This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 44: Just do it

"Then, I can't help it." Shuiyue Guan said helplessly.

After a pause, she went on to say: "Furthermore, I can tell you in advance that the battle between the sword spirit and the devilish energy in your natal sword should not be a winner in a short time."

She looked regretful, "That is to say, if you are unwilling to cling to this, you will stay in the Void Refining Realm before the battle is determined, and it will be a rare advance."

"You are so young, you are already a cultivator, and you have a boundless future. Why do you want to waste your great time in such a wasteful way?"

After all, Lu Qingshan was a genius sword repairman who was very optimistic about her and invested, and Shui Yueguan couldn't help but persuade him a few more words.

"Furthermore, you persist in this way only to pursue that slender ray of hope."

"Sometimes, we must also learn to give up."

"In matters of the world, there is always something to be gained by giving up."

"She is just a sword spirit, not your Taoist companion."

The words of the Lord Shuiyue Guan made sense, but Lu Qingshan didn't want to listen.

"That won't work, I can't give up her." He was unmoved.

"Sorry, I am ashamed of the kindness of the observer."

Xia Daoyun, who had been silent for a long time, could not help but glance at Lu Qingshan with a glimmer of color in Qiu Hong's eyes, his eyes full of appreciation.

This is Jian Xiu.

As a sword repairer, Xia Daoyun can understand Lu Qingshan's persistence best, and even empathize with him, and his heart is agitated for a while.

Lin Yao was also slightly startled, her gaze fell on Lu Qingshan's face.

It is because Lu Qingshan is such a person that she has always trusted him so much.

"Oh, you swordsmen," Shuiyue Guan felt Lu Qingshan's determination, so he couldn't persuade him any more. He just sighed, shook his head and said with emotion: "It's really hard for others to understand."

"As far as I know, there shouldn't be a magical way to solve your current situation in Ziwei's Heavenly Secret Art."

Shuiyue Guan's voice slowed down and said to Lu Qingshan: "It's not that I want to hit you. These devilish qi has been integrated with your natal sword. If you want to peel it off, external methods will no longer play a role.

Unless it is Devil Qi will choose to leave your sword on its own and give up this fight. "

"However, since the devilish energy has been integrated into the sword, it is its instinct to fight for the control of the sword, how can it voluntarily break away from the dragon bird?"

Shuiyue Guanzhu's remarks could even be said that Qin Yitian was sentenced to death in advance.

Lu Qingshan's heart sank.

Nothing was achieved. Although disappointed, it was not unexpected, but Shuiyue Guanzhu's assertion made him even worse, making his heart cold.

However, apart from him, Qin Yitian had no one else to rely on.

If even he gave up, what should Qin Yitian do?

How can he give up?

"Excuse me, Shuiyueguan," Lu Qingshan stood up and said respectfully, clasping his fists.

Then, he gritted his teeth and turned to Xia Daoyun and said, "Master, I still want to go to Tianhe City..."

He is going to find the secret to watch the Lord, even if the hope is not great.

"Good." Xia Daoyun nodded.

The two said goodbye and turned to leave.

"Unless the devil qi leaves voluntarily..." Lin Yao, who had been silently watching by the side, stared at Lu Qingshan's back with worried eyes, pondered what the master said in her heart, and suddenly remembered something. Subconsciously, he stopped Lu Qingshan, "Wait?"

"Huh?" Lu Qingshan turned around and glanced at Lin Yao who suddenly called to stop him, wondering what he meant.

Lin Yao hesitated, "Master, do you mean that if you want to solve the problem of Lu Gongzi's natal sword, it is only those devilish energy who voluntarily leave the dragon bird?"

Master Shuiyue nodded, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, "Yes, what's wrong?"

"Master, when I was practising celestial miracles, I once read the handwritings of the celestial masters of this sect. There was an introduction about the soldiers and demons."

Lin Yao fell into the memory, and continued: "The first generation sacred demon of the soldier demon clan, the reckless demon lord who has entered the semi-holy level, through his own bloodline and supernatural powers, gave birth to a supreme magic sword."

