This Star is Legal But Sick

Chapter 497: No one dares to refuse CCTV (please vote for me!)

Chapter 497: No one dares to refuse CCTV (please vote for me!)

 The drama "Bright Sword" was produced on Earth in 2005, starring teacher Li Youbin.

This drama was also launched that year as a tribute to the 60th anniversary of the victory of the World People's Anti-Fascist War.

  After the broadcast, it was directly watched by Changhong, breaking various records and leaving Li Yunlong as a classic character.

Even now, the drama "Bright Sword" is still active on major video websites and is replayed on TV stations from time to time.

 As for some of the lines and the expressions of the characters, they have become memes and emoticons, and they will live on the Internet forever.

 In fact, if you look at this drama from the current perspective, this drama actually has many problems. The audience's aesthetics and quality are also constantly improving. All in all, the flaws cannot be concealed.

But there is no doubt that the impact of this drama can be said to be very great, with characters such as Li Yunlong and Monk, as well as the resounding "Cavalry company, attack!"

These characters and lines have left a deep impression on the audience.

If you really want to take pictures, you will definitely have to deal with the details.

Xu Ye immediately spent 500 points to redeem the script and related materials of "Bright Sword" from the system mall.

 “Did he write it out on the fly, or was it prepared before?”

There is a drama in which the lead actors are all bad actors, and the producer even submitted it to them, trying to fish in troubled waters. It is really a bit too little regard for him.

Projects rated B-level by him will be placed in this folder, and only after several final screenings can the final result be determined.

“When the time comes, giving Xu Ye a B-level qualification will not only take care of Mr. Song’s side, but also give Xu Ye enough face. It’s the best of both worlds.”

As for the A-rated project, there is currently only one, and that is the drama submitted by Jade Bird.

They just released the announcement yesterday, and today there are people submitting things. In addition to some things that have been discussed in advance, there must be some people here who are fishing in troubled waters, and some people are looking for opportunities to re-release films that have been shelved before.

After seeing the basic information about the first TV series, he sneered: "The film was filmed three years ago and it hasn't been aired yet? Don't you know why it hasn't been aired?"

 In fact, whether a drama is good or not has a lot to do with the performance of the actors.

 Early the next morning, Director Liang Jigang arrived at the office. He first took his cup and made a cup of tea before sitting at his desk.

This label has the letter B written on it.

The play you submitted to CCTV has been selected by CCTV, so naturally it cannot be broadcast on other TV stations.

 Finding the right opportunities is important.

Liang Jigang looked at the information on "Bright Sword", which only contained the scripts, story outlines and character introductions of the first three episodes.

 After asking his subordinates to put down the folder, Liang Jigang started to read through it.

In his opinion, the quality of this drama is indeed much better than those he has seen before, but he does not think it is amazing.

Submission of materials for the first time does not require the entire script to be submitted, so Xu Ye did not submit the entire script.

"So fast?"

Even though B-level projects cannot be broadcast on CCTV’s prime time, they can still get some exclusive promotion resources.

 In short, there must be a problem.

Liang Jigang’s idea is wonderful.

Liang Jigang smiled and said: "There are quite a few people who have submitted information."

There are many good works on the earth, but throwing them out casually will not achieve good results.

 The subordinate also held a folder in his hand.

 Not long after, the subordinate walked in.

 When he saw that the author was Xu Ye, he frowned.

 “Flag waving” is a good opportunity.

As for why it was filmed but not broadcast, there are many reasons.

 After he read all these things, Liang Jigang was not too shocked at all.

 Xu Ye has been planning his future development as early as the new TV series redemption was added to the system mall.

“If Liang Jian can get prime time, I can also prepare a large number of TV series of this series. On the one hand, it will give the actors in the studio something to film, and on the other hand, it can also accumulate a good reputation.”

Liang Jigang continued reading and soon saw the information about "Bright Sword".

If you just read the script of "Bright Sword", you really can't tell much.

“Director Liang, these are the materials our program received.”

Liang Jigang roughly knew what the ingredients were after just reading the information about these TV series.

 In accordance with CCTV's requirements, he prepared all the required information and asked the studio employees to submit it.

Although it is not stated explicitly in the entertainment industry, there are also unspoken rules.

After thinking for a moment, Liang Jigang took out the information about "Bright Sword" from the folder. He took out a labeled folder from the table.

Liang Jigang thought that Xu Ye would participate in this project, but he did not expect it to happen so soon.

According to Xu Ye's opinion, it is definitely not too much to air this drama on a prime time slot.

“Xu Ye’s performance is still very stable. Whether this drama is prepared in advance or improvised, it does meet the requirements of the show.”

Some dramas become popular due to special reasons of the times. It does not mean that they will become popular just by showing them.

 No one would do such a thing. If you did, it would be equivalent to having a conflict with CCTV.

 Everyone knows very well how to choose to maximize benefits.

Liang Jigang felt that even if Xu Ye and Qingniao had conflicts, they would definitely acquiesce to this decision in the end.

