This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 464: unknown **** slayer

  Chapter 464 The Unknown Godslayer

  Boom! !

   A slight sound suddenly erupted, even affecting the Divine Realm where Chen Xiyi was.

"This feeling?"

  Chen Xiyi knew that this was not an explosion in reality, but a movement in illusion, which meant that there was a problem with a powerful **** or God's Domain.

Divine consciousness spread like a tidal wave, and Chen Xiyi could feel a huge hole in the entire illusion, as if it had been washed away by missiles. A huge divine realm became fragmented ruins, and the gods Beheaded.

  The headless corpse is gradually fading away as God's Domain fades away.

   This sudden change made Chen Xiyi frowned.

   "The gods who died in the domain of the gods, what thing can have this kind of ability?"

  Chen Xiyi can be sure that this **** was definitely not killed by other gods, but by something foreign.

   It looks like hunting gods.

  Spiritual awareness continues to spread, trying to find the truth.

   "There is no trace, how is this possible." Chen Xiyi's expression was serious, and Zhou Guang was in his eyes, wanting to use Zhou Dao's ability to find out what happened here.

   But this period of time seemed to be erased by some kind of existence, without any trace at all, leaving only a blank space.

   "Ah this."

  Chen Xiyi seemed to understand something. The gods of this world do possess superhuman abilities, but they also seem to have existences that specialize in hunting gods.

   "Look at the ruins of God's Domain. It seems to be an old god. I found it. It is Taiyi Xuantian Nine Earth Emperor. Although it does not reach the range of the Supreme God, it is also an old **** with rich beliefs and many functions."

   Such an old **** was beheaded and walked away in less than three minutes, with someone covering in the middle.

   "The perpetrator may be average in strength, but there is some kind of organization behind it. This organization is not in ordinary strength, and it was able to hide it from me."

   "Another one has a technology that specifically targets the gods, otherwise it would be impossible to have such an efficiency."

  If everything is done by the perpetrator, all traces and past time records can be erased. With this kind of strength, do you need to go in and chop off your head to blow up God's Domain to kill a god?

  If it were Chen Xiyi, he would be able to crush them to death, even when the other party died without any movement, so Chen Xiyi guessed that the other party used technology, not strength.

   "Such a big move, I'm afraid other gods know about it, but they don't know how to prepare."

  Chen Xiyi is not afraid. If the other party really wants to kill him, it will be like a sheep in the mouth of a tiger. He is not a serious god, and the methods to deal with the gods are basically useless to him.

Another one, this is not a serious god's domain, but a sanctuary, and it also blesses various formations, qi mechanisms, etc., without Chen Xiyi's permission, he can't get in at all. The air wall is broken to get in.

   As far as the strength of the air wall is concerned, unless he is at the level of a big boss, he will not be able to scratch it with scraping therapy.

  Chen Xiyi's spiritual consciousness is concerned with the two worlds of reality and illusion. This action not only caused a huge shock among the gods, but the gods of the two camps of new gods and old gods have already held an emergency meeting.

   But Chen Xiyi was not notified. Although his position is an old god, he doesn't belong to any camp. He doesn't belong to the new **** or the old god.

   And the reality has also suffered a lot. The statue of the Taiyi Xuantian Nine Earth Emperor cracked, not only one statue, but all the related worship statues and **** cards were all damaged.

   This is the big problem. If the gods die under normal circumstances, it will not affect the reality, but will reshape a completely different and newborn Taiyi Xuantian Jiudi Shanghuang because of the condensation of beliefs.

  But it is different now. The collapse of the gods and the realm of the gods has affected reality, and the remaining beliefs have also dissipated. This means that it is impossible to recreate a Taiyi Xuantian Nine Earth Emperor.

   This news is tantamount to a disaster for other gods.

  Especially the new gods. Although they were born in a short period of less than fifty years, they have enjoyed everything in these fifty years.

   More importantly, once the new **** dies and affects reality, it will be an unparalleled disaster for reality.

  If the **** of the Internet, or the **** of technology, or the **** of science dies, then the entire federal society will collapse as a result.

  Even if these are not counted, if it is replaced by the **** of electricity, the **** of entertainment, or the **** of communication, this is a huge impact on modern society.

   Fortunately, the first **** to die was not weak, but it was the old god. The death of the old **** didn't have much impact on human society.

  So the new gods gathered together to discuss what is the situation of the godslayer, whether it is simply hunting the old gods or saying that there is no taboo.

  But the old gods were not so calm, because the death of Emperor Taiyi Xuantian and Nine Earth was already in front of them, the speed and concealment of the movements made these old gods at a loss.

   "The longest surviving old **** should be the Taiyi Xuanhuang Zhongyuan Holy God, but looking back at history, it is only seven hundred years old."

  Chen Xiyi knows that the change of gods is a very normal thing, as long as the faith is cut off, it won't last long.

   Just like the land **** and mountain **** he met before, who would have thought that it would be abandoned in just two years.

   And the status of this Taiyi Xuanhuang Zhongyuan Shengshen has long since dropped from the first echelon to the third echelon, but the name is relatively old, and Luo Tianda will bring him every year, barely eating.

