This starship is unusual

Chapter 348 River of Terror Viruses

It wasn't until the Tianyi Medical Area was loaded that the Xingqi's alarm was slowly lifted. A moment later, Elsa came to the control room with a face filled with surprise.

The pointed elf ears twitched slightly, and his expression was full of joy.

"Wow, Captain, the space in our test area and research area has suddenly expanded hundreds of times, and there is even a micro space for biotechnology experiments!"

Facing Elsa's surprise, Feng Xiao smiled lightly, said a few words of encouragement, and looked at the surrounding space with extremely serious eyes.

"What a strong atmosphere of rules. The power of at least dozens of source-level rules are intertwined and broken, resulting in a chaotic area of ​​rules and a chaotic maintenance area."

Changsun Qing and Xuanyuan Yunyi, who are currently on the video connection, are also a little serious. The existence that can cause such a degree of damage is at least the Ten Star Divine Power.

Even the supreme god-level combat power is not excluded.

Because that is the original level of combat power.

Only the understanding of the rules has an exclusive perception framework, which can derive its own terrifying level of exclusive rule energy.

Although it still depends on the rules of the universe.

However, it still touches the origin, both in efficiency and strength, far exceeding the divine power a hundred times!

Even the ten-star divine power level existence can only slightly touch the source, but Feng Xiao and others are not aware of the looming source aura level around them.

It can only be identified as belonging to the original category.

Therefore, there is no guarantee whether it is the Ten-Star Divine Power or the highest level, but one thing is certain.

That's because the Zhongyan special service fleet is not enough to cause all of this. One finger.

Xuanyuan Yunyi originally found a mission to clean up an alien universe through his family connections. Unexpectedly, when he was solving the opponent, the enemy suddenly used self-destruction, causing the space dimension to be shattered.

As soon as he reacted, the entire fleet was teleported here.

It is clear that the spatial dimensions within tens of millions of light-years have been shattered into pieces, so why can space nodes still appear to throw me and others here?

After thinking for a long time, everyone focused on their own luck...

The mixed luck formed by the four super geniuses of the alliance and dozens of the top geniuses of the alliance can actually bring an entire fleet to such a place...

Apart from the fact that this place had something that was beneficial to the entire Zhongyan fleet, they really couldn't figure out why a node would suddenly appear in this place.

After all, this is as outrageous as traveling in the desert and having a puddle of water appear out of nowhere.

"Have you not found the point to leave yet?"

Feng Xiao looked at Wang Hao behind him.

The latter shook his head helplessly: "Boss, trillions of chaotic space nodes can be detected every second.

But none of them work... It's ridiculous that we can teleport to this damn place. "

Li Xue's eyes lit up: "There are still two days until the end of the different universe time. It is impossible for this place to block the recall process of the starship system.

Why not take advantage of this time to see what good things this place has to offer? "

Luck is a basic knowledge between geniuses and powerful forces, so Li Xue also had guesses.

Feng Xiao and the others did not hesitate, but the Zhongyan fleet gathered again, trying to maximize the joint shield to prevent unexpected situations.

Li Xue's starship also lit up slightly.

I saw a layer of white halo appearing on the surface of the joint shield, which looked very comfortable.

“One of Tianmen’s capabilities is that the joint shield can now intercept the invasion of all viruses, microorganisms and parasites at level eight and below.

If it is higher than this level, you will have to trouble yourself to solve it. "

Everyone nodded.

As the genius of a major force, there is no shortage of item capabilities in this area. However, because this type of star weapon consumes too much energy, it is only kept on at low power.

Usually defense level six or seven is enough.

Viruses and microorganisms above level eight are simply rarer than four- or five-star high-dimensional life forms.

Including the upgraded Tianyi Medical Area.

The power can also be adjusted to reduce power consumption.

The strongest power can even block level 10 viruses in a short period of time, with 5 million star points per day.

Even the Star Qi doesn't want to open it all the time.

Anyway, there is an alarm system, and as long as the threat virus approaches the starship, it will be detected.

Normally low power is not dangerous.

But now it’s better to open it all up.


A vast river composed of countless purple spots of light floated leisurely around, with a length of several light years. Even the collapse of space could not cut off these seemingly harmless rivers of light spots!

Because these light spots are all level eight viruses and infection cores!

He only has his own instincts, but he is a life that can make even four-star high-dimensional life forms fear him!

There were even clusters of red light mist flashing among them, which were level nine virus life forms!

"What a nonsense..."

Xuanyuan Yunyi was speechless. He had only seen virus clusters of this size in the at least large virus research laboratories of the Kyushu Republic...

Without exception, they are all experimental objects collected with huge resources.

Naturally, it can lead to absolute nonsense.

"Uh... I can't protect against level 10 viruses."

Suddenly, several team members felt helpless.

Feng Xiao and others fell silent immediately.

Because they can only protect for a short period of time.

But looking at the scale, no one would believe it if there were no more advanced viruses.

Even the current power of the soul cannot be blocked for too long.

Level 10 viruses are already infections at the level of the basic framework of life in the universe, involving the origin of rules and the stability of the underlying structure of memes.

At present, the soul and eyes are unable to face this terrifying virus.

"I suggest you move on. If things don't go right, I'll just use other methods and teleport randomly again."

Li Xue suddenly said that when the Tianmen encounters a threat, there will be group teleportation, and the range can even be hundreds of millions of light years, but the disadvantage is that it is random...

But she didn't believe there was anything worse than here, unless it was the hostile kind under the noses of six-star or even stronger theocratic gods.

No one had an opinion.

However, the sailing speed of the Zhongyan fleet quietly slowed down.

They are not afraid of any strong enemy, but fighting against viruses and infected prokaryotes is a psychosis...

The Zhongyan fleet advanced like this for more than twenty hours without any abnormality.

However, there are more and more level nine virus clusters.

Although it is only a few meters in diameter and not as big as the muzzle of a naval gun, it still causes the starship's virus defense star weapon alarm to sound continuously.

Even Feng Xiao was breaking out in a cold sweat.

Suddenly, a weak signal source appeared.

And this is shining like a lighthouse on the matrix display screen that is like a pool of stagnant water!


Everyone was in high spirits.

"The fleet is dispersed, with groups of three to five ships forming three ladders and approaching slowly. At the front is the main ship and the Long Yi, and at the end is the Qingxia and the other epic ships.

The second step of the Tianmen and other starships. "

Wang Hao quickly issued the order.

The Long Yi has three Xingwu with the ability to suppress viruses, while the Star Qi has the Tianyi Medical Area, Divine Protection, and Fearless Crown.

Basically, it can also form short-term absolute resistance to advanced viruses.

The Qingxia is responsible for blocking the rear and preventing the enemy from suddenly attacking from the rear.

The Tianmen and other starships with weaker virus protection capabilities are on the second level.

That's right, the head!

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