"very perfect!"

Liang Jigang was in a good mood and continued to read the information after taking a sip of tea.

 The results cannot be announced now, otherwise the winner will have already been decided.

Here at the studio, Xu Ye is still busy filming "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

 For the filming of "Bright Sword", his target was still director Du Chonglin.

Although Du Chonglin often hits the streets when making movies, his abilities are quite good.

 During filming, Du Chonglin was also able to perfectly present the script. "Horse" is a living example.

It’s just that Du Chonglin has been busy working on his movie these days, and I don’t know if the script has been revised.

Xu Ye planned to contact Du Chonglin after the final results came out.

Tonight, a new episode of "Unexpectedly" will be updated again.

 After finishing the filming task, Xu Ye remembered something.

 Xu Ye has adjusted the original order of "Unexpectedly".

The episode to be aired tonight is called "Sledgehammer Life and Death Love". In this episode, the captain of the security team of Huohua Hospital and the two patients who are not sick and come to see the doctor have guest appearances.

In previous episodes, some patients from Huohua Hospital also made guest appearances, but these patients are not as famous as these two, especially the security team captain, who is very famous among the Huohua Hospital community.

Other people's guest appearances are probably just for fun in the circle of friends. It's definitely different when it comes to the security team captain.

It can definitely cause a sensation among the sick community.

 Xu Ye sent a message to the security team captain.

“Tonight’s episode is the episode in which you guest-starred.”

At this time, Han Ran was eating with his roommates in the school cafeteria.

 After receiving the news from Xu Ye, her heart suddenly skipped a beat, and she felt that the food in front of her was no longer tasty.

 Sure enough, what is supposed to come will always come.

Han Ran had long expected that such a day would come.

 After "Unexpectedly" was broadcast, she understood one thing.

The various crazy characters she saw on the set were not a joke, they were real!

This show is so magical!

Although I have accepted this fact during this period, I am still a little ashamed when I think about her upcoming appearance in this drama.

 In particular, her roommates and even many classmates in school are also following this drama.

 When everyone sees her, they will be able to recognize her.

Han Ran thought about it and decided to accept his fate.

"Anyway, it will be a matter of time before you are seen. If you see it, just see it. Then you can post a photo of me and Xu Ye in the circle of friends to make everyone envious. As long as no one knows that I am the security team of Huohua Academy Captain, that’s no problem.”

 The names written on the credits are all real names, so it doesn’t matter if it’s Han Ran.

However, Han Ran did not tell her roommates the news. She was already prepared to run away tonight.

Han Ran raised his head and said to his roommate: "I'm going to study in the study room tonight."

 The roommate looked at her with a puzzled look.

"It's Friday today. You said you went to the study room to study? I haven't seen you there on Monday. To be honest, Han Ranqi is in love?"

 The roommates all had the fire of gossip in their eyes.

Han Ran said immediately: "No, I suddenly remembered that I also applied for a certificate to take the exam, so I quickly read the book and studied."


 The roommates looked unbelieving.

“You can go to study, but you have to dress up ugly before you go out so that we can believe that you are going to study.”

 Looking at this group of bad friends, Han Ran felt helpless.

“Okay, I’ll put on my ugliest outfit when I get back.”

  Anyway, as long as I'm not sitting in the dormitory with everyone watching "Unexpectedly", it'll be fine.

 After lunch, Han Ran stayed in the dormitory for a while, then put on his schoolbag and went out at around seven o'clock.

 In addition to wearing the uglier clothes she bought, she also put on a hat and a mask when she got outside.

 Fortunately, it is winter now, and no one thinks her dress is strange when she walks on campus.

After arriving at the study room, Han Ran sat in the corner of the last row of the classroom. She only took off her hat but did not take off her mask.

Han Ran took out a book from his schoolbag and put it on the table. He picked up his phone and sent a message to Ning Yan.

 “Did you slip away?”

Ning Yan replied quickly.

 “I’m slipping away, I don’t even dare to stay in the dormitory.”

“But I will still be executed when I go back later.” Han Ran replied.

“Oh, I can’t control that much. I don’t want to be laughed at by everyone.”

Two fellow sufferers confided their grievances to each other.

 Not long after, the time reached eight o'clock.

Han Ran put on his headphones and stood his phone on the table, preparing to watch today's update of "Wonderful".

There are many people like her in the entire study room. The most hateful thing is that there is actually a couple gathered together, each wearing an earphone and leaning together to look at their mobile phones.

I don’t know how many people come to the university’s study rooms to study, but there must be a large number of people who come to the study rooms not to study.

Han Ran looked at the couple with disdain, then clicked play.

What she didn't expect was that someone else's cell phone in the study room rang with the song "I never expected it, la la la la la."

As soon as the singing started, the boy quickly turned down the volume.

 “So many people are watching.”

Han Ran subconsciously reached out and touched the mask on his face.

The video has started playing.

 (End of this chapter)

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