This Sandbox Game is Unreliable

Chapter 495: world union community

  Chapter 495 World Alliance Community

   "What is the situation with these players, that they are actually coming?"

  Chen Xiyi looked at the players caught by him, or in other words, none of them were human, but basically all kinds of species in the fantasy world.

   From goblins to dragons, demons to angels, it's all there.

   What's more nonsense is that these fantasy races are messy. There are demonic vampires, demon werewolves, and even succubi, weapon repair goblins, and even angels have practiced Buddhist skills. This is simply a hodgepodge of Chinese and Western.

   "To be honest, I can understand the rest, but why does an elf have the blood of the prehistoric witch clan." Chen Xiyi couldn't help complaining.

   That's right, the kind of elf with pointed ears, tall figure, fair skin and beautiful appearance.

   After searching for his soul, his three views were a little shocked.

  Of course, in addition to this, he has also acquired a lot of knowledge about heterogeneous paradise.

   First of all, it is not that there are no humans in this heterogeneous paradise, but humans are quite terrifying.

  These fantasy races will gradually be assimilated into humans by the world they live in as time goes by. In the end, not only will they lose their original abilities, but they will also become short-lived species.

  If you want to maintain yourself or even become stronger, you can only work for this virtual holographic game called Alien Paradise.

  Humans are different. For fantasy races, this is a way to save their lives and become stronger, but for humans, it is just a game.

   More importantly, due to the restrictions of the alien paradise, these fantasy races simply cannot use their own abilities in places other than games, because they will be banned.

   It doesn't mean that you can use it secretly without being seen, but that you can't use it at all.

   "Tsk, it's no wonder it's called an alien paradise. These fantasy races are themselves alien to the world they live in."

These aliens have multiplied for dozens of generations in their world. From the memory of these alien players, Chen Xiyi understands one thing, that is, these aliens are not native species, but came from other worlds. The world they are in now.

   It's a pity that these players are already a new generation of race, and they are completely ignorant of the original world.

  So Chen Xiyi couldn't find relevant information, but he didn't care. Although these aliens were still rejected by the world, they took root with the help of the alien paradise.

  The key point is the heterogeneous paradise. This virtual holographic game has been running for nearly a thousand years, and has a large number of servers. Each server represents a world.

  However, from these heterogeneous memories, Chen Xiyi discovered that not all worlds are powerless to resist.

  Many worlds are also very scary. Sometimes it doesn't look like an invasion, but cooperation.

   "Shan Hai Jing, Cthulhu, Journey to the West, Ring of the Nibelungen"

  Chen Xiyi muttered in a low voice. From the memories of these players, he saw many familiar works from previous lives. These worlds, as the top-matched worlds, were not restrained by the theory of heterogeneous paradise at all. Instead, it seemed more like a cooperation was reached.

  For example, in the Book of Mountains and Seas, the collapse of Buzhou Mountain has already been experienced, but those mythical characters still exist. Randomly pulling out a mountain **** or a river **** is an innate god, with powerful power in every move.

   Another example is Journey to the West. Now it has transitioned to the Legend of Shushan Swordsman, and it is approaching the end of the era. Once the doom of Shushan is over, the Taishang Laojun will have to reopen the earth, water, fire and wind, and start a new era.

  This is no longer Journey to the West in the first era. Under normal circumstances, in ancient times, the old emperor assisted various emperors to become enlightened, and then experienced the contention of a hundred schools of thought, the Three Kingdoms, etc., followed by Journey to the West and Liao Zhai, and finally ended with the Legend of Shushan Swordsman.

   During the period, it was naturally mixed with various myths and legends such as Legend of Sword and Fairy, Sou Shen Ji, etc.

  In the world of Journey to the West, a group of immortals and gods live and live forever, even throughout the long river of time, following the Laojun through the world retraining time and time again, I am afraid that filling in the fantasy race is not an opponent.

  The entire world is the private land of the gods, so all kinds of catastrophes are running smoothly.

  If some players want to rely on the strategy before re-refining the world to deal with the plot, it is a big mistake.

Moving to the world of Journey to the West today, the westbound team is Tang Seng, Monkey King, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing and Bailongma on the surface, but in fact they are Zhantan Gongde Buddha, Fighting Victory Buddha, Jingtan Envoy, Golden Body Arhat and Eight Dragons The avatar of the horse, if there is no major event, basically does not move.

  But if someone really moves, the weak Tang Seng can instantly transform into Saitama.

  Of course, there are only a few worlds like this that are constantly reincarnated, and most of them are actually developing all the time, such as Shan Hai Jing. Because of the players, the world has developed quite strangely, but the only thing that has not changed is its strength.

   Even today, the aliens who have been operating in the world of Shan Hai Jing for thousands of years have not come into contact with the top figures in the world. Most of them have only come into contact with some strange countries and gods, at most one or two strange people.

According to the memory of an unknown demon, a certain demon **** in his clan who had reached a powerful divine power once met a certain alchemy practitioner named Yin Changsheng who was fishing on the shore of the Bohai Sea. If you only practice alchemy, you must not have many ways to protect the way, so you want to kill and get more.

   As a result, he was beaten into a high paraplegia on the spot. After inquiring about it later, he found out that he had a special background, and the scientific name of the fish he caught was Kun.

