This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 66: Points Enhancement, White Tiger Mirror Talisman

Luna was silent, looking at the top named [Biying Divine Bow] in her hand and not knowing what to say.

Although she has never played with such a delicate and high-tech spinning top, she still knows the meaning of 'gyro'.

Isn't that just a spinning toy?

"Biying Divine Bow? This color really suits you."

Ling Yu looked at it and said seriously.

"Shopkeeper, are you making fun of me?"

Luna showed her dead fish eyes.

"You don't think the top in your hand is some kind of garbage, do you?" Ling Yu said with a smile.

"Could it be a good thing?"

Luna's eyes lit up and she regained hope.

"It's indeed a good thing, but it's a pity that you can't use it."

Take the Biying Divine Bow in Luna's hand.

Dual attack ring, but he wanted to buy it when he was a child but couldn't afford it.

"Why can't it be used?"

Luna wondered.

"Because you don't have a transmitter."

Playing with it gently, the double attack ring made a crisp collision sound amidst the bumps.


"I know this. If the top wants to be launched, it needs to be equipped with a dedicated launcher."

Miko said.

The appearance of the Biying Divine Bow reminded her of an anime called "Gyro Warrior" that she had seen before.

Not only that, the top inside also houses an existence called a holy beast.

"Anyway, keep it for now. The spirit inside is the God of War. If you have the power of the God of War and cooperate with this top, you might be able to blow up the moon."

Ling Yu returned the Biying Divine Bow to Luna and said with a smile.

"Blow up the moon?"

Luna was stunned.

Looking at the tiny spinning top in his hand, which was mostly missing, there was a look of disbelief on his face.

"Yes, you have to take good care of it."

The power of a genie depends on the genie strength of the user.

But if the power of the elf is too strong, the elf will not be able to bear it.

Just like in Hurricane Spirit, the demon God of War went berserk and destroyed a planet because of the power of the elves, and the God of War Gyro that can withstand its power cannot be underestimated.

The Biying Divine Bow happens to be one of the God of War tops.

And the grade is not low.

"If you encounter an attack that you can't withstand in the future, you can use this top to resist it." Ling Yu gave Luna a new way to use it.

"As for the material, I just looked at it. Even if King Douya slashes it with all his strength, it can't be destroyed for two and a half minutes."


King Douya, who was watching from the side, was stunned when he heard Ling Yu mention his name.

"Is it really that hard?"

Luna was also in a daze.

"After all, it's a purple item, and its capabilities are the same."

"Your luck is not as bad as you think."

Ling Yu comforted.

Luna stared at the Biying Divine Bow in her hand for a while, then raised her head and said to Ling Yu: "Thank you, Ling Yu, you are such a good person."

Ling Yu: "..."

"Are you still going to open the can?"

Ling Yu, who didn't want to dwell on the topic of 'good people', changed the subject.


Perhaps the impact of the eight white light balls was too great, which made Luna calm down. She shook her head and refused.

Then the hand holding the Biying Divine Bow tightened slightly.

"I have written down today's date. On this day of every month, I will not open a can!"

Ling Yu: "emmm"

It seems that the eight white light balls are not particularly lethal to Luna.

"In that case, who will be next?"

Luna stopped opening the can, and Ling Yu turned his attention to the other people.

"I come!"

Perhaps it was a habit developed in class, Mitsuko stretched out her hand and shouted.

When Jianzi's card was taken by Ling Yu, he was surprised.

"Ten thousand?"

"What? So many!?"

Luna, who had just come to sit down on the sofa next to her, sat up with a 'squeak' sound.

The other people also looked shocked.

"Miss Mianzi, you really gave me a big surprise." King Douya exclaimed.

This amount is too large.


Jianzi smiled sheepishly.

The reason why she has so many origin points,

Not only because the White Tiger Curse Equipment had a wide range of damage and killed many evil spirits, but also because there were many resentful spirits in her world that provided her with origin points.

Because the rest of the people can hardly see or hurt the resentful spirits, Jianzi can truly enjoy the world's resources by himself.

After cleaning up the resentful spirits in the city, the number easily reached more than 5,000.

In addition to killing one string and hundreds of ghosts, the origin point is only a lot more.

"Shopkeeper, can origin points be exchanged for points?"

Jianzi did not choose to open the can, but asked Ling Yu about other things.

Ling Yu was stunned and nodded: "Of course."

"And it's a one-to-one exchange."

Points are what is needed in the group chat. Different from the points held by Ling Yu, the points in the group chat are generally used to exchange for various items and enhance item skills.

"Then I want to exchange it for four thousand."

Miko said.

"no problem."

"Sister Jianzi, what do you need so many points for?" Mianma asked curiously.

Hearing this, Jianzi scratched his cheek: "If you want to strengthen the beast claw talisman, you need two thousand points."

"Didn't the shop owner say before that the White Tiger cursed outfit I currently hold is not in its complete form? I want to see what the complete White Tiger cursed outfit looks like."

"And compared to the new ability, I think it's best to use the current ability skillfully first."

Listening to Jianzi's words, the others fell into thought.

"Miss Jianzi's words make sense."

"Uncontrollable power can sometimes be a burden."

To this, Douya King was deeply touched.

He used to need to distract himself to suppress Cong Yunya. Although Cong Yunya's power was very strong, it was also difficult to use. It would constantly seduce the user and would be lost if he was not careful.


Jianzi smiled embarrassedly.

Ling Yu also chuckled and crossed out the four thousand origin points on the card.

"The points should have arrived."

"It's here, thank you, owner!"

Jianzi excitedly opened the group chat page.

She was very happy when she saw the words [Beast Claw Manifestation Talisman·White Lotus Tiger Roar] can be upgraded.

After so much effort, she can finally go one step further.

So she couldn't wait to click the upgrade button.

The next second

The white beast claw manifestation automatically flew out of Jianzi's pocket.

Pure white light bloomed from the talisman paper.

Under the endless white light.

A white talisman paper with white tiger runes engraved on it fell into Jianzi's hands.

A blue pop-up window popped up above the talisman paper.

[White Tiger Mirror Talisman]: Contains powerful power. After using it, you can use the whole body spell armor to completely release the power of the white tiger.

"Full body spell armor..."

Jianzi murmured softly as she looked at the introduction.

The previous beast claw display talisman could only allow her to use the spell armor of both arms, but this upgraded talisman allows her to use the whole body armor and release all the power of the white tiger!

After touching the White Tiger Mirror Talisman, she also understood that this was a technique called "God Entanglement Spell".

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