Four Wind Spirits and the Four Seasons Heavenly Wind, there is also a Gang Feng Spirit and Sha Feng Spirit. This seems to be another set of killing moves, but it is not perfect yet."

Ultimate move, it’s not that a person can only have one, it can be matched in the divine orifice, such as spirit body, fairy body, etc., they are generally passive in various ways, like the one on Yinfeng Lingxian’s body. Four Seasons Sky Wind is an active killer move.

In Chen Xiyi's eyes, the ultimate move is more like the ability to tap the potential in the spirit body and interact with other spirits. The places where this kind of linkage occurs most are the spirits of the same attribute. For example, the four-season wind is the wind element .

Of course, this kind of thing is not so absolute. For example, the blood corpse body of the blood corpse spirit fairy is a killer move that combines the corpse way and the blood way, and the blood corpse spirit fairy has more than one killer move, and there is also blood. The sea of ​​poisonous corpses, the mist of poisonous corpses and other killing moves, the seven spirits created nine killing moves.

  But this is also because the Blood Corpse Spirit Immortal is a Spirit Immortal with Seven Apertures, and its strength is much stronger than the Spirit Immortal Drinking Wind. This Immortal Drinking Wind is only a Spirit Immortal with Six Apertures.

Like the Immortal Drinking Wind, there is only one ultimate move of Four Seasons Wind, and the second ultimate move has not been researched, but from the notes left behind, it can be seen that the second ultimate move is called Four Seasons Gang Shafeng, a killing move that mobilizes the four wind spirits and the gangsha wind spirit.

   Ninety-nine percent of the remaining spirits in the inheritance of the Wind Drinking Fairy belong to the wind system.

   "I don't know if these four wind spirits can be refined together?"

   "It's not in this note either, but the Immortal Drinking Wind must have experimented with it, and it's probably useless, so it's not recorded."

  Chen Xiyi was actually a little cautious, thinking how about practicing together?

   This is not a big deal, and he thinks this thing is called the Four Seasons, maybe it can create some time-related spirits.

  After a simple calculation, it would take about half an hour for Xiao Qian and the members of the Situ caravan to arrive at the place of inheritance, so they naturally started the joint practice without hesitation.

  In just half an hour, he was not only able to combine the four wind spirits, but also combined the two wind spirits of Gang Sha and then he was in a daze for twenty-eight minutes and forty-seven seconds.

Chen Xiyi started to practice together as soon as he got started, using Feng Dao's techniques. Although these techniques are not commonly used in vain, he knows how to do them. After all, he is also a spirit fairy with eight apertures. No matter his experience or strength, he should not be underestimated. watch for.

  The process of refining was still very smooth, but the result was a bit beyond Chen Xiyi's expectation.

  The fusion of these four wind spirits produced not Feng Dao Ling, but Xing Dao Ling.

  Looking at the spirit in front of him, Chen Xiyi began to search for the corresponding spirit in his memory, let alone, he found it.

"Nine Heavens and Four Seasons Spirit, a unique spirit that can receive starlight. Each season can receive different starlight to strengthen itself. In spring, it can increase lifespan, in summer, it can increase spiritual power, and in autumn, it can strengthen itself. It can increase physical fitness, and winter is to enhance spirit."

   This Nine Heavens and Four Seasons Spirit is quite powerful, and it can be regarded as a rare auxiliary spirit in the star path.

   Especially in spring, it can increase the lifespan. Although the increase is not much, who can think of too much lifespan.

   "Feng Dao synthesized Star Dao, although it is a bit weird, but it is quite normal from the name."

At this time, Chen Xiyi also understood why Yinfeng Spirit Immortal was no longer there. There were two reasons. One was that the wind path he was walking did not match the star path, and the other was that this spirit could be recognized by Chen Xiyi because of these things. The information comes from the future era of black mist, so Yinfeng Lingxian doesn't know this spirit at all, and doesn't know what its effect is. Even Baihuang, the eight-orificed spirit fairy, has never seen the Nine Heavens and Four Seasons Spirit.

  So facing a spirit who doesn't know the details and doesn't match his own way, the Spirit Drinking Wind Spirit Immortal will never refine it indiscriminately, so naturally he doesn't know its effect.