For example, Gao Tianyuan Shixuandu Yujing Qibao Tianzun who was going to visit before, this person only has a history of 300 years, but he was lucky enough to be hyped up, so this is not just a wave of overtaking at a bend, it directly becomes Became one of the supreme gods, the domain and status of the gods soared directly.

Of course, being young doesn’t mean lack of strength. Faith is fundamental in the world of Shinto. Even in just three hundred years, this Gaotian Yuanshixuandu Yujing Qibao Tianzun has soared to the level of the previous world’s Taoist monarch. Yes, it's only limited to God's Domain.

  Chen Xiyi really didn't know this before, and thought that the old gods were all old monsters who had survived for an unknown number of years.

   Later, he discovered this through the history of the real world. Due to various reasons such as times, wars, etc., the gods actually died and were born again.

  The gods of the previous dynasty will be destroyed by the new dynasty as prostitutes, and the gods of the new dynasty will also perish due to various factors such as time and emperors.

  From the current point of view, even the oldest old **** is only seven hundred years old.

  The so-called old gods are not gods born in ancient times, but gods with a very different way of life from modern gods.

"Even I can't find the other party, so it can't be something messy." Chen Xiyi is not afraid. If he is really in a hurry, he will just roll the whole mountain and run back to his home. The reincarnation function cools down before running away.

Anyway, this Shinto system has no levels, and fairies who believe in something can also provide it, just like the Qi refiner system, it may develop better in the local world, but if there are no environmental factors, there is no shortage of such points, and it can continue The mixed one is not like the spirit master system. Without the spirit, it is basically cool.

  Chen Xiyi was thinking about it, when he suddenly noticed that there were two people visiting.

  He knew one of them, Gao Tian Yuanshixuandu Yujing Qibao Tianzun who came but didn't dare to come in before, and the other was a young man who seemed to be the **** of communication.

   "It came so quickly? You don't think I'm the murderer." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but think of this.

  However, it's normal to think so. Among the gods born recently, Chen Xiyi, Qingxu Lingjun, is the most high-profile and has incredible abilities, so it's natural to come and investigate.

   Coincidentally, Chen Xiyi also wanted to search for some memories, and these two new gods and old gods came at the right time.

  The next moment, he appeared at the foot of the mountain without stepping out of the mountain gate.

   After all, he had talked nonsense before that he couldn't leave God's Domain, so it's not easy to slap him in the face.

   "The two of you came to see me, but something happened?" Chen Xiyi said immediately.

  Gao Tianyuan Shixuandu Yujing Qibao Tianzun is an old man wearing a long gown, while the God of Communication is a simple young man.

"Spiritual Lord, why bother to ask?" As a veteran deity, Qibao Tianzun didn't intend to spare any circles with Chen Xiyi, so he just said it directly. After all, all the gods knew about such a big movement, and Chen Xiyi, the Qingxu Lingjun, definitely knew , just pretending to be stupid on purpose.

  At this time, I don't have time to talk about this with the other party.

   "A **** died, and he cut off his faith and couldn't reshape it and affected reality." When the God of Communication saw Qibao Tianzun say this, he simply repeated it, and emphasized the word reality.

"I see. No wonder I felt the vibration just now. It's just that I don't know about it. God of Communication, you should also know that my God's Domain can indeed be superimposed in reality because of the position of God, but correspondingly, I can't leave God's Domain. It is also impossible to gather faith and incarnate to walk in the world like the two of you."

   "So this is a waste of time, both of you."

  Chen Xiyi searched for the soul calmly, and said something foolishly.

   Qibao Tianzun's face didn't change much, he obviously guessed that Chen Xiyi would say something similar.

But the **** of communication is not very convinced. They have lived for so many years without such a major incident. The mutual confrontation between the gods is indeed fierce, but no matter how fierce the disturbance is, many gods have died. Nothing happened that affected reality.

  Although they really want to dominate reality, they also understand one thing, reality is their foundation, not something that can be discarded at will.

  That's why it caused such a big shock.

   "Maybe what Lingjun said is true, but can Lingjun explain, where does your pure and superior belief in God's Domain come from?" the God of Communication questioned.

  Chen Xiyi understood what the other party meant. They suspected that Chen Xiyi had killed Taiyi Xuantian Nine Earth Emperor, and then used his own functions to plunder the other party's faith. Otherwise, they would not have been able to obtain such a good faith with the previous marketing methods.

  The belief that permeates his domain of God, at first glance, is the belief of fanatics, not the two levels of inferior and ordinary.

   It's really hard for Chen Xiyi to explain this, but he doesn't need to explain it to the other party.

"This is related to the secret of my function in God's Domain. If the God of Communication suspects that I did this, then you should present evidence instead of asking me to prove my innocence. Whoever claims it will prove it." Chen Xiyi didn't like it Get used to each other.

  He is not a soft persimmon, you can't squeeze it if you want? I really thought he was a nice gentleman.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became a little stiff for a while, and even Qibao Tianzun couldn't hold back his face. He didn't expect the gentle Qingxu Lingjun to change his face so quickly. The aggressive aura made the two of them feel a little uncomfortable Before and after this change.

  (end of this chapter)

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