This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 392: Marriage with fingertips, lost son

  Chapter 392 Finger pulp is marriage, lost son

   "Hey, give it back to you, it's useless to pretend to be slapped in the face, so don't pretend, aren't you tired?"

  The next day, Situ Ziyan walked over with a very handsome-looking man, and then returned the seventh-grade spiritual artifact to Chen Xiyi.

  Chen Xiyi saw that her injuries were all healed up. It seemed that the Situ family cured her, but she was a little weak and needed to rest for a while.

   "Who is this?" Chen Xiyi's tone was warm.

   "My fiancé, Sima Yi, is one of my own." Situ Ziyan said.

  Hearing this, Chen Xiyi withdrew his temperament, and he and Ge You, the fat chicken, collapsed on the bed, knocking on the dried fruit: "I told you earlier, it's very tiring to stand up with this temperament, just sit around and treat it as your own home."

   "This is my house, don't worry about him, he's just virtuous, let's sit down." Situ Ziyan couldn't help complaining about Chen Xiyi, then saw Sima Yi who was hesitant, and said.

   After finishing speaking, he immediately picked up a large handful of dried fruits and distributed them to Sima Yi, and just kowtowed.

   Two people and one bird are very harmonious, Sima Yi is not enough sand sculptures and perverts, he can't blend into the group at all, and he is a little at a loss for a while.

   "What's the situation with your fiancé? Why is he so cautious? Although I have committed all kinds of crimes, including cheating, kidnapping, murder and arson, I think I am a good person." Chen Xiyi said casually.

   "Goo!" The fat chicken cooed in response, as if to say that you were right.

  Sima Yi couldn't help but shivered, his expression was a little scared.

  Situ Ziyan had black lines all over her hair: "Don't scare my fiance, he has some brain problems."

   "I can see it. IQ is not more than ten years old. Under normal circumstances, I should call you big sister." Chen Xiyi nodded, he could see it.

   "I'm talking about your brain problem. My fiancé is normal, just a little more autistic." Situ Ziyan retorted and even comforted her.

  Chen Xiyi did not continue to joke, this Sima Yi is a green-named NPC, and his favorability is 2 stars, probably because Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi talked about it when he came here today, so it rose to 2 stars at once.

  The impression that Sima left on Chen Xiyi was not autism, but low self-esteem, and a rather cautious feeling in doing things.

   After throwing the dried fruit back on the table with one hand, he clapped his hands: "Has the divine orifice been abolished?"

   "You can see, oh, it's a thing of the past, but it's okay, if I'm around, anyone who dares to bully him will be hacked to death." Situ Ziyan drew a machete from her waist and chopped it on the table.

  In this situation, Sima Yi was taken aback.

   "Zi Yan, don't keep using knives and guns, it's not good." Sima Yi said weakly.

   "Hey, I don't have to be like this if you guys order." Situ Ziyan was also helpless.

Chen Xiyi raised his brows: "I have experience in this area. As the powerful master Bai, I personally taught a power emperor. Give your fiancé to me for a year, and I promise to make him more skilled than a monkey. "

"I can understand you bragging, but don't start harming him. I think it's good to be safe." Situ Ziyan thinks that Chen Xiyi is very dishonest. Who knows what his personality will be like after Sima Yi is handed over to him. What if the couple are sand sculptures? Wouldn't it be even more terrifying if the offspring also inherited it.

   "Tsk, that's such a pity, hold this thing and press the things in your body, don't die suddenly in two days." Chen Xiyi casually threw Tian Han Di Dong to Sima Yi.

  Sima Yi subconsciously stretched out his hand to take it, only to feel the cold air on the bead burst out in an instant, and he felt refreshed from the cold.

   "Thank you, Brother Chen, but this thing is precious, so it's not good." Sima Yi came back to his senses, and hurriedly handed Tian Han Di Dong back.

   "Xi Yi told you to hold it, so you can hold it. What's wrong with his body, how could he die suddenly in two days?" Situ Ziyan also looked nervous.

Chen Xiyi also understood one thing at this time, that is, if Xiao Qian really followed the path of "The Legend of the Great Sage", without Chen Xiyi's intervention, Sima Yi would definitely die if Situ Ziyan could not come back. up.

"I don't know. If there is a divine orifice, it may be some kind of god-given opportunity, but without the divine orifice, he becomes a life-threatening talisman. What's more, there is only one root left of this thing, and the rest is taken away by people. It was taken away, and now the root is about to germinate, and it is extracting his vitality."

   "And there is that thing, which makes it impossible for the gods to recover. If you want to solve Sima Yi's situation, Jiuqiao Lingxian can't solve it."

  Chen Xiyi looked at Sima Yi and said in a deep voice.

   "What, even the freezing weather can't hold back!" Situ Ziyan was also surprised: "Xi Yi, can you solve it?"

   "Well, yes." Chen Xiyi guessed that the thing in Sima Yi's destroyed orifice was probably something similar to the Yunling Orb, "The Legend of the Great Sage", but it was taken away by someone.

   "Are you going to ask your family to make a move?" Situ Ziyan naturally couldn't think that Chen Xiyi made a move, he was just a two-orifice spirit master.

  Chen Xiyi nodded: "Well, just make a move."

   It's another matter whether the family is family or not, but the shot is really a hand.

   "By the way, what's the situation with your acuity, it seems that you are not very old." Chen Xiyi asked with some doubts.

   "Well, things are more complicated, Zi Yan and I were originally married on the belly" Sima Yi explained the matter.