   "So in the future, how did they discover the name of the spirit and the effect of the spirit?"

Chen Xiyi was very puzzled by this. One must know from Bai Huang's memory that generally unknown spirits are known only after being refined through various tests and experiments. For example, Xiao Qian became a waste material because of refining. Caused by the deadwood spirit, the unknown spirit.

  Chen Xiyi thought about one more thing, that is, whether the sun, moon, spring and autumn and the nine heavens and four seasons could be refined together. Judging from the names, there is a certain matching.

  For example, spring, summer, autumn and winter can become the four seasons of nine days.

  The names of Sun, Moon, Spring and Autumn and Nine Heavens and Four Seasons also match quite well.

  Combining this stuff, it’s like drawing cards, who knows what can be produced before it’s refined.

  Generally speaking, the same system is combined to produce the same system, and it is rare for the same system to produce a different system. It is extremely unlikely that the wind system will be combined to produce a galaxy this time.

  Chen Xiyi felt that since he could revert anyway, one and a half minutes was enough, and the efficiency of his joint training was still very fast, after all, it was already on.

  As a player of an unknown level, it is impossible for Lingzong to spend ten days and half a month to refine a round of Lingzong. Thirty seconds is considered slow for him.

  If it is said that it is a nine-turn spirit, then Chen Xiyi may need a lot of time, but once it turns, it really follows the hand.

  Chen Xiyi also took out the spirit without hesitation and started to refine it. In Chen Xiyi's eyes, the two spirits were quickly fused together, and finally became a Zhou Daoling that he had never seen before.

   Soon, Chen Xiyi figured out what was going on with this spirit.

   "The white head never changes the spirit?"

  This spirit is different from Sun Moon Spring and Autumn, and cannot go back to the past. The effect is very simple, that is, after locking a certain time point, it directly replaces itself at that locked time point.

   is also the backtracking state.

  However, since there is only one turn of the white head, it can only be restored once every ten days. However, if it is locked, it can be used once a day. There are three locked time coordinates. After three times, it will automatically replace the first locked coordinate.

   "The effect is very powerful, but it's called the White Head Unchanging, which doesn't sound like the spirit of Time Dao." Chen Xiyi felt a little weird about the name.

  Chen Xiyi likes Baishou's unswerving ability very much, this should be regarded as Zhou Dao's recovery ability.

   "No, it's not just recovery. In this way, I can have the ability to refine my own spirit as an experiment."

  If the spirit is damaged, he can directly refresh to the state of yesterday, and the damaged spirit can be restored?

   It is even possible to gamble with spirits. For example, in the past, Zhou Guangling, he can completely refine once every ten days.

   "And if I develop it further, will it be possible to use the time coordinates of the unswerving white head as the anchor point for cosmic light travel in the past?"

After all, relying on the white head to directly refresh the backtracking will make his state the predetermined time point, and the enhanced strength will disappear, so that his own strength will return to that point in time, but the time he is in does not change. Change, which is equivalent to the player reverting but the plot progress does not revert.

  In the past, the cosmic light spirit has the plot progress reverted but the player does not rewind. There is still a difference between the two.

   "It seems that we have to further tap the potential of the unswerving white head and Zhouguang in the past, and see if we can combine a killer move for loading and reverting."

  If Chen Xiyi can really succeed, then he will be awesome, and he will be able to plan more benefits for himself.

   "Unfortunately, the current retracement time has changed from three minutes to one and a half minutes, but the ability to change the file loading is not bad, but it is not able to fully load the file, only a little bit."

  Chen Xiyi knows that you can't have both, but in fact, he has long wanted to change.

  The abilities of the Sun Moon Spring and Autumn and the past Zhouguang actually overlap.

"Huh? Why is this Xiao Qian so fast? When did he break away from the Situ caravan, and he was able to get away with such a big part? It's really interesting." Chen Xiyi shifted his attention from Baishou Buchang, and found that Xiao Qian didn't know what shortcut he had taken, he was almost reaching this place of inheritance by himself.

  There is definitely a reason for the "Biography of the Great Sage".

  (end of this chapter)

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