  The alchemy refined by others is the kind that can make ordinary people become immortals and ancestors.

There are quite a few like this, for example, a powerful goblin **** who doesn't want to reveal his race wants to deceive an old man dangling under the building tree, but he succeeded, and the result is better than the paraplegic demon **** next door A little, just hemiplegia.

Inquire again, okay, he is the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, and he sent a piece of evil to him. As soon as he exited the server, he immediately burned himself, and burned most of his body. Even if he grows out, he is burned. The place can't move.

  So there are various cases before, and the heterogeneous people are called cautious, but this can also explain the strength of these worlds. The fact that gods with powerful divine power can be beaten like this by the opponent is evidence.

  Of course, these are still good. What is really scary is the world of evil gods, such as the world of Cthulhu.

   This is an orthodox science fiction world, but there is no science at all. When it was first opened, it looked like a medieval world, without any extraordinary existence, so it was naturally unscrupulous.

  Then some old rulers who have been imprisoned for a long time have spotted these aliens at a glance.

In particular, a certain three-pillar **** named Nyaturatep had incarnations such as Black Pharaoh, Dark Man, Attu, etc. who sent a lot of opportunities in the past that day, such as the "death" that Hei Saburo had experienced before. The "Book of Spirits" disaster is the opportunity sent by this one.

  In addition, there are also books or equipment such as "Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun", "Treasure of the Earth", "Secret of Worms" and other books or equipment. At that time, a lot of lucky people were created.

  Then these opportunities become the wild fathers of the other party. Unless there are special means, not only can they not be sold, but they can't be lost. What's more frightening is that they can affect the whole family.

  At that time, the alien race almost didn't survive, and that's why, the alien race had no deep taboo against the world of the evil gods.

  After learning that this world might be an evil **** system, basically 99% of the closed beta players withdrew.

  The power of this thing belongs to the power, and it is easy to use and very easy to use, but the side effects are too bad, one death or the death of the entire species.

  If this is a household registration book, the other races will hold their noses and recognize it. It can be used as a trump card, but the whole species will die, and no one can bear it.

This is also the case, not only the world of the evil gods is disgusted, but also those enhancements, exercises, and items related to the evil gods. Who knows if this thing will become an explosive that will drag the entire species to **** at any time .

   "Tsk, I can't stand such a small setback. If you can't beat it, just join." Chen Xiyi said that you guys don't understand this kind of reasoning.

  Why stick to your own life form? Didn't he become an indescribable without hesitation.

"The first batch of heterogeneous players have all been caught by me, but the data of the heterogeneous paradise in God's Domain still exists, but it has dimmed. As long as it replicates and spreads itself, it will recover soon. It seems that cross-border transmission is only a part of the function. , not all of the features."

  He was thinking that there might be a second batch of heterogeneous players coming.

  However, these players have lost the ability to digitize. Obviously, they should belong to the Heterogeneous Paradise, because Chen Xiyi's interception made it impossible to effectively invade and assign tasks.

   Didn’t see that people couldn’t even load the main mission.

   But even so, Chen Xiyi couldn't take it lightly.

   "The gods in this world are really full of disasters." Chen Xiyi couldn't help but sighed.

  If he hadn't cut it quickly, the gods' domain of the gods would have become a dungeon.

  In this Shinto world, apart from Chen Xiyi who wants to invade or swallow, it is basically a steady fight. Yes, the fight in the steady fight is to beat these unlucky gods.

  Although the gods are the regulators of the world, and may even be the source of the world, they have to eat their bodies, not to mention these systems and games, even Chen Xiyi treats the bodies of the gods as a meal.

   Otherwise, he has nothing to do with these things.

   "There is nothing special about heterogeneous players. At most, they are collecting species to enrich my pasture. Others have no effect."

   "But for a heterogeneous paradise, it may be coordinates and signal amplifiers."

   It's easy to solve, just stuff it into a wooden box and knock it off, and then throw it into the home for the fairies.

  The Homeland game must be able to beat this alien paradise. Chen Xiyi can even compete with the alien paradise, let alone this Homeland game.

   But Chen Xiyi knew that this was not the point. The point was that he had to complete the promotion of the ancient god's corpse, karmic luck, and Sequence 7 as soon as possible. Only after completing these experiments, the value of this world would only be devoured by him.

   At that time, he devours the world and uses the reincarnation function to pat his **** and leave, no matter what kind of alien paradise or alien race he is.

   As for the greedy Paradise of Different Kinds, Chen Xiyi is still very good at it. He can compete with Paradise of Different Kinds, and he still has a good location. If he really wants to fight, he may not be able to win.

  So for the sake of safety, I gave up this idea of ​​death very rationally.

   If you make troubles, you will make troubles. He will definitely not go to death. After all, he may die by accident.

Besides, based on the information he has at hand, it is likely that the Heterogeneous Paradise is not a single force, but an alliance composed of a large number of top worlds, such as the previous Westward Journey, Cthulhu, etc., which are likely to be the cooperation of the Heterogeneous Paradise Object, if he really wants to go in rashly, he will probably die on the spot.

  He wasn't even sure if Homeworld Game could resurrect his death method, after all, Homeworld Game wasn't a panacea.

  (end of this chapter)

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