Probably because he was originally the young master of the Sima family, and he and Situ Ziyan were both sons and grandsons. Later, the Sima family was wiped out by a man in black. It is conservatively estimated that he was a spirit fairy with seven apertures. Abandoned.

   Then when he was still a baby, he was brought up by Situ's family, and he was also a future son-in-law.

"It's normal to destroy the door. I suspect that the spirit fairy with seven apertures came to kill your family because of the things in your orifices, but there is a doubt in it, that is why the other party didn't kill you. After all, under the circumstances at the time , killing you is much easier than crippling you."

   "Guess why?"

  Chen Xiyi asked with an interesting tone.

  Sima Yi said bitterly: "Brother Chen, you just said that the root is still here with me."

   "Wait, that is to say, the other party may come to find Xiaoyi again!!" Situ Ziyan understood in an instant.

"Well, judging from the current situation, the opponent's strength is not weak. After all these years, it is not an exaggeration to have at least eight apertures, or even nine apertures." Chen Xiyi expressed his guess: "Then don't It’s Xiaoyi Gan, why do I think he’s taking advantage of me, you can’t add more words.”

   "When the time comes, it will not only be Sima Yisi, but also the feeling of Emperor Xuan of Jin when you shout like this. Your name has so many slots."

  Sima Yi is a little weird, and he didn't give this name, so it must not be changed.

   "Why do you have so many things, isn't it just a name, I don't dislike anything you dislike." Situ Ziyan felt that Chen Xiyi's entanglement was a bit strange.

   But even if Chen Xiyi didn't finish speaking, everyone present knew what he was going to say, and it was nothing more than implicating Situ's family.

  Sima Yi also changed his face: "Otherwise, I will leave home first, in case I get involved."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xiyi looked at him with the eyes of a fool: "You don't really think that you will be fine after leaving the Situ's house, do you? If you could destroy your whole family back then, maybe the entire Lidu city would be destroyed now. "

"Of course, don't worry about this matter. What's the relationship between me and Ziyan? That's the dead brother who cut the chicken head and burned the yellow paper. We are real relatives. When the time comes, I will make a move, let alone nine orifices, just I can let the great sage above the nine orifices know what strength is."

   Regarding Chen Xiyi's words, Sima Yi always felt that something was wrong. In fact, the adjectives of relatives and dead brothers seemed a bit wrong.

   "Then I would like to thank Big Brother Chen. It's just that the other party didn't have seven orifices before. How could he have eight orifices these years? It's a bit too far-fetched." Sima Yi didn't quite believe it.

  But Situ Ziyan believed it. Chen Xiyi is usually unreliable and likes to brag, but in this kind of matter, he will never lie.

"I don't mention this in advance, Xiyi, you said to restore Xiaoyi's divine orifice before, so can the thing in his divine orifice be preserved?" Situ Ziyan knew that something that could make a suspected Nine-Aperture Spirit Immortal coveted was absolutely nice one.

  Chen Xiyi rolled his eyes: "Have you heard the story that you can't have both the fish and the bear's paw? That thing is not to mention Brother Sima, even your ancestor with the seven orifices will die suddenly if he is glued to it."

"It's okay if it's complete, but now there is only one root left. Even if the spirit fairy who came to fetch it moved into the orifice, he would not be able to escape death. It is estimated that the Great Sage can carry it, and Brother Sima can live so long. Thanks to the destruction of the orifice, otherwise it would have died when it was dug out."

   "So once the divine orifice is restored and the root is still there, you should be able to understand what the consequences will be."

   "Another one, even if it is given to him, he can't afford it. There is only one root left. It is not easy to restore it. Maybe Brother Sima will not be able to restore it until he dies."

  Regarding Chen Xiyi's words, Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi were also stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted.

  Sima Yi was determined in his heart: "Then I will trouble Brother Chen to help. If I don't mind the things in my orifice, I will give it to Brother Chen's elders as medical expenses."

  He knew that this thing was a complete bane, with no benefit at all.

  As long as this thing is given to Chen Xiyi, then the matter will be over.

   At that time, even if the spirit fairy who took his opportunity back then comes again, with the power of the opponent, he can really kill him.

   "What do you think?" Chen Xiyi looked at Situ Ziyan.

   "Just do as Xiao Yi said, this thing is really not a good thing." Situ Ziyan sighed, she knew the truth of the innocent and the guilty.

Based on the analysis of what Chen Xiyi said, Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi can be sure that the other party is from a certain powerful force, and is also a role like an heir. This can be confirmed by the conversation and temperament after seriousness.

  【Young Master’s Sima Yi, HP: 80%, Status: Slightly Injured】

  【Ability 1: Invalid】



  The other party's dissatisfaction with health and minor injuries should be due to the destruction of the orifice, and the invalid Ability 1 is probably the only remaining root of that thing.

   Not only that, after he came to Lidu City, the "Biography of the Great Sage" was also updated, but it was still only half.

  【December, when snow falls from the sky, great sage】

   This means that we have to wait until the heavy snow falls in December, but the specific situation is not shown, and we have to wait until the time is up.

  If he calculates carefully and if he doesn’t cheat, and Xiao Qian’s situation, he should probably arrive in Lidu City around November, instead of arriving in September like Chen Xiyi, which is a lot of time difference.

  So Chen Xiyi is progressing fast. Many things in "The Legend of the Great Sage" have not been fully deduced and divined, so we have to wait for time.

   But Chen Xiyi doesn't care, anyway, he has plenty of time, after all, he has only accumulated about 7% of the time-type spiritual power in his second orifice, and he is still far away from becoming a three-orifice spirit master.

  (end of this chapter)

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