This Swordsman is Too Steady

Chapter 46: Return of Qing Ge

Heavenly view, outside the Lotus Peak.

A sword light stopped.

Lin Yao, who still had a bit of shame on her face, flew out of the sword light, and obediently bowed to Xia Daoyun who Yu Jian sent her back.

Xia Daoyun waved his hand, and after sending Lin Yao back to Tianjiguan, he simply turned around and left.

Lin Yao stopped in place and stood still for a while, watching Xia Daoyun's figure completely disappear from the field of vision before flying towards the Lotus Peak.

As a result, as soon as she entered the Lotus Peak, she saw Shuiyue Guanzhu standing quietly in a pavilion, seeming to have been waiting for her for a long time.

"Master." Lin Yao stepped forward and said respectfully.

"He's gone?" Shuiyueguan asked.

Although the name was not stated bluntly, it was obvious who said it.

Lin Yao nodded slightly.

Shuiyue Guanzhu fell into deep thought, not knowing what he was thinking about.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yao took the initiative to ask: "Master, Master Lu is the person you value, and his trip to the abyss this time is a lifetime of nine deaths. Why did you not stop him from taking risks in the slightest?"

For outsiders, Lu Qingshan's behavior is very unnecessary.

Because obviously as long as he waits for a while, his sword will be restored to its original state.

Even if the sword spirit changes, so what?

It's better than letting a promising sword repairer risk his life.

Just for a sword spirit.

The sword spirit is not human.

Besides, it is very common to sacrifice other people for the sake of some important people.

"Sword Immortal's path can only be walked by himself. If others interfere forcibly, it will only ruin his path."

Shuiyueguan's eyes were deep and faintly said: "If he is forcibly stopped, he may grow into a great sword repairman, but the sword fairy is absolutely hopeless in this life."

"Furthermore, if he can come back safely this time," Shui Yueguan said in his subjective meaning, "That means that he must be a person favored by this side of the world's atmospheric fortune, and his future achievements will be limitless... "

"Master, where did the luck come from?" Lin Yao couldn't help asking after hearing what Shuiyue Guanzhu said, "Whether it's the Guanzhu or you, Qi is very important in words. Luck.

Is this because we are obsessed with stealing the secrets of heaven, so we value luck so much? "

In her opinion, the talk of luck is too vague.

"No," Shuiyue Guanzhu shook his head, and told his apprentice some secrets, "The words of Qi Luck are not the words of our Tianji Guan family, but in order to achieve the above nine realms, Qi Luck must be indispensable less."

"Qiyun is never an illusory secret, but a quantifiable definite number..."


Lu Qingshan looked forward.

A city is quietly located there.

Feather Demon City.

This is the demon city he is about to enter, and it is also an extremely important link for him to hide from the sky.

All beginnings are hard.

He must obtain enough information from Feather Demon City in a short period of time.

At this time, Lu Qingshan's figure stagnated and stopped in place, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Lu Qingshan, what are you doing?" Gu Yiyi asked curiously.

"I'm thinking about what kind of performing arts to use." Lu Qingshan said.

In the performing arts, three genres are most respected.

They are experience school, method school and expression school.

The experiential school requires the performer to start from the self and live in the context of the role to be played.

The method school originated from the experience school, which also requires the performer to achieve subconscious and true reactions, but the method school can allow the performer to replace the object of communication.

The expressionist first constructs a "role" image in his heart, and then imitates it, emphasizing the design of the situation.

To give an easy-to-understand example, if it were all for Jian Xiu to act as a magician who loves spells...

Experiencing Sword Cultivation is to dig out the little bit of goodwill in your heart for spells, and enlarge it, to show people the side of true practice-"I am Dharma Cultivation".

The method to send sword repair is to imagine the spell replacement as your own sword, so as to transfer your love for the sword to the spell.

The expressionist sword repairer first builds an image that the Faculty should have in his heart, and then imitates this image.


He knows too little about Qing Ge's identity information to construct a reasonable image of Qing Ge, so he was the first to rule it out.