"This magic sword has incomparable lethality to the demons, because it has a strong restraint on the demonic energy. It is cut out with one sword, and the demons evade.

The Mang Cang Demon Venerable relied on this demon sword, invincible in the abyss, invincible horizontally and horizontally for thousands of years, and won a huge area of ​​Burning Moon for the soldiers and demons. "

The Burning Moon Territory is the territory of the soldiers and demons in the abyss.

"So, as long as you can get this demon sword, you should be able to use it to force the devilish energy in Lord Lu's life sword to escape the dragon sparrow on your own."

"Stupid apprentice, you also know that you want to get this magic sword," Shui Yue Guanzhu finished listening, but shook his head and said with a smile: "I also know this, but that magic sword is the supremacy of the soldiers and demons. The **** soldier is enshrined in the royal city of the soldier demon clan, how can we get this demon sword?"

After being so watched by Shui Yue, Lin Yao also reacted.

She was anxious for Lu Qingshan in her whole mind, so after thinking about the magic sword, she was anxious and didn't think much about it. She just blurted out what she thought.

Thinking about it now, I realized that what I said was all useless nonsense.

This made her a little ashamed.

"Sorry..." Lin Yao quickly apologized.

Xia Daoyun shook his head, indicating that it was not in the way.

"Can you tell me more about the magic sword?" What everyone did not expect was that Lu Qingshan's eyes suddenly flashed, and he asked.

Xia Daoyun frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

She never interfered with Lu Qingshan's thoughts.

"You don't mean..." Shuiyue Guanzhu showed a surprised expression, and said directly: "This is impossible.

You have to know that in the entire human domain, unless it is Xia Daozu, even if your Sect Sect Master takes the action himself, he will definitely not be able to kill the Demon King City and take the Demon Sword. "

If their human race had this strength, they wouldn't have been suppressed and beaten by the demons for so many years, they would have blew the counterattack horn long ago.

"Maybe there are other ways?" Lu Qingshan was very calm, "It's not that you have to kill the king to get the sword."

Master Shuiyue took a deep look at Lu Qingshan, and finally nodded to Lin Yao.

Lin Yao no longer hesitated and told what she knew:

"The Mang Cang Demon Sovereign stayed in the semi-sage realm for a long time. He wanted to break through to the final demon sage realm after all. In the end he fell, but his magic sword was left behind."

"The Mang Cang Demon Lord is the strongest in the history of the soldiers and demons, the first generation of holy demons, and the magic sword he bred has infinite power, so he has always been respected by the soldiers and demons and regarded as the **** of the town.

But I don't know the magic of this magic sword. After the death of the demon king, no one of the soldiers and demons can control this sword.

Therefore, this magic sword can only be worshipped in their royal city and shelved on the pavilion. The symbolic meaning surpasses the practical meaning, leaving many legends behind. "

Lu Qingshan stood quietly, thoughtful.

"Let's not say that you can't enter the royal city of the soldiers and demons and come into contact with that demonic sword.

What if you have the opportunity to touch that magic sword?

After so many years, dozens of demon lords and hundreds of demon masters of the soldier demon clan have coveted this powerful demon sword, but in the end, no one can control this sword.

There are so many things that powerful soldiers and demons can't do, how can you be a human monk? "

"So, the matter of the magic sword is not that I forgot to mention it, it is really a mirage, I can see it but I can't touch it." Shui Yueguan said in a condensed voice.

"Is that so..." Lu Qingshan didn't dispel his thoughts, but fell into deep thought.

Shuiyue Guanzhu made a point.

It's just that this truth doesn't hold for him.

Because, as long as he can touch the magic sword, no matter what magic or restrictions there are on the magic sword, he is sure to be able to control the magic sword.

[Natural sword species]: You will use any swords without restriction.

Who made the supreme demon soldier bred by this reckless demon lord be a sword?

In other words, one of the two biggest problems in this seemingly impossible task is not valid for him.

