This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 432: Dangerous and dangerous catastrophe broke out

  Chapter 432 The Dangerous Doom Breaks Out

   "Open the door, open the door quickly!!"

  Outside the Liyuan Pavilion, a group of low-class hooligans kept knocking on the gate.

   This movement was not small, but no one answered in the Liyuan Pavilion, which made the expressions of these gangsters even more arrogant.

But before there was any movement inside, I saw a group of city guards wearing armor and holding weapons coming out of the dark, with an indifferent look on their faces, they said: "Who gave you the courage to dare to fight?" Are you here to disturb Doctor Xiaoli?"

  The troublemaker stopped his hands involuntarily, and showed an air that was completely inconsistent with the past: "Hmph, where did you come from? I'm looking for people from the Liyuan Pavilion. Who are you?"

  Hearing this, these city guards couldn't help but turn dark. These **** really lost their minds today. In the past, they would run away with their tails between their legs. I didn't expect to dare to talk to them like this today.

   "Catch it, don't miss any of them." The leader of the city guard waved his hand, and the people behind them shot decisively.

   These gangsters were no match for the city guards at all, they were all pushed to the ground and **** one by one.

   "You bastards, do you know who I am? Brother Black Snake in the north of the city is my boss. If you dare to touch us, you will not be able to survive in this city."

   A group of gangsters are still yelling, completely ignoring them.

   "Black Snake? Who of you know?" Someone from the city guard asked suspiciously.

"The manny snake is the **** who lends money. It seems that there are indeed people behind this group of people who dare to attack the Liyuan Pavilion. Everyone knows that the little Liyuan doctor in the Liyuan Pavilion is researching medicine to treat living corpses. These **** dare to come Excuse me, it's obviously not that simple."

   "Master is really clever. He already knew that someone would come to find fault, so he sent us to wait here early. I didn't expect that these gangsters are not afraid of us, so we have to torture them."

   "Don't talk for now, go to the north of the city, lest the mangy snake get away, just in time for us to follow the vine and find out all these spies hidden in the city."

  The city guards were divided into three groups immediately after you said something to me.

  One side took the gangsters back to torture them, while the other side went to the north of the city to catch the black snake. As for the remaining party, they hid again around the Liyuan Pavilion and continued to wait and see if they could catch anything. This is a credit.

And in the city lord's mansion, Qin Liuyun took a deep breath, with a tired look on his face, all the officials and soldiers in the city were forcibly transformed into believers of light by him, and he also specially sent a team of transformed believers of light The city guards went to guard around the Liyuan Pavilion.

  He knew that the catastrophe inside was about to become a disaster, and he had to send someone to watch it, so he could be prepared when the time came.

   As for whether the believers of the light can resist the erosion of calamity and lose their minds, he is not very sure, but he has to arrange to try it anyway.

   "Master, the city guards over at the Liyuan Pavilion have something important to report." A steward of the City Lord's Mansion hurried over and said in a low voice.

  Qin Liuyun is now in the Lord’s Mansion. Of course, he has not seized power, and all matters are still managed by the City Lord, but cooperate with him in some things, such as seeing the Liyuan Pavilion or building momentum for him.

  Hearing this situation, Qin Liuyun couldn't help thinking, and then hurriedly said: "Please."

  A small captain of the city guard came in soon, and he was naturally Qin Liuyun's follower of light.

   "I have seen the master." The little captain saluted as soon as he came.

   "Please get up, come, sit down, and drink some tea to moisten your throat." Qin Liuyun poured him a cup of tea and handed it to him.

  Seeing this situation, the team leader burst into tears: "Thank you, master."

   Buying people's hearts, it is in such small details that Qin Liuyun is very careful about this aspect.

   "Master, this is how things are." The team leader sat down and drank the tea in one gulp, and then began to talk about business.

  After listening to the situation of those gangsters, Qin Liuyun narrowed his eyes, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It can be seen from this that this group of ignorant gangsters should have lost their minds due to the calamity, but in contrast, the believers of the light seem not to be affected by the calamity, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to speak out to stop them, and they will If there is a next move, it is more likely to ignore or lose their mind with the other party.

"Very good, you have done a very good job. The Liyuan Pavilion and Xiaoli Doctor are working hard for the people of our city. I didn't expect that there are still people who dare not have eyes. Let me check it carefully. Find out the driving force behind this." Qin Liuyun first praised it, and then it affirmed the efforts of the city guards.

   In this way, the team leader's fighting spirit was directly inspired, and then spread to the city guards, the favorability will definitely increase.

   "Yes, I will definitely live up to the master's expectations." The team leader said with high fighting spirit as if he had been beaten to death.

   "It's your hard work that makes me what I am today, master. Well, go get busy and find out this matter for me as soon as possible." Qin Liuyun said.

  The captain of the city guard army naturally left with satisfaction.

  And Qin Liuyun quickly restrained the original expression on his face, rubbed his temples, and he could feel the tingling pain in his head.

  Just now, he had been chatting with the other party with a strong spirit. After all, he had just forcibly transformed many people, and he was severely exhausted.

