This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 430: light pollution

  Chapter 430 Light Pollution

   "Twenty-three times the speed of cultivation, the growth of believers of light is too timely for me."

Qin Liuyun opened his eyes, and he could feel that there were twenty-three rays of light connected to him, and these rays of light provided him with light all the time, these lights could not only provide boost when he was chanting sutras, but also continuously Nourish his light giant bloodline.

Although he hasn't awakened yet, he can feel the warmth in his body getting stronger and stronger. This feeling seems to be transported from inside and outside by believers who are melting and burning light The food that comes.

   "I'm only twenty-three, and I have such strength. If the whole city becomes my believers in light, then my strength will recover faster."

  How many people are there in this city?

   At least 100,000 starting, the exact number of Qin Liuyun is not known, probably not many people will know except the officials in the city, after all, this matter has little to do with ordinary people.

   But even if there are only 100,000 people, it is a terrifying increase for Qin Liuyun.

If there are no believers of light, there is only one day of Dao deeds every day, but if there are 100,000 believers of light, that day will be 273 years of Dao deeds. Two hundred and seventy-three years of hard work completely broke the conventional practice.

  If this was the case before, Qin Liuyun would never have believed it was possible.

  But the current twenty-three times the speed of cultivation gave him enough confidence.

   "It's really too slow to chat with these people one by one. If possible, I want to directly use divine influence to transform ordinary people into believers of my light." A gleam of light flashed in Qin Liuyun's eyes.

He was able to take down these twenty-three people, on the one hand, because he was acquainted with these twenty-three people, and they were all from the same firm, so he had a certain foundation of trust, so he was able to take down all of them in one day. If so, the entire firm has become his stronghold.

  But if it is someone who has never met, the difficulty will be much greater.

  After all, one must have trust in order to be able to carry out divine influence, otherwise it is simply impossible to transform them into believers of light.

   "So here we can only start with Yuan Tao, and then use this to contact the city lord, and then further include all the high-level." Qin Liuyun is not stupid, of course he started to transform from the high-level.

  Transformation from the bottom is bound to require a big move, and this big move can easily attract the attention of the high-level. Who knows if it will be suppressed by then.

It would be better to attack the high-level directly at the beginning, and with the support of the high-level, it will spread step by step. Not only will there be no potential threats, but also the support of the high-level will be able to turn the original threat into a boost, wouldn't it? better?

  Just thinking of Yuan Tao, he couldn't help but think of Xu Tianming and the so-called Doctor Xiaoli, but there was no follow-up news. He only knew that after capturing a living corpse monster, he used it as the basis for testing the medicine.

   "I hope Yuan Tao doesn't become a living corpse, otherwise, many things will be much more troublesome." Qin Liuyun couldn't help thinking of such a thing.

   They went down the city wall to die. He didn't know how they caught the living corpse, but without Qin Liuyun's protection, he didn't believe that this group of people could escape without any injuries.

   Unless the group of living corpses released water.

   "It's not impossible to release the water. We have to test it first, and take a look at Yuan Tao's situation." Qin Liuyun got up immediately after finishing his daily practice, and was ready to go to the Liyuan Pavilion.

  Although he said that they had returned victoriously, waiting for death to inquire about the news from outside, he knew that not many people came back alive, and some of them were injured.

   Injury is the key point.

   It's just that there are too many people talking, and Qin Liuyun doesn't know how many people were injured. In addition, the Liyuan Pavilion is closed, so the news cannot be spread.

  Of course, the Liyuan Pavilion announced to the public that it will close the museum to test medicines, and must produce medicines that can restore living corpses to living people.

   This can also be regarded as a method of isolating outside detection, but Qin Liuyun knows that this is a cover, and it is most likely because someone has already turned into a dead body.

Sitting in the donkey cart arranged by the business, he was going to the Liyuan Pavilion. Qin Liuyun's business is not a big business, but a small business that sells some daily necessities, so don't even think about horse carts and ox carts, so you can only use them donkey.

   Otherwise, if it is really a big business, Qin Liuyun may not be able to enter it in the situation at the beginning. Only small businesses will have a lower threshold for entry.

  When you come to the Liyuan Pavilion, you can smell a lot of medicinal herbs boiled outside the door.

   Knocked on the door, Qin Liuyun said, "Is General Yuan in the hall?"

  His voice is not small, and he has a little blessing in it, so don't worry that the people in the Liyuan Pavilion can't hear his voice.

   After a while, someone opened the door and poked out half of his head: "What do you want General Yuan to do?"

   "Just say it's an old friend visiting." Qin Liuyun replied immediately.

  Since the other party said this, it proved that Yuan Tao was really in the Liyuan Pavilion. If he was not there, he would definitely not have said so.

   This made the boy a little confused, old friend?

   You can say a name anyway.

   "Dare to ask the old gentleman's name, so I can tell you." The young man had no choice but to ask.

  Qin Liuyun smiled: "Qin Liuyun, go tell General Yuan yourself, he will definitely recognize me."

   "Then please ask Mr. Qin to wait outside the door for a while, and I will report to General Yuan." Then, the young man closed the door, as if he was worried about Qin Liuyun coming in.

