This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 395: After this battle is over, I'll go back to my hometown and get married

  Chapter 395 After this battle is over, I will go back to my hometown to get married

   "Goo? Goo! Goo~"

   "Don't move around, I will upgrade the spirit in your body. I managed to get these things by cheating. When you are stronger, it will be easier to fight monsters."


  Chen Xiyi pressed the fat chicken to the ground, and continuously refined the spirit in its body.

   Isn't it a ghost spirit? Chen Xiyi directly gave it a set of top-level spirits.

  Although the upgrade speed of the fat chicken may be much slower in this way, but the strength will be stronger, and it may be able to get the protagonist treatment of leapfrogging and killing enemies.

  After all this fuss, Chen Xiyi finally upgraded this thing.

The fat chicken collapsed on the ground with an expression that I was done. It would be fine if the spirit in its body was replaced, at most it would be an upgraded version, but now the various abilities of the spirit in its body make it feel strange, making the whole chicken The chickens were all bad.

   "Don't make that expression, get used to it." Chen Xiyi clapped his hands, motioning for the fat chicken to get up.

  Fat Chicken got up slowly, feeling weak all over, but there was nothing he could do about it. Chen Xiyi had finished all the exercises for it, and now it was too late to return it.

  As for why a second-orifice spirit master was able to hold down this third-grade spirit beast, Fat Chicken didn't delve into it. After all, if you dig deeper, you will see some indescribable horrors, so it is so honest.

"Brother Chen, let's go out to eat, what's the situation with the fat chicken?" Sima Yi said after coming in, and then saw the fat chicken exuding a deep breath standing in the corner whispering, so he asked casually .

  After Sima Yi recovered his dantian and became a spirit master, he became much happier.

  Of course, it is also possible that after staying with Chen Xiyi for a long time, his personality has gradually become sand sculptured and socialized.

  In short, those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black.

   "Oh, Fat Chicken was disgusted by the blind date last night, just finish eating." Chen Xiyi said.

   "Blind date last night? With whom?" Sima Yi was extremely curious about this.

  Chen Xiyi rolled his eyes: "I'm talking about brother Sima, don't ask me about this matter. It is said that the fat chicken met the chicken of a wealthy family last night. The glorious gift has to make the fat chicken repay the loan for thirty years."

   "Hiss, it's so terrifying." Sima Yi took a breath, and said in shock, "This is so terrifying."

   "." Chen Xiyi has a black line, so everyone knows how to do this.

  However, it’s good to have a meeting, and when the time comes to watch the protagonist pretend to be aggressive, you can also master the qualities of the people who eat melons proficiently.

   "Fat chicken, don't be sad, rich people are nothing, and I will introduce you to a few that don't require bride price." Sima Yi persuaded.

   "Hoo?" The fat chicken looked back at Chen Xiyi, then at Sima Yi. If it wasn't for its inability to speak, it would surely be able to spit at Sima Yi.

   It is a majestic ghost owl who wants to date a chicken, and the species are different. Well, the name is fat chicken, but it does not mean that the species is also a chicken.

   "Okay, stop talking, Sima Yi invited us to dinner, let's go." Chen Xiyi said.

   The fat chicken's eyes lit up, and its flapping wings immediately grunted. This meant that Sima Yi could understand it without Chen Xiyi's translation, and it definitely meant to go.

  After the two and one owl reached a consensus, they naturally set off.

   "Where is Ziyan? If she doesn't come, will you pay the bill?" Chen Xiyi asked curiously.

   "She's arranging a carriage outside, why don't we brothers walk there?" Sima Yi explained.

The road was very calm, and no one who didn't have eyes jumped out to provoke or want to slap the face. After Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi dedicated the seventh-grade spiritual weapon to the ancestors of the Situ family, their status rose sharply , at this time, if someone who is not good at it jumps out and targets these two, it is not the face of Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi, but the face of the ancestor of the Situ family.

   As for Chen Xiyi?

Then no one dares to come out to make troubles, whether it is temperament or conversation, both of them show that they are the direct descendants of a certain powerful force, the one who is bigger than their Situ family, otherwise, this seventh-grade spiritual weapon Can you send it casually?

   He was also able to heal Sima Yi's divine orifices casually, and even gave him a top-notch Qi Dao Ling.

  Under all kinds of phenomena, most of them are tactful flattery, not those who have problems with their brains and want to step on the other side or question the other side as a liar.

  Brain is a good thing, as long as you don't encounter the halo of wisdom and ridicule, everyone has it.

   "Why are you so slow? You are taking a long time to eat a meal. This meal will be regarded as a cleansing for Xi Yi." Situ Ziyan, who had been waiting for a long time, said after seeing a few people coming.

Hearing this, Chen Xiyi couldn't help being a little speechless: "I said, is it a bit late for our banquet to cleanse the dust? I've been staying here for almost three days. Now you tell me to cleanse the dust, or you can just give it to me. Shall I come to eat with the first seven?"

   "It's not impossible, but even if you die now, you have to wait seven days to do it for you. It can't be done now." Situ Ziyan followed Chen Xiyi's words without hesitation.

   "What you said really made me sad. After you enter the grave, I will go to your grave to play disco every Qingming." Chen Xiyi was also merciless.

  Hearing this, Sima Yi felt pressured: "Xi Yi, can we discuss it, don't dance on the grave, I'm afraid of noise."


   Okay, Sima Yi, this wave is in the atmosphere.

  The two of them are unmarried couples, and they will definitely be buried together in the future. Chen Xiyi's boss Situ Ziyan's tomb must be accompanied by Sima Yi.