   "Let's talk to the city lord, just take this opportunity to martial law the whole city, and then I will speed up to let more people become part of us." Qin Liuyun said to the steward beside him.

   As for finding the person who ordered the group of gangsters, this is just a reason.

  If others don't know what's going on, how can he not know?

   It is nothing more than the reason for the doom. It is estimated that at most it will dig up the black snake who lends money, and there will be no one in the future.

   "Yes, master, I'll do it right away." The steward handed Qin Liuyun a bowl of tonic respectfully, and then left in a hurry.

   Qin Liuyun didn't think too much about it, and just drank the whole bowl of medicine in one gulp. Although it's not very tasty, it's still very useful to make up for the shortfall.

   "It seems that the calamity is over this time, but the calamity has not dissipated, but has become even bigger, indicating that this is only a temporary solution, not the root cause, and it will gather again sooner or later."

  Qin Liuyun looked in the direction of the Liyuan Pavilion. The huge catastrophe made him very frightened, especially if it could grow again instead of forming a catastrophe, which indicated that the next catastrophe might come even more violently.

  To be honest, he wanted to dig up the entire Liyuan Pavilion and throw it out of the city to compete with the group of living corpses.

But it's a pity that it doesn't work. In a situation like this, you must not move, otherwise there is a high probability that it will explode directly. Don't ask him why, he reviewed his villain's experience. If he was honestly beaten in the face by the opponent, When it's over, it's over.

  But if you don't follow the routine and start in advance, the end will be so miserable.

  This is the consequence of triggering Doom in advance, so he naturally has to be cautious.

  Besides, he is now cleaning up his own calamity, if he doesn't keep his eyes on him, he will be in bad luck.

  So he naturally insisted on procrastinating as long as he could.

   It is impossible to deal with it, and this is the only way to do it. Otherwise, what else can be done? This is not what he can handle.

"I just don't know when the next catastrophe will break out. I have to find a way to make everyone in the city become believers of my light as soon as possible." Qin Liuyun became more and more anxious about this. The doctor and Xu Tianming didn't know how to solve it.

  Using hard ones has the potential to have dire consequences, and using soft ones isn't enough.

   "What is more important is what happened in the Liyuan Pavilion, and how many people became living corpses."

  Qin Liuyun couldn't help muttering to himself.

  In the Liyuan Pavilion, Dr. Xiaoli quickly recovered from the panic. After all, those gangsters came aggressively just now. It looked like they were definitely here to make trouble, and she didn't know when she offended them.

  The reputation of Liyuan Pavilion in this city is very good.

   "How is it? Are those gangsters gone?" Xu Tianming said hoarsely. At this time, he had already disintegrated two-thirds of his body, and his consciousness sometimes fell into a frenzy.

  So now he is not only chained, but locked in a cage like other companions who turned into living corpses.

   "It should be that the city guards rushed over, and all those gangsters were arrested." Dr. Xiaoli said with a hint of shock.

   "That's good. If they really don't understand, you should let me out and let them know the consequences." Xu Tianming's tone was full of killing intent, as if he hadn't considered his own situation at all.

   Doctor Xiaoli shook his head, and said with a sad expression: "You have to calm down, restrain the killing intent in your heart, and hold on."

She found that she couldn't restrain the corpse on Xu Tianming's body at all, and it had spread from half of the original to two thirds. If she couldn't help it, Xu Tianming would become a living corpse within two days at most. .

"I try my best, but my mind is messed up, and there are many inaudible voices constantly disturbing my mind. It feels like there are countless bugs buzzing in my ears, which makes me completely unable to calm down. " Xu Tianming said helplessly, he also wanted to calm down.

  But since this morning, he has discovered that he has begun to develop hatred and killing intent towards life, wishing to tear all life alive.

  Even he has a desire for people, and the desire to eat emerges in his heart from time to time, but fortunately, he has a firm will and quickly suppresses it.

   But it is only temporarily suppressed. He is now in the state of corpse all the time, so this desire is also increasing, and he might lose his mind at any time because of it.

  At this time, Dr. Xiao Li didn't know how to comfort Xu Tianming. She found that she was helpless and had no way to deal with it.

   "You have to believe in yourself, you can do it, I'm still waiting for you to marry me." Doctor Xiaoli could only say so in the end.

  Hearing this, Xu Tianming couldn't help showing a smile: "I can do it, I knew it the first time I saw you."

  When Dr. Xiaoli heard this, he could only agree, and then continued to read the classics and boil the medicine.

  Now is not the time to rest. Every minute of rest, Xu Tianming's body will turn into a little more corpses. This is not the result she wants to see.

Now, except for her not being infected, there is only Xu Tianming who is in a half-dead state in the entire Liyuan Pavilion. If she can rescue Xu Tianming, then it means that she is no longer afraid of the infection of living corpses. It will be a huge improvement.

  It's a pity that until now, I don't even have a clue. No matter what kind of medicine, there is no way to slow down or inhibit the reviving, let alone clean up the infection.

   It's just that she was unwilling to give up until the last moment. If she really wanted to give up, she would not have accepted the task entrusted to her by Yuan Tao from the very beginning.

  (end of this chapter)

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