For the method school, because it will be a long-term performance, the replacement communication objects will continue to change. In this constant repetition, he will gradually lose his freshness and eventually lead to rigid performance, so it is also excluded.

Then only the experiential school is left.

The experiential school is the hardest and most talented performing art among the three schools, pursuing truth.


Have you heard of "The Self-cultivation of Actors"?

Lu Qingshan had a resolution in his heart.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and took a few breaths, then slowly opened it.

"What is this doing again?" Gu Yiyi asked as soon as he didn't understand.

"Try to get into the state," Lu Qingshan replied, "Okay, Ai Hyun."

"Ai Hyun...Hyun what?"

"It's time to perform real technology."

Lu Qingshan flew towards Yu Devil City with a move.


When he was near Yu Devil City.

A ray of light flew out of the city and stopped in front of Lu Qingshan.

This is a guard of Yu Demon City.

"Who came from?"

After seeing Lu Qingshan's face clearly, the guard suddenly changed his complexion and looked panicked, "I've seen His Royal Highness Qing Ge. It's a villain who has eyes and no beads. Your Highness is not surprised."

He was flustered, and his Highness Qing Ge had a bad temper. This was something everyone knew.

I just didn't recognize Qing Ge immediately, if His Highness Qing Ge was unhappy, and cut himself directly for this reason, it would be justified and unreasonable.

Lu Qingshan narrowed his eyes to look at the guard, and asked, "Can Yu Demon City Lord be in the city now?"

The guard said cautiously: "The city lord went to the Sky Demon City to report on the recent battles in the Yu Devil City, and it will take some time before he can come back."

Lu Qingshan didn't change much, but he was happy in his heart.

The tiger is not at home, the monkey is the king, at least before the return of the Lord of the Devil, he can be brazen.

And in the brief conversation just now, he also got a message that the members of the Demon Race should be very jealous and afraid of Qing Ge.

This shows that Qing Ge usually has a bad temper, and then thinks of Qing Ge's arrogant attitude towards his subordinates outside Luoyan Pass at that time.

Lu Qingshan first put a arrogant label on Qing Ge.

This is good news.

The more arrogant Qing Ge is usually, the more jealous of Qing Ge, the less dare to contact him, and the less he knows about him.

"City Lord Yu Demon is not there, so no one will come to greet your Highness?" Lu Qingshan suddenly furious and shouted.

"His Royal Highness Qing Ge, no..." The guard's expression changed, and cold sweat suddenly formed on his forehead.

"His Royal Highness Qing Ge calmed down." At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.

Lu Qingshan turned his head to look, only to see a feather demon with a pair of wings on his back, but a human-shaped feather demon, greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Young City Lord Yuluo." The guards as he saw the savior and quickly said respectfully.

Young Lord?

That is the heir of Yu Devil City Lord.

Lu Qingshan thought in his heart.

"You should withdraw first." Yu Luo waved his hand.

Fortunately, the guards hurriedly stepped back and did not even dare to look up at Lu Qingshan in the process, for fear that he would accidentally offend the moody "Qing Ge".

"His Royal Highness, why are you here?" Yura asked politely after pushing back the guard.

"Why, no?" Lu Qingshan waited coldly, and said coldly: "Does this mean that your Highness is not welcome?"

What's wrong, isn't it just a good father?

There is no good dad to use, and he took the army given by the demon to attack the human city. In the situation of the disparity in combat power, he can still return with a feather-the deeds of Qing Ge Luoyan Pass's defeat in the past few days, It is already known to everyone.

Yuluo's heart was contemptuous and jealous, but he still smiled on the face: "Of course not. Your Majesty can come to Feather Demon City this time. Feather Demon City will be brilliant, but your Royal Highness will not say it earlier. This is not for us. Why don't you miss it far?"

"Humph," Lu Qingshan said lazily, "I can talk."

He turned his head and looked around, then asked: "Are you going to let your Highness talk to you here?"

"I was negligent," Yu Luo was taken aback, and quickly said with a smile: "His Royal Highness Qing Ge, please come here first."

