This starship is unusual

Chapter 23 Different Universe—Kopulu? !

Although the effect of my captain's talent is currently not as good as the legendary title and abilities, it is a talent, and the effect of upgrading is likely to change qualitatively.

By then, even if the Xingqi's combat effectiveness cannot be directly enhanced, its potential will soar.

The captain's talent is related to the upper limit of the starship and the smoothness of its path forward!

But even if he is not a legendary talent, Feng Xiao still has the confidence to conquer the universe with his Heart of Dawn.

The alloy box opened by itself, and a diamond-like fruit lay inside, with a translucent light blue crystal-like surface.

There are channels of liquid flowing inside that exude crystal luster, and they become even more dazzling under the light.

"it's beautiful……"

Wang Hao praised.

Feng Xiao picked up the fruit, scanned it and confirmed that it was not dangerous, and was about to swallow it.

However, Feng Xiao suddenly paused, as if some special energy came out of his mind, and the crystal fruit in his hand quickly faded and disappeared in the special energy package.

Feng Xiao shook the hand that held the fruit in confusion, with a look of pity on his face.

To be honest, he was quite curious about the taste of the crystal fruit just now.

He smacked his lips and reluctantly opened the talent panel.

【Immortal Ship (Legendary)

Level: lv5

Current base effect: Immortality

1: Star point income: 2 times

2: Shield energy value: 2 times

Three: Star martial position at the same level: four times

Characteristics: ‘Intermediate Immortal Hull’

Reduce 20% of any damage

Hull strength +50%

Autonomous repair of hull damage (25%/hour)

Skill: Instant Youth (CD: 10 days)

Effect: Thirty minutes of 'Youth' mode, attack and defense attributes +500%. After failure, all attributes of the starship will be reduced by 50% for three days.

Permanent Passive: Star Cycle

Effect: After killing an enemy, it can absorb its internal energy, quickly restore shield value or repair starship equipment such as hull armor. 】

Feng Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows after reading it.

The original data was only a small improvement, but the advantage it created was enough to crush the same level, but the most important thing was not these.

Instead, they are the latest permanent passive skills and active skills.

The first is ‘Instant Youth’.

Obviously, if you use this skill in a desperate situation, with the Star Arise's attributes far exceeding those of most starships of the same class, you will most likely be able to make a comeback.

Even in the face of invincible enemies, you can escape at a terrifying speed that is increased by five times.

It can be said that with this active skill, the survivability of Xingqi has skyrocketed again!

The second permanent passive, it must be said that the terrifying power of this legendary talent is instantly displayed.

Although it is useless in a one-on-one duel, when fighting a large number of enemies, unless the opponent can destroy at least half of the shield value at once, the Star Awakens' shield value will never drop by 80%!

Why be confident?

After all, this is a legendary passive. If the recovery efficiency is not high, how can it be called a legend?

At least many purple or red star weapons have similar effects, but the energy absorption and recovery efficiency are very low.

Feng Xiao closed the panel in a good mood. If the Xingqi's survivability was 1 before the talent was upgraded, it is now 3!

As an explorer, comprehensive survivability is the most important thing.

Instructing the robot to take unnecessary garbage out of the control room, he looked at Yild and Wang Hao who looked expectantly and laughed.

The two of them immediately relaxed. Seeing the captain like this, the Star Qi definitely improved a lot.

"Now that the Xingqi has been upgraded, let's prepare for the fifth hunt in different universes."

Although the Star Awakening is extremely powerful, the Star Points required for upgrading are also much higher than those of the same level.

In addition, because the starship level cannot be upgraded before Solar Wall reaches lv10, as well as other trivial matters, it is estimated that the Starship's starship level will be maintained at lv25 in a short period of time.

Wang Hao and Yild were in place, Feng Xiao glanced at the Heart of Dawn and chose random again.

There is no special anchor point, just random.

Compared with other starships, the Xingqi can enter different universes whenever it wants. Most of the starships built by the Xingqi during the same period have probably only entered the different universe once.

Not even once.

Even if you enter, it is just a matter of getting familiar with the environment and procedures as usual. The star points obtained for the first time are only enough to maintain the operation of the starship.

