This starship is unusual

Chapter 29 Violet Kingdom, Xingwu comes to the door

"That's the subspace Moss Star Port. You can go straight through it without slowing down."

Feng Xiao motioned to the two of them, and they saw a huge pentagonal starport standing in the void in front of them. The force field formed by a special device ensured that it would not be affected by the ubiquitous space folding of the subspace.

From time to time, you can see some starships entering the starport for supplies, and more starships sail directly into the major stargates located at the five corners of the starport.

The light curtain in the space rippled slightly, and the extremely fast Star Qi plunged into one of the star gates.

The vision changes.

The silver light instantly occupied all three people's vision, and the next moment they could see clearly, they had arrived in an extremely prosperous area!

Twelve completely transformed planets surround the central natural star. The multi-layered functional orbits and transportation starports outside the planet are slightly crowded.

A large number of cosmic cities and outpost buildings are scattered among the planets, floating according to the settings.

Countless traffic beacons link all planets and space cities, and even some military outposts are within the traffic network link.

Dense star trains and star ships come and go, connecting major planets and cosmic cities.

Since the entire galaxy is surrounded by a special shield, there is no obstacle to sound transmission within the galaxy, and the energy concentration is also very high.

Occasionally, there are ships with advertisements hanging on them that slowly pass through the edge star gate.

Wang Hao and Yild were amazed.

"So this is the Violet Kingdom. It is indeed the most powerful country in the Morton Galaxy. It is so prosperous that even a private car can travel through the stars?"

Feng Xiao smiled and said: "Guess what administrative unit this galaxy is in the Violet Kingdom?"

"Isn't it just a galaxy?"

Although the economic value created by this galaxy may be higher than that of the entire Azurite Federation.

Hearing Wang Hao's answer, Ild patted him on the shoulder: "You guessed wrong, this is the financial municipality of the Violet Kingdom - Hongshan City."


"You heard that right, it is indeed a city. In addition to the one-third that must be reserved for each planet according to alliance law, all of it is used for the ecological environment.

The rest is filled with technology construction areas.

This area alone has a permanent population of about 200 billion, and it is one of the core trade areas of the Violet Kingdom. "

Wang Hao: "An important economic city."

Following the intelligent guidance, the Xingqi entered the high-speed channel dedicated to starships, and then flew to a starship parking platform.

Will you follow me later or move freely?

Wang Hao chuckled: "Boss, I want to go around the place."

"I'm following the captain."

Ild said he had no interest.

After the parking of the starship was completed, Feng Xiao took Ild out of the parking platform, and Wang Hao excitedly left with his vacation funds.

"Let's go to the business area first and see if there's anything that can help us." Feng Xiao opened the Xingqi warehouse, summoned a Fatli floating supercar and took Ild away quickly.

As a luxury supercar that costs tens of millions of alliance coins and requires two thousand star points to purchase even within the Star Network, most elite starships may not be willing to buy it.

But as an explorer, improving his strength is not the first priority. Of course, he must enjoy it first.

With multiple legendary items, even if he doesn't pursue strength, his Star Initiation efficiency is no worse than that of most people.

With streamlined lines all over its body and shining with crystal silver light, the Fatli supercar quickly drove into the traffic channel and shot out.

As a supercar with a built-in personal shield and a top speed of Mach 35, it accelerated to Mach 5 in almost two seconds.

With the intelligent avoidance system activated, Feng Xiao excitedly drove the supercar around.

"Oh ho!"

[Please note that the speed limit for aerial vehicles in this channel is Mach 20, and you are about to exceed the speed limit. 】

Feng Xiao hurriedly slowed down. It was not easy to get an alliance driver's license. He had no choice but to turn into a short-distance star gate with a diameter of five kilometers.

In less than a second, Feng Xiao and the two crossed two million kilometers and arrived at the target universe city.

"The star gate technology is really not simple, and it feels like it doesn't consume much energy."

"I heard that the long-distance transportation method of powerful countries is teleportation. Special equipment is used to spread space waves throughout the territory. For a fee, you can teleport once."

The two chatted easily, not worrying at all that anyone would dare to attack them.

As long as it is a country recognized by the alliance, armed conflicts are strictly prohibited in specific areas. Fighting or fighting requires going to the starry sky or specific areas.

As for a complete ban, let alone whether it is realistic or unrealistic, at least the Alliance Parliament would not agree.

Even if two or more ordinary countries are at war, no one will care about you, as long as you fight normally without massacring citizens or destroying ecological resources on a large scale.

If you slaughter human citizens or continuously destroy living planets and resource planets, the Alliance law enforcers can only send you to be reincarnated.

Reasonable armed competition is allowed to stimulate competition, and violations of the basic human order are strictly prohibited.

After being promoted to a powerful nation, war is not allowed at all. If you don't go to the front lines to attack alien civilizations and plunder their resources, why are you fighting among yourself here?

If there are conflicts, there are also alliance courts, and it really can't be resolved by taking the representative troops to the second world or the Star Network to resolve them.

There is no conflict that cannot be resolved by interests.

In short, what level does what?

Anyway, those powerful or big countries are fine if they lose in border wars. But if their territory is within human territory, are they still afraid of enemies coming in?

Fatli drove unimpeded into the space city numbered k8 in front of him, although it was a special city slowly suspended in the universe.

However, the usable area is millions of square kilometers, and countless sci-fi buildings with a height of 1,000 meters are scattered everywhere. Floating islands full of beautiful plants float through the city from time to time.

Animals and citizens full of spirituality are walking around the city - anti-gravity technology and basic nano life-support robot technology are fully mature, even if humans float into the universe, it will be fine.


Who needs that.

Feng Xiao's Fatli drove into Universe City and instantly attracted the attention of everyone nearby. Even supercars like the Violet Kingdom were rare.

[Brother is not a local, right? 】

Feng Xiao was startled, and then looked at a supercar next to him that had appeared at some point to keep pace with him. Although it was not as good as his, it was not ordinary either.

【yes. 】

[Hey, since I can afford this kind of supercar, it must not be simple. I have something that I will definitely be interested in. 】

Feng Xiao smiled slightly.

【tell me the story? 】

[Recently, the Rising Star Club of K8 Universe City and other clubs in Universe City have a supercar competition, and the first prize is the purple main gun Xingwu.

Interested in trying it? 】

Purple main gun?

Good guy, is the second generation of the Violet Kingdom so powerful?

[Purple Main Cannon Star Martial?

Why not use it yourself? 】

[The sponsor is a second-generation supercar. Although Zi Xingwu feels sorry for him, you can’t imagine his love for supercar racing.

I am just looking for a dead horse to be a living doctor. As long as you can enter the top ten and save the face of k8, you will be the platinum VIP of the club! 】

A smile appeared on Feng Xiao's lips, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

[No problem, give me your address and time. 】

[Okay, I will continue to recruit people. 】

Glancing at the private chat messages in the local channel, Feng Xiao laughed and shook his head.

what is this?

Someone gave me a pillow just because I was dozing off. Although the unspoken rules do not allow the use of external force, when legendary powers are used, even the Violet Kingdom cannot detect them, let alone them.


This is called ability!

"Let's go to the Li Group store first to see if there are any good things."

"Okay Captain."

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