Chapter 414 Module · Ten Thousand Tribulations

  【Module: Extraordinary Tribulations】

  【After activation, it will accumulate calamity to form calamity, and every time you pass through calamity, you can draw strength from calamity】

  【You are blessed by the river goblin-Jianghu, you will get the state: Robust Qi Enhancement】

  【You are blessed by the Mountain Fairy-Mountain, and you get the status: Robust Qi Enhancement】

  【You are blessed by the Sheji Fairy-Royalty, and you get the status: Robust Qi Enhancement】

  【You received】

  Chen Xiyi was a little helpless, co-authoring is my doom, not me sending doom to others.

  Looking at the activated module, and more importantly, the goblin has superimposed a series of enhanced states of doom, which is equivalent to adding one to the power of doom if there is a goblin.

  Of course, the opposite is naturally more power drawn from it.

  Obviously, the Ten Thousand Tribulations Body he obtained is definitely not Qinghe Xianjun's original Xianxia world system, but a mutated form of the opponent's Xianxia world system and Spirit Master world system.

   Probably the difference between the original immortality module and the historical sequence module.

  Chen Xiyi could clearly feel the calamity gathering around him, wrapping around his body bit by bit, but there might be so many hip stretches.

  With Chen Xiyi's stature, these calamities couldn't shake him at all.

  For example, if a catastrophe that could make Nine Earth Sages and Ninth Rank Heavenly Immortals be struck by lightning fell on Chen Xiyi, at most it would make him sneeze.

   But this is not a big problem. The real big problem is that the God of Tribulations seems to be interacting with the historical sequence and fate star.

  At this time, Chen Xiyi was exuding disaster, ominousness, death and chaos.

  If there are people who know how to look at Qi, the lone star of Tiansha can no longer describe Chen Xiyi, and the demon star of destroying the world is almost the same.

   But in contrast, Chen Xiyi found that he seemed to have touched the gate of the underworld in his body.

   With just one touch, he can become a Sequence 6.

   "Everything has a soul?!"

  Chen Xiyi didn't have an epiphany, he suddenly figured out why he suddenly made such a breakthrough.

  Because the calamities on his body are constantly accumulating, they form mutual inducements, resulting in a large accumulation of spirituality.

   Another meaning is that others rely on epiphany, and his simple quantity becomes qualitative change.

   With a light touch, Chen Xiyi felt a lot of spiritual surge.

   Then the game log was refreshed in due course.

  【You are promoted to Sequence 6: True Spirit Scholar】

  【You get the skill: Spiritual Gate】

  【The sequence promotion conditions are as follows:】

  【You who have mastered the mysteries of spirituality, get the secret of crossing the River Styx from the ferryman of the River Styx】

  Chen Xiyi is a little shit, are you kidding me?

  Where did he go to find the Ferryman on the River Styx?

  Of course, as far as urine is concerned, it definitely does not refer to the real Styx ferryman, but something related to spirituality in the body.

  As for the skill of the door of spirituality, it is a teleportation and teleportation skill, which opens a door from the spirituality, and Chen Xiyi can teleport and teleport through this door.

   But to be honest, it's really stretching the hips, not as fast as him.

   But Chen Xiyi felt that this skill was used to improve the historical sequence, but he didn't know how to improve it.

   Another thing is that this thing started to deviate from what looked like a death sequence before. He could understand the former necromancer, but now he has become a true spirit scholar.

  However, he is also more and more sure of one thing, death and passing will remain in the past.

   As for the true spirit, Chen Xiyi knew that it was a little bit of aura combined with a lot of spirituality and himself, although the promotion conditions were still very vague.

   To put it another way, Chen Xiyi at this time, as long as the true spirit is immortal, he will not die, which is equivalent to locking blood.

   And he also discovered that the holy land within his divine aperture seemed to have undergone a lot of changes because of the true spirit.

   "This thing looks like the golden elixir in inner alchemy."

  Chen Xiyi felt his true spirit rather curiously, and this true spirit seemed to be able to affect Jie Qi.

   Not only the catastrophe, but also the unknown and disaster of the fate star system, etc., plus the breath of death itself, after this mess, Chen Xiyi found that these things seemed to be absorbed and manipulated by him?

  Chen Xiyi tried to squeeze a handful of Jie Qi into his mouth and chewed it. He could feel that his strength had increased a little bit, probably by about 0.0000001%.

   Not much, but at least he has new rations. After all, with his current size, it is not bad to be able to grow.

  In addition to calamity, the ominousness and disasters surrounding him can also be absorbed, and the effect is not good.

   But absorption is another matter, mainly being able to manipulate.

  For example, if all these things are combined into the death notification skill, the power will explode directly.

   Then, Chen Xiyi's spiritual consciousness spread, and he found Wu Ke in an instant.

   "Sure enough, he also has calamity, no, it should be called calamity." Chen Xiyi narrowed his eyes.

  There is still a difference between catastrophe and catastrophe. Calamity is only in the accumulation stage and will not affect people. It can be regarded as a large number of catastrophe, forming a catastrophe, then it is another matter.

  Wu Ke's calamity is just as Chen Xiyi thought, it's a love calamity, not a mental influence, but more like a fate-type entanglement.

   What's more important is that the calamity on the opponent's body is quite thick, to what extent it is thick, it is probably at the level of the Nine Earth Saints.

   This is very outrageous. Generally speaking, with Wu Ke's strength, he would have been ashamed if he really encountered such a big disaster. How could he be alive.

   Doom is matched with people.

