This starship is unusual

Chapter 62 The power of star enlightenment

The Star Qi, which had a very streamlined feel and exuded huge energy pressure, descended suddenly into the center of the four insect swarm planets.

The violent energy fluctuations swept away in all directions without any concealment, even causing a faint energy storm.

The insect swarm paused for a moment, and then hundreds of biological warships closest to the Star-Aid gathered energy at the same time, converging powerful bio-energy cannons and blasting towards the Star-Awakening!

However, the quality of the energy converted from the Star Points is no less than that of a senior starship. Therefore, the attack of this group of level 2 and 3 biological warships weakens the shield of the Star Kai by more than ten times.

Nearly half of the attacks missed the target due to lack of aim, while the remaining half of the bio-energy cannons hit the shield firmly.

The terrifying explosion and energy storm expanded instantly, covering thousands of miles around!

The powerful aftermath even shook many Corruptor flying dragons into crumbs.

The Xingqi trembled slightly, but Feng Xiao and the crew members were calm.




[Shield +2000]

[Shield +2000]

[The shield absorbs part of the damage +2.3w]


After being amplified by the title of 'Insect Swarm Hunter', the shield value of the Star Awakening is as high as 12w. After the recovery speed is ×5, the shield value can be restored to 2000 per second.

It can convert a considerable part of the damage caused by the enemy to the shield into shield value. Even after killing the enemy, it can plunder part of the enemy's energy and convert it into its own shield value!

Facing other enemies, it can only be regarded as having thick health at best, but facing the swarm of insects, the Star Qi is golden!

Unless all the biological battleships of the entire small insect swarm focus their fire at the same time, and at least half of the attacks hit the Star Awakening at the same time, it can be destroyed instantly.

But is that possible?


The Star Start remained motionless. After withstanding two waves of attacks, its overall shield value only dropped by less than 5,000. It took advantage of the two-second gap to recover at a high speed.

"The energy storage is completed." Ild said in an indifferent voice as his whole body was shrouded in the starship's weapon control mechanical ring.

The vision in his eyes is exactly what the matrix can 'see' after being enhanced by Wang Hao's superpower!

The sophisticated and complex data-locked halo zooms and rotates in the pupils, which is the regular manifestation of the superpower starship of the Master of Artillery...

Feng Xiao nodded: "Fire immediately!"

In an instant, extremely high-concentration energy fluctuations spread wildly, and the brilliance like an aurora swept millions of kilometers in an instant!

After the amplification, the damage range reached nearly 10,000 kilometers, and the light-covering bombardment directly enveloped hundreds of biological warships gathered nearby.

The huge biological battleship's biological armor melted away at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye, revealing the more fragile and important muscle layers in a few seconds.

When the light-covering bombardment ends, all biological warships within an attack range of more than 2,000 will be killed.

Most of the other biological battleships were also badly damaged by energy attacks, with their huge blade legs and even their compound eyes that could emit lasers damaged.

In addition, there are millions of Corruptors and other insect soldiers who were reduced to ashes under the bombardment of light.

After a brief silence for a few seconds, the two brainworms quickly came to their senses: "Abandon all temptations, attack the target starship with all your strength, and be sure to destroy or expel it!"

Gaster and Gollum, who originally wanted to test the Starrise, were shocked by the Starrise's terrifying bombardment and immediately issued an order for an all-out attack.

If you try again, you will most likely lose their insect lives.

In an instant, the insect swarm that was already boiling and covering the four surrounding planets completely entered a violent mode.

There were more than a dozen fleets of 70,000 to 80,000 biological warships composed of several types of biological warships. They were the first to attack the Star Awakening, which also started to move.

A golden body is a golden body, and it is not a good idea to stand still and get beaten.

The fierce space war breaks out again!

Tens of thousands of energy cannons and rays almost covered the starry sky around the four planets in the blink of an eye, and countless meteorites and asteroids were shattered by the missed attacks.

Due to the excessive gathering, the intensity was even several times that of the original battle with the Starfire humans!

However, this time, the insect swarm only targeted one...

The power of the forty-eight increased guns was 300. After the biological battleship withstood it, it suffered nearly a thousand damage and the rapid-fire naval guns fired wildly.

In just twenty or thirty seconds, dozens of huge biological battleships perished. Even a biological battleship comparable to a level 3 star beast could only be hit four times.


The bright covering light fired again, and the dazzling aurora was like rubber, crossing the vast starry sky and blasting into the huge insect swarm again.

Due to the simultaneous attack, a large number of biological warships gathered were easily killed and melted, and nearly half of the more than 2,000 biological warships died.

The others also suffered varying degrees of damage. As for the insect soldiers who kept wandering around to make soy sauce, they suffered heavy casualties.

But in order to attract some of the Star's naval gunfire, the Cerebrate had to do this.




[Shield +7000]


Although the Xingqi seemed to have received a lot of attacks, as the number of kills increased and it continued to wander to avoid most of the concentrated fire, the shield value always remained above 8w.

The 'Insect Swarm Hunter', combined with its innate abilities, can recover its shield at an outrageously fast rate.

Hundreds of missiles are like machine guns, firing hundreds of missiles almost every second, and the consumption of star points has not increased much.

Energy missiles as powerful as small fusion missiles raged wildly, and many biological battleships and insect soldiers were killed one after another.

Thousands of bright biological energy beams instantly bombarded the Zhongxing Qi, and the shield trembled violently.


[Shield +2k…+2k+3w…]

After taking a look at the shield recovery status, Feng Xiao laughed. The shield value was 6w. As the Star Qi continued to kill the insect swarms on a large scale, twenty seconds!

Twenty seconds to recover, no more.

"Use Yuansha to target the deepest area of ​​the enemy!"

Ild nodded and started the Yuansha attack system with a little excitement.

In an instant, the ink-colored energy beam with a diameter of tens of meters turned into a giant energy dragon, and suddenly blasted out. The huge energy resonance caused energy riots within tens of thousands of kilometers around it!

The black energy dragon penetrated the entire insect swarm while breathing!

Regardless of the energy fields of level 4 biological battleships or level 2 or 3 biological battleships, they can be broken at the touch of a touch.

Living in the insect swarm, a bloody path of hundreds of thousands of kilometers has been cleared!

Thousands of biological warships and endless insect soldiers along the way were all wiped out neatly.

However, for a huge fleet composed of 70,000 to 80,000 biological warships, only more than 10,000 have been lost so far.

There are still a large number of biological warships charging without fear of death.

A fierce battle unfolded between a ship and a vast ocean-like swarm of insects.

Occasionally missed aftermath attacks can cause quite a bit of energy fluctuations and explosions.

Feng Xiao looked at the busy people and turned to Murong Yun: "How is the Arbitration D-type personal-fitting ultra-light armor I purchased for you getting used to?"

"I've almost adapted. The armor is equipped with combat power amplification circuits and enhancement devices, plus four particle floating cannons. I'm currently strong enough to fight against level 35 ordinary ability users." Murong Yun said immediately.

"Well, take the mecha team and the commando team to that planet, use this quantum space capture ball, and capture the brainworm alive."

Feng Xiao handed over a blue mechanical ball the size of a fist, and the mysterious energy circuit flickered.


Then the Star Awakening passed by the planet and quietly dropped five highly concealed transport planes.

All the increases in the Star's individual combat power are applied layer by layer to the commandos.

The combat power of all individual soldiers, including Murong Yun's momentum, instantly doubled!

At this moment, the defense line of the Spark Alliance is gathering in the distance, regardless of the level of the command room or the living planet within the Spark human civilization.

Silence fell.

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