With that said, Yu Luo led the way and led Lu Qingshan into the city lord's mansion.

At the same time, he kept pondering Qing Ge's intentions in his heart.

Their Feather Demon City belonged to the line of the Black Sand Demon Venerable.

Qing Ge is the heir of the Blade Demon Venerable.

There was a dispute between the Blade Demon Lord and the Black Sand Demon Lord. The two of them had a gap because of resource allocation problems. Although they are not enemies, they are not very harmonious.

The two veins can be described as old and dead.

This Highness Qing Ge, as the third son of the Sword Blade Demon Venerable, suddenly came to Yu Devil City for no reason. Why?

Suddenly, Yuluo couldn't figure out the joints and couldn't figure it out.

But he was certain that Qing Ge's sudden entrance must be a bad person and nothing good.


After a while.

City Lord's Mansion, in the hall.

"His Royal Highness, please sit down." Yu Luo frowned secretly looking at Lu Qingshan who seemed to be looking around.

Lu Qingshan sat down slowly.

"His Royal Highness does not know what happened to Yu Devil City on this trip. If there is something difficult to solve, Yu Devil City is willing to share the worries for His Highness." Yu Luo said kindly.

Lu Qingshan, who was still extremely arrogant outside just now, pretended to yawn and waved his hand.

"His Royal Highness is a little tired now. Seeing that the environment in your City Lord's Mansion is pretty good, I want to rest in the mansion first, and talk about it later."

Before getting enough information, it's best to speak less, and the more you speak, the more mistakes you will make.

Lu Qingshan decided not to talk to Yurodo for now, and put him aside, while he took advantage of this time to find out the situation.

Here, Yu Luo's face changed slightly when he heard this.

sleepy? What about a liar?

There is no such thing as sleepiness in the demons of their level?

However, His Highness Qing Ge visited his Yu Devil City for no reason, and before saying a word, he asked to rest. What kind of operation is this?

Yura felt confused.

He was definitely afraid to let Qing Ge live in the City Lord's Mansion directly.

This is because the Black Sand Demon Lord has countless subordinates, and the phenomenon of fighting for power among each other is extremely serious.

If Qing Ge lived in his home, Yu Luo was afraid that other people would use this to slander his father on the side of the Black Sand Demon Venerable, saying that they had taken refuge in the Blade Demon Venerable in private.

Even if they are innocent Yu Devil City.

But after all, it's the melon field, and the rumors are hard to prevent.

But Qing Ge's identity is extremely noble, and he can't drive people directly.

Very angry, but useless.

It can only be a dumb loss.

"Wait, isn't this what Qing Ge intended?" A terrible thought flashed through Yu Luo's heart, "You don't need to do anything, just stay in our city lord mansion for a few days, so that your father can be in Heisha. In front of the demon lord loses power......."

"But, what is this for? Father is just an ordinary demon commander, why did Qing Ge be so targeted?"

Yura overthrew his thoughts again.

"No, it's useless for us, but what if there are other intentions?" Yu Luo remembered another thing, "I heard that the three sons of the Sword Blade Demon Venerable have not dealt with each other for a long time.

Although Qing Ge is the most favorite of Demon Lord of Sword Blade, many people in the line of Sword Blade do not look down on Qing Ge as a hybrid.

This time he fell into Yanguan and failed miserably. Once he returned, he would be even more disconcerted. "

"That's right, he definitely can't wait and die. He must find a way to make other contributions to make up for the loss of the defeat.

He first pours dirty water on our Demon Feather City, taking the name of our "traitor", and then he will recruit me Demon Feather City, and we have no choice but to rely on him.

There is a gap between the Black Sand Demon Venerable and the Blade Demon Venerable. If he can instigate our Yu Demon City, he can more or less earn some face for himself. "

"By the way, he just said that the environment in the City Lord’s Mansion is good, so he wants to stay in the mansion to rest and rest... The architectural style of our Yumo clan, obviously because of its primitiveness and exaggeration, it has always been criticized among the demons. , How could it be a good idea?"