   This calamity far exceeds Wu Ke's strength, and it is absolutely impossible for him to last for so long.

  Another one is that he can't accumulate so many calamities to form such a huge calamity, because he was killed by the calamity before that.

  You must know that it is reset after passing the calamity, and if you can’t survive the calamity, the calamity will continue to strengthen the calamity, making it continue to expand, and you will either survive the calamity or die because of the calamity.

  With Wu Ke's strength, it is impossible to survive the calamity, and it is more likely that he died because of the calamity in the first place.

  The calamity of this love calamity is the power of idealism that Chen Xiyi saw at the beginning, and it is precisely such a huge power that can subtly and silently change the situation of Wu Ke's little daughter-in-law.

   "This is really scary. It seems that Qinghe Xianjun may really not be dead, it's just the evil light and the flame demon."

  Chen Xiyi narrowed his eyes, such a huge catastrophe could not be attributed to Wu Ke, only the Qinghe Xianjun who traveled from the world of immortals.

   "This leads to a third possibility. The person who harvested the entire world of spirit masters is the Qinghe Immortal Lord, not some long-planned mastermind behind the scenes."

  The reason is very simple. If Wu Ke has survived this love calamity, his strength can definitely reach the level of the Great Sage of the Nine Earths, so it is still very simple to destroy and reap the entire world.

   In this way, Chen Xiyi naturally became a variable outside the specification, which has changed history.

   But there are two questions here. If this is the case, who is the mysterious organization, and what is the intention of the other party to harvest the world?

  Chen Xiyi knows one thing, his body module is not the real system of the opponent, it is likely to only inherit the calamity and rewards and combine the special module formed by the local information state of the world of the spirit master.

This is different from the Immortality module and the History Sequence module. The History Sequence module includes the Immortality module, and his module of Ten Thousand Tribulations is an independent module. It is integrated with the heaven, earth and spirit modules of the division system.

  That's why Chen Xiyi guessed that Qinghe Xianjun would be able to go one step further after surviving this love calamity, making him reach the realm above the Nine Earth Great Sages.

He had estimated before that this Qinghe Xianjun was above the Great Sage of the Nine Earths before he came to the world of the Spirit Master, but it should not be as outrageous as the Great Chaos Demon, but if he really survived the tribulation of love, he will recover Strength, then not necessarily.

   From the current point of view, Wu Ke's love has not yet reached its peak, and it is still growing continuously.

   "Things are getting more and more chaotic." Chen Xiyi thought it would be better to be more chaotic.

   Otherwise, it might not be possible for him to fish in troubled waters.

   "Perhaps, the matter of reincarnation coordinates falls on Qinghe Xianjun."

  In Chen Xiyi's eyes, Qinghe Xianjun is Qinghe Xianjun, and Wu Ke is Wu Ke, and the two cannot be considered the same.

   "Wait, I seem to get it."

  Chen Xiyi suddenly thought of something, and his third guess became more reasonable because of this incident.

  If it is said that Qinghe Xianjun is the mastermind behind the scenes, and this Wu Ke is not his body, but just a substitute for him to cross the catastrophe, then everything makes sense.

  In the future without Chen Xiyi, Qinghe Xianjun relied on Wu Ke to survive the tribulation of love, and returned to his body, which is the evil light and flame demon, and regained his own power.

   And Wu Ke is not Qinghe Xianjun, but just an inducement, and because of this incident, all the pretty daughters-in-law are gone.

   For this reason, he naturally wants to take revenge on Qinghe Xianjun and save his pretty daughter-in-law. After all, he is actually an experienced person in the matter of love robbery.

   It's just that Qinghe Xianjun was able to break the love calamity, but he didn't.

That's why Chen Xiyi didn't find any relevant memories of Qinghe Xianjun in the memory of Xie Guangyanmo. The reason is that this is just a body, and the real Qinghe Xianjun may be Wu Ke at this time, or he may be in a special way. The method shielded Chen Xiyi's spiritual consciousness and primordial spirit, and hid them in Wu Ke's body.

   Wu Ke will also have this ability, which is the space formed by the ultimate move of the universe that Chen Xiyi met in the future, which is also the place where the universe light spirit was obtained in the past.

   "In this way, everything will be right."

  Chen Xiyi felt that this third guess was the most likely.

   Then there is the possibility that he is the mastermind behind the scenes, and the last one is that there is a mastermind behind the scenes who is powerful enough to harvest the world.

"But because of me, everything has changed. The Evil Light and Flame Demon are gone. Now even if Qinghe Xianjun survives the tribulation of love, he can't return to his body, so he can only take Wu Ke away. .”

   "If this is the case, the matter that the future left me with the universe light spirit and the sun, moon, spring and autumn spirit in the past will disappear, everything will change, and time cannot form a closed loop. Will there be any problems for me?"

  Chen Xiyi was a little confused about this, after all, he was able to obtain the job of a spirit master and come to this era all relying on these two spirits.

"Probably not. If the grandmother paradox really formed, it would have backlashed me as early as the moment I came to this era. If it doesn't exist until now, it means that it can't affect me. Does this mean that it has been Formed a new timeline?"

  Of course, these speculations are based on the fact that he is not the mastermind behind the scenes. If he is the mastermind behind the scenes, it means that nothing has actually changed, and the future is all his own.

But Chen Xiyi thinks that this possibility is not great. He has never been in the timeline of a certain world, just like the history where You Guang was, he did not exist. This shows that no matter in any world, he All just an intruder.

  (end of this chapter)

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