Except for the powerful new captain.

The mysterious rules emerged, and the Xingqi disappeared again.

In the vast universe, the Xingqi appeared behind a certain rocky planet, floating quietly.

Feng Xiao opened the information smoothly.

[The Keprulu Sector is located on the edge of the Galaxy. It is ruled by three powerful civilizations.

They are: the Protoss civilization that claims to be the Gods, the Zerg civilization that is different from the Zerg in the universe, and the Human Federation that rebelled from a powerful human civilization within the galaxy.

It is worth mentioning that the protoss, which is a quasi-fourth-level civilization, and the zerg, which is a third-level advanced civilization, seem to have been transformed by more powerful civilizations.

The former has strong intelligence and technology, while the latter pursues quantity and biotechnology. On the other hand, the human federation, which has just entered the third level of civilization, is the weakest.

Due to interference from external factors, the Zerg leader brazenly launched an attack on the protoss homeworld of Aiur. At the same time, the Human Federation was also overthrown, and the new Tyranid Empire emerged on the old soil of the Federation.

The war between the three clans broke out.

The Protoss, which suffered heavy losses, killed the Zerg leader at a great cost. The Zerg, which lost its leader and fell into a rage, still drove away the Protoss.

Shortly after the first wave of the war between the three races, the new ruler of the Zerg, the Queen of Blades, formerly a human, took office, and then the war started again.

The protoss whose home planet was occupied by the swarm in the first wave of the war also elected a new leader, Archbishop-Artanis!

At the same time, Mengsk, the first emperor of the Terran Empire, embarked on the path of dictatorship.

At this point, a new distribution of forces was formed.

Current progress: The zerg are back again. Jim Raynor, a lucky human on the planet named Mar Sarath in the Human Empire, has collected some kind of 'weapons' and is preparing to evacuate.

But the zerg have also arrived, and a difficult defensive battle is about to begin.

Note: The current strength of the three major civilizations has dropped by one level, but their technological advantages remain the same.

Note: The person who transformed the protoss and zerg is a powerful peak-level sixth-level individual civilization - the Xel'Naga civilization. Although the number of civilizations is small, they all have the combat power of level-6 star beasts and above.

They also possess extremely powerful energy technology and biotechnology. Although their own group is few in number, they have many fifth-level affiliated civilizations.

Note: The parent civilization of the human forces in the Keprulu Sector belongs to the fifth-level technological civilization. 】

Feng Xiao's pupils shrank and he looked at the familiar information in disbelief.


Twenty minutes later, Feng Xiao figured out the situation. The situation at this anchor point was 80% the same as that in StarCraft.

But there are some differences. For example, the Xel'Naga did not perish. Instead, civilization is still developing slowly.

It is also not related to the reincarnation of the entire 'universe' or the existence of the void, and the fifth-level human civilization has not sent an expeditionary force to Keprulu.

On the contrary, that Eamon still exists, but it is definitely not the evil Xel'Naga who wanted to rule the universe in the previous game.

It is likely that the Xel'Naga monitor and control the personnel in the Koprulu sector.

After sorting out the situation, Feng Xiao headed towards Mar Sara without hesitation. He was interested in both the artifact and the star points provided by the Zerg.

"Operation Zero Point... Brutal mode stuck me for more than two hours. I want to see how crazy I can be when facing starship zerg in reality?"

Wang Hao and Yild looked at each other, somewhat puzzled by Feng Xiao's sudden resentment.

"Boys, build a defensive base, block the bunkers at intersections, and fill the defensive gaps!"

Renault, who was wearing huge power armor, gave the order, his eyes full of solemnity.

The strong man holding a huge heavy machine gun beside him patted his shoulder: "More than 8,000 troops, hundreds of bunkers and sufficient ammunition provided by the empire base, don't worry Jim, there is no problem!

It's okay to hold on for at least eight hours. "

Renault shook his head and said in a heavy tone: "Tychus, they are Zerg. You will not understand their madness and terror."

Boom boom!

As thousands of airdrop bags arrived in the distance, Renault's eyes narrowed.

The zerg are coming!

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