"If it weren't for other deep meanings, why should he say something like this?"

Yuluo secretly said in his heart: "So, this is actually implying that he has taken a fancy to us Yu Devil City, is he ready to gather us?"

Yuluo began to analyze what "Qing Ge" had just said in his heart, word by word.

Even though this was just a polite remark that Lu Qingshan said casually because he did not understand the customs and aesthetics of the demons, it was also derived from many meanings by Yuluo.

Yu Luo went on to brainstorm.

He had heard that because of the miscellaneous blood, His Highness Qing Ge is pure-blooded soldier demon in comparison with the other two Highnesses in the line of Sword Blade, and the maiden power is huge. Behind this Highness Qing Ge is the Sword Blade Demon Venerable Gang. Fu, there are no other contacts.

In this case, Qing Ge definitely wants to build his own team.

However, it is impossible to dig a corner from the hands of his two elder brothers.

If you are Qing Ge, what should you do?

It is a wise choice to use the favor of Blade Demon Lord and convert it into tangible benefits.

In this case, it is a very good way to find another way, digging corners from other demon lords.

Moreover, digging the corners of any demon exalted other than the Black Sand Demon Venerable is not acceptable, because even the Bladed Demon Venerable is definitely not willing to offend other demon exalted.

Only digging the corner of the Black Sand Demon Venerable will work.

After all, there has long been a gap between the two demons.

With this premise, Demon Sword Blade will definitely help Qing Ge by then, so that he won't have to fear Black Sand Demon Venerable's revenge afterwards.

Yuluo was frantically mending in his heart.

His brain supplement seems to be accidental, but in fact it is inevitable.

The most fundamental reason is that "Qing Ge" has a very high status, so his every move is very easy to be given other meanings and various interpretations by others.

The same thing, done by different people, has a very different meaning in the eyes of others.

Even if the original intention of the two is the same.

Just like the sentence "It's raining" appears in the article, ordinary people write it like this, it's just really raining.

If it is written by a great writer surnamed Lu, others will be able to write at least two hundred words of appreciation and analysis in terms of artistic conception, emotion, foreshadowing, and so on.

"No, isn't this Highness Qing Ge always rumored to be extremely "brainless"? How could there be such a deep scheming?"

Here, Yuluo thought of something deeper, and became a little uncertain, "Is it possible that this is not Qing Ge's own idea, but the Sword Blade Demon Lord signaled it?"

No, I still have to test him.

Yura felt uneasy in his heart.

"The extraterritorial battlefield is so dangerous. His Royal Highness Qing Ge, the body of ten thousand gold, came to our Yu Devil City alone this time. Could it be that something happened and got separated from his subordinates?" Yu Luo didn't dare to ask directly, it could only be Following Qing Ge's previous rhetoric, he tactfully said: "Do I need to send a message to His Highness's men and tell them where His Highness is now?"

Seeing Yuluo asking like this, Lu Qingshan said in a commanding tone: "That's right, it's just that I bother you to inform your Highness's men so that they can come and pick up your Highness."

He just didn't know where Qing Ge's base camp was, so he could only temporarily stay in Yu Demon City first, waiting for Qing Ge's men to come forward.

At the same time, he is also preparing to find out more information before his men find the door.

After all, "Qing Ge"'s men should know Qing Ge very well.

If you don't know anything, it will only be a matter of time before you reveal your identity under your hands.

What Yuluo asked was right in his arms.

So sweet.


On the other side, Yu Luo's heart was shocked.

Sure enough, I said how could he have such a city, it turns out that everything is from the sign of the Blade Demon Lord!

According to the rules of their demons, Qing Ge, the heir of the Blade Demon Lord, is strictly forbidden to bring a large army to other demons under the city unless there are special circumstances.

This is regarded as a provocative behavior, and a bad one will cause a lot of trouble to the Blade Demon Venerable.

If Qing Ge hadn't been signaled by the Blade Demon Lord, how could he dare to act so boldly?


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