It's easier now.

As long as he lurks into the abyss and enters the royal city.

Then try to get in touch with the Supreme Demon Sword of the Bingmozu.

Finally, with the help of the magic sword to drive away the devilish energy in the dragon bird, Qin Yitian was awakened...

That's it.

It sounds difficult.

But compared to losing Qin Yitian, what can these difficulties count?

Isn't it?


"Lord, since the demons have the means to pretend to be our human race and enter the human domain, don't our human race have similar means?" Lu Qingshan raised his eyes and asked.

"Are you really going to steal that magic sword?" Shuiyue Guanzhu couldn't believe it.

She has always believed that Lu Qingshan is not only talented, but also outstanding in character. Only when the two are combined, she is very optimistic about Lu Qingshan.

Who can think that today's Lu Qingshan is so... overwhelming?

He got into the tip of the horns and refused to come out.

"Lord, the problem of controlling the magic sword that you just mentioned is not a problem for me." Lu Qingshan bluntly said that since he needs help from others, he can no longer hide it.

"What do you mean?" Shuiyue Guanzhu couldn't understand Lu Qingshan's meaning for a while.

"I have a natural affinity for swords, and it can even be said to be unmatched. As long as it is a sword, I can use it without any hindrance.

Even other sword repair natal swords are the same," Lu Qingshan explained patiently: "This ability has never been an exception so far.

So, although I haven't tried it, maybe I want to control the magic sword is not as difficult as I imagined. "

"Ah?!" Shuiyueguan's pupils shrank suddenly, apparently he had never heard of this kind of physique, and muttered: "There is still such a thing in the world? Is it possible that there is really a natural sword?"

Even Xia Daoyun, who had always been in trouble, was surprised at this time.

"So, I just need to find a way to get in touch with that magic sword."

"This matter is very troublesome, but it is not completely hopeless," Lu Qingshan said again: "If you give up, then it is hopeless."

"So... anyway, just do it."

He looked at Shuiyue Guanzhu, waiting for her reply,

Shuiyueguan felt a shock in his heart. After pondering for a moment, he finally opened his mouth and said: "Living into the abyss, our human race has not yet tried it.

One is that our confrontation with the demons is at a disadvantage in a comprehensive defense, and we have no spare capacity to do this. Second, it is too difficult for the human race to pretend to be the demons. "

"The reason why the demons can pretend to be an adult is mostly based on their own bloodline supernatural powers. The bloodline supernatural powers are extremely random and weird."

She went on to explain: "Our human race, but we don't have bloodline supernatural powers, we can only disguise it with magic spells.

And our magic spells, generally speaking, can only be in shape, not gods, and can't hide from the eyes of the demons. "

"In addition, the cultivation system of the human race and the demons are completely different. The difference between the spirits and demons is obvious. The human race does not have the means to change its own magic power. Once it is shot, the original form is exposed." Shuiyue Guanzhu added.

"The latter point is not a big problem."

Lu Qingshan calmed down, and a piece of wriggling meat appeared in his hand.

The meat quickly merged into his body.

Immediately, he stretched out his hand, and the devilish energy gushed out.

"This is the yin hustle center seized from the underworld, which can convert spiritual power and magic element into each other."

"You actually have this thing in your hand!" Shui Yueguan was surprised.

She has also heard about Zhi Shou Lou's latest discovery not long ago.

But what she heard was that Zhishoulou had clearly only seized a copy of the Yin Yin Center, which was already regarded as an important discovery by them, and was working hard to study the mystery, and no one could move.

Unexpectedly, Lu Qingshan also had a copy of this strange thing in his hands.

"The problem of the cultivation system has been temporarily solved. The next point is how to pretend to hide from the eyes of the demons." Lu Qingshan raised a question.

Don't directly think about how difficult a task is, it will only make you lose your fighting spirit.

Break it down into small problems one after another, and then solve them one by one, it will be a lot easier.

"Hidden from the eyes of the demon clan..." Shui Yueguan's face became serious, and he analyzed it carefully: "Your goal is to enter the royal city of the soldiers and demon clan.