"Okay, don't be poor. If you get poorer, it will be dark. Go to Zuixianlou. I've reserved a box." Situ Ziyan interrupted the messy exchange, got on the carriage and headed towards Zuixianlou .

   "When are you going to get married?" Chen Xiyi asked casually.

   "The eighth day of next month, when the time comes...?" Situ Ziyan was at a loss: "How do you know?"

"Oh, guess what, I think you might have said that when you went to the business, I would go home and get married after this business." Chen Xiyi said, although it wasn't after the battle that I would go back to my hometown to get married. , but it’s enough to make sense of it.

  Such an obvious FLAG naturally caused a major accident to the entire caravan.

   "Well, Ziyan did say something similar before, but she almost never came back." Sima Yi echoed.

  Look at the establishment of FLAG, it's called Shunli, if Chen Xiyi wasn't there, Sima Yi must have died.

   It's just this logic that made Chen Xiyi a little confused. It was Situ Ziyan who set the flag, why was Sima Yi the one who died?

   This can't be fighting cattle across the mountain.

   "Well, it's not auspicious to say such things less in the future." Chen Xiyi warned silently.

  The horse-drawn carriage arrived at Zuixianlou very quickly, and it had already been booked before. Naturally, there were no situations where it was forcibly occupied or full.

   The dishes were served soon, and Fat Chicken didn't understand anything anyway, so he ate on his own.

  It is not taboo to eat anything, and Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi don't mind, which in itself means inviting fat chickens.

   Along the way, it was thanks to Fat Chicken that Situ Ziyan was able to return to Lidu City, after all, it was responsible for fighting monsters.

   "Brother Chen, what are your plans for the future?" Sima Yi asked, and then said: "If you don't mind, you can stay in Lidu City and wait for the Holy Land to open together."

   "I didn't intend to walk by, you don't think where I'm going?" Chen Xiyi complained.

   This made Sima Yi a little resentful. He thought Chen Xiyi was the kind of person who couldn't stay, so he spoke.

   "That's good, that's good." Sima Yi also breathed a sigh of relief.

   Situ Ziyan on the side also said: "I just happened to stay to attend our wedding, and I will give you the place of bridesmaid when the time comes."

   "I'll be the bridesmaid? Then you're planning to make Fat Chicken the best man." Chen Xiyi complained.

  Situ Ziyan nodded: "It's not impossible, but I don't think it's suitable for a fat chicken to be a best man. Why don't you use it as an ingredient? It just happens to be a little fatter these days."

   "Goo!!" The fat chicken, who was buried in cooking, suddenly looked up and looked at Situ Ziyan in disbelief.

   "This is my brother and sister, my dearest relatives and friends, how can you allow me to say that you will be out of the pot."

  Chen Xiyi took a leisurely bite of the food before continuing to add another sentence.

   "Add money!"

  The three of them were chatting when suddenly there was a loud noise from the restaurant.

   This made Situ Ziyan and Sima Yi frowned. Today they invited someone to dinner, and this happened. Even if Chen Xiyi didn't mind, it was embarrassing for them.

  As the host family, I can't do this little thing well, and my face is dull.

   "Eat first, I'll go and see what's going on." Situ Ziyan got up and said, and then walked towards the outside of the box.

  It's just that as soon as the door of this box was opened, a man in night clothes was seen rushing past, and then someone was chasing after him.

   "To be honest, this is the first time I've seen someone wearing night clothes in broad daylight. Is it because I think I'm not conspicuous enough?" Situ Ziyan couldn't help complaining.

These words naturally attracted the attention of other people, especially the person in the night suit. Seeing this, the other party turned around abruptly, threw something in Situ Ziyan's direction, and then yelled in a low voice. One sound.

   "The goods have been delivered, and the rest will be left to you to deal with the aftermath for me."

  Situ Ziyan naturally knew that the other party was misfortune, and then a dark fire erupted in her hand.

  'Spiritual Skill · Cold Bone Fire'

  The fierce Yin Huo went directly towards that object, directly blowing it into powder.

  The few people who were chasing after saw this scene, their eyes could not help but tear up.

   "How dare you do this?" One of them asked with hatred in his tone, but was stopped by the other.

   "What's going on here has nothing to do with me, but if you continue to entangle me, the mastermind will escape, and there will be nothing at that time." Situ Ziyan said with a sneer.

She is not a nice gentleman. The masked man in night clothes just now was clearly trying to trick her. It’s a good thing that he didn’t get the thing. If he got it, there might be some disasters. If he directly destroyed it, there would be a better reason. She didn't know what was inside anyway.

   "Hmph, let's write this down, and there will be rewards in the future." The leaders cupped their hands, threatening in their tone.

  Situ Ziyan smiled cleverly: "Great report? Heh, it seems that the forces behind you are very powerful. I hope you entered the city through formal procedures, otherwise."

   Threatening the eldest lady of the Situ family in Lidu City is quite outrageous.

The faces of these people changed, but instead of continuing to entangle with Situ Ziyan, they chased them out. After all, who knows if the thing thrown by the other party is a smoke bomb? Moldy.

   "Go and report this to the city defense and arrest them, and let them investigate the origin of this group of people." Situ Ziyan became serious after seeing the people leave.

  The waiter in Zuixianlou naturally knows Situ Ziyan. After all, this is the eldest lady of the Situ family, and the entire Lidu city is ruled by the Situ family.

   "Miss, please eat and drink well, and the younger one will do it right away." The shop waiter finished speaking and left in a hurry.

  (end of this chapter)

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