  This made Qin Liuyun more and more sure of one thing. In addition to the captured living corpses, those who followed him down to die even if they came back alive, they also started to change.

   This is not a good thing. Even a single living corpse makes him fearful, not to mention that if there are too many corpses, if they get out of control, the whole city will suffer.

  If he hadn't been unable to get out, he would have run away by now.

  After half a minute, the young man did not open the door, but shouted inside the hall: "General Yuan is busy with business and sees no visitors. Please come back, old man."

  As soon as these words came out, Qin Liuyun understood in an instant that Yuan Tao was one of the unlucky ones who turned into corpses.

   Otherwise, even if he is really busy, he will come out to perfuse himself, but now he doesn't even want to see him, which shows that the other party is not unwilling to see him, but can't see him anymore.

   "In that case, let's meet again when General Yuan is free, and I'll take my leave first." Qin Liuyun didn't make things difficult for the other party, that's what happened.

  The situation is irreversible, whether or not he sees Yuan Tao has already been decided.

  There is no shortcut to take the high-level road, so I have to find another way.

   It's not that he has no choice, but it's easier to succeed with Yuan Tao's hands. Unfortunately, Yuan Tao may have become a living corpse, so naturally he can't use his strength.

  At this point, Qin Liuyun signaled the people from the firm to leave the Liyuan Pavilion.

  He didn't even think about exploring the so-called secrets in the Liyuan Pavilion. He could guess what secrets there might be.

  ‘Just hope that there will be no further disturbances. ’Qin Liuyun suppressed the haze in his heart.

  In the Liyuan Pavilion, he could sense that a huge catastrophe was brewing. Once the catastrophe broke out, it would definitely not be Xu Tianming and Dr. Xiaoli who would suffer, but the people in the city around him.

  Ever since he became a follower of light, he can vaguely feel the external calamity and doom, which seems to be related to the awakening of his light giant bloodline.

  Before he obtained the blood of believers of light and giants of awakened light, he did not have this ability.

  Although he has great confidence in the "Buddha's Great Vehicle Merit Sutra", he is still powerless about the calamity.

   Even the calamity qi in his own body has not been dispelled until now, and it still exists, but fortunately, when he chanted sutras every day, he would dispel the calamity qi so that it did not form a calamity.

   But the growth rate of the calamity aura made him shudder. If he wanted to completely dispel the calamity aura on him, he would need more followers of light, otherwise he alone would not be able to do it.

   "Since Yuan Tao is gone, we can only take it slowly. Start with the other stewards of the City Lord's Mansion. Although the efficiency may be a little slower, there is no way around it."

  Qin Liuyun said in a low voice, and then asked someone to go back to the business to prepare a gift.

  Yuan Tao and him are barely friends, so they can come here in the name of visiting, but the stewards in the city lord's mansion are considered to have never met.

   Not only do you have to prepare gifts, but you also have to ask the shopkeeper of the business to take him to visit.

   Otherwise, don’t even think about seeing each other. After all, the big and small are working under the hands of the city lord, and they have a little bit of power, which is not something ordinary people can curry favor with.

Of course, with Qin Liuyun's current skills, it is not a big problem to meet him alone, or even to capture him alive, but the question is what is the use of him catching him. His connections further eroded the entire City Lord's Mansion.

  This is the point, it cannot be solved by brute force.

  Unless the divine influence can forcibly transform him into a follower of light, otherwise he needs to carefully plan step by step, otherwise a single carelessness may lead to a complete loss.

   Now, there are internal and external troubles, and even he doesn't know when this city, which looks like cooking oil on fire, will collapse because of this.

   It is also necessary to seize the opportunity and be careful of sudden dangers, which put Qin Liuyun under great pressure at this time.

  It is true that he was a Daoist before, but that was also the past, not the present. Now that it is related to his own life and safety, he must be more careful.

  As a person who once escaped half of the world's mutation, he naturally knows the benefits of being cautious.

  Even if you have to work hard now, you are still proceeding with the idea of ​​being careful and making no big mistakes.

"Grandpa, I'm afraid this matter is not easy to handle. Those stewards are greedy and have a huge appetite. We" said a light believer who was driving the donkey cart in front. A steward of the City Lord's Mansion.

   Regarding this, Qin Liuyun narrowed his eyes: "It's okay to have a big appetite, as long as we can meet each other, I have my own way."

  He is not afraid that the other party is greedy, but he is afraid that the other party is not greedy, and that is difficult.

  As long as the other party's appetite is satisfied, many things will be much easier.

   Then you only need to transform it into a follower of light, then no matter how much the other party eats, you have to spit it out, and you have to work for yourself.

   After all, once you become a follower of light, then the things the other party collects are still your own things, which is equivalent to returning them after turning over an unknown number of times.

  The things of believers of light are all collective, and they must be regardless of you and me.

  'I don't know if I can kill this group of living corpses after the number of believers of my Taoism and Light continues to increase. ’Qin Liuyun thought silently in his heart, the catastrophe and calamity are no longer his serious worries, but these strange living corpses are the trouble.

  (end of this chapter)

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