In the royal city, you may even encounter the existence of Demon Venerable's level, the illusion that can hide the eyes of Demon Venerable..."

"It doesn't exist," after thinking for a long time, Shui Yue Guanzhu finally asserted: "No magic can be so magical."

Demon Lord, is the existence of the Ninth Rank, equivalent to the cultivator of the Ninth Realm of the Human Race.

How can there be illusion that can fool the devil?

Lu Qingshan could not have entered the abyss as a human race.

If this problem is not resolved, everything is empty talk.

"Master, we don't have blood and supernatural powers, but our human race has a special physique." Lin Yao's eyes flashed, but at this moment, she suddenly interrupted.

"Huh?" The Master Shuiyue was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted to the implied meaning from the apprentice, "You mean... the phantom veins?"

Lin Yao nodded her head slightly, her eyes gleamed, and she looked at Lu Qingshan and said, "I happened to break through to the Nascent Soul Realm just a few days ago and completely awakened the phantom body veins."

When Lin Yao said this, Lu Qingshan noticed that her cultivation level had risen from the Golden Core stage to the Yuan Ying stage at some unknown time.

But when you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

The last time Shuiyue Guanzhu told him to enter the Lotus Peak and bless the secret of the Sky Jade for him, he failed to see Lin Yao.

It was said at the time that Lin Yao was practicing in retreat and was about to break through Yuan Ying.

It's a matter of course.

"The identity that I have transformed through the phantom body veins cannot be seen through by anyone with a cultivation base." Lin Yao's eyes were shining, "The same is true of the demon."

This is the power of the phantom body veins and the reason why Lu Qingshan valued Lin Yao so much at the beginning.

"But, the phantom body veins are your ability..." Lu Qingshan reacted, "Could it be that?"

Lin Yao nodded, affirming Lu Qingshan's guess, "In our Taiyin line of North Moon Spiritual Art, there is an auxiliary spirit art called "Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".

After we perform this technique in spiritual practice, we can lend our abilities other than spells to others to use, including mana, blood, spirituality, and even magical powers.

Although the duration of Douzhuan Xingyi is very short, the duration of my phantom body divine veins and magical powers is not fixed.

In other words, as long as you don't actively interrupt the change, the shape it changes can be maintained. "

Speaking of this, none of the people present are stupid, how can you still not understand what Lin Yao meant?

Xia Daoyun looked at Shuiyue Guanzhu and asked her for her opinion.

The Master Shuiyue thought for a long time, then slowly nodded towards Xia Daoyun and said, "There is no big problem in operation."

"However, there is another problem," Lin Yao said, "Master Lu, you still need to choose the demon you are going to pretend to be, and kill him to obtain part of his body."

[Phantom Body Divine Vessel]: The fourth level·Phantom Body (Yuan Ying Realm): You can transform your body into any creature.

Remarks: You must obtain the body of the creature you want to transform before you can use the phantom.

"Furthermore, the demons you pretend cannot be too mediocre.

Because the demon clan’s class system is based on blood lineage, the demon clan with a normal bloodline is not eligible to enter the royal city of the soldier demon clan. "Shuiyueguan reminded.

"There are so many Demon Cities on the extraterritorial battlefield. I will kill one and help you choose a suitable identity." Xia Daoyun said coldly, with murderous intent.

Upon hearing Xia Daoyun's sturdy speech, Shuiyue Guan's eyelids jumped.

" don't have to be so troublesome." Lu Qingshan stopped.

Xia Daoyun, as an eight-level sword repairman, if he slaughtered the city, it is very likely that the demons would also send out the eighth-rank demons to attack the human race for revenge, thus triggering the risk of war escalation.

He didn't want to let the master bear others' criticisms because of his own personal affairs.


Xia Daoyun raised his eyebrows.

"I have a better choice." Lu Qingshan explained.

His heart moved.

An arm appeared in his hand.

Qing Ge's broken